Evan's Addiction

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Evan's Addiction Page 10

by Sara Hess

  Damn, but that female had me unsettled. For some strange reason, every time she put her eyes on me I felt…charged…alive—like someone attached spark plugs to me lighting up all my neurons.

  She was exceptionally intelligent and I wanted to share more than droll superficial banter with her. I truly liked Shaw, more than any of the other females I’d hooked-up with. I wanted to know things about her I hadn’t with the others, and it wasn’t because she’d told me she’d been left at a McDonald’s as an infant…my chest had hurt for her when she’d revealed that and acted like it meant nothing…or because she’d been shafted on getting adopted…and again acted like it was no big deal…or when she’d told me about her shitass waste of life foster family.

  Shit, she’d had a run of bad luck.

  However, Shaw had been blessed with an uncanny ability with computers and was making something of her life, and everything she’d been through had probably added to what was an already remarkable person that I wanted to know better. And after we slaked our lust for each other I could see Shaw and I staying friends afterwards.

  The idea of the two of us slipping into a distant association like my other relationships was unexpectedly and exceedingly dissatisfying.

  It was nearly eight-thirty when I pulled into the driveway of our enormous rented Victorian residence. I parked behind Landon’s vehicle. He’d been spending his nights back here since the bachelor party, leaving the house he now lived in with Maya soon after his daughter was put to bed…and that he had a daughter still stunned me sometimes. He said he wanted to build up some heavy sexual tension for the honeymoon. I didn’t think they needed more; they were always all over each other every time I saw them.

  I walked into the living room to find Nic, Carrie, and Landon relaxing and watching television. I still needed to hit the small gym we’d established in one of the extra rooms to work off the built-up lust and frustration from today but I decided to hit the couch first.

  Wearing a smirk Nic gave me a once over. “Another long day grinding the wheel?”

  “Some of us can’t live off our trust funds sitting around watching television all day.” I ribbed good-naturedly. I knew he wasn’t being a complete slacker. He working on getting his new sporting line started.

  I did question Nic about Shaw’s dating history and all he’d been able to tell me was that no guys had ever shown up at the apartment and Shaw had never talked about any. That information had been both informative but useless. Shaw was the type of person to keep things to herself, possibly even from Carrie.

  Nic did give me one piece of interesting information; that fact that Shaw had furnished him with a thick folder of data for his new business. That she’d done this from what appeared to be the goodness of her heart was…revealing.

  She was a softy under all that attitude.

  “I didn’t sit around watching television all day. Carrie got here at twelve and then at six and we…” Carrie, blushing hotly, elbowed Nic in the stomach interrupting I’m certain what would have been a PG version of their activities. Nic never shared anything of their sex life.

  He laughed and squeezed his arms around her making her squeal softly.

  Landon shook his head at them but his expression was slightly forlorn. He was evidently missing Maya. He switched his attention to me. “How’s Shaw doing at finding our thief?”

  “She has high expectations of finding where the program was uploaded tomorrow.” I informed him.

  A surprised expression crossed his face. “Already. I’m going to head over tomorrow then. I want to be there for that. I wasn’t sure she really had the expertise to do it, but she must have some mad skills on a computer.” Landon’s tone was impressed.

  I grinned, experiencing that proud sensation for her again. “I have no idea what she’s doing but what she does do looks mega impressive. It’s like watching a magician do a trick that you have no idea how they pulled off.”

  “Did you give her a ride home again?” Nic asked with a curiously probing look.


  “You’re late again. Did you stop and get something to eat?”

  Nic sudden display of fatherly tendencies had my brows knitting. “Yes dad, but I took her straight home after, I promise.”

  He frowned. “Shaw’s a gray area for what I think you’re contemplating. She’s Carrie’s friend and mine; which means if Shaw gets hurt, then Carrie gets upset, and it ends with me kicking your ass.”

  Carrie smiled smugly at me which was slightly surprising since Carrie wasn’t keen on violence.

  “When was the last time I upset a girl. I’m not like you or Landon…” They each gave me a scowl, but they knew I was speaking the truth. Both of them had been the proverbial bad-boy man-whore. “How you used to be like.” I amended. “I’m nice to the girls I’m with, and we end our associations amicably. And Shaw is one girl that can take of herself. I’ve never met anyone tougher.”

  “You know what they say about hard exteriors.” Nic warned.

  Everyone had varying degrees of soft centers, but I think Shaw had a realistic view of what we could have. She seemed pretty damn worldly and it wasn’t surprising with what she’d lived through. My chest pinched again at her story, and her brave face.

  “Why the sudden caution?” I asked curiously.

  His lip twisted. “I really didn’t think she’d give you the time of day, but…” He left it hanging.

  This was interesting. I leaned forward. “What did she say?” I looked at Carrie because it was more likely Shaw had spilled to her.

  Nic was the one who answered though. “Ohh…Shaw was vehement in her disinterest in you. Extremely vehement.” He stressed with a smirk.

  I grinned with him.

  “What are you both grinning about? Evan, you better be nice to Shaw. Nic won’t have to kick your butt because I will if you hurt her.” Carrie growled cutely.

