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The Philadelphia Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set

Page 23

by Taryn Plendl

  “Who’s Adam?” Ava asked.

  “A guy on Nick’s soccer team. I met him when I went to the last game.”

  “Are you going to go out with him?” Talia raised her eyebrows at me.

  “I think I might.” I shrugged.

  “Do you think Nick will mind?” Ava asked.

  “Seriously girls, Nick and I are just friends.”

  “I don’t buy it.” Talia shook her head.

  “Well, I don’t know what else to tell you. It’s true. Seriously, have you ever seen the girls Nick goes after? I am about as far from that as you can get.” They both laughed and nodded in agreement.

  Chapter 12


  “Hey.” Chelsea walked in, bogged with several bags. She tried to blow the hair out of her face, finally giving up and just dropping the bags.

  “Damn girl! Did you leave anything at the store?” I joked.

  “I’ll have you know that I only bought the necessities.” She stuck out her tongue at me. “Where can I hang these?”

  “You can put them in the left side of the closet if you want.”

  “Thanks.” She grinned as she sauntered back to the bedroom.

  “Are you hungry? I’m making spaghetti.” I pointed to the pan on the stove.

  “Yum! Sounds good.” She sat down on the bar stool, slipping her shoes off and putting her feet up on the stool next to her. I couldn’t help but notice how attractive her feet were, not to mention the incredible legs that they were attached to.

  “I met up with Talia and Ava. We had a couple of drinks.” That would explain the red blush on her cheeks and the smile that had covered her pretty face ever since she waltzed through the door.

  “There’s trouble.” I chuckled. “How’s the dynamic duo?”

  “A riot, as usual. Talia and Tom are finally moving in together, not that they didn’t basically live together anyway, but they are giving up her apartment.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me one bit.” I knew this was coming, but I wasn’t sure if they would get engaged beforehand or not. There was no doubt in my mind that they would get married. They had a connection that could rival Trevor and Ava’s.

  “Hey, speaking of friends, Adam asked me out.” I froze momentarily, and was thankful that my back was to her. I picked up the spoon and began stirring the sauce.

  “Really?” I did my best to control my voice. “Good for you. You guys will be great together.” I turned around and looked at her, doing my best to smile, although I’m pretty sure I looked like a toddler trying to take a secret shit. It’s amazing how jealous I was getting when Chelsea wasn’t even my girlfriend.

  “Oh, okay, thanks.” She smiled back at me before hopping off the stool and walking over to the couch. I dished our plates up with spaghetti and sauce as I watched her tap out a text message. I assumed it was to Adam, and I kicked myself for not stopping her. Adam is an asshole to women. I don’t want him to hurt her.

  Dinner was a bit awkward and quiet, and I know it was because of my shitty attitude. Chelsea offered to clean up since I cooked, so I took my laundry to my room to fold and hang up.

  Opening the closet, my heart sped up when I saw her extremely feminine clothing hanging next to mine. It should scare me to have a woman’s things taking over my apartment, but it didn’t. Plus, this wasn’t just any woman; this was my Chelsea. She was my friend, and I genuinely cared for her.

  I let one of her new dresses slip through my fingers. It was so soft, and I could picture how it would hug Chelsea’s body.

  “Did I take up too much space?”

  I spun around quickly. “Uh, no. I was just making sure I didn’t crowd your clothes. I don’t want to wrinkle them.”

  “Nick?” Chelsea closed the distance between us, and wrapped her arms around my waist. God, she smelled like heaven.

  I pulled her into me and rested my chin on her head. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you.”

  “For what?” I pulled back so I could look at her.

  “For letting me stay here.” She smiled. “For being such a good friend.”

  “You’re welcome, Chelsea. I’m glad you decided to stay.” I kissed her on the head before I let her go and stepped back. “Are we running tomorrow?” I needed to change the subject before I made a fool of myself.

  “Definitely.” She grinned. “Want to watch a movie?”

  “I’ll make popcorn; you choose a movie.”

