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A Demon's Debt (The Desdemona Chronicles Book 2)

Page 4

by Cece Rose

  “Wait, Mason, can you hold on a sec,” I call. Kaden looks between the two of us, before shrugging and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him to give us some privacy. Or at least the illusion of it, considering his super elf hearing. I drop the costume dress onto my bed.

  “What’s up?” he asks, coming to stand closer. I try to think of something to say, but words fail me. Instead, I step forward and wrap my arms around him, and rest my head against his hard chest. He slowly slides his arms around me, returning the hug. “What’s this about?” he asks gently.

  “Just…thank you. I meant what I said yesterday, you always just know the right thing to do or say. It’s uncanny,” I reply just as softly. I breathe in that same citrus smell he always has and resign myself to sneaking into his bathroom and stealing whatever products he’s using. The smell is just so fresh, comforting, and already familiar. He rubs a hand gently on my back.

  “I’m always here. I know it’s been hard, and I’ve been trying to give you some space to deal with things, but I’m always paying attention. That’s how I know what to do, I pay attention; it’s not a special ability or anything,” he answers. I pull back and look up at him, seeing his cheeks are slightly tinged pink from embarrassment at my words.

  “Nobody else does that, Mason. It’s one of the things that set you apart from other people I’ve met. You care so much, you choose to pay attention. Where other people may look the other way, you never do,” I reply.

  “Thank you,” he whispers.

  “For what?”

  “Noticing; noticing that I notice anyway. A lot of people take it for granted,” he explains softly.

  “Not me,” I respond. I look at him, seeing the way his dark silky hair is tied back loosely. I reach up, and tug the hair tie from his hair, letting it fall down and frame his face.

  “What was that for?” He smiles.

  “I like your hair, but you don’t really wear it down, so why do you keep it long?” I ask, and his smile fades.

  “Only my mum cuts it. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her now, I guess.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, not knowing if the reasons for long absence are the bad kind.

  “No, it’s not like that,” he says gently, reading the expression on my face. He cups a side of my face in one of his hands, his warm amber eyes looking down at me. “It’s just not safe for them to be here right now, so my parents are somewhere else,” he explains.

  “Why isn’t it safe?” I ask.

  “It’s a long story, Mona. I promise I will explain it, just another time.”

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to,” I say, biting my bottom lip nervously. He brushes his thumb across my lip, stopping me from my chewing.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to, now just isn’t the time,” he replies.

  “Okay, another time then.”

  “Another time,” he agrees softly. For a moment, we just stand right against each other, his hand resting gently on my face, as his amber eyes look down into my blue ones.

  A loud knock on the door breaks the moment and we both step back from each other, turning our heads to the door.

  “Hurry up in there,” Kaden’s voice calls. “I’m dying to see Nick’s face.”

  “Better get this show on the road,” I mutter, grabbing the dress off the bed.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Mason replies as he walks to the door. “See you in a minute,” he calls as he leaves, shutting the door behind him again.

  I shrug out of my clothes and pull the dress on, pairing it with converse trainers. I turn to the mirror. A Cheshire-cat-like smile takes over my face. I look utterly ridiculous. Perfect. I shove my hair up into a messy bun, so it doesn't get in the way, and then call myself done. I head to the door and let myself out into the hallway, where Kaden and Mason are leaning against the opposite wall. Mason smiles widely at the sight of me, but Kaden loses all essence of composure, bursting out into complete laughter.

  “Hey! It’s not that bad,” I snap.

  “No, angel. It's perfect,” he says between laughter, wiping at his eyes. I narrow my eyes at him.

  “I could always go and change into the other one?” I say innocently.

  “You wouldn’t,” he says, his face losing all the amusement it held seconds ago.

  “Well, I mean, if you think this one is sexy enough?” I ask, posing with a hand on my hip and puckering my lips.

  “So hot I can barely contain myself, M,” Kaden says, deadpan.

  “Fantastic,” I reply, before succumbing to laughter myself. “What do you think Mase?” I ask.

