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Page 7

by Unknown

  Gideon was surprised the boy had been able to hear anything he and Mordecai had been saying. “He did.â€�


  “Well what?â€� Gideon asked.

  “Is it true that you’re the best?â€�

  “Of course not,â€� Gideon said. How could he say otherwise? It would have been prideful. At any rate, Gideon knew his own skill, but his opinion had always been, that there was always someone better than yourself, even if you had not met them yet.

  “I would really like to learn how to fight like you do,â€� Ethan said. “Do you suppose you could teach me?â€�

  Gideon had hoped to hear the boy say that. “Ethan, I can honestly say, I would be honored to teach you anything I can.â€�

  They heard the snap of a twig in the trees to the left of the road. Both of the young men froze in mid-step. Fear reared its ugly head as they stammered. They tried to identify the sound, praying not to hear anything more.

  Leaves crunched beneath a foot somewhere in the darkness. The hairs on their necks stood at attention. Gideon imagined another bear, or worse, staring at them from the murk of the forest—its body full to the brim with a ravenous horde of wicked spirits.

  It was difficult to determine whether the cold, night air raised the gooseflesh or simply the sense of impending doom assaulting their senses.

  “Could be a squirrel,â€� Ethan whispered.

  “At night?â€�


  Two steps this time and a loud snort of air. “Or not a mouse,â€� Ethan said reluctantly. “Should we run?â€�

  It was not a bad idea exactly. Gideon had thought of the same thing, but pride held him firm to his spot on the dusty, moonlit road. Instead, he pressed Ethan and they began to back down the road keeping whatever was in the woods in front of them. They heard a cacophony of branches snapping, leaves stomped and brushed away.

  Something very big rushed through the last layer of foliage—a huge dark mass carrying branches with it as it emerged. “Bear!â€� Ethan cried and they were off. Like the start of a race, both young men turned and sped down the road as hard as they could.

  The thing behind them took up the chase. They heard its heavy footfalls on the packed earth behind them—it was gaining. Then, ahead on the road, another something rushed through the trees. It stood directly in their path, taller than a man. Then it whinnied.

  The two young men nearly fell over one another trying to stop. “A horse!â€� Gideon said. “And not just any horse—my horse!â€�

  Ethan turned. Whistler trotted up behind them with branches sticking out of his saddle in all directions from his tromping through the undergrowth.

  “Abigail,â€� Gideon said to his horse, “You nearly scared us to death, girl.â€� He patted the spotted mare, never happier to see the horse in all of his life.

  Ethan caught hold of Whistler’s rein and doubled over, taking in gulps of air. They both looked at each other and started to laugh aloud. “Aren’t we a couple of ninnies?â€� Gideon said. Ethan could only nod, trying to catch his breath.

  “Well, this is a stroke of blessing from the Almighty if we ever needed one,â€� Gideon said. He checked Abigail’s saddle and found some provisions left and another sword tucked away in a scabbard wrapped in a blanket. Relief washed over him like a refreshing wave of water. He felt exhausted but happy to be alive.

  Ethan pulled small branches and brambles away from Whistler’s saddle as Gideon mounted Abigail. “We’ll certainly make better time now,â€� Gideon said. “Let’s get moving before we encounter something worth being afraid of.â€�

  Ethan pulled the last briar vine free, then hopped onto Whistler’s back. Whistler bristled and snorted. He was ready to be ridden, glad to have his master back. With a quick snap of the reins, the two young men set off down the road. With hope, they would be able to reach another town before dawn.


  By the time Ethan noticed dawn approaching in the east, he could see the distant lamplight of a town. As the boys continued down the road, they came to a sign. Tilley Town, written on the first rung of a multi-post sign. Below that, it read Emmanuel City – 100 days. “I know Tilley Town, or at least I know of it,â€� Gideon said. “There’s much wickedness here.â€�

  “What sort of wickedness?â€� Ethan asked.