  I watched her from the kitchen. I was surprised at how easy it was to have her here. I always thought it would be a hardship to have a woman stay with me. That was why I never let any of the women I slept with stay the night. I didn’t want to give them any hope that they would be more to me than a good time. Chelsea was different. I genuinely liked having her here. Seeing her asleep in my bed earlier today did strange things to my stomach. Her beautiful red hair sprawled around my pillow. Her pale skin, long eyelashes and pink lips slightly parted—she really was beautiful.


  I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and headed to the couch. “What are we watching, Chelsea girl?”

  “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days.” She grinned.

  “Ah, vagina-vision. You’re lucky I like you. I don’t watch chick-flicks for just anyone.” I winked and laughed at her goofy smile as she curled her feet under her, and leaned against me. I could really get used to this.


  Every day this past week, my day started with an amazing run. Chelsea was pushing me hard, but I always felt incredible after. I wasn’t about to let her know, but I had noticed a difference with my stamina on the soccer field. Not only was I improving my game, but I also got to spend time with Chelsea, doing something she loved.

  We settled into a comfortable routine together. Our evenings were spent making dinner, watching TV, laughing and talking. Tonight had been no different. After cleaning up after a delicious stir-fry dinner, we settled on the couch with a couple of beers and a movie. Chelsea had her feet resting on my lap as I rubbed them. Holy shit! How had she gotten me to rub her damn feet without even realizing it?

  “Nick, I talked to the company that owns my apartment complex today.”

  “What did they say?” I continued to rub her feet. What the hell; she liked it.

  “Um, I’m going to need to look for a new apartment. It looks like they are going to have to renovate the entire complex.”

  “Can you get your things yet?” I asked.

  “Yes. It needs to be cleared out by Sunday.”

  “Okay, I’ll get Trevor and Tom together Saturday, and we can move you in here.” Wow, where did that come from?

  “Wait, what?” She pulled her feet away and sat up.

  “I have a second room that is empty. It’s yours if you want it.” I smiled. This was a great idea. I loved having her here.

  “Nick, I can’t move in here. I’ve already worn out my welcome.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “When was the last time you had a date?” Chelsea cocked her head to the side.

  “Have you forgotten? I don’t date.” Where was she going with this?

  “Okay, when was your last booty call?”

  My mouth dropped open. I knew exactly when that was. It was the night Chelsea had needed me, and I wasn’t there. “What are you getting at, Chelsea?”

  “I’m cramping your style, Nick. Aren’t you ready to get back to your normal life?” I thought about it for a minute. To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about another woman in the past week. I didn’t miss anything.

  “Chelsea, I like having you here. You aren’t cramping my style at all. Please just think about it, okay? The room is yours if you want it, and I would love to have you as a roommate.”

  “If you’re serious, I would love to be your roommate. Thank you, Nick; I don’t know what I would do without you.” She leaned forward and threw her arms around me, knocking me back in the process.

I hugged her back, laughing. “I told you I’d do anything for you, Chelsea girl. My casa is yo casa.”

  “I think it is actually, ‘Mi casa es su casa,’ Nick.” She giggled.

  “Whatever, I’m just glad you’re staying.” I grinned. I reached down and put her feet back in my lap and started to rub them again.

  About three quarters of the way through the movie, Chelsea had fallen asleep. Her breathing was soft and rhythmic, and she looked so peaceful. I moved her feet off of me so I could take our dishes to the kitchen. When I came back, she had curled up on her side in a little ball, and I could feel my heart flutter when I looked at her. What the hell was happening to me? I was becoming such a pansy.

  Before I could stop myself, I leaned down and brushed my lips across hers. I pulled back, thankful that she didn’t even stir. How would I explain that to her, when I wasn’t even sure why I did it in the first place?


  The next week flew by in the blink of an eye. We moved Chelsea in over the weekend and put her extra furniture and things in storage until she decided to get her own place. I was secretly hoping that she wouldn’t find a place though; I really did like having her here.

