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Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 2

by Paige Cameron

  His spicy aroma had her taking a deep breath. He looked right into her eyes, and an ache started deep inside and low. The sounds of the engines revving and the door being latched brought her head around.

  “We’re taking off.”

  “Yes, darlin’. We’re going to my personal island for dinner.”

  “Stop this plane right now.”

  “Too late.” Drake moved to the nearest seat and fastened his belt. “For ten thousand dollars don’t you think I deserve to choose the place where we eat?”

  “Within reason, and that doesn’t include a restaurant hundreds of miles away.”

  “Most women would be overjoyed at the prospect.” His smooth purr of a voice sent a shiver down her spine.

  “I’m not most women.”

  “And that is why you’re here, and they’re not.”

  Chapter Two

  “We forgot my bathing suit,” Janice added, trying to convince Drake to turn the plane around.

  “No worry. We can swim nude.”

  “Not me.”

  “I’m very surprised at how puritanical you are.”

  “I am not. I’m sensible, rational, not wild, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to have fun.”

  “When is the last time you really let yourself have fun?”

  He’d unfasten his belt and now stood beside her chair. Reaching down, he released her. “Come with me. I’ll give you that tour.”

  “The last time you said that to me, I ended up on this plane flying to some mystery island.”

  Drake laughed and pulled her out of the chair. He led her down a short hall and opened the door to the end room. “‘Step into my web,’ said the spider.”

  A shiver ran up her spine at his words. With a gentle push, she found herself inside a luxurious bedroom.

  “All the comforts of home, I see,” she said.

  “Why be uncomfortable when you travel? I’m on the go a lot.”

  Janice took a cautious step further into the room. She turned to find Drake leaning against the door, a seductive smile on his face, hunger glittering in his eyes. She clasped her hands together to hide their tremor.

  “Go over and look in the bathroom. It’s quite decadent.”

  “I’ve no doubt, knowing you.”

  “But that’s the problem, you don’t know me. You’ve listened to others about my reputation.”

  “You are known to be a ladies’ man. Are you saying the gossips are wrong?”

  Drake moved closer, and her heartbeat sped up. Standing in the middle of his bedroom made her feel vulnerable. She hated not having control.

  “I enjoy life to the fullest, but perhaps not as full as people like to imagine. I’m thirty-two, and definitely not a virgin.”

  There went the flash of heat to her face, again.

  “Are you a prude, Janice, or as innocent as you appear? You’re definitely an intriguing woman.”

  He had stepped right into her space. She wanted to move back. She didn’t. Her body rebelled, and she found herself leaning in toward him. He licked across her mouth, and nibbled at the corner of her lip. She parted her lips, and he gently moved his tongue inside. They were held together only by the steamy kiss.

  Drake straightened. His brown eyes held her fascinated. “Have you ever done something just because you wanted to, without thinking out all the pros and cons? My sweet, who holds herself to a rigid control, what would happen if you let it all go?”

  Mesmerized by his tone, the lingering desire still flowing through her veins, Janice wanted to do as he suggested. She’d never have the courage. Tomorrow reality always returned.

  She turned away and put space between them. “I’m not the woman you want. I don’t do wild, wicked weekends. I suppose in your world, I am that prude.” Janice was surprised to be blinking her eyes to keep tears from falling.

  “I have time. I’ll show you the way.” His hands cupped her shoulders as he whispered into her ear.

  Janice whirled out of his grasp and forced a smile on her face. “Temptation comes in a very handsome package.” She let her eyes roam down and back up his lean, sexy body. As she’d hoped, he laughed, the lust in his eyes not quite as apparent as earlier.

  “Ah, my love, you are a woman of contradictions, a challenge. I intend to discover all your secrets.”

  “Why? There are hundreds of women who’d love this attention. I don’t want it,” she said, and crossed her fingers behind her back.

  “Shall we go back to the front of the plane? I’d offer the bed for you to rest, perhaps sleep the rest of the journey, but you don’t trust me enough, yet, to do that.”