  “That we need to go see Nick’s reaction, and that I should probably get my phone quickly, so we can record it and show Callan later,” he replies, crossing the hall and walking down to his room quickly. He’s in and out within seconds, holding his phone out ready to go.

  We all head down the hallway to Nick's room, his being the one at the very end, next to Kaden's. A small bathroom separates their two rooms. The guys step back, letting me be the one to knock. I rap my knuckles against the door three times and wait.

  “Come in,” Nick’s voice calls. I slowly open the door, finding Nick sprawled out on his bed, his face covered by a large open book resting on top of it.

  “Reading?” I ask, a smile taking over my face.

  “Not anymore. Callan’s books are dull, someone remind me not to read them again. This thing is only good for blocking out the light when you need a nap,” he mutters. He pulls the book from his face and sits up, immediately scowling when he sees what I’m wearing. Kaden laughs at the expression on Nick’s face.

  “That is not the outfit I provided,” Nick comments, but I notice his lips twitching.

  “You said a French maid outfit, but you never specified what one,” Mason says from behind me, stilling holding up his phone and recording. When he points it at me, I pull a funny face.

  “So, this is your doing?” Nick moans at Mason. “I should have known. This is exactly the kind of thing you would think of. However, I said a sexy French maid outfit, and that…” he trails off looking me up and down, his dark green eyes narrowed. “That isn’t,” he finishes.

  “That’s a matter of opinion; I think M looks as sexy as always. I mean, it’s sexier than the hippo pyjamas,” Kaden says, trying not to laugh.

  “I told you that they were graceful, curvy unicorns,” I complain teasingly at him.

  “It’s definitely sexy for the time period of the costume,” Mason chimes in. “Look at Mona showing all kinds of ankle.”

  “Yeah, look at it! Totally sexy. Practically naked for the 1800s,” Kaden adds through laughter.

  Nick looks down, and I poke my foot out, showing the converses underneath. He finally gives in and laughs, too.

  “Fine you got me, but you’re still tidying my room,” he mutters.

  “Of course,” I reply smiling. “What do you want me to clean first?”

  Chapter 6

  The sound of the door chiming reaches my ears, making me jump and knock a box off the top shelf. Shit.

  “Sorry, Cal, I’ll clean this up,” I mumble as I climb back down from the tall shelf and go to bend down to clear up the varied contents from the box that are scattered on the floor.

  “Nae worries, Lass. I've got it, can you just go out there and keep an eye on the customer?” he replies smiling at me. I notice two of the vials that were in the box have shattered. That's the fifth thing I've broken today. Damn, why is all this crap so fragile?

  “Sorry…again,” I say, as I head back out into the main shop area.

  I freeze when I see who is standing in the store. I’m sure it’s the guy from Mason’s vet clinic, the one with the cat called Kitty. I roll my eyes at the thought, still finding it beyond belief that someone would name their cat Kitty. So ridiculous. I find it a little strange that he is here, but I suppose a crazy cat owner could be a witch or something. And if he lives locally it w
ould make sense he would come here.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, moving toward where he is standing, looking at some mini figurines sitting on one of the cloth-covered tables.

  “Yes, you can die,” he says, turning to face me. His eyes are wild and wide, the two different colours standing out against his pasty skin, one brown the other pale blue. I then notice what he’s holding, a knife. A huge fucking knife. I stumble back, but he’s quick, moving to stab me.

  “CALLAN!” I screech, dodging the crazed man’s attack.

  “Your fault! It's your fault!” he screams, slashing wildly with his knife. I raise my hands out in front of me and pull on the magic at my centre.

  “Circumdo adnecto!” I shout, pushing the circle out through my hands to surround him and not me. The circle that shimmers with a deep red colour, surrounds him, and he pounds his fists against it in frustration, dropping the knife. Callan bursts into the room.

  “What’s wrong, lass?” he asks as he enters. He stops when he notices the man trapped in the red shimmering circle. He looks down seeing the knife, his eyes widening. “Fuck, are you okay?” he says rushing over to me. “I thought ye just broke something again, I-I dinnae…I dinnae realise yer in danger,” he says, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. I hug Callan back.

