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A Lesson in Presumption

Page 15

by Jennifer Connors

  There wasn't much either Spencer or Gideon didn't know about Corliss. There were times she wished she could reveal her real self to her friends, but there was no way to explain that, so she stuck to her character's back story. Her laughter stopped when she saw the serious look on her friend's face.

  “I doubt there's much you don't already know about me, Spencer. Why the serious face?”

  “Are you happy with him?” he asked, breath caught in his throat awaiting her answer.

  “Who? Nathaniel?”


  The topic had come up before, though briefly since Ginny didn't want to get into her personal relationship with the captain. It was bad enough that she had her own doubts, but she didn't need or want her two friends sounding off about it too. Ginny wanted to give him an answer, if only to remove the fear she saw in his eyes.

  But what answer to give. If happy was earth shattering orgasms, then yes, she was overjoyed. If happy was having something in common other than earth shattering orgasms, then not so much. If Nathaniel was a mistake, it was Ginny's mistake to make and she didn't want Spencer's counsel.

  “Yes, I guess,” she finally uttered.

  “You guess?” His face was stone, and it made Ginny severely uncomfortable. She had assumed that he wasn't particularly happy about her relationship with the captain, but he'd never been this intense over it. Assuming that he had taken a big brother role over her life like Gideon, she wanted to ease his concern.

  “It's not perfect, Spencer. Our relationship has it's good points and bad points.”

  “Name one good point, Corliss.”

  Yikes, Ginny thought as she turned her gaze away to look at the floor. What was she supposed to say? The only good point was amazing sex. Even Ginny wasn't brave enough to go there.

  “Is there nothing, Corliss? That worries me to hear...”

  “No, it isn't that there's nothing, Spencer.” Now it was Ginny's turn to start pacing, nervous about what to tell her friend. If Spencer were a woman, she wouldn't have any issues with laying it all out, but he most definitely wasn't.

  Taking a deep breath and stopping her feet long enough to turn and meet his gaze, she blurted, “We are still trying to find something in common...” Ginny stopped, trying to quash the uncomfortable feeling coming over her. Finally she muttered, “except the sex.”

  “Beg pardon,” he asked, as if not catching the last part.

  Instead of repeating herself, Ginny started to walk out. “Don't worry about me, Spencer. I have everything under control. I know what I'm doing.” Turning on her toe, Ginny walked out of the surgery and back up to the deck.

  Spencer stared at her back in dismay. It was as he thought. Corliss was only sharing a bed with Nathaniel, and nothing else. Although she was embarrassed, he could tell that her feelings were not engaged in Nathaniel. The only comfort she sought from him was sexual, which was fine for the moment.

  That night, Nathaniel insisted on taking her on his desk, in a frenzy that left her panting and breathless. He wanted to dominate her and she was in no condition after her first orgasm to argue. When complete, he carried her to the bunk and laid next to her.

  “What was that about?” she asked, not complaining, just curious.

  Nuzzling her neck, he mumbled, “I was impressed with your doctoring today, Corliss. You are a strong woman.” Grabbing her breast, he said, “While still being a woman,” referring to Tilly.

  Laughing, she play wrestled with him for a minute. When his face turned pensive, Ginny knew she was in for a serious question. Staring back at him, she waited until he found the courage to ask her what it was he wanted to know.

  “I cannot believe you were with a man who treated you so poorly. After seeing you with some of the crew, I cannot imagine it.”

  Reading between the lines, Ginny responded, “I was a different person back then, Nathaniel. It wasn't until I stood up for myself that your cousin died. And that was just because I ran away.”

  Caressing her cheek in a sweet gesture he rarely allowed himself to make, he said, “I am sorry for it. As I told you, he used to be a decent man.”

  A sad smile came across her face. “It doesn't matter. I kind of like it here.”

  Nodding, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Ginny watched him for a couple of minutes before allowing herself to fall asleep as well. There were a lot of questions which would not be answered. If she were to just go with the flow, she would have to accept that there would be loose ends. The one thing she hadn't counted on was the loose ends having to do with her love interest.

  Chapter 21

  Not long after the incident with Charles, Webster heard about a couple who needed passage. They had docked in Dominica. Since they had no other jobs lined up and Nathaniel was eager to get to the more busy ports in Puerto Rico, he agreed to take the pair on their journey. Normally, he would charge a heavy sum, but the father and daughter were missionaries, with little in the way of funds. Since they weren't wanted for any crimes, Nathaniel knew he wouldn't be hunted down by the authorities.

  Ginny was on deck when the pair came aboard. The father was a short man, no more than five and half feet, with reddish hair tinged with gray. He had a heavy set of whiskers on his face, reminding Ginny of the Scots she'd met during her first adventure.