  When she had safely returned to the main, well-lit cabin and sat down in her chair, he went back to his seat. He swiveled to face her. “What you said back there”—he nodded toward the bedroom—“you lied, we both know it. I intend to prove it.”

  Drake rang for the stewardess. “Please bring us some snacks and a whiskey for me. Would you like wine, or is that too daring?” he asked Janice.

  “Actually, I’d like a Rusty Nail.” His surprised expression had her grinning.

  “See what I mean, a woman of contradictions.”

  * * * *

  They ate, and afterward Drake put his chair back and slept. Janice enjoyed observing him. He had good bone structure, high cheek bones, a strong mouth, and a square, determined jaw. He was not a pretty, handsome man, his face spoke too much of being a leader. His only softness, the dark, brown hair worn slightly long, shone silky in the soft cabin light. She had an absurd desire to run her fingers through the strands.

  Instead, she focused her attention on the rest of his long, lean body sprawled in his chair. Always, she’d sensed a leashed tiger underneath his gentleman persona. Even asleep, he appeared ready to wake, and charge if necessary. I suppose in all the dangerous situations he goes into he must be prepared.

  He didn’t talk about the arbitration work he did for the government, under the guise of being an international attorney. What was his background? Where was he from? She’d never asked Samantha’s husband, Jackson, about his friend. She jumped when Drake’s eyes suddenly opened.

  “How can a man sleep with you so loudly observing him?” He pretended to be irritated, but his laughing eyes gave him away.

  “You like for women to admire you.”

  “Don’t you like for men to do the same to you?”

  “Perhaps, sometimes.”

  Drake glanced out the window. “We’re close. The seat belt sign will come on soon. It will be good to be here. One of the few places I can really relax.”

  The plane landed as the sun set across the calm sea. Streaks of pink and orange painted the sky and the water. Excitement began to build inside her. A private island. Few people, and none she’d known, had ever had the money to purchase a whole island. He was obviously well-paid for his work.

  “I can’t wait for you to see the house.”

  For a second, he reminded her of a young boy showing off his prized possession.

  The sunset streaked across the villa, making the house look like a many-faceted jewel sitting on the top of a high hill. She couldn’t look away as they wound their way along the curved drive. Purples, pinks, and orange colors alternated over the window panes. The smell of flowers, jasmine, orange blossom, and other sweet scents blew around her. Had she fallen asleep and awoke in Eden?

  “You like my island and my home?” He reached across the seat and clasped her hand.

  “I do. It’s a magical place. The air is soft and sweet, and the views are magnificent.”

  “Glad I tricked you into coming?”

  Janice glanced at him. “I believe I am. We’ll see afterwards.”

  “Always cautious.”

  The driver, who’d been waiting for them in an old convertible, turned into a wide gravel drive that led to the house. He stopped at the front door and went around to the trunk to get the one small bag Drake had brought with him.

  Drake ope
ned her door and put out his hand. “Welcome, to my home.”

  The house was surrounded by terraces filled with flowers. A smiling, plump, gray-haired woman greeted them at the door.

  “Welcome. Come in. When you’re ready I have hors d’oeuvres and drinks ready to bring out to the veranda.”

  “Thank you, Ulani. This is my friend, Janice Dedrick. Janice, Ulani is a wonderful cook. You’ll love her food.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  “I’m going to show Janice around. We’ll be out on the veranda in a few minutes.”

  “Good. It is nice meeting you, Miss Dedrick.”

  “Please call me Janice.”

  Ulani nodded and walked away.

  Drake guided Janice into a large living room. The windows facing west gave a picture of the terraces and blue water in the distance. The whole world painted in all the colors of the rainbow.

  She followed Drake around as he pointed out an office, and the kitchen that opened off this room. All the rooms had glass sliding doors opening to a wide veranda. They came to a short hall, and Drake motioned for her to go ahead of him.

