Evan's Addiction

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Evan's Addiction Page 11

by Sara Hess

  She blushed faintly as they shook hands and my brows rose this time. Wow, my mom was blushing. Dan was still an attractive and fit man for a guy in his fifties so I guess I could see why she was affected by him.

  “It’s nice to meet the man who took a chance on my son. I can tell you without bias that you won’t regret it.”

  “I am already convinced of that. Evan has a natural head for business and leadership.” Dan declared with a proud smile my stepfather never offered me once.

  Mom got misty eyed all over again as she looked at me. “He’s a really smart boy.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. “Mom…not a boy anymore.”

  She smiled impishly and pinched my cheeks so my mouth puckered. “You’ll always be my little boy.”

  Dan grinned at us, amusement plain on his face. “Evan, if you wanted to take your mother out for lunch now that I’m back…”

  Mom shook her head stopping him. “I just wanted to say hello to my son. I’m not going to pull him away from work.” She turned to give me a hug while throwing her eyes toward the couch. Releasing me she turned back to Dan. “Dan, can I impose on you to walk me to my car and spout more praise about my son.”

  Dan grinned and looped his arm with hers. “I would love to.”

  I realized what she was doing as she waved goodbye. She was trying to save Shaw from getting into trouble. Dan wouldn’t have cared, but I kept that to myself and grinned as the door closed behind them. Then my hungry gaze and feet headed towards Shaw.

  Standing over her I let my gaze run down her frame leisurely. I started at the top of her head that was tilted to the side exposing one sweetly rounded cheek, to full lips with those delicious freckles, and her messy bun that was now even more messy, over her slim back and ass that I could appreciate more now that her shirt wasn’t hiding it, and finally her half naked legs that were somewhat spread making my dick throb so bad with want I nearly bent over in pain.

  I squatted down by her feet and because I was watching her so closely I saw her body stiffen and her eye twitch.

  The little sneak was faking being asleep. When had she woken up? And why was she still pretending? No matter my questions…she was begging to be played with.

  Straddling her legs I bent over and tickled her ruthlessly.

  She screamed and twisted around swiftly slapping at my arms. “Stop, what the hell are you doing?”

  I continued tickling and soon she was laughing through her yelling. I heard the door open behind me as Diane rushed in but she just chuckled and left when she saw what I was doing. She was an awesome assistant.

  Tears were slipping from Shaw’s eyes and though I knew it was from her laughter I stopped. She slumped, inhaled a deep breath and gasped. “Asshole!”

  I stared down at her with a hard-on and a grin. “Where you awake this whole time?”

  Her eyes slipped away guiltily. “No.”

  My eyebrow quirked. “When did you wake up?”

  She shrugged. “A couple minutes ago.” Her gaze came back to me. “I didn’t want to eavesdrop but I didn’t know what to do…sorry.” Embarrassment pinched her face.

  I wasn’t mad, but I liked her in this disposition, and position, so I left that hanging. “What are you doing down here anyway?”

  She inhaled trying to get her erratic breathing under control, causing her breasts to rise. My gaze went there immediately and I got to enjoy watching her nipples peak at my attention. Her cheeks were already flushed from her laughter, but the green of her eyes darkened with the arousal she was starting to feel. We were in a very intimate position with me straddling her and I wasn’t in a hurry to move.

  “I found where the program was loaded.” She declared softly.

  The desire to rub into the V of her legs was making it difficult to think…and that just didn’t happen to me. My brain was always sharp. I fell forward setting my arms on either side of her head, by face inches from hers. Her breath caught and her eyes widened.

  “Yeah,” was all I could think to say as my gaze fixed on her lips. Her tongue came out to lick them and I groaned at the sight of it, and then at how wet her lips got after. Without consent my hips lowered and my painfully hard cock softly brushed her mound. That light contact was both torture and pleasure, making the hardened beast twitch violently in my pants. “That doesn’t explain why you are down here.” I rumbled as I suddenly recalled what we were talking about.

