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Page 6

by Unknown

  Rambunctious barking came from inside the house. Two Irish Setter puppies ran outside. They were followed by two other puppies, a Golden Retriever and a Drentsche Patrijshond.

  “Wow, you plan on being your own best client,” Devi said. She understood why she’d not seen any dogs in her house before, of course. Ashia had brought them here with her power, keeping it a total secret.

  “The ranch needs some pets.” Ashia shrugged.

  Devi put the puppy down, and it ran to join the others romping around the yard.

  Devi returned her attention to Ashia. She was watching the gate. Parker was staring at Ashia as if enthralled. He flicked his gaze to Devi, then he disappeared from view.

  “He’s taken, even if he doesn’t know it yet,” Devi said.

  “He is adorable,” Ashia said.

  Devi rolled her eyes, then sighed. “I’ll be back.”

  She dematerialised, then reappeared seconds later in front of Parker. He stumbled backwards. Devi stalked towards him.

  “Did you just… Wait…” Parker’s blue eyes were wide.

  “She popped in.” Allie sounded frightened.

  “No need to be so afraid—you’re the ones who have been stalking me,” Devi said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “We have not been stalking you. We’ve…” Parker flushed.

  “You want to know about my cartouche. Come on, then.” Devi gestured with her hand.

  She walked back to the gate. Opening it, she looked back at Parker and Allie. They stood, looking unsure.

  “Are you coming or not? Or do you plan to lurk and peek at us?”

  “No need to be rude.” Allie raised her head, narrowing her green eyes.

  “You’re the one who was spying on and following me,” Devi said.

  Allie and Parker exchanged glances, then looked at her.

  “Yeah, I spotted you on Friday night at the hospital, and all weekend. You can keep following me or come in. It’s up to you.” She walked through the gate and went back to her seat.

  “You could have asked more nicely than that,” Ashia said.

  “I’m still debating whether it was a good idea to invite them in.” Devi took a sip of her tea.

  Parker and Allie walked into the yard. Devi flicked her finger, closing the gate behind them. The dogs that had been heading for it turned, sniffing at Allie and Parker, who looked back at the gate, then at Devi. She leant back, raising her glass to her lips.

  No need to scare them, Ashia’s voice said in her mind.

  Now what fun would that be? Devi replied.

  Ashia’s warm laughter filled her mind.

  Parker and Allie came to them slowly. Devi flicked her hand, pushing out two chairs around the patio table. They jumped, then gaped.

  “Stop it.” Ashia’s amusement was plain.

  “Have a seat or run away,” Devi said to her stalkers.

  “You’re very rude,” Allie said, sitting.

  “Says the stalker,” Devi mocked.

  “We were just curious about the cartouche.” Parker mumbled as he, too, sat.

  “You could have just asked. Here.” Devi took the bracelet off and handed it to him.

  Parker was startled. He soon got over it, though, and studied the bracelet.

  “Parker, don’t you think it is more important to know how the hell she did that appearing in front of us, closing the gate, and the chairs?” Allie smacked him on the arm.

  Parker raised his head and blinked. “Oh, yeah. How’d you do it?”

  He lowered his head and went back to studying the bracelet.

  “I’m Renpet, goddess of time, immortality, and the cycle of life and death. Better known as Mistress of Eternity to those who worshipped me,” Devi said.

  Parker looked up, then he started to laugh. “That’s a good one.”

  He went back to his scrutiny of her jewellery. Devi watched the speculation on Allie’s face. She smiled. Allie narrowed her eyes, then she leant back in her chair. Devi waved her hand and poured them each a drink from the pitcher. Allie pursed her lips, watching the display. Once the drink was ready, she lifted it and took a sip.

  “You’re going to wipe our knowledge of you from our minds.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I’m still deciding.” Devi shrugged.

  “This is really extraordinary. Where did you get it?” Parker said.

  Devi noticed he hadn’t even looked at her as he’d asked. He held the bracelet almost lovingly.

  “It’s hers. She’s Renpet.” Allie rolled her eyes.

  Parker snorted. “Yeah, right.”