  “I have two bedrooms here, one on each side. The last door is mine. Go ahead and enter.”

  She glanced back at him. “It’s safe for me to enter?”

  “Of course. But, it might be dangerous for me. Who knows, you might decide to attack me and cover me with kisses.” His lip quirked up at the corner.

  Janice shook her head. “You’re hallucinating.”

  “Nope, dreaming.”

  The door opened with a creak. “I guess I’m not using this room enough. I’ll get Keoni, our driver and Ulani’s husband, to oil the hinges.”

  She ignored him. She was too busy absorbing the beauty of his room. It was large. Windows wrapped around, giving views from three directions. A wide expanse of sea shone from every angle, giving the effect of being on a ship. The light blue walls only added to that impression. The large, round bed sat in the center. To the left, next to the windows, was a partially opened door. She could see a bath done in soft yellows. The sound of a quiet motor had her looking around.

  “Look up,” Drake said.

  Above the bed, part of the roof had pulled back, exposing another window.

  “At night all the stars twinkle down on you.”

  Janice took a deep breath, trying to settle her body. Heat had flashed along every nerve. She could visualize the darkness, Drake’s hard, hot body against hers, and the cool sky above.

  “A room for seduction,” she said in a hoarse whisper.

  Drake stepped behind her and brushed her auburn hair to the side. He kissed the side of her neck and sent shivers across her body. One hand slid into the opening of her shirt, and his fingers caressed the tip of her breast. With his other arm, he pulled her tight against him.

  Deep inside, her pussy throbbed with desire. She clenched her inner muscles. He surrounded her, his body, and his musky, masculine scent. His teeth nipped at the edge of her earlobe, and she thought she’d melt in a puddle at his feet.

  Janice licked her dry lips. “We mustn’t do this.” Her words came out in a whisper.

  “Why not?”

  She swallowed and gulped for air. “I want a committed relationship, and you want a fling.”

  He turned her and held her head between his hands while his mouth ravished hers. His tongue did a sensuous dance inside her mouth, touching, tasting, demanding her to respond.

  Drake raised his head and ran his finger across her swollen lips. “What’s wrong with having a fling?”

  “Nothing, if that’s where you are in your life. I’m ready to find the right man and settle down. You’re ready to fly away at the drop of a hat. I have to protect myself from men like you.”

  A frown crossed his lean, hard face. He dropped his arms to his side. “Shall we go to the veranda? Ulani will be waiting with her delectable hors d’oeuvres.”

  Janice walked around him, down the hall, and waited in the living room for him to show her the way outside. He’d stopped to close the rooftop view. He came to her side and motioned for her to go out the doors on the right side of the room.

  It was dusk, and tiki lights had been lit around the edge of the veranda. Moonlight had begun to cast a silver glow over the waves rolling lazily to the shore. On the next terrace down, Janice saw the pool, its multicolored lights reflected under the water.

  Ulani brought out a tray of mixed hors d’oeuvres—bacon-wrapped shrimp, stuffed mushrooms, cheese, and grapes. She left and returned with tall, frosty glasses filled with a rose-colored drink.

  Janice took a cautious sip. “It’s delicious.”

  “Ulani’s mixture of fruits. She doesn’t tell anyone her recipe. And, don’t worry. There isn’t a drop of alcohol in the mix.”

  “I wasn’t worried,” Janice protested.

  “You worry about everything. I’d like to show you how to quit worrying and enjoy life, but to be honest, you’re right. I am only looking for a fling. I haven’t the time to get serious, nor can I see myself settling down, not just yet anyway.”

  Janice’s heart dropped at his words. Well, what did you expect him to say, that he’d fallen madly in love with you? Be real, girl.

  “I appreciate your honesty.” She forced a smile, and hoped the dim lighting hid her heart’s disappointment. She sampled all the different snacks, and drank the rest of her drink.

  Drake had gone quiet, and stared off into the distance. He looked at her. “I’m being a poor host. Let’s walk through the gardens, and then Ulani will have our dinner ready.”