  “For a start, the town was supposedly named for a woman of ill repute, Tilley,â€� Gideon explained. “She was the mistress of a respected nobleman and shot him when he refused to leave his wife for her. The town began with a brothel back in the days when it was just a miner’s camp. From there it grew and so did its trespasses.

  “They have since become a den of thieves and sorcerers. However, the town has expanded down to the sea and that is where we need to go. I have money, but our food is nearly gone along with our drinking water. If we can purchase passage on a merchant vessel to the coast of Emmanuel, then we’ll remove quite a bit of travel time finding your sister.â€�

  “I wonder if we’ll see more spirits in this place,â€� Ethan said.

  “With sin as rampant as it is in Tilley, how could we not?â€�

  Gideon jumped down from his saddle and searched through his saddlebags. “What are you looking for?â€� Ethan asked.

  “It would not do for me to appear in Tilley the way I’m dressed.â€�

  “I don’t suppose they’d care much for having a priest of Shaddai coming into their fair town,â€� Ethan chuckled.

  Gideon produced a cloak and put it on. The garment was a very deep, dark shade of green, almost to the point of appearing black. He covered his priestly apparel with the cloak and left the hood down. “I’m sorry I don’t have one for you, Ethan, but I don’t think you’ll draw any undue attention to yourself with what you’re wearing. At any rate, we know the spirits won’t spot you,â€� he said.

  When Gideon returned to Abigail’s saddle, they started down the road toward Tilley Town. The sun’s first rays began to reclaim the sky. Moisture hung heavy in the autumn air. It would be a beautiful day, at least for those not going to Tilley.

  Morning had fully come by the time Ethan and Gideon arrived inside Tilley Town. They passed what appeared to be a separate shantytown on its outskirts. Old run down shacks with thatch roofs stood in long rows on either side of the road. Most had been cobbled together from scraps of lumber and mud bricks.

  The sight was dreary enough without seeing the people who lived here, but it was still very early yet. The smell, however, had not retired with the residents. The foul stench had assaulted Ethan and Gideon from well outside the shantytown, only growing worse as they rode through.

  The conditions improved when they reached the metropolitan area of Tilley. People bustled about in the early morning sun. The main road traveled through a vast market area where merchants busied themselves setting out the day’s goods. The early birds had already set up their wares and had begun to make their calls to the passersby.

  Many different smells ascended from the market place, creating a blend of aromas both delightful and exotic. Cooks prepared food on large, flat iron skillets setting upon mud-brick foundations with fire kindled inside. Others stirred boiling caldrons with spices and various kinds of fish, creating thick gumbos and stews for the many travelers and sailors making port in the city.

  This early in the morning, the more unsavory elements of the city still gathered behind closed doors sleeping off the previous night’s debauchery. It would be hours before any of them ventured outdoors again in preparation for another scandalous evening of revelry.

  Gideon led them through the market to where the hill crested. Beyond the minor horizon on the roa
d, the boys saw the Azure Sea stretch out beyond their sight. The masts of tall sailing ships jutted into the sky by the dozens along the shoreline like a forest of burnt trees.

  The Azure Sea stood in stark contrast to the city of Tilley around them. Seeing the two together reminded Ethan of a sapphire dropped into the mud, its beauty still there but tarnished by the association.

  “Larger than you expected, isn’t it?â€� Gideon asked as they continued riding. Horse and wagon traffic began to pick up steadily, especially as they descended toward the harbor area.

  “Yes, it is. I was just wondering—â€�

  “Why it’s called a town? It just got bigger and bigger, but no one ever bothered to change the designation. Now that Mordred is in power, no one really bothers with bureaucracy. Everyone is just trying to figure out how to survive on a day to day basis as he takes more and more from them.â€�

  “Tilley certainly seems to be thriving,â€� Ethan said.

  “Sin always does in a wicked world, Ethan, sin always does.â€�

  Ethan remained quiet after that, at least for a while. The statement bothered him. Sin was a part of who man was—at least what man had become, after his rebellion to Shaddai.