  “He’s a little reluctant to believe what’s in front of his face, isn’t he? Very well, then.” With a wiggle of her fingers, Devi levitated Parker.

  He didn’t even notice…all his attention was on the cartouche.

  Allie took another sip of her tea, ignoring her floating colleague.

  Devi stifled a laugh. “You seem to believe who I am easily, and are unfazed by it.”

  “Hell, I figure I’m having a really good delusion, so I’m going with it,” Allie replied.

  Devi laughed and Ashia joined her.

  Allie glanced at them and her lips twitched. They drank their tea as Parker floated above them, muttering.

  “What the hell?” Parker cried.

  “I think he noticed,” Devi said conspiratorially.

  “Maybe you should bring him back to his chair,” Allie said in the same tone.

  “But I was having fun with him,” Devi teased.

  “Don’t make me get rough with you,” Allie replied in the same lighthearted way.

  “You should let him know how you feel.”

  “Don’t know what you mean.” Allie’s face shuttered.

  Ashia leant forward. “It’s obvious you love him.”

  “Shut up before he hears you!” Allie hissed.

  “Tell him and rock his world.” Ashia tapped on the table top with her fingernail.

  “Who the hell are you?” Allie demanded.

  Devi brought Parker back to his seat. His eyes were wide and he was gasping.

  “Do you believe me now?” Devi said softly.

  Parker nodded his head vigorously.

  “Ask your questions about me.” she said.

  Parker narrowed his eyes. “For how long will I get to ask?”

  It was a shrewd question.

  “Until I get bored.”

  “You’d better get on with it. She’s going to wipe our minds of their existence,” Allie interjected.

  “Do you have to? We won’t tell anyone.” Parker frowned.

  “And I’m supposed to trust you on that, human?”

  “No. Trust is built. Give us a chance.” Parker was earnest.

  Devi exchanged a glance with Ashia. She shrugged. Returning her attention to Parker, she noted that he was staring at Ashia. Allie was frowning. Parker stood abruptly, skirting Allie, going to Ashia. He reached out with a shaking hand and touched the ear cuff on the upper curve of her left ear. He turned her head, then touched the other ear. Devi was shocked that Ashia had allowed him to touch her.

  “These cartouches say Amaunet. Are you Amaunet?” he demanded.

  “I am. Do you know of me?” Ashia covered his fingers where they rested on her cartouche ear cuff.

  “Amaunet is the Egyptian mother goddess and called The Hidden One. By some, she’s viewed as the life-bringing northern wind. As part of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis, Amaunet played a prominent role in accession ceremonies for Egyptian pharaohs. Visually, she is identified with a snake or a snake-head that wears a crown of Lower Egypt.” Parker blinked as if coming out of a trance.

  “Oh, I like him. Can we keep him, Devi?” Ashia laughed with delight.

  “He’s not a pet. You can’t,” Devi said dryly.

  “Devi?” Parker said.

  “It’s my name here. I can’t go around being called by my goddess name. Amaunet is called Ashia,” Devi said.

  “Devi an
d Ashia. Got it. Oh, my, I have so much I want to know.”

  “Well, take a seat and ask. Then let’s go.” Allie sounded angry.

  She was glaring at Ashia. Parker was studying Ashia’s cartouche ear cuffs, moving her head back and forth. Ashia still seemed amused.

  I don’t want your man, Ashia’s voice said in her mind.

  “He’s not my man,” Allie screamed. Devi realised that Ashia had talked in her thoughts, too.

  “What’d you say, Al?” Parker was still distracted.

  He needs a brick to the head to get a clue, Ashia said.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Allie agreed.

  Devi stifled a laugh.

  Ashia pulled Parker’s hands from her ears.

  “Go sit—you’ll have enough time to study them later. You can come to my ranch and see my collection,” Ashia offered.

  “Then we’ll get our minds wiped of you.” Parker sounded sad.

  “At least you can ask the questions you’ve always wanted to.” Allie patted his hand.

  “But I won’t remember them, or the answers.” He slumped in his chair.

  “Are you sure we can’t keep him? Hell, the two of them?” Ashia asked.

  “No, we can’t,” Devi said.

  Allie started asking questions, then Parker. Devi and Ashia answered them.

