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The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4)

Page 23

by Jessie Donovan

  He managed to keep his dragon in check as he explored Faye’s mouth. He’d never tasted anything better in his life. Although the sweet honey between her legs was a close second.

  His dragon finally broke free and wrestled for control. Grant’s strength weakened as his dragon’s need to mate increased.

  If he hadn’t been keeping his beast in check for so long, he could’ve held out longer. But his control was slipping. If he wanted to be the one to claim Faye first, he’d have to do it quick.

  He broke their kiss and moved a hand between her thighs. “Thank fuck you’re wet. The foreplay is going to have to wait, lass.”

  Faye’s pupils flashed as she nodded. She was close to losing control as well.

  Grant positioned his cock and thrust inside his mate. Faye arched against him as she dug in her nails. “Yes, now move.”

  At the strain in her voice, he didn’t waste time. Grant moved his hips slowly at first, but increased his pace with each thrust. Wanting more of Faye’s taste, he kissed her again and never ceased the actions of his lower body.

  Just as he started to battle Faye’s tongue, she moaned. Judging by the nails in his back, she was close.

  He would have to ask her to mark his back later. He wanted her to claim him as completely as he would claim her.

  His beast hissed. Hurry.

  Tightness gathered at the base of his spine, but Grant managed to hold back. Faye should come first.

  Changing his angle slightly, Faye groaned and broke the kiss. She clutched and released his cock as she came and Grant finally let go.

  As he spent inside his female, Faye screamed louder. His own orgasm sent her into yet another one.

  Grant had barely finished giving his last drop when his dragon snarled and finally pushed to the forefront of his mind. Grant was tossed to the back and while he could see and hear everything, he wouldn’t have any control over what his dragon would do.

  Since Faye’s pupils remained slitted, her dragon was in charge too. While their human halves loved each other and wanted the mating, it was time to see how their dragon halves would handle it.


  Faye had barely come down from her orgasmic high when her dragon took over. Her beast snarled. It’s my turn. I need to see what he’s made of.

  Her dragon now had complete control of her body and managed to flip Grant onto his back. Placing a talon at his throat, she hissed, “You haven’t earned the right to claim me.”

  Grant’s voice wasn’t quite his own thanks to his own inner beast being in control. “I’ll go easy on you.”

  She pressed harder until a drop of blood appeared. “Don’t even dare. You do that and I will castrate you right now.”

  Faye said, Whoa, that’s a bit much, aye?

  Her dragon didn’t pay any attention. The longer her beast kept Grant pinned, the more Faye worried she might kill him.

  Then Grant-slash-dragon smiled slowly. “I like a female with bite.”

  He roared as he tossed her off the bed. Faye landed on her back, but Grant turned her over so that her breasts crushed into the floor. He also restrained her hands behind her. With his knee also pinning her down, it was going to be difficult to break the hold.

  Her beast said inside their mind, This is Grant. I know him well and can do it.

  She lay still, and Grant’s breath soon caressed her ear in his dragon’s voice. “And here I thought I might have a worthy opponent.”

  With a roar, Faye’s dragon thrust her head back and it made an audible crack with Grant’s nose. Using the split-second advantage, she rolled away and jumped to her feet.

  Some males might swear and look at her with hatred, especially as she’d probably broken his nose. However, Grant’s eyes held anticipation. “I’m done playing nice. I will win.”

  “You can try,” she hissed. “My human always goes easy on you. I won’t.”

  With a snarl, dragon-possessed Grant charged at her. The move seemed odd since only a novice would make that mistake. However, he changed course and picked up one of the blankets that had made it to the floor. Faye stepped back, but Grant charged and tossed the material over her head. She extended her talons to slice it, but a set of strong arms held her in place.

  Grant chuckled. “You’re mine.”

  Faye’s dragon hated defeat more than anything in the world. She would get free. She just had to find an opening. There was always an opening.

  Grant pushed her forward until her legs hit the side of the bed. Yes. If she pretended to want it, he’d let down his guard.