  Something set off Ethan’s senses, drawing him from his musings on the natural man. He looked up, noticing a blur of motion moving through the streets ahead of them. The crowds thickened as people came outdoors, tending to their daily business. But what Ethan saw had not been the movement of bustling crowds in the street of a busy city. These were the preternatural movements of demons.

  “What is it, Ethan?â€� Gideon asked.

  Ethan’s attention snapped back to Gideon, his expression intense. “There are demons moving through the streets ahead,â€� he whispered.

  Gideon nodded. Fortunately, he had disguised his priestly appearance with the cloak. Hopefully, the demons still couldn’t see Ethan. “Gideon they can’t see me, but what about Whistler?â€� Ethan asked.

  Gideon reached over nonchalantly to take the reins from Ethan’s hand. “Tell me where they are,â€� Gideon whispered.

  “There are several hovering over the street traffic,â€� Ethan said. “There coming this way, searching among the people…probably for us.â€�

  Gideon assumed a casual posture, continuing to ride with Whistler’s reins in his hand. The horse had fallen slightly behind, flanking Gideon’s horse. Ethan watched intently as the demons floated just above the heads of the people milling about in the streets.

  The demons were searching for two people. The call had gone out through their ranks in this region. They scanned the crowd for a priest of Shaddai in brown robes with a red sash and a young boy with blonde hair, tan shirt, and breeches. When they reached Gideon, they saw a man in a dark green cloak with two horses. There was an old woman with an apple cart and a man purchasing from her nearby. A wagon with a team of two horses passed by on the opposite side of the street with a man and two children—one boy, one girl. An elderly couple walked across a wooden porch in front of a store. A man with a brown dog crossed the street, carrying a piece of fish and a steaming loaf of new bread. They had seen nothing out of the ordinary—no priest, no boy.


  After Ethan and Gideon had spent the better part of an hour making their way through the streets of Tilley, they came to a large inn. Ethan saw few other demons searching for them. “We should stop for a meal and inquire about passage across the Azure Sea,â€� Gideon said, steering the horses toward the large wooden building ahead. The sign read, The Weary Traveler Inn.

  Large alleyways stretched down either side of the building. In the housing district, the alleys were lined with heaps of garbage. A spider web of criss-crossing lines hung between buildings on which hundreds of pieces of stained laundry swayed in the sea breeze to dry. But here in the business district, things had been kept marginally cleaner. Ethan assumed the merchants wanted to keep down on the filth in order to encourage business.

  Hitching posts stood along one side of the building. A young boy waited to water and feed the animals and to take them back to the horse stalls for customers who would be staying overnight in the inn. “I’m not sure if we’ll have to stay the night, or not, Ethan. It just depends on what ships are available and when,â€� Gideon said.

  “What about money?â€�

  “Money won’t be a problem for us. The Order has provided.â€�

  Gideon led the horses to the hitching posts beside the Weary Traveler. He and Ethan dismounted casually. Most people probably would not have noticed the nearly imperceptible way Gideon passed his sword and scabbard from the blanket wrap to his cloak. Ethan did.

  They left the horses with the servant boy, then walked around to the front of the inn. A wooden plaque read, No Weapons Allowed. Gideon rolled his eyes. “Most of the people inside will be armed—some to the teeth,â€� Gideon whispered. “The innkeeper is a dim one indeed if he doesn’t know it. That sign is only there so the local law can issue fines with greater ease.â€� They faced a large mahogany door. “Are you ready then? There will be some rough customers in here, maybe even pirates or highwaymen,â€� Gideon said.

  Ethan put on his best mask of determination. He supposed he had already seen worse in his life than whoever might be lurking about in the Weary Traveler Inn. What could be worse than demons? At any rate, he was with a warrior-priest of Shaddai and likely the best in his Order. Gideon gave him a wink and said, “Don’t let them see any fear in your eyes and stick close to me.â€� He pulled his hood up as he pushed on the heavy wooden door and entered the Weary Traveler Inn.

