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Pregnant By My Boss: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance Compilation

Page 8

by Cassandra Dee

  Trent moves his hand from my arm and wipes a tear from under my eye.

  “Talk to me, Katie. What’s going on?”

  Another deep, shuddering breath. I can’t stop the crying, but Trent deserves answers.

  “Last year, I tried to find you,” I tell him through my tears. “It was two months after our night together, and you hadn’t called me. I thought you weren’t interested, but…I wanted to talk to you. I had to.”

  Trent remains quiet, his eyes trained on mine, open and warm. The man in front of me is nothing like the man I read about in the papers. He’s giving and gentle when he’s with me, not the ruthless billionaire without a conscience.

  “I…Trent. Oh god, this is so hard.” I cover my face with my hands.

  “Shh, it’s okay,” he soothes, rubbing my back. “Take your time.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I start again. “Two months after that night, I realized that I…well, I’d missed my period. Sometimes when I’m working an important party, things get so hectic that I forget to take my birth control. It usually doesn’t matter because I don’t usually…well, nothing ever happens, and then we… and it never even occurred to me to tell you to use a condom.”

  His face flashes with recognition, guilt, and fear.

  “You were pregnant,” he finishes for me quietly, eyes wide. “I got you pregnant. You tried to find me?”

  I nod, wiping my tears. “I called you so many times I should probably be on a stalker list. Then I went to your house looking for you, but your staff wouldn’t let me in. They said they’d tell you I came by.”

  “They didn’t,” he says, face clouding over with anger. “Amanda…”

  I take his hand and squeeze it. “I know. This isn’t your fault. If she hadn’t…if she hadn’t meddled and forced us apart, you would have known.”

  His face falls. “You terminated the pregnancy?”

  I don’t know how he came to that conclusion. Maybe it’s my sadness or the torn look on my face, but whatever it is, I need to fix it.

  “No,” I assure him. “I didn’t.”

  Stunned silence greets me then.

  “So you had the baby?” he asks, his voice suddenly low and pressing.

  I feel a pang in my heart. One of the reasons I gave up trying to contact Trent was my fear that he would want me to give up my child, or get rid of it. Seeing his urgency, I have no idea how I could have ever thought that.

  “I didn’t lose the baby, Trent,” I say quietly, feeling jittery from nervousness. I take another deep breath before speaking. “You have a son.”

  He stumbles backwards, his hand over his face. Every emotion possible registers on Trent’s face. Fear, anger, happiness, anguish. All of the things I felt when I first found out I was pregnant. I’ve had a year to process these emotions, and I lived them a million times over. Trent has had thirty seconds.

  I grab his arm and guide him to a cushioned bench halfway down the hall. He takes the seat gratefully and leans his elbows on his knees, his face buried in his hands.

  “I have a son,” he says out loud, testing the words. “A son. You kept the baby? You’ve done this on your own?”

  “Yes,” I tell him. “I tried to find you. To tell you.” I can’t help but repeat that. I just want him to know that I tried, that I wanted him in our child’s life. That I didn’t keep him away from him.

  “I know,” he says. “Amanda prevented me from knowing my son. That bitch. How old is he now?”

  “Five months,” I say, smiling softly as I picture Trentie’s cute little face. “And amazing. Trentie’s the perfect baby.”

  “Can I see him? Do you have photos?” he asks urgently.

  I laugh. He’s so desperate, but it comes from a good place. Misreading my laugh, Trent recoils, his expression clearly hurt.

  I get on my knees in front of him, forcing him to meet my eyes. “I have so many pictures that I had to get a phone with more memory,” I say. “That’s why I laughed. Of course you can see him, Trent. He’s your son, too.”

  I pull my phone out and open my camera roll. I grin at the first photo I see, baby Trentie smiling up at the camera with a string of drool hanging down his mouth. I snapped more photos of him than any human should take of another human, but I love having these memories to hold on to. They’ll be great for when he starts dating and I want to embarrass him.