  He surprised her with his knowledge of the flowers, knowing their names and other interesting tidbits about them. He stopped her under a wide-spreading tree with gorgeous red flowers.

  “I saw one of these trees and loved the beauty of the blooms. It’s native to Madagascar, and named Delonix regia or Royal Poinciana. I’ve also seen them in Florida. I had this one flown here and planted. It’s done very well.”

  “It fits in your tropical garden.” Overhead, a million stars had come out to shine in the velvet black sky. A wonderful scent of flowers, cinnamon, and good food wafted through the air around them.

  In slow motion, Drake bent and gave her a gentle kiss. “You are a lovely lady, Janice Dedrick. It’s too bad we met at the wrong time for us.”

  He put his hand on the curve of her back and directed her toward the veranda. Ulani immediately brought out salads and rolls. She poured a white sparkling wine in their glasses. Hungry, they ate with little conversation between them. When they finished with the salads, Ulani served the main course. She brought the dishes out on a cart. Fresh fish lay on a bed of rice with a side of buttered carrots. A large bowl of fruit was set in the center of the small table. More rolls and wine were added.

  “This is absolutely the best food in the most beautiful surroundings,” Janice said.

  “I was lucky to find this place right when it went up for sale. When I need to refuel myself, I come here. Every time, I wonder why I haven’t come back sooner. Thank you for giving me the excuse to return today. I wouldn’t have otherwise. I’m going overseas tomorrow.”

  “Ah, another adventure,” Janice teased.

  He only smiled and turned his attention back to his food.

  Drake was a mysterious man. He had many facets himself. Perhaps she’d misjudged him in some perspectives. She tried to brush away the tinge of sadness that had flavored the evening ever since he’d admitted he only wanted a fling.

  Drake got up and went inside. She heard him speaking softly to Ulani and then soft music filled the space around her.

  “We’ll have dessert, and Keoni will drive us back to the plane.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll have you home by early morning. It will be Sunday, so you can sleep in.”

  Dessert was flaming baked Alaska served in individual dishes. Ulani brought their coffee, and then went to tell her husband to bring the car around.

  Shortly after they finish
ed eating, they were on their way down the curving road toward the landing strip. The stewardess greeted them, and in minutes they took off.

  “Put your seat back and rest,” Drake said. “Sleep if you can.”

  “I probably will. I’m full of wonderful food and wine.” She smiled at him and closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  He knew when she went to sleep. Her sweet, curvy body totally relaxed in the chair. The stewardess had dimmed the lights, but still her red hair glowed.

  Her rosy mouth parted slightly, her skin had a golden tan both on her face and along her neck and arms. She had sleek lines, but was rounded in all the right places. He remembered his first glimpse of her standing at the top of the stairs to the plane. A goddess with dark red hair. He’d wanted her then, and he did now, but her words had brought him to a stark reality.

  She wasn’t a woman to trifle with. She wanted more than he was ready to give. When he held her in his arms in his bedroom, the scent of violets in her hair, her soft breast in his hand, and her sweet ass against his rock-hard cock, all his blood went out of his brain and straight down. The caveman wanted to throw her on the bed and sink deep inside her softness. He could almost taste her sweet pussy. Then, she gave him the ultimatum.

  He had kissed her, hoping she wasn’t serious, but when he looked into her greenish brown eyes, he’d glimpsed the brief flash of hope. When he told her the truth, his words hurt her. She hid it well.

  Seeing her subdued surprisingly hurt him. Why? He’d had to be honest about his situation with several women over the past eight years, ever since he’d gotten involved with trying to help the government. His present career stood in the way of any meaningful relationship.

  He was tired. He’d like nothing better than to pick her up and cuddle on his bed. But he didn’t trust himself to just cuddle with her, and she didn’t trust him at all.

  Drake stretched. Lucky he was leaving tomorrow, leaving temptation behind.

  Chapter Three

  Two months later


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