  She allowed him to push her down on the bed. Her front half was on the mattress while she kneeled on the floor.

  One second passed and then another. She kept waiting for him to try to take her. That would be her time to act.

  She grew impatient. However, a hole was sliced in the top of the blanket and she could see again. Angling her head, she met Grant’s eyes. His voice was full of dominance when he said, “Are you ready to yield? I won. You are mine. I earned the right.”

  Faye spoke inside their mind. He’s worthy. He’s proved he can handle you.

  Not yet. I can still get free.

  Faye merely sighed and waited to see what the two dragons would do. If nothing else, this was a mating frenzy story for the ages.

  Her dragon continued to cut away at the material near their hands. The rustling sound behind them piqued Faye’s curiosity. What the bloody hell was Grant doing?

  Her beast had almost shredded the material enough to free their hands when a ripping sound filled the room. The next instant, a strong hand pinned her wrists together before slapping cool metal around one and then the other.

  Her dragon roared. “That’s cheating.”

  “No. It’s called being prepared.”

  She tried to kick behind her, but Grant’s bare feet held her ankles in place against the floor.

  She hissed. “I will still win. You are weak. You can never best me.”

  Grant’s breath was hot against her neck. “You’re a sore loser.”

  He nipped her and lightly slapped her arse. Her dragon’s struggles lessened a fraction and Grant added, “You are my mate and I’m going to claim you. Tell me I’ve earned the right.”

  Her dragon tried to break the handcuffs, but they had to be a set strong enough for a dragon-shifter. Grant’s feet never budged either.

  When Grant gathered her hair and lightly tugged her head back, her dragon hummed inside their mind.

  Maybe, just maybe, her dragon was finally ready.

  Grant spoke again. “I won’t fuck you until you tell me I’m your true mate.” He lightly tugged her hair again. “Yield to me.”

  Faye figuratively held her breath. Her beast was a stubborn one. She might never admit defeat.

  “You are not as weak as I thought.” She finally wiggled her bottom. “I yield this time.”

  Rather than think of dragon’s use of “this time,” Faye cheered. See? I told you he could handle you.

  Perhaps. Now, shut it.

  Grant tore away the rest of the blanket before running his cock up and down her folds. She raised her hips and hissed, “Take me before I change my mind.”

  Without hesitation, he thrust inside her. “Mine. I’ll prove it to you over and over again until you carry my young. No others will have you.”

  “Stop talking,” she growled.

  With a grunt, Grant took hold of her hips and moved quickly. As flesh slapped against flesh, both human and dragon hummed at the way he filled her at this angle. And oddly, being restrained and defeated made her dragon purr.

  No doubt, that would cause trouble in the future.

  Grant moved a hand in front of them and lightly brushed her bundle of nerves. All rational thought left her brain as he continued to rub and move his hips.

  Even her dragon moaned aloud.

  Pleasure rushed through her body as Grant yelled behind her. His orgasm only made her body spasm harder until she could bare
ly handle the pleasure.

  When she finally came down from the high, she slumped against the bed. Her dragon said, He has earned the right for now. You can handle him for a bit. Otherwise, we’ll never conceive his young. If he gets distracted by our beautiful body, I might break one or both of his arms.

  Faye moved to the front of her mind and laughed out loud. Grant’s voice, minus the extra dragon huskiness, asked, “What?”

  “Unlock me.”

  Her dragon added, We still need him. If you don’t start fucking him in the next minute, I will try again.

  The handcuffs fell away. Grant stepped back and hoisted her to her feet. When she saw his face, she gasped. His nose was swollen with dried blood at the nostrils. “You should see a doctor.”

  Grant pulled her against his body. “And risk your dragon’s wrath or my own? I think not. You’ll just have to put up with my new look.”

  She snorted. “Wait until I tell the story later.”

  He growled. “Forget about later. Kiss me now, Faye, or who knows what our dragons will do.”