  I hand Trent the phone, and his troubled face breaks into a genuine smile. I can’t help but notice that his smile is just like his baby boy’s grin. It took seeing Trent Moore again for me to realize just how much our son looks like him.

  Our son. I can definitely get used to saying that. Front now on, even if Trent doesn’t want to be with me, he will have a part in his son’s life for as long as he wants. I can tell by the way he scrolls through the photos with tears forming in his eyes that he cares about the boy he’s never even met.

  “I want,” he starts, but the words are strangled by a sob. I’ve reduced this strong man to tears. Or, more accurately, our baby has done this. “I want to meet him. Can I?” He looks at me hopefully with shining eyes.

  “Of course,” I say, my hand on his arm. Touching him feels right and intimate. I’ve missed even the innocent touches with Trent. “Let me tell Lizzy I’m leaving. They can handle the rest of the cleanup without me. They’re likely almost done.”

  “I’ll wait here, if you don’t mind.” He stands and wipes his eyes, attempting to regain the composure he lost. I smile and pull him in for a hug. Immediately the air sizzles at our contact, and I step back dazed.

  “Um, let me just find my people,” is my stammer before tottering away. Fortunately, Lizzy’s nearby leading the final cleanup tasks.

  “Whoa,” she says when she sees me. “You look like a mess. What happened?”

  “Nothing,” I tell her with a reassuring smile. “I’m fine, I promise. Better than fine, actually. I’ll tell you about it later, but I’ve got to get home to my baby boy now. Will you be okay handling the cleanup with the rest of the crew?”

  “Don’t you worry about a thing, girl,” Lizzy says, squeezing my arm. “Get home safely, okay? And give baby Trent a big juicy kiss for me.” She gives me a smile and a wink.

  I return her smile. “I will. Thank you, Lizzy. For everything. I’ll see you next week.”

  I find Trent where I left him in the hallway, still processing the fact that he’s a father. I remember when we were getting to know each other that night, he made a joke about no kids that he knew of. It’s almost as if he predicted what was to come. Oh, the irony.

  “Shall we?” I ask him. “I can drive.”

  “Thanks. I already told my driver he could go home.”

  And with that, we smile at one another, our hearts meeting in the evening gloom. Because we’re going to see our son now, the miraculous being who was created from one night of passion. And in my soul, I can feel that everything’s going to be okay. Trentie will meet his father, and somehow, my man and I will work things out because it’s our need to be together that’s gotten us here. And slowly but surely, we will find our future … just the three of us.



  The drive to my apartment is quiet and peaceful because I know everything will be okay with this man by my side. Better than okay. Amazing. Wonderful. With Trent, the possibilities are endless and a warm glow of happiness and anticipation descends on my frame.

  When we arrive at my apartment, we sit in the car for a few minutes longer than is necessary.

  “Are you nervous?” I ask Trent, shifting a little to look at him.

  “What if he doesn’t like me?” he asks, sounding smaller than I’ve ever heard him.

  “He’s a five-month-old baby. He likes everyone,” I reassure him with a smile. I think it’s sweet that he cares so much, but half of me is so scared he’ll bolt when he sees him. His living, breathing son.

>   Trent unbuckles his seatbelt and climbs out of the car, that massive form following me to my apartment.

  Jessica greets us when we walk in the door. Her eyes widen at the alpha male behind me, but she wisely doesn’t say anything. “Welcome home. How was the party?”

  “Great,” I tell her. “How is the baby?”

  “Trentie was an angel, as always. He went down at around eight.”

  “Trentie?” Trent asks abruptly. I realize I hadn’t mentioned that I named our baby after him. He looks at me quizzically for an explanation.

  I avoid his questioning glance and thank Jessica. Handing her the envelope with her pay, I send her on her way. Once she’s gone, I turn to face my man.

  “It was only fitting that he be named after his father,” I say, feeling abnormally shy.

  Trent smiles. “You named our baby after me.”

  We step toward each other, and he gently holds me. Warmth spreads through my tired body, and I smile up at him. This feels so good, so right. Trent leans forward and his lips meet mine for the first time in a year.