  Her breathing had escalated again making her chest rise and fall rapidly. “I wasn’t certain how long you would be…and my neck hurt…and I was tired…so I decided to lie down.” She panted.

  I rocked a tiny bit…just for a little pressure, and she whimpered while I grunted. Ahh fuck…so good. It was going to be so amazing with her. I couldn’t wait until this weekend. I needed her now. I would have pounced on her…no matter that I was at work…and Dan could walk in at any time…because I wasn’t thinking rationally…but before I could the door knob gave a long rattle. Like ten seconds long.

  Someone was warning us that they were coming in. Giving another groan, in frustration this time, I hauled myself up off her and held out my hand. “Let me help you up, I think Dan’s here.”

  She stared up at me dazed for a moment before blinking in uncertainty, and then she scrambled to her feet without my aid. I was helping her put the cushions back on the couch when Dan strolled in looking like he was holding back a grin.

  Before the situation could get awkward I spoke up. “Dan, Shaw found where the program was loaded.”

  His grin faded into a frown. “Who is it?”

  Shaw hurried over to my desk. I followed at a slower pace on account of my erection. The face on the computer screen was for a Carol Vandervest, one of the accountants.

  “She’s worked here for eleven years. Why would she do this now?” Dan asked in confusion.

  “I’m pretty sure she’s not the one who wrote the program. I’ve studied almost everything she’s done on a computer and she doesn’t have the acumen to design or pull this off.” She looked up meeting my searing gaze. Her eyes flared and her cheeks turned even more crimson before her gaze switched hastily to Dan. “Someone is either using her, or they used her server to upload it.”

  Dan paced away frustrated. “If she uploaded do you think she knows what she did?”

  Shaw shrugged. “I can’t say for sure. She could have brought someone in to use her computer that shouldn’t have been here, or she brought in a flash drive and someone gave her instructions on how to load it. She could be either a willing accomplice or a stupid one.” She gave a grimace like she was sorry that the woman could be that stupid.

  Dan stopped pacing and turned. “So if I have her arrested she will most likely divulge this other person, if she knows?”

  Shaw shrugged uncertainly. “You’re getting into psychology and human nature which I’m not good at. I only read computers.”

  I thought that was a telling observation about herself.

  Dan walked over and picked up the phone on his desk. “I’m going to have security escort her up. If she doesn’t tell us then we do what Shaw suggested; we catch him as he tries to draw the money out of the account.”

  Dan made the call and the three of us waited in heavy silence for the woman to be brought up. It took sixteen minutes. Dan was sitting at his desk, I was standing next to it, and Shaw remained at my desk out of the way when the door opened and two security guards conducted the woman in. Carol’s face was white and obviously scared shitless. If we were in any doubt of her guilt the air of desperation around her dispelled it.

  Security directed her over to one of the chairs and then stepped back several feet. I remembered meeting this woman several times when Dan and I had spoken with all the accountants about where the money discrepancy was coming from. I recalled her being slightly on edge. She was in her mid-thirties, brown hair, and moderately attractive.

  “Mr. McKay, what’s going on?” She asked shakily, eyes bright with panic.

/>   Dan went right for the attack. “We know everything, Carol.” Her eyes widened. “We found the program that was siphoning money, and we traced it back to your computer. We also found the account the money is being funneled into.”

  Absolute fear had taken over Carol’s face, and tears were pooling rapidly.

  “Tell us who put you up to this Carol and I will have the D.A. go easy on you.”

  Carol spilled like a busted dam; both emotionally and loquaciously. She’d met someone, a Frank Lowell, a few months ago and he’d convinced her to fall into this plan. It had seemed reasonable to her because they were only stealing what amounted to pennies from each account. They were supposed to do it for a couple more months and then disappear together to warmer climates.

  I’d been glancing at Shaw throughout Carol’s story and her expression had gone sadly sympathetic during the woman’s tale. When Carol said they planned to do it for a couple more months Shaw spoke up for the first time.

  “At the end of this month that program was set to extract five million dollars. Frank, if that’s even his real name, was planning to cut and run early and not take you with him, Carol.”