  Next to him was a petite girl, with the same reddish hair. Shorter than Ginny, the girl had a delicateness about her that made her look fragile. Her face looked like a porcelain doll, only with a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. She was pretty, but quiet, as though she would simply blend into any background.

  They were talking to Nathaniel, who was explaining that their cabins would be small but functional. As Ginny walked up, the father gazed at her in utter surprise. When Nathaniel noticed his inattention, he looked over at her as well. It was only a matter of a moment before the girl turned to stare. Feeling decidedly uncomfortable, Ginny offered her best, most friendly smile.

  No one spoke until finally Nathaniel offered, “Mr. McCarthy, this is a member of my crew, Miss Corliss. Corliss, these are our passengers, Frank McCarthy and his daughter, Megan.”

  “How do you do?” she asked, keeping her smile firmly plastered on her face.

  The father continued to stare, but his daughter seemed better able to speak. “We are doing well, Miss Corliss. My father and I are very grateful for the captain's generosity.”

  Looking to Webster, he merely coughed into his hand and said, “Corliss, could you show our guests to their cabins. The tide is coming in and I wish to set off as soon as possible.”

  “Of course. Mr. McCarthy, Megan, if you'll come with me.”

  As Ginny walked away, the father and daughter stepped in behind her. Even though he kept his voice low, Ginny overheard the father asking his daughter what a woman was doing on board a ship. In an ironic tone, Megan reminded her father that she was a woman on board a ship.

  At that, Ginny smiled. It seemed that Megan had a quick mind and wit. Instead of ignoring his inquiry, obviously not meant for her ears, Ginny answered him.

  “My being here is a long story, Mr. McCarthy. But I assure you, I'm not the only female crew member. Captain Webster is very forward thinking.”

  Clearing his throat to cover his embarrassment over being overheard, McCarthy responded, “Of course. 'Tis a new era.”

  After showing them their cabins, Megan asked, “When are we to dine, Miss Corliss? I would be happy to assist.”

  Ginny laughed. “Cook won't let you help him. He's a bit surly and doesn't like anyone touching his kitchen. I will fetch you when it's time for supper. Why don't you two get some rest.”

  Megan smiled. Her straight white teeth sparkled even in the gloom below deck. “Thank you.”

  Ginny walked away with a funny feeling that she couldn't quite explain. There was something about Megan McCarthy that made her wonder what her part in the story would be. She was too prominent not to have a place, definitely not a background ch
aracter. Shaking her head, Ginny got back on deck to help the crew with casting off.

  Once on their way, Ginny got to work on some sewing. She had no specific duties, only helping where and when she was needed. This was one of those times where she would only get in the way if she tried to help. Instead, she relished the chance to sit and do something as mindless as sewing.

  It had been a hot day and the breeze made her more comfortable. Gideon walked over to stand with her and asked, “What do you think of the passengers?”

  Looking up, shading her eyes from the sun, Ginny said, “They seem nice. The father was shocked to see me though.”

  “'Tis bad luck to have a woman aboard a ship.”

  “Yes, I can see all the bad luck you've had with Tilly on board.”

  Smiling and lowering his head, he responded, “Tilly is not a woman.”

  “She has the necessary parts, Gideon. And she's a mother to Noddy.”

  “She is stronger than me.”

  Both laughed, just as Megan came strolling forward. When she saw what Ginny was doing, she asked, “May I be of some help, Miss Corliss? I am fair with a needle and thread.” She glanced at Gideon and smiled. When Ginny saw the effect that Megan's smile was having on her friend, she nearly burst out laughing.

  “Of course, but on one condition. You must call me Corliss. None of this 'Miss' stuff.”

  Looking confused, Megan said, “I did not mean to offend you. I was being respectful.”

  Giving a sideways glance to Gideon, Ginny asked, “How old are you, Megan?”

  “But eighteen.”

  “Well, I'm only twenty, so I'd say we're on even ground. Agreed?”

  An uneasy smile came across her face, but she nodded her head. Not wanting her to feel so awkward, Ginny set out to make things right.

  “This is Gideon, the second in command. He's a great source of help and information, if you or your father need it.”

  Giving him a shy curtsy, Megan said, “'Tis a pleasure to meet you, Gideon.”

  “The pleasure is mine, Miss McCarthy.”

  “If you are really interested in helping me, have a seat. There is always plenty to be mended.”

  Suddenly back in her element, Megan sat primly next to her. Ginny handed over what she would need and both women fell into a comfortable silence as they worked. Gideon left them to their devices. After a few minutes, Megan began asking questions.

  “Is the captain married?”

  Raising an eyebrow, Ginny said, “No.”

  “It was very kind of him to allow us passage. My father and I have very little to offer in return.”

  “The captain is a kind man, on occasion. We needed to get back to Puerto Rico anyway. And with you helping out, it's a fair trade.”

  Silence