  “It's okay, but can you stop hugging me so tight and help me? I'm not sure how long my circle will hold. I've never tried to trap anyone in one before.” I can feel every blow the man hits against the circle, but there is no magic behind his attack on it. He's trapped, for now. But who, and what is he? Callan releases me and steps back, his worried face dissolving into a determined one.

  “Do you know who this is? Have ye seen this man before?” Callan asks, turning to face him. I take a better look at the man, seeing he seems a little worse for wear than the last time I saw him. Is he wearing the same damn clothes? I run my eyes over the knitted Aztec jumper he has on, and the dirt and grime that seems to cover him. How could he not have gotten changed since then?

  “I don’t know him, but I’ve met him once. He took his cat to Mason’s vet clinic,” I answer, crossing my arms around myself.

  “Any idea why he would attack you?” he asks. I shake my head and chew my lip. What the hell is this about?

  “Why did ye attack my friend?” Callan addresses the man. The man ignores him, directing his hate-filled gaze to me.

  “It’s your fault!” he screeches.

  “Care to enlighten me as to what exactly is my fault?” I ask.

  “It’s your fault he’s dead!” he shouts angrily.

  I freeze and feel like I've been stabbed in the chest. My thoughts instantly go to Christian. His kind brown eyes. His laugh. His ridiculous habit of dancing around the kitchen while cooking. His death. Wait. I shake the thoughts from my head, not ready to deal with the emotions they cause. This man doesn’t know Chris…who could he be talking about?

  “Who are you talking about?” I ask, forcing the words out. Breathe, Mona. Breathe. I feel a hand slip into mine and give it a squeeze. I force a smile at Callan, appreciating his attempt to comfort me.

  “My master!” he cries. He slumps to the ground within the circle. “You k-killed my master,” he finishes. He dissolves into sobs and I look at Callan for help.

  “Shit, lass…he’s a halfling,” Callan says quietly, looking shocked.

  “Wait, how do you figure that?” I question.

  “Unless ye have killed anyone else, I’m assuming he’s talking about X,” Callan answers.

  “Shit… His master is…was X?” I question.

  “Don’t say master’s name!” he cries, smashing his fists against the circle again.

  “I thought halflings were slaves, why would he care that X is dead? Wouldn’t that make him free?” I ask. Callan shakes his head sadly.

  “When the demons find him, he’ll be sold,” he answers. “Better the devil ye ken, he’s probably terrified his new master will be worse than X ever was tae him,” he adds as he casts a pitying look at the man on the ground.

  “I know he just tried to kill me and all, but I can’t help feeling sorry for him,” I mumble, looking away from him and facing Callan, hoping he has a solution.

  “I get it, but there’s nothing we can do for him, lass. He’s clearly nae all there anymore, and he dangerous. There’s nobody we could take him tae for help. He’d just get handed over to The Supernatural Council.”

  “Well, what do we do with him then?” I ask, feeling guilt slip into me. Fuck. This isn’t my problem. Not my problem. Definitely not my problem. I keep repeating the mantra in my head, hoping it’ll stick.

  “There’s nothing we can do. We either hand him over tae the council now, or we let him go. We run the risk of him coming after ye again, but it wouldn’t be long till a demon picks him up. They ken he must be in here in our world somewhere,” Callan answers calmly, but he’s not looking very happy at our options.

  “I’d rather let him go,” I whisper. “Give him a chance, I’m not a killer, Cal. I can’t hand a man over to face certain death. Especially not when I know they’d do the same to me,” I whisper.

  “Never going tae happen, lass. We’ll keep you safe and away from them,” he says fiercely.

  “So how are we going to set him loose?” I ask, moving the conversation away from me. I don’t want to think about what’ll happen if the council finds out about me. Not just a halfling, a halfling with magic. I’m a freak.

  “Nick would be our best bet,” Callan says.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “He can jump him somewhere far away from here, where he can’t get to you. I doubt he has the resources to get back here,” Callan explains, pulling his phone out.