  That was a bit unnerving for me. I wasn’t used to being so involved with a woman, especially when sex wasn’t even involved.

  “Bye, Nick!” Chelsea hollered from the kitchen.

  “Bye, Chelsea girl!” I heard the front door close. I finished drying my hair with my towel, wrapped it around my waist, and stepped out of the steam filled bathroom to get ready for work. We ran eight miles this morning, and I had never felt better. Not only was I in better shape than I’d been in since college, but I was having a good time, too.

  I could still smell the soft fruity scent of Chelsea’s lotion as I stepped into the kitchen. Glancing around, I could see the touches of femininity that were scattered around the apartment. While that should have sent up red flags, it didn’t. I grabbed a cup of coffee and smiled when I saw the chocolate chip muffin sitting next to the coffee maker with a note taped to it:

  Have a great day! <3 Chelsea

  She was so good to me! I picked up my things and headed out for work with an extra bounce in my step. Life was good.

  Chapter 13


  I walked across the grassy field toward the bleachers. The game was under way, and I could see Nick running around with focus and passion. He was really something to watch. His love of the game showed through every movement, no matter how small.

  I could feel the chill of the cold metal seat radiate straight through my thin leggings. October had brought much cooler weather. Nick said they only had a couple more outdoor games before starting the indoor league. I wrapped my jacket tighter around myself as I watched the game.

  I stood at the bottom of the bleachers at the end of the game, and smiled when I locked eyes with Nick. We moved toward each other, and I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me in a huge hug. He pulled his face back to look at me without separating our bodies. I could feel his hard chest against mine, and hoped he couldn’t feel my nipples harden. Why was I having this type of reaction toward him? He was just a friend, right?

  “I didn’t know you were coming!” He grinned and my stomach dropped.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mention it this morning. I had to get to work earlier so I could leave early this afternoon,” I explained as Adam walked up behind Nick.

  “Hi Chelsea.” Nick tensed at the sound of Adam’s voice. “Thanks for keeping my date company, Nick.” Adam smacked Nick on the back.

  “Your date?” Nick looked at me with raised eyebrows. Shit. I could swear he looked hurt for a moment.

  “Um, Adam asked me to go to dinner with him tonight.” My stomach was in knots as I watched Nick turn from my happy friend to completely shut down. He was obviously upset, but I didn’t know why. He had made no indication that he wanted anything more than a friendship, and I had told him that Adam asked me out. What was the problem?

  “Well, have a good time. I’ll see you later at home.” Nick turned and stalked off toward the locker room.

  “At home?” Adam questioned.

  I watched as Nick threw the door open, slamming it against the wall, as he walked through it.

  “Um, Nick and I live together,” I explained.

  “Really?” He laughed as he watched after Nick. “Give me about fifteen minutes and I’ll be ready.” He squeezed my hand and ran off the same way that Nick had just disappeared.

  I sat down on a bench outside of the building and waited. I felt conflicted. I really wanted to go out with Adam, but not at the expense of my friendship with Nick. I stood up the moment I saw him walk out the door.

  “Nick?” His phone rang before I could say anything else, and he held his hand up to stop me from coming any closer.

  “Hey Tom. You guys want to meet me at the club?” He spoke into the phone, “No, I’m tired of being tied down at home; I need to get out. I’m as bored as a blind man with no arms at a porn festival.” He stared at me as he spoke, and I felt like he had punched me in the stomach. I never asked him to stay in with me all the time. If he had a problem with it, he surely never indicated it. I thought he enjoyed my company, but I guess I was reading more into it. Whatever.

  The second he hung up the phone, the door swung open again, and Adam was walking toward me, smiling. I glanced back at Nick, but what I saw in his eyes was disgust, and in a matter of seconds, all of the walls I allowed him to tear down were erected again. Without another word, Nick turned and walked away.

  “Are you ready Chelsea?” Adam touched my arm softly.