  Carol stared at Shaw in shock and then began to sob harder. Dan and I were surprised at Shaw’s latest revelation as well.

  Shaw shrugged and blushed, her hooded gaze sliding past me. “I meant to tell you but I got distracted.”

  I had to hide my grin realizing I’d been the distraction. I was torn between being pleased and repentant by that fact.

  The police were called and when they arrived Shaw handed over everything she had to them. They looked her over in disbelief; her age and attire most likely raising their skepticism. However, as she explained her process in finding her evidence all the big words she was throwing out finally convinced them of her intelligence, and I couldn’t hold back my smile as their doubt turned to respect.

  I wasn’t overjoyed at the looks the young rookie cop was giving her though. He looked about twenty-five and he was sidling up a little too close to her. Shaw had tidied her mop of curls into a less messy bun, but her appearance still had a drowsy, bedded look to her that would tug at any guy’s joy-stick.

  Walking up behind her I began massaging her shoulders. “Hey Shaw, you have to be getting tired, and hungry.” She’d arrived at ten this morning and it was almost four now, and while that was only six hours I could see the day had kicked her ass.

  Shaw’s already tense muscles stiffened further under me. I just massaged deeper. “Uhm…yes, I am a little of both.” Her tension didn’t last under my ministrations. She sagged.

  I stared down the two cops that had been questioning her. “You guys are going to hand this over to your tech guys, aren’t you? If they have further questions I’m sure they can call her.”

  The older cop nodded. “Yeah, were done here. You did a great job, Miss O’Conner. Good to know you’re on the right side of the law.” With a nod of respect and salute he motioned for the rookie to follow him. The young cop raised his brow at me in cocky acknowledgment as he walked away, but he did walk away.

  “You ready to go home?” I asked continuing to knead. Touching her was sending my blood rushing south all over again. Being around Shaw was like high school all over again; erections popping up incessantly.

  “Please and yes.” She grunted adorably, her head bobbing with my deep massaging.

  I wouldn’t be able to take her home this time and that made me restless, but there was no way I could leave, not with everything that had just gone down. The rest of today and tomorrow was going to be jam packed with paperwork and meetings. Dan was going to want to get as much done before the weekend and Landon’s wedding.

  Leaning down I murmured in her ear. “I’ll call the company driver while you get your things together and then I’ll walk you down.” With one last squeeze I reluctantly released her and reached for my desk phone.

  Shaw sighed and I watched her give me several covert glances under her lashes as she packed up her gear. Each one had my dick jerking. Dan was busy on the phone but gave Shaw a smiling thumbs up as I escorted her out. She returned them with ones of her own. The car was waiting out front and I opened the back door for her to climb in.

  When she was settled and buckled in I bent over and got in her face. “Dan is expecting you at the wedding. Maya and Landon are expecting you. Almost everyone is expecting you there. And if Carrie tells me you chickened out I’m going to come over and abduct you. Consequently, you have numerous incentives to give in to the inevitable.” Her eyes narrowed but I saw the conflict in them. Reaching into my jacket I pulled out a folded piece of paper, her check, and held it out to her between two fingers with a smirk. “Buy yourself something pretty.”

  She took it but continued to gaze at me intently with those vivid green eyes, and unable to stop myself I leaned forward, cupped the back of her head, and captured her mouth. The taste of her exploded inside me unleashing the long repressed lust that had been building for months and I gorged, almost powerless to the intoxicating rush of desire that slammed into me. Fuck…this was infinitely better than I imagined. Hell, I don’t think I could have imagined anything like this because I’d never some across it before.

  My mouth and tongue dominated hers as I sucked, bit and licked. Shaw may have tried to keep up but I was too besieged by desire to notice. I did feel her hand touch my head, and later I couldn’t say if it was to pull me closer or push me away, but I was the one that ended up pulling back as one of the police cruisers out front let out a short sharp siren blast.

  I stared at her staggered by the intensity of what I’d just experienced, because it had been out of control…I had been out of control.