  Glancing at the time, Rhodes frowned. Devi was late. A black Tundra pulled in next to his Jeep. He frowned as a big man got out. Rhodes narrowed his eyes as he recognised Parker from the university. Parker hurried to open the back door. Devi stepped out of the truck. Rhodes’ mouth went dry at the sight of her turquoise top, which showed off her toned and flat stomach. Matching shorts exposed lean legs and her white sneakers and socks completed the outfit. She strutted over to him. Going up on her toes, she kissed him thoroughly. Rhodes locked his knees, hands instinctively holding her waist. Devi leant back, a smile on her lips.

  The sound of a throat being cleared came from beside them.

  Rhodes glanced away from Devi’s captivating gaze. He blinked. The woman watching him with an amused expression was devastating. Her green eyes were startling against all that dark skin. She was dressed in a similar way to Devi, except that her running clothes were all white. Rhodes registered Allie standing next to the woman, also outfitted in similar gear. Parker was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt.

  “We have some company for running,” Devi said.

  Barking made him glance at the truck. There were dogs pressed against the windows.

  “Two- and four-legged varieties. I hope you don’t mind,” Devi said.

  Parker, Allie and the unknown woman went to unload what he now saw were puppies.

  “How’d you meet Allie and Parker?” he asked.

  “They came by about the cartouche. We had a nice chat,” Devi said.

  “Oh, no. I hope my taking it to them didn’t make trouble for you,” Rhodes whispered.

  “Nope. It was fun.” There was a twinkle in her gaze that made him uneasy.

  “And you invited them along for a run,” Rhodes said.

  “We decided to keep them,” a smoky voice replied.

  Rhodes looked at the ebony-skinned woman.

  “As friends. Not pets,” Devi said, pulling away from him.

  She smacked the woman, then linked arms with her.

  “This is Ashia, my friend. I invited her to the cook-out. Parker and Allie are coming, too. And, oh yeah, January.” Devi squatted.

  Their three-person cook-out had morphed into a party. Rhodes shook his head. It was like being in a whirlwind.

  “Nice to meet you, Ashia.”

  “And you, Rhodes. I’ve heard lots of things about you.” There was a look he couldn’t define in her green gaze.

  Devi stood and held up a puppy. “This is Pebbles. Ashia gave her to me. She’s giving me free vet services.” Devi glanced at Ashia.

  “The heck I am,” Ashia said.

  Ashia took the leashes of the other dogs from Parker.

  “Bamm-Bamm, Penny.” Devi gestured to the Irish Setters, then the Golden Retriever and another dog whose breed he didn’t recognise. “Goliath and Katana. They are Ashia’s dogs. We’re all here for a run. Actually, a walk, since the puppies can’t run like we usually do yet. That is, if you don’t mind. Do you?”

  The puppies barked. Devi seemed to be in a good mood.

  “Let’s go for a walk, then.” Rhodes chuckled, hugging Devi.

  The puppy licked his face. He petted it. Devi put it down and then they were on their way. They strolled behind the others. Rhodes stared at Ashia. She moved with a regal grace, effortlessly holding the leashes of her four puppies.

  He glanced at Pebbles, loping along in front of them. “You all are a fan of The Flintstones, huh?”

  “You bet. Ashia is a fan of Gargoyles, too. Don’t know what she sees in it.” Devi raised her voice as she spoke.

  “You wouldn’t know good TV if it bit you,” Ashia retorted.

  She and Devi bickered back and forth. Rhodes walked alongside Devi, listening to their banter. This was a different side to her, and he was enjoying it.

  After their leisurely walk they went back to her house. The camaraderie continued as they ate and laughed. Parker and Allie were actually very funny.

  Walking everyone to the door later, Rhodes stood back as Devi hugged Allie and slapped Parker on the shoulder.

  “Tomorrow at eight. Can’t wait to taste the shepherd’s pie,” Devi said.

  “See you then. Rhodes,” Parker said.

  He shook Rhodes’ hand and he and Allie left.

  Devi and Ashia were huddled together, whispering furiously.

  “You need to tell him.”

  “Not yet. Stop interfering.”