  I shook my head, trying to clear it. “Yes, let’s go.” I smiled up at him. He looked at me with such gentleness; it made me want to cry. The issues I had with Nick weren’t Adam’s fault. He deserved my full attention tonight, and that is exactly what I was going to do.

  “So, I noticed some tension between you and Nick. Are you sure there isn’t anything going on there?” Adam opened my door for me. I waited until he got in the driver’s seat before answering him.

  “No, there is definitely nothing going on between Nick and me.” Why did that statement make me feel like I’d been punched in the gut?

  Adam grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “I’m glad. Ready for a good time?” His smile was huge, and I did my best to put Nick out of my mind. Tonight was about Adam and me.


  I lay on the couch, glancing at the clock again, like I’d done about every fifteen minutes for the last two hours. It was almost one in the morning, and Nick wasn’t home yet.

  My date with Adam had been … nice. He took me to a cute little restaurant and was attentive and sweet. He was good company and wasn’t overly aggressive with his affection. Our conversation was easy and constant. I truly enjoyed my time with him, but I couldn’t get Nick’s face out of my mind, and when Adam had kissed me goodnight, I couldn’t help but wish it was Nick. The idea of kissing Nick had thrown me off. I thought I was past that. I needed to talk to him. I needed to know why he was so upset with me going out with Adam, but most of all, I needed to know if I was the only one who was feeling more than friendship.

  I heard the keys jingle in the door. I sat up so quickly that my head was spinning slightly. I wanted to get Nick’s attention when he came in, before he headed to bed. The door swung open, and he stumbled through with a pair of arms and legs wrapped around him. He managed to get the door closed before he pushed his blonde guest up against the wall, kissing down her neck as she moaned and giggled. I was frozen in my spot, unable to turn or even move away.

  “Who is she?” Nick’s head snapped up, locking eyes with me as his flavor of the week glared at me.

  “No one. She just my roommate.” He took her hand and walked her down the hallway to his bedroom, keeping eye contact with me until he was at his door. I swallowed the sob that threatened to escape. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, and I’d be dammed if I would allow hi
m to see how much his words had hurt me. I stood up and walked around the couch, glancing back in time to see Nick’s door close. I practically ran to my room and shut the door, allowing myself to slide down until I was seated on the floor, where I wrapped my arms around my knees and finally let the tears consume me.

  I’m not sure how long I sat there crying, but when I heard the doors opening and closing, and the raised voices, I scurried to my bed. I may have wanted to talk to Nick before, but I didn’t anymore. I had my answer now. It was obvious that my feelings had become more, or this wouldn’t have hurt so much. Even worse, his actions and words left no doubt to how he felt about me. He had said I was no one but his roommate, and now I knew. I knew where I stood—and it hurt like hell.

  I pulled the covers up to my neck and closed my eyes tightly so the tears wouldn’t start again. I felt raw and the covers felt almost rough on my exposed skin. I was as sensitive on the outside as I was on the inside. The soft knock on the door made me catch my breath. When I didn’t answer, he opened the door.

  “Chelsea?” His soft voice was enough to start the tears again. I concentrated on staying completely still, hoping he would just go away. “Chelsea, are you awake?”

  I didn’t move or make a sound. I was too emotionally charged to talk to him right now. I could hear him breathing, and I was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to leave—but he did. I heard him sigh, and seconds later the door closed.

  I pushed my face into my pillow and cried. How was it possible for your heart to break before you even really gave it away?

  Chapter 14


  I couldn’t do it. Damn it, I tried.

  I met Trevor and Tom at the club and did my best to get the vision of Chelsea and Adam out of my head. I slammed some beers and found the first blonde I saw and invited her home.

  I don’t know what I expected when I came through the door. I had done this same thing more times than I could count, but this time was different. I was doing it out of self-preservation. I figured I would screw Chelsea out of my head by being with this girl, but I didn’t expect to see her sitting on the couch when I got home, looking so shocked and hurt. She had hurt me by going out with Adam, so I did the only thing I knew how to do—I hurt her more.


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