  As much as she wanted to tease her mate, Faye wasn’t about to test her beast’s temper. “Then kiss me, Grant, and show our beasts how fantastic sex can be without violence.”

  He winked before he took her lips. Faye forgot about everything else as the male she loved treasured her mouth and slowly lowered her to the bed once more.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Twelve Days Later

  Faye peeked over at Grant. “We should’ve waited to do this.”

  He tugged her the final distance to Lorna MacKenzie’s house. “I consider my wounds love bites, courtesy of your dragon.”

  She scanned his mostly healed black eye and slightly crooked nose. “Everyone is going to ask what happened. Are you sure your mother can handle it?”

  He didn’t get a chance to answer because Fraser stood in the doorway and yelled, “It’s true. You two have finally emerged from the den of naughtiness.”

  Faye took a deep breath. She was going to need all the strength she could muster to handle her brothers.

  Grant leaned down to her ear. “I’m almost thinking you’re not ready for this. Are you too tired?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I am days pregnant. Don’t start with me or I’ll let my dragon handle you.”

  Her beast huffed. Stop using me as a threat. What happens between me and Grant’s dragon is special. Don’t ruin it.

  At least her dragon had changed her mind about Grant. Of course, it had taken them fighting and pinning each other down to do it.

  Fraser closed the distance and whistled at Grant’s face. “I didn’t foresee you losing to a girl.”

  Faye narrowed her eyes. “I’m not a girl, Fraser. I’m a warrior. Now, shut it before I tell Mum what really happened to her old music box.”

  Fraser rounded to face her. “Oh, aye? Go ahead. As long as I keep Holly by my side, Mum won’t scold me.” He nodded solemnly. “Yes, that would be bad for the baby.” He lowered his voice and directed his next words at Grant. “You should remember that one.”

  Not wanting to dignify her brother’s words with a response, Faye tugged Grant’s hand and they disappeared into the house. After taking two steps inside, Lorna’s voice echoed down the hallway. “You’ll tell me about Fraser’s deeds later. Hurry up and come into the kitchen.”

  Grant whispered, “How did she hear that?”

  Lorna replied, “I hear everything in or near this house.”

  Faye shrugged. “It’s true. Come on before she threatens you with her wooden spoon. And believe me, Mum’s threats are always real.”

  They entered the kitchen to find it jam-packed with her family as well as Grant’s.

  Finn and Arabella each had a baby, as did Lorna. Holly stood to the side with Kaylee MacDonald, their sister-in-law. Her brother Fergus stood with his mate, Gina, and their bairn. Ross had an arm around her mum’s waist. Grant’s mother, Gillian, and his brother, Chase, stood toward the back, slightly apart from everyone else. Since Gillian’s eyes didn’t widen at Grant’s face, he must’ve warned her beforehand.

  Faye grinned. “It looks like you’re going to need a bigger house soon, Mum.”

  “Oh, hush. There’s always plenty of room. In my day, siblings shared rooms, sometimes three or four to each. Kids today are spoiled. Now, come give your mum a hug.”

  It took a quick tug to release her hand from Grant’s. Faye moved into her mother’s arms and her mum whispered, “My wee girl isn’t so wee anymore.”

  Tears prickled Faye’s eyes. “Stop it, Mum.”

  Lorna cleared her throat and released Faye. “I’m going to have more grandchildren than I know what to do with soon enough, but thankfully I still have young Kaylee to mother.”

  “Aunt Lorna, I’m not that young. I’m an adult,” Kaylee answered in her American accent.

  She waved a hand. “Young enough. We should have a few years yet before we find you a mate.”

  Faye rolled her eyes. “Just stop, Mum. Maybe she has dreams that don’t include a male. Think about that.” Gillian McFarland shuffled her feet and it garnered Faye’s attention. “At any rate, I think our guests are feeling left out. Did you even introduce everyone?”

  Fergus grunted. “Of course we did.”

  Gina patted Fergus’s arm. “Sorry, he’s grumpy and it’s my fault.”

