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5 Darkness Falls

Page 14

by Christin Lovell

  Derek chuckled, tapping my cheek with his palm. “I knew I liked you.”

  “I’ll take the back of the house,” Al said.

  “We should take the sides and avoid the front. That’s the place she’s most likely to monitor first,” I stated.

  “Alright men. Ready your weapons and let’s get into position.” Derek took off for the right side of the home.

  “Be careful, son. If anything happens to me, don’t hang back. You run like hell. You’ve got a baby to be there for.” His eyes were dark spears, ensuring his message was received.

  My gaze swept his black army uniform. With the gun in his hands, he looked every part the soldier he was. I refocused on his face. “I promise. I’ll see you on the other side.”

  He shook his head, a scared, wistful emotion in his eyes. His brows furrowed as he glanced at me one last time before taking off for the back of the house.

  I maneuvered my way through the trees and stopped just short of exiting the forest’s line of protection. My pulse pounded. I took a deep breath. For my baby.

  My father breached the yard and I took off at full speed for the house, just as he was and I knew Derek was too.

  Something whistled through the air. A heavy object thudded against the ground.

  Al was still going. A small object flew right towards him. Panic rose in my chest. “Dad!”

  I deviated from my course, running towards him when the dart hit the center of his chest. My breathing became labored as I skidded to a halt; fear crushing my lungs.

  He collapsed on the grass. His gun fell to the side.

  My body shook with rage. The only thing keeping me from losing it was the fact that he was still breathing. His chest maintained a steady rhythm, rising and falling.

  “You! Get your ass inside.”

  My eyes darted towards a female voice. I was too slow though. The window coverings swayed in her absence. Maybe she really was a ghost.



  I glared at Beth. She refused to speak, refused to give anything away.

  “Don’t get mad at her, Lex. We all know,” Mel stated.

  “What?” I shook my head in dismay. I couldn’t have heard her right. “Why would he tell all of you, but not me?”

  “He didn’t technically tell us, honey. He told our men, who may have mentioned it to us.” Aunt Claire looked away, feigning interest in her manicure.

  “Mother…” My phone went off. I huffed, yanking the source of the shrilling noise from a pile of papers. “Yeah?” I barked, still angry from the news I’d just discovered.

  “We caught the little-“

  “Language, Anthony!” I was exasperated. I leapt from the chair and left them sitting there. I moved into the office beside the conference room. Charles would just have to forgive me for using his space. I closed the door. “Talk to me. Who did you catch?”

  “We got her, boss.”

  “Who, Anthony?” My patience was thin. I shuddered, clenching my hand at my side.

  “Kalia.” Her name was an antagonizing song rolling off his lips. “We caught the little daisy crossing the border into Namibia with none other than our good friend Rashik. She didn’t even have back up with her. Can you believe that?”

  “You’re a sorry son of a bitch. You’re going to get it buddy. You better hope I don’t break free because I’ll catch you, and you better believe I’m going to torture your ass,” she growled in the background.

  “She’s got a mouth on her too. You think I’m foul.” He harrumphed.

  “Is Rashik okay?”

  “Oh, yeah, yeah. She held up her end. Didn’t hurt him, just annoyed the hell out of him apparently.”

  “Good. Bring them both back as soon as possible. Use the company card and book the first flight out.”

  “Damn. I was hoping to have a little fun with her first.”

  “No! Just get home, Anthony.” I ended the call, slamming my phone down on the desk.

  I rubbed my face, warily. Even though that was one major thing to check off the list, my heart was too heavy with the other items still remaining. My stomach roiled; the serum was still active in the back of my throat, bobbing up and down.

  A wave of nausea hit me. I swallowed hard; my stomach muscles cramped, sending a sharp ache through my belly. “Ah!” I cried out as I slipped out of the chair, hunched over towards the floor. Pain stabbed my core as a burning fire engulfed my chest.

  The door swung open with a vengeance, and Kai was down on the floor beside me, Drexel right behind him. Others piled in, but I couldn’t see or concentrate on them.