  “Fine, be stubborn,” Ashia said. She glanced at Rhodes, and motioned for him to come. She studied him for a moment, then pulled him down and kissed his cheek.

  “Don’t hurt her.” There was a clear warning in her tone.

  She patted his cheek and strode out. Devi closed the door behind her.

  “She’s a little…” He didn’t even know the word for it.

  “I know. So, are you ready to lotion me?” Devi smirked.

  “Your house, but I’m more than ready.”

  Rhodes stalked towards her and lifted her. Devi laughed as he took her to the bathroom.

  Chapter Six

  Rhodes squeezed the cream into his palm. The scent of cocoa butter filled his nostrils. Placing his hands on her legs, he smoothed the lotion into her skin. Devi moaned softly. His cock hardened. Devi was spread out before him, her naked body supine. He worked the lotion into her satiny skin. Finished with her legs, he straddled her body. He got more lotion and rubbed his fingers along her ribcage. Devi groaned. Her chest moved under his hands. He continued his upward trek over her breasts, paying special attention to her nipples. She whimpered, moving her body under his touch.

  He rubbed up from her breasts, along her throat and under her chin. Across her face. He traced her features with his fingers. The roundness of her chin, the curve of her jaw, her sculptured cheekbones and forehead. He tweaked her nose, then progressed down to her mouth. He traced her lips.

  “I think we’re done with the lotion.” Her voice reverberated against his fingers.

  Rhodes leant down and covered her lips with his. He slid his body along hers, kissing her. Shifting, he grabbed the condom and covered his turgid length, then resettled over her. Devi parted her legs and he surged into her waiting wetness. She clamped around him as he stroked lazily into her. Her moans filled his mouth.

  In slow, measured thrusts, he built the heat. Each clench of her pussy around his cock made heat pool in his lower belly. His balls went tight. Hitching her leg higher on his hip, he deepened his thrusts and Devi matched him.

  “There… Like that… Deeper… Yesss…”

  Her voice drove him on.

  He rocked against her, and Devi’s nails bit into his lower back. Her pus
sy clenched around him and heat coated his erection. Rhodes groaned as he came. She clamped her inner walls around him, milking his cock. Shuddering, he rested against her. Devi hugged him fiercely, her harsh breath sounding around him.

  “My turn.” Devi pushed at him.

  Rhodes flopped back onto the bed. She rose over him like a conquering goddess.

  What a woman.

  It was his last thought for a while as she proceeded to have her way with him.

  * * * *

  Rhodes stretched, waiting for the others to arrive. Devi was beside him, also stretching. In the last few weeks since the cook-out, it had become a regular thing for them to run or hang out with those who had come to their first get-together. They had all become fast friends.

  Surprisingly, January and Dave had seemed to connect and were dating. Devi was sceptical about whether it was a good thing or not. Rhodes, on the other hand, was happy for his buddy, and for January, whom he had come to know. Devi had clued him in that Allie was interested in Parker, but Parker was still oblivious.

  Rhodes had seen first-hand that the bear of a man didn’t seem to know. He’d convinced Devi and Ashia not to interfere.

  Ashia was a complex and interesting woman. They had spent a few nights at her ranch with the others. It was beautiful and spacious for one person, but with her vet business there, too, maybe she needed so much acreage.

  A blue Granite Avalanche pulled in. Rhodes went over and opened the door for Ashia, then went to get out the puppies, which were growing fast. Pebbles ran up, barking at the others. Other cars pulled in.

  Once everyone was ready they were off running.

  “So when are the kids getting in?” Devi asked.

  “At nine a.m. They are so excited.”

  “So is their uncle,” Devi teased.

  “You betcha.” Rhodes winked.

  “I think we should go to the Garden of the Gods first.”

  “Sure. That sounds fine with me. The kids are eager to meet you, and so are Ria and her husband.”

  “Ria wants to check me out, you mean.”

  “She does, but she’ll be as enraptured with you as I am,” Rhodes said.

  “That’s what you’re calling it, huh?” Devi smiled. “Isn’t it technically called sex?”

  “Shh… We won’t tell her about that.” Rhodes grinned.


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