  Fraser spoke up. “You’re going to have to let your dragon free at some point, brother. Otherwise, you might go crazy. As much as I’d like to see that, I need you at my back to help protect our family.”

  “Just to protect the family?” Fergus drawled. “So much for brotherly love.”

  Fraser flung out his arms. “Does someone need a hug?”

  Fergus flipped off his twin. “Sod off, Fraser.”

  Before Lorna could scold the pair of them, Faye explained to Gillian and Chase, “Fergus and Gina are true mates, but they haven’t gone through the frenzy yet.”

  “Gina needed a break from being pregnant,” Fergus stated.

  Finn chimed in. “Speaking of rest, how about we all sit down? Arabella and I haven’t exactly had a lot of sleep.”

  Lorna clicked her tongue. “Don’t speak to me of being tired. I raised all of you on my own.”

  “But you didn’t have three children at once,” Finn replied.

  Ross rubbed Lorna’s back. “And remember, Finn has also had to lead the clan with Arabella’s help, love.”

  Lorna looked at him and sighed. “Aye, you’re right. Although don’t get used to it.”

  Ross grinned. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  As all of Faye’s family herded into the dining room, Faye made a beeline for Gillian and Chase. Chase was the first to speak up. “I’ve heard rumors of what the MacKenzies were like, and they weren’t quite accurate. You’re more lively and loving than they say.”

  Grant crossed his arms over his chest. “Can you try not to insult my mate’s family, aye?”

  Chase raised his brows. “I was complimenting them. Besides, you still haven’t had a mating ceremony, so technically she’s not your mate yet.”

  Faye moved between Grant and Chase. “None of that matters right now.” She lowered her voice. “Just know that it’s about to get a lot worse. Prepare yourself.”

  Gillian’s voice was soft as she asked, “How much worse?”

  Faye shrugged. “Let’s just say that from now on, you might want to bring an extra set of clothes with you to dinner.”

  Lorna’s voice boomed from the dining room. “Stop exaggerating, Faye Cleopatra. You of all people shouldn’t want the food to get cold.”

  Faye motioned toward the door with her head. “That’s our cue. If you want to leave, just wink at me twice and I’ll find a way to extract you.”

  “Extract?” Grant echoed. “You make it sound like a secret operation.”

  “It can feel like it at times, you’ll see.” Faye motioned toward the dining room. “Let’s go.”

; As they all made their way to the door, Faye wasn’t sure if she wanted a calm, peaceful dinner or a regular one.

  Her dragon huffed. Just hurry up and eat. I’m hungry.

  Good to see your priorities, dragon.

  Faye’s stomach rumbled and her dragon sat in smug silence.

  Without another word, they all joined her family. She only hoped they didn’t send Gillian and Chase running for the hills.


  Grant glanced once more at his mother and resisted the urge to pull her against his side to protect her.

  His dragon spoke up. She will be fine. Mum needs to find her footing with the MacKenzies.

  Only because she asked me on the phone earlier to let her find her way will I do it.

  Good. She’s trying to be stronger. Let her try. Lorna won’t push her too far. She might be strong-willed, but she’s also kind.

  Aye, I know. I still worry.

  They entered the dining room. Out of habit, Grant surveyed the scene.

  Everyone sat around a long table. To his surprise, the food lay untouched down the middle.

  Then he noticed Lorna standing at the head of the table with Ross at her side and he understood. No one wanted to upset Lorna when it came to her cooking. At her fierce eyes, not even Grant would dare to defy her in this moment.

  Faye guided them all to the remaining empty seats. Grant had expected to sit near Lorna and Ross since his mum had some rapport with Lorna. However, they were at the end with Faye’s brothers and their mates. Fraser looked at him innocently and then yelped. Fergus whispered, “Behave, Fraser, or I’ll do more than stomp on your foot next time.”

  “Violence is also against the rules, brother. I say that makes us even,” Fraser stated.

  Fergus growled. “Stop making our guests uncomfortable with your behavior.”

  Lorna cleared her throat and Fraser shut his mouth.


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