  I shoved a hand outwards trying to hold them off as I tried to breathe through it. I turned my head away from them, staring over my shoulder towards the wall. The throbbing weakened, but the heat burning my chest increased. The serum kept rising. “No, no, no, no, no, please, God, no.” My words came out in a rushed whisper as I tried to swallow profusely. It didn’t work. The searing serum continued to rise until it overflowed in my mouth.

  I sat back on my heels, closing my eyes. I leaned my head back, gasping between swallows. Damn it! Tears stung my eyes as I felt the fluid about to surge.

  “Move!” Drexel roared. His voice bellowed through the confined room. I’d never been so grateful for him.

  I pushed myself upwards. Kai immediately helped steady me before I jerked away from him and ran for the trashcan. My body trembled as the bloody liquid hit the basket. Tears poured from me as I sat back, clutching my belly.

  I faintly heard them around me, the people who were here cared. That’s the part that hurt the most. He wasn’t here. And I couldn’t face anyone right now. I couldn’t look at them while I was like this. This screamed weakness. I’d been fighting so hard to be strong, but my body refused to comply. While my power could help me withstand a high voltage electrical shock, it did nothing to help with my pregnancy sickness.

  Someone closed the door, meaning to block the curious stares I was sure. It surprised me when Mel squatted down in front of me.

  “I’m your best friend. I said I’d be there through everything.” She grabbed my hand and placed a water bottle in it. “This is part of everything.”

  I bit my bottom lip, hard, trying to fight back the emergence of fresh tears.

  “Drink some water, pull yourself together and then we’ll go back to your place.”

  Chapter 20


  My head was pounding, my hands shaking as I twisted the doorknob. The house was eerily quiet. Though, it didn’t necessarily mean there weren’t a lot of vamps inside.

  I lifted my gun, holding it arms-length out in front of me. Guns didn’t kill vamps, but it would slow them down, which was enough for right now. I used my foot to kick the door open a little more.

  I crossed the threshold onto the wood floors. I sniffed the air, but didn’t smell any vamps; they must be able to mask their scent somehow. Of course, I was finding that was much easier than I originally assumed. Many things were easier as a vamp than I originally thought.

  I scanned the foyer, boasting a grand two-story entrance with traditional furniture decorating the space. I didn’t doubt that it was purchased at the time the house was built.

  She caressed the banister at the top of the stairs. “You’re much cuter in person.” She smiled, but her eyes filled with mischief.

  She had a long, lean figure she’d covered in a blue silk one-piece that cinched at the waist. A long strand of pearls was her only accessory. She trailed her fingers along the railing as she began to descend the steps. Her short black heels clacked against the hardwood.

  I immediately lifted my gun towards her.

  She laughed, sending her short, dark brown hair bouncing with the effort. “Oh, dear, you are cute. That little thing wouldn’t do anything to me.” She stopped walking; her dark eyes narrowed on me. “But my darling, Jewel would.”

  Jewel, I assumed it was her, stepped out from behind the wall that separated the foy
er from the sitting room, with a grenade launcher in hand. It didn’t take a genius to know that shooting it from this close of an angle would send it straight into me, where it would explode.

  I mashed my lips together, lowering my weapon.

  She snickered. “Good boy.”

  My eyes danced between Cecilia and Jewel. While Cecilia was tall and thin, Jewel was curvy. Her ample hourglass figure added to her exotic features. I couldn’t quite make out what nationality she was. Dark brown hair reached down to the center of her back. Big grey eyes pierced me, but they didn’t look balanced with her thin lips. Her tan complexion was similar to Cecilia’s, but without the hint of olive. She looked like a prim and proper spitfire, considering she was dressed in her Sunday best and holding a military weapon with authority.

  With catlike reflexes, Cecilia reached around me and pushed the front door closed. “By the way, in case you haven’t figured it out, I’m Cecilia.” She leaned into my personal space, hovering centimeters in front of my face. “It’s a pleasure, my dear.”