  Getting carried away would be easy right now. It’s tempting to rip our clothes off and pick up where we left off a year ago, but unfortunately, Trentie has other ideas. Just as our kiss heats up, the baby monitor carries our son’s wails into the living room.

  We laugh into each other’s lips. “He doesn’t like that Mommy and Daddy are ignoring him,” I say with a giggle. “Are you ready to meet your son?”

  Trent’s smile is contagious. I lead him by the hand into Trentie’s nursery and flip on the light. Our child stares up at us from his crib, eyes wide and questioning.

  I pick the baby up and hold him out to Trent. “Meet your son,” I say softly, tears filling my eyes. I can’t believe this moment has come, and it’s just so overwhelming.

  Trent takes the baby from my arms carefully. “Hi, baby boy,” he says quietly, gently rocking side to side. “I’m your Daddy.” He says this with ease, as if he’s one hundred percent comfortable with it.

  Trentie coos at his father, smiling up at the strange man. It’s almost like baby Trent is familiar with his father despite this being their first meeting.

  I can tell Trent wants to hold his son longer, but the baby’s eyes close as he falls back asleep, so Trent returns him to his crib. We stand with our arms around each other, watching our son sleep for a few minutes.

  We silently back out of the room together, switching off the light and leaving Trentie to his slumber. He hasn’t been sleeping in his nursery alone for long, but he’s adjusted well to the change. Sometimes he just needs some extra attention.

  “Holy shit,” Trent rasps when we’re out of earshot of the baby. “I can’t believe I have a son.”

  “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you—”

  “We’ve already established it wasn’t your fault,” he says, shaking his head. “I suppose I should apologize for coming inside of you without using protection…” He glances down the hallway toward Trentie’s nursery. “I’m not sorry, though. I’ve only known him for a second but I already love him.”

  The billionaire pauses and meets my eyes. He pulls me closer and kisses my lips tenderly. “And I love you, Katie. I know we don’t even know each other well, and have only been together once, but there has to be a reason why I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you for the past year. You’ve changed me, and you didn’t even know it. Something about you, about us, is different, and I’ve known it since that night we had together. I love you, Katie. I love you.”

  My heart soars when I hear his words, and I kiss him back, knowing that it’s all genuine. “I love you, too,” I whisper against his lips.

  I grab Trent’s hand and guide him into my bedroom. Once the door is closed, Trent kisses me hard, his hands tangling in my hair.

  “God, I’ve missed this,” he groans against my neck.

  “Show me how much,” I gasp as he sucks on my pulse point.

  He smiles wolfishly and practically tears my dress apart. There will be plenty of time for slow in the future. Today, we just need each other’s bodies, and to feel as much of each other as possible.

  Trent studies my curvy form, still clad in bra and panties. “You’re so damn beautiful,” he says. “Do you breastfeed?”

  I nod shyly. I haven’t quite gotten used to the way my body looks post-baby, but Trent’s reaction tells me I’m still beautiful. I shiver under his gaze.

  Trent kisses my lips again, expertly sliding his arm around my back and unclipping my bra with one hand. He kisses his way down my neck and down to my sensitive breasts. He takes my left nipple into his lips, and I moan.

  “Oh, yes, that feels so good, Trent.”

  I can feel his smile against my tender skin as he continues to work his magic on my nipples. I’d forgotten how amazing he is at doing this. And incredibly, I begin to lactate. It’s not much, just a tiny dribble of milk, but my man swallows it as if it’s the sweetest nectar.

  “Yes baby,” he rasps against my breast. “Yes, give me your honey. I want it so bad. I’ve missed you.”

  And sighing with pleasure, I press my breasts into his mouth even harder before pulling away to work my hands under his shirt and yanking it off over his head. As soon as it’s on the ground, I work on his belt and slide his pants down. Trent moves back to my lips and grips my legs, pulling me up so they wrap around him. I can feel his thick, tight muscles as he grips my legs firmly. We fall down onto my bed together, our bodies begging to be close. As close as humanly possible.