  I raised my hands in innocence. “Why does everyone think I’m going to hurt the girl? I’m one of the nicest guys around. I like her and just want to have some fun with her.” As soon as those words left my mouth I felt a stab of discomfort in my gut; they just didn’t sit right.

  “Just…be nice,” Carrie sputtered. “And you better not lie to her. She hates liars, and jerks, and…and assholes.”

  The three of us gaped at her in exaggerated surprise. Profanity from Carrie was like a unicorn fart.

  “I promise I won’t lie to her, but I think she actually likes it when I’m a bit jerky and assholy to her.” I replied with a laugh.

  Carrie’s mouth twitched. “Those attributes are like a coin; there’s an amusing side, and then there’s an awful side. Make sure you stick to the amusing side.”

  “I always do.” I assured her standing up. “Now I’m going to go get in a quick workout before my butt adheres to this chair.”

  Landon stood with me. “I’m coming with you; I need to exorcise some frustration as well.”

  I snorted inwardly wishing my frustration was only from a couple of days of no sex. If this weekend didn’t go like I was hoping with Shaw I might have to set my sights on more willing action, because I was close to busting a nut.

  Once more, unease settled heavy in my gut. I frowned at the atypical feeling and rationalized it as a result of having waited for Shaw for almost a year. My cock was eagerly looking forward to her, it didn’t want to settle.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I waited impatiently for the elevator to reach the top floor. Dan and Landon were meeting with Landon’s mother who was making a big fuss about not being invited to the wedding. Why the woman thought she would be invited I can’t imagine. What she’d done was pretty unforgivable. Landon had basically cut her from his life because of it, and it was also why Dan had divorced her.

  Since they were gone I was in-charge and had been called down to the plant because of a problem. A part had broken and while normally the plant manager would have handled it this component was particularly expensive and I
had to sign-off on it before he could order it. The manager could have come up to me but I needed to get out from behind my desk and away from Shaw for a short while. Being in the same room with her, watching her, and not being able to touch was hell on my nerves…and dick.

  But now I was eager to get back. It was messed up.

  The elevator opened and I walked briskly past the secretary with a smile toward my office door.

  However, Diane raised her hand. “Mr. Micheals…”

  Whatever Diane was about to say was interrupted by... “Evan?”

  I turned in surprise at my mother’s voice. She was rising from one of the chairs in the secretary’s plush sitting area.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?” I changed directions and enfolded her in a hug. She squeezed her arms around me tightly.

  “I’ve missed you, and since Mohammad won’t come to the mountain then the mountain must come to Mohammad.” Keeping hold of my arms she leaned back to look me over. “You look good, and your mouth, hands and legs appear in good working order, so why haven’t you called more or come to see me lately?”

  She gave me a mock glare but I could see a hint of sadness behind it, and that had me skimming her frame as well in automatic concern. Jasmine Meadows was a beautiful woman at forty-one years old. She didn’t look past her mid-thirties with her light brown shoulder length hair, bright blue eyes, clear smooth skin only slightly lined near her eyes from of all the smiles she’d given me throughout the years, and her lithe figure kept in shape with regular exercise. She was in an expensive light summer dress that showed it to its advantage.

  My mother may have ended up as a trophy wife but she was a great mom, and that sadness had me on alert. I guided her into the office for privacy as Diane looked on with interest, but once through the door I abruptly recalled that Shaw was on this side. I glanced toward her area and was surprised to see she wasn’t there. She must be either in the restroom, or she’d stepped out. She better not have snuck away. She’d been extra restless around me today and it had me hopeful.

  I guided her further into the room. “Mom, I’m sorry that we haven’t communicated as much this summer, but I’ve been really busy with this new job and I’m working a lot of overtime learning the in’s and out’s of everything.”

  She sighed. “I understand that, but this is the first summer where you haven’t come home and it’s harder than I thought.”

  I narrowed my eyes on her. “Kyle’s not being an ass because I’m not there to slave for him, is he?”

  I had never called Kyle dad. He’d never earned that title from me.

  Now asshole, he’d unquestionably earned that one.

  My first summer back from college he’d had me working shit jobs without pay under his other sons in his businesses. He knew how astute I was and he’d wanted to utilize it. I’d grudgingly accepted it because he was my mom’s husband and he had provided for us through the years. What bothered me was that he knew how close mom and I were and it was something he’d exploited throughout the years; with both of us. He’d also never put his other sons though any of the same shit, or treated them with such dick’ish imperiousness. The worst of it was that I had a feeling he was cheating on my mother and that made dealing with him all that harder.

  At least I hadn’t had the added weight of him paying for my college. I’d gotten a scholarship because I’d been valedictorian and also because of lacrosse.

  Mom’s gaze flickered telling me he was indeed being a dick. “He was disappointed that you decided to work for someone else.”

  I snorted derisively. “I’m sure he is. He lost his whipping boy.”

  I’d put up with a lot of bullshit from that man because he was married to my mother. She had implored me to deal with it just until I graduated. She knew I didn’t want to work for him and she was fine with that, but she’d infused in me that we all had to deal with certain hardships before earning our payoffs.