  I fidgeted, balling my hands into fists. I felt my brows crease as I glared at her.

  She leaned back, a hand going to her chest as she chuckled. “Oh, how cute are you when you’re mad?”

  “Can I go back to the fun stuff now?” Jewel asked, lowering the grenade launcher.

  Cecilia’s eyes sparkled when she gazed at her counterpart. Her face softened as she smiled at the girl, who couldn’t be older than me. She ran her fingertips across Jewel’s jaw line as she leaned in, kissing her head. “I’ll see you later.”

  I frowned at their intimate display. I couldn’t tell if Jewel was like a daughter to Cecilia or if their relationship was on the opposite end of the love spectrum, but it was definitely clear that she meant a lot to her. If things got ugly, I knew she would be the best leverage to use against Cecilia.

  “Come sit, Kellan Bancroft.”

  “What did you do to my dad?” I demanded, not budging an inch.

  “Silly Derek forgot about his beating heart. He was a dead giveaway for you guys. I shot him first, and then your father.”

  I snarled.

  “Oh, relax,” she huffed. “It was just a tranquilizer.” She turned back towards the sitting room. “Now, come along.”

  Against my better judgment, I followed her into the room. Perhaps it was her charm. She had a certain flirtatiousness about her that caused my preconceived notions of her being an evil dictator to crumble.

  She sat in one of the high back chairs and immediately crossed her legs. A silver cart sat beside her with a glistening silver pitcher and two teacups on saucers. “Care for some warm blood?”

  I was fighting my own common sense, and it was screaming: run like hell, get out of dodge. Yet, I still stood their, like an idiot, just staring at her. I’m sure I looked dumbfounded.

  She poured herself a cup, stopping to look at me. The question was in her gaze.

  “Uh, no thanks.” I frowned. Thanks? What the hell is wrong with me? This isn’t tea time; I’m not in the House of Parliament.

  “Do you plan to stand the whole time?” she asked, holding her plate with one hand. She lifted her cup with the other towards her lips, taking a dainty sip. “Mm. I do love a cup of fresh blood.” Her lips curled up, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

  Why did I suddenly feel like I was in some sort of alternate reality?

  “How long do you plan on staying?”

  “Excuse me?” My features pulled down, scowling.

  “Yes, darling. I’m cooking a blood-stewed pot roast for supper. I need to know if I’m setting an extra plate at the table.”

  “What is your fucking deal, lady?” I snapped. My pulse became erratic, as adrenaline coursed through me. I’d almost rather her burn me alive than drown me with niceties. I scrubbed my face, tossing my gun on a chair nearby.

  She set her plate back on the tray, clasping her hands in her lap. “You want answers. Sit and I’ll give them to you.”

  I plopped into the chair across from her. I pursed my lips, grinding my teeth as my right leg bounced in place. Hell yeah I was worked up. She put Lexi and me through hell only to turn around and act like the queen bee of politeness.

  “Very well. What would you like to know?”

  “Really?” I scoffed, unable to hold back my anger.

  She leaned forward, her smile faltering. “Listen, honey, you can either be a good boy and act like your mother taught you some manners or I can chain your ass in the cellar downstairs and let Jewel have a little fun with you. That’s where she’s at now, in case you were wondering.” She made it a point to take a sip from her cup again before turning her focus back to me.

  I tried to swallow down my rage. It wasn’t easy considering what this…Uh. I couldn’t even think straight I was so enraged by her.

  “Now, dear, what is your first question?”

  I wracked my brain, trying to think of the most important thing to ask. “Why do you have your men on our tails twenty-four-seven?”

  “Our?” She raised a single brow and laced her fingers together.

  “Yes. Your people have been following us for a while now, but they’ve made themselves very well known lately. Well, at least one has.”

  She smiled. “It’s good to know Javier is doing his job.”

  I glared at her. “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  “Because your question is wrong.”

  One big fucking riddle. That’s all she was. I should have known better. “How was my question wrong? It’s not a matter of right or wrong. It’s a question,” I growled, my muscles flexing and bulging beneath my clothes. She was rubbing me the wrong way, just as every one of her notes had.