  Trent pulls my panties down to my ankles and I slide down his boxers. I grip his throbbing member with my hand and use his precum to lubricate his shaft.

  “Your hands were made for me,” he says with a groan. “Keep going, baby.”

  “I have a better idea,” I say, rolling him over so he’s on his back. I position myself on top of him and begin to lower myself on his large rod.

  “Wait,” he protests with difficulty, grabbing my waist and preventing me from settling into him all the way, “I’m not wearing anything.”

  I smile at his restraint. “It’s okay,” I say, kissing his neck. “I remembered my birth control today.”

  With that, I finish my descent, feeling him deep inside of me. “Oh god,” I say with a gasp, “I forgot how big you are. It’s stretching me so hard.” His face is a grimace of ecstasy even as his hips begin to rock involuntarily.

  “You’re still so tight, baby, and so wet for me. Fuck, that’s good.”

  I lean forward so my breasts are in line with his lips. He takes the bait and sucks on my nipples again as I lift and impale myself repeatedly.

  “Oh, yes,” I gasp, practically squealing as his hand finds my button and rubs it while I plow into him. “Yes, Trent, more!”

  I rise and fall on his erection, feeling myself getting closer and closer to orgasm. “Oh god, yes!” I pant, my boobs bouncing and swaying as I ride his cock.

  “Baby, you’re going to make me cum,” he groans, eyes half closed in pleasure. “Ride me faster, baby. You feel so fucking good.”

  “You’re so big,” I mewl again, bouncing on his cock even faster and feeling our combined juices on my thighs. His member is splitting me in two. “I’m so close!”

  “Cum with me,” he grunts, rubbing me faster as he meets every thrust. “I want you to come with me, baby because I’m going to fucking cum inside you!”

  At this, he suddenly grabs my waist and flips me over without disconnecting us. Without pause, he plows into me, his cock deep inside my pink channel. I shriek with pleasure, but he claps a hand over my mouth so as to not wake the baby. This makes me even hornier for him. I lick his hand, and I can taste myself on him. His eyes spark with desire, and he dips his head down to kiss me. Our tongues dance with each other, and I can’t help but moan into his mouth as he continues to thrust deep inside me, straight to my core.

>   “Fuck baby, this is it,” he groans into my mouth, his movements more and more erratic.

  At his words, I feel myself plunging over the edge into euphoria, and we reach our climax together with ringing cries of ecstasy. Trent continues to thrust into me for a few more seconds as his seed blasts, hot and virile into my channel. I squirm, my pussy muscles sucking it in even deeper, desperate for that male jism.

  And slowly, it ends. We float back to earth as he eases out of y cunt, causing a mix of our warm juices to trickle down my thigh. He collapses beside me, and for a while, the only sound we hear is our heavy breathing.

  “Wow,” I whisper. “I’ve missed that.”

  He laughs into my hair. “Me too. I never want to go that long without it again.”

  “Me neither,” I agree with a small smile.

  Trent turns to face me. Our lips are only a few inches apart. I’m tempted to cross the gap and recreate what we just did, but something about Trent’s look stops me.

  “Marry me,” he says simply.

  I sit up abruptly in shock. “What?” I blink at him, not understanding what he just said.

  He joins me, sitting up. “Marry me,” he growls. “I love you. We already have a child together. We’re clearly compatible in bed. We should be together. We should get married.”

  “B-but,” I stammer.

  “But nothing,” he interrupts. “It’s meant to be. We’ve already been apart for a year. We’ve already faced down countless obstacles. Don’t fight it, sweetheart, just give in.”

  And the alpha male’s too much, his charisma overpowering my senses.

  “Yes,” I say softly. And as soon as the word is out, I know it’s right. This is right. Peace and happiness flood my soul. “I’ll marry you.”

  We smile at each other and he leans forward, finally closing the gap between us.

  “I love you, Katie Martin,” he says in between soft kisses. “And I’ll adore you forever.”

  “Forever,” I whisper, kissing him hard on the lips, still smiling.


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