  “He better get over it quickly. I don’t want him harping on you forever because if it.” I didn’t like the idea of him bitching to her because I wasn’t slaving for him.

  Her expression turned nervous and she paced away. “Actually, I’ve been thinking about…separating. I think I need to put some space between us and get some perspective on my life.”

  I was stunned at her announcement because it was coming out of nowhere, but I was also secretly thrilled. Kyle was just as autocratic with her as he was with me.

  “Six months ago you said you loved him and was happy…What happened since then?” I didn’t really want to question why she was leaving him because I thought it would be good for her, but the disclosure was so out of the blue I couldn’t ignore it.

  She shrugged with her back to me staring out the massive window taking up the entire south wall. “Sometimes you can convince yourself of something…” Turning, she smiled sadly. “And that’s what I did. But now I’m going to use this separation to figure things out.”

  I strode over taking her in my arms. “I’ve always thought that Kyle was an asshole and you could do better but you always assured me you were happy so I put up with him, because I wanted you to be happy. Whatever you decide I support you.”

  She let out a tiny shuddery breath and my heart twisted. I may be happy she was leaving the asshole but I didn’t like seeing her unhappy.

  “You didn’t have a terrible life living there, did you?” She asked into my chest.

  I frowned at her question and leaned back to look down at her. “Of course not. He was an ass, but you were there and you made everything great.” I did not want her thinking she’d put me in a bad situation by marrying that douche.

  She gave me a misty smile and palmed my cheek. “I love you so much. I wanted so much for you, and I hope you get it all.”

  My frown dug deeper at her emotional behavior. I’d always thought that she might have married Kyle because she thought I needed a father and for stability, and her words, plus the fact that she was getting a divorce after I recently graduated and found a job had that thought popping up in my head again.

  I grasped her shoulders gently. “Mom, I wanted those same things for you. You know I’ve always thought Kyle was cheating on you and that he treated you like shit, and when I’d ask why you stayed with him you said you loved him so I tried to accept that you were where you wanted to be. But I’ve always questioned whether you married the guy for me; to give me a better life than what you could provide?” I leveled her with a heavy inquisition expression demanding the truth.

  Her eyes flickered away looking sad, and possibly guilty, but I could just be seeing my own guilt there. Her hands dropped away from my face as she turned around to gaze out the window. She didn’t speak for a minute but I could see she was fighting some internal battle.

  “I loved your father with all my heart, Evan. When he died a little of my heart died with him.” She turned back to me and palmed my cheek again. “I gave the rest of my heart to you. When I first married Kyle I did care for him. I didn’t love him like I loved your father, but after eight years I finally accepted that I never would love anyone that way again. I’ve had my suspicions that Kyle might be cheating, and yes, I turned a blind eye partly because of you, but it was also because I didn’t care about him enough to be upset.”

  I’d always known my mother had loved my father, but I never realized it had been so strong…so all-consuming. There had always been an internal somberness under the happiness she gave me and now I understood why.

  “But now you do care? Is that why you’re finally leaving him?” I asked, an ache in my heart for her.

  She gave me a partial smile. “I see you starting a new chapter in your life and I’m ready to start one as well.”

  Pulling her into a hug I murmured. “I want the same happiness for you that you want for me, mom. I wish you would have pushed for it sooner and not waited for me, but I’m glad you’re finally leaving the prick.”

  She chuckled. “I am too. I haven’
t had sex in a couple years and I need something with real flesh and blood that’s not mechanical.”

  I snorted, only slightly stunned and discomfited at her proclamation. We’d always been able to talk about anything; she’d been both a mother and father and she’d taken the role seriously. She had been the one to give me the birds and the bees talk, and counseled me about protection. Somehow she’d known the day I lost my virginity and warned me that I’d better have treated the girl properly or she would have no problem handing me over to the girl for castration.

  How she knew was still a mystery to me.

  “I love you, mom, but I could have done without that visual.” I gave her peck on the forehead.

  Pulling back she gave me a smile and kiss on the cheek, and then tilted sideways with a frown to look behind me. “Why is that girl sleeping on the floor?” She whispered.

  My head snapped around and I stared in astonishment at Shaw. She’d taken the cushions off the leather couch, arranged them on the floor, and was laid out on her stomach on them. She’d been hidden this whole time behind the coffee table and matching leather chairs. My dick hardened painfully at the sight of her, and her position added a special throbbing to it.

  “Shaw’s someone who is helping us out at the moment. She’s been working hard so she’s probably pretty tired.”

  Mom’s gaze suddenly seemed to sharpen on me. “Will she get in trouble?”

  That was my mom…worried about someone she didn’t even know. Before I could answer her the office door swung open and Dan walked in, minus Landon. His expression was tight telling me that the reunion with his ex-wife had not gone well, and if that was true then it explained why Landon hadn’t come back with him, but at seeing my mother his gaze lit with curiosity.

  “Am I interrupting?” He asked, studying the both of us.

  Putting my hand to moms back I guided her forward. “Dan, this is my mother, Jasmine.”

  His brows rose as he took in my mother and I didn’t miss the appreciation in his gaze. “Impossible.” He stated.


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