  “Okay, sounds like a plan,” I reply.

  “Can you hold him in there while I call Nick?” he asks. I nod and turn to watch the man in the circle, as Callan steps away to the back room to make the call.

  The door chimes again. You’ve got to be kidding me. I reach inside for my magic just in case and turn. I let it go when I see the girl standing in the doorway. Young, dark-haired, with bright cerulean eyes. I can't help but think she looks a little familiar. She gives me a funny look as she steps into the shop. Shit, I shouldn't let a customer see what's-his-face trapped in a circle.

  “Sorry, we’re closed at the moment,” I say sweetly, hoping she’ll just leave.

  “Well it’s a good thing I’m nae a customer then, aye?” she says, her thick Scottish accent rolling pleasantly off her tongue. “Cal?” she shouts, making her way past me, paying no mind to the guy in the circle as she heads for the back.

  “Back here, Gabs,” I hear him shout. Gabs? Where have I heard that…. Callan’s sister. Crap, I better introduce myself.

  “You’re Gabby?” I ask her, trying to force a friendly smile on my face.

  “Aye, what’s it tae you?” she snaps, narrowing her eyes on me. She looks me up and down. “Are you dating my brother?” My eyes widen.

  “What? No,” I reply a little too quickly. She smirks and looks at me again.

  “At least ye don’t look psycho, but you cannae tell from appearances, I guess,” she comments. She darts her eyes to the guy in the circle. “Do I want tae ask?”

  “No, probably not,” I mumble.

  “Then I won’t.”

  “Awesome,” I say, letting out a breath.

  “Cal!” she shouts. “I need some fucking Calea. I’ve got a mixture brewing and I dinnae realise I’d run out.”

  “What are you making?” he calls from the storeroom.

  “Just a little dream walking potion,” she replies.

  “Ye didn’t just leave it, right?” Callan asks as he steps back into the room, he shoots a concerned look between me, Gabby, and the man still in the circle. I shrug. Gabby clearly is used to weird.

  “Maybe,” she says. “But if ye hurry up and give me the Calea, I’ll be back off home tae watch it,” she replies cheerily.

��Gabs,” he groans. “Hopefully ye have a house left when you get back. How are you settling into Cam’s old place anyway?” he asks as he walks over to one of the shelves, clearly looking for whatever it was Gabby was after.

  “It’s alright, spent three days fooking cleaning the place out,” she mutters, pulling her phone out, and sitting on top of the glass counter next to the till. “Now I ken why ye were too busy to come help yer little sister out,” she adds, shooting a pointed look at me.

  “It’s not like that,” he says, frowning as he turns back around, a small jar in one of his hands.

  “Course it isn’t,” she says rolling her eyes. “At least this one is pretty, the last one had a face like a slapped arse, she did,” she adds, smiling. She lifts her phone up and pouts her lips as she snaps a picture of herself.

  “Do ye have tae take so many photos of yerself, Gabs?” he asks as he hands over the jar.

  “Well, nobody else is taking any, and the world deserves tae see my face,” she replies. Callan holds out a hand to her and she frowns at it. “I’ll pay you back next time,” she says.

  “That’s what ye said last time,” he replies.

  “It’s nae my fault if you never learn,” she replies sweetly, hopping off the counter. “I’ll see you around, Cal,” she calls over her shoulder, making her way to the door.

  “Yeah, sure, Gabs. See you soon,” he mutters, shaking his head.

  “Nice to meet ye,” she pauses. “What’s your name?” she turns around to ask me.

  “Mona,” I answer.

  “Nice tae meet you, Mona. Upset Cal, and I’ll curse ye fucking hair off. Have a nice day now,” she says cheerily as she walks out the door.

  “Curse my hair off?” I ask looking at Callan, feeling my eyes go wide.

  “She’d do it too,” he says, chuckling.

  “Your sister’s a little…” I trail off, not able to think of the right way to say it.

  “Outgoing,” he supplies.

  “Sure, we will go with that,” I reply. “Did you manage to call Nick?” I ask.


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