  Shaw returned my stare with same shocked, bemused eyes.

  My gaze snagged on her wet lips and with an absentminded swipe of my thumb across their lushness I grunted out thickly. “Get some rest.”

  I closed the door and watched the car drive away with a feeling of disconcertment, but also with a new respect for addicts, because it had only taken one kiss and I was undeniably addicted. Nothing was going to stop me from having Shaw now that I’d had a taste of her.



  All day Friday I walked around in a muddled frame of mind. I tried my damn’dest to be pissed at Evan for kissing me like that, basically mauling me and leaving my lips tender even a day later, but each time I recalled the kiss to draw on that anger the only feelings that rose inside me was a hot, electric burn and sharp, spasmic twinges in my damn girly parts.

  I was more irked at his comment on abducting me. He’d essentially ordered me to be at Landon and Maya’s wedding, the dickhole. I didn’t listen to orders given to me by men; especially arrogant, kiss me silly, dickhole men.

  God, that kiss. Was that what a kiss was supposed to feel like, because no other kiss had ever felt like that? Kisses before had assuaged a little bit of the loneliness inside me, but Evan’s kiss had made me drunk with want, forging a connection I’d never experienced. It had awakened a primal hunger that had threatened to consume me, body and soul. I’d been about to fall into it when he’d abruptly pulled away.

  “Oh, my, god, Shaw, you look amazing. That dress is perfect.” Carrie gushed, pulling me back to the present.

  Carrie and I were buying dresses at a moderately priced boutique for the wedding, but I wasn’t buying myself something pretty because Evan had told me to. Carrie needed one and since I’d let her drag me to this wedding I had to get one as well.

  “I don’t know.” I had never worn a dress in my life and I didn’t feel amazing. I felt uncomfortable and not at all like me.

  The mirror showed a beautiful dress; a light pale peach color…that surprisingly didn’t clash with my bright red hair…leaving one of my shoulders bare while fitting snugly across my upper body barely showing any cleavage, and belling out below my waist to just above my knees. The bust and waist had a criss-cross pattern that made it look draped as it cam
e up over my right shoulder. I liked the dress, but I wasn’t certain I was carrying it off.

  “I’m serious, Shaw. That dress is gorgeous on you. You have to get it.” Carrie urged, standing there in a light blue dress she was thinking about buying.

  Nic, who’d come with us, pulled his gaze from Carrie to glance my way. “That dress does look great on you, Shaw.”

  I sighed. “Fine. I don’t want to try any more dresses on anyway.” I grouched heading back into the changing room.

  Carrie just grinned knowing that I was more bark than bite, and no matter how grumpy I acted I really did like the dress.

  Nic and Carrie argued about who was paying for hers while I used a chunk of the five thousand I’d just gotten to pay for mine. Neither of us was a heel girl so we settled for flat decorative sandals.

  Leaving the store Nic drove us back to the hotel. Dan and Landon had rented rooms, actually an entire floor, for two nights at a beachside hotel in Virginia Beach where the wedding was taking place. That way people wouldn’t have to drive in on the wedding day if they didn’t want to, and afterwards we could all crash there after the reception. I’d had to stock Rosie with food and water for the two days I’d be gone.

  Walking into the hotel I was again bowled away at the extravagance of the place. This was five-star all the way with its plush furnishings, expensive design, concierge, and every amenity known to man. I kept my room at the apartment OCD clean and had pretty nice stuff, at least nicer than I’d grown up with, but it didn’t compare to my room here at the hotel.

  The wealthy certainly lived an entirely different existence.

  It was a little after four o’clock and we were taking the elevator up to our floor when Nic received a text. “Seth says that everyone is heading down to the hotels restaurant. You guys hungry?”

  My heart skipped uncontrollably wondering if Evan was here yet making me want to pull it out and smack it around…the stupid, betraying organ. However, I did agree to go down with them because I was hungry. Twenty minutes later we returned back downstairs and were being led outside to the covered veranda facing the ocean. It appeared it had been reserved just for the wedding guests.


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