  As soon as they walked into the inn, a pungent smell assaulted their senses—old sweat, spilt ale and urine. A secondary aroma began to filter through, bread baking and sausages.

  The Weary Traveler was decorated in rich dark woods and sailing artifacts—an anchor, a net, and even a helm—all bolted to the walls. A large main room trailed down the far side of the bar while a set of stairs consisting of two flights ascended to a landing up on a second floor. Here there were rooms for rent depending upon the clientele needs.

  On the main floor, tables sat here and there and booths lined the walls. Everything looked well worn but sturdy. The only light in the main room came from oil lamps and candles. There were no windows.

  This was the sort of place where sinister bargains were made, where secrets were told, and where plots were planned. The inn held a feeling of restrained danger like sleeping lions in a cage. Ethan felt like a piece of fresh meat right now. These people lived on the edge of danger, even thrived upon it. They could spot fear from a mile away and knew a hundred different ways to exploit it to their own advantage.

  Ethan stayed behind Gideon as they walked through the room. His eyes danced from table to table and along the bar. Everyone watched them, even the people who never seemed to look at them directly. They were a rough looking sort—the kind who would laugh and toast their glass high with you one moment, only to turn around and stab you in the back the next.

  Other things moved in the Weary Traveler—things which were not human, clinging to shadows, hating the light. Ethan’s flesh began to crawl and the hairs on his neck stood erect. Demons dwelt in this place.

  Gideon led them through the morass of gamblers and drinkers to the bar. A thick middle-aged man wiped glasses behind the curved slab of mahogany. He kept his eyes darting from the rag to the boys as they approached. When they reached the brass rail edging the counter, he said, “What’ll it be gentlemen?â€�

  “Cool water and a plate of bread and cheese,â€� Gideon said. Ethan took a strong whiff of sausages cooking over a flame in the kitchen area. “And bring the boy some sausages too.â€�

  The barkeep laid a weary eye o
n the pair. Gideon slapped a silver coin down on the counter, and the man snapped to attention. The money erased any trace of doubt on his face. “Yes sir, coming right up, gentlemen.�

  Gideon left his index finger standing on the silver coin. “We’ll be needing a room for this and some information.â€�

  The barkeep nodded and stepped into the kitchen briefly. Gideon did not remove his hood. The more mysterious and secretive they appeared the less likely anyone would come bothering them. When the man returned, he brought with him the meat, bread, cheese, and water. It all smelled wonderful, and Ethan dug right in.

  “My friend and I are looking for passage across the Azure,â€� Gideon said.

  The barkeep leaned in with his elbow on the countertop. “And what might your destination be?â€�

  “It might be Emmanuel,â€� Gideon said, his voice very low so that only the barkeep could hear him.

  The man’s eyes flicked side to side before he answered. “I might be able to recommend someone to you.â€�

  Gideon slapped a copper on the counter. The man snapped it up quickly before continuing. “There’s a certain captain whose vessel is taking on provisions for a journey across the Azure two days from now. I could make the arrangements for you, if you like.â€�

  Gideon slid another silver coin across the mahogany. The man slapped his hand down upon it, but when he raised it again, the coin was gone. He looked at Gideon and found him twirling the piece of money between his fingers playfully. “When services are performed to my liking,â€� he said.

  The man gave him the slightest sneer, watching the shiny silver twirling through Gideon’s fingers. “I’ll make the arrangements personally,â€� he said. From the shadows across the room, several men watched as Gideon tucked the money back in the purse underneath his cloak.

  Ethan continued to wolf down the food. Gideon started slicing a piece of the cheese for himself, but stopped in mid-cut. Movement from behind them caught his attention. The air shifted. He felt vibrations, heard creaks in the flooring. Several men walked toward them from a table across the room.


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