  “Perhaps I should clarify for you then. I’m not having you and her followed. She’s the only one I care about.”

  I felt the color drain from my face. “Why?” The word was like glue on my tongue.

  “She’s the epitome of all I hate. She’s trying to bring democracy into a world that arose from the legislature of ancient Europe. Not to mention, she’s an abomination. Humans were never meant to procreate with our kind. We were to choose who we spawned, not leave it up to chance. All vampeens are a risk. They enter with world with expectation rather than humility.”

  “Oh, that’s brilliant. You really think vampires are humble creatures, then why the hell do we drain bodies?”

  “Hmph. You are twisting my words. You are acting entitled rather than grateful for my mercy.” Her eyes narrowed, as a frown turned her features hard as stone.

  “Fine. Enlighten me. Why don’t you communicate with your team when they’re away?”

  “Because I created them all. I am their maker. Because of that, they will forever be loyal to me. The ones who prove rebellious are killed, the same way it ought to be for those ‘oops’ babies vampeens create.”

  “You’re hitting a little too close to home, honey,” I snarled between tight lips.

  “I see you have questions, but can’t actually comprehend my answers. Allow me to explain it to you, Kellan. I’m not out to abolish every vampeen, only the ones who disrespect us vampires. Had it not been for us, they wouldn’t have a smidgen of the power they have. With power comes responsibilities, and a sense of duty is required.

  “None of the vampires I create are made in vein. They all serve a purpose.”

  “You turned Kalia before her time?”

  Her eyes grew distant. “No. Unfortunately, that was her father. He needed a punching bag that would survive his abuse and heal quickly. Kalia is the exception because of her spirit and tenacity. She has all the wonderful qualities of an admirable vampire.” She began to lick her lips. “You, on the other hand, do not. I’d be willing to train you though. I’ve sensed your promise since I first bumped into years ago.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, yes. You were drunk in a bar with a rowdy group of thugs and prostitutes. You were in such a haze; you would never recall t
he beautiful woman who paid for all those rounds that evening. It took several bottles of liquor before you were buzzed enough to forget that you were a vamp for an hour.”

  I averted my gaze. I didn’t recall much from those days. I think I’d blocked them out on purpose, and rightly so.

  “Listen, Kellan. I’m giving you a choice. You can stay here with me and Jewel and have me personally train you, or you can walk out that door. I’ll graciously give you a five minute head start before I send a team after you.”

  “So that’s the politics of ancient Europe?” My brows lifted towards my hairline.

  Her lips tightened. “No. The rulers of ancient Europe didn’t offer choices. They merely decapitated you.”

  “I have a baby on the way.”

  “With a vampeen!” She yelled, unleashing her fury. Her eyes blazed, a ring of red nearly appearing in their depths.

  I needed leverage. Damn it. I was so stupid and impulsive for coming here like this. Fuck! Jewel. It was a shot in the dark. “You love her.”

  “I love no one. That’s the first rule of living in a ruthless world.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “You love Jewel. I may be ignorant on many issues, but I saw the way you looked at her, the way your features softened. You pressed your lips tenderly, reverently against her head. Vampires don’t have children, as you just confirmed. You make them, but you train them hard, you don’t handle them with kid gloves.”

  Her eyes became dark pools of anger. Her wheels were spinning.

  “The way I see it, I can run and get that five minute head start, which is plenty of time to call all of my military contacts and alert them of not only your location, but the precious woman you love. A loved one for a loved one, right? You want Lexi, so I’ll make sure you lose Jewel.”

  She balled her hands into fists on the arms of the chair. She tightened her jaw, puckering her features. “This is the biggest form of rebellion there is. You should run. Run hard, and run fast. But know that you’ll never run fast enough to be by her side in time.”

  A cell phone materialized from a hidden compartment in her outfit. She pressed a single button. I heard the digits play out before the first ring sounded. A man answered; his accent was heavy. “Take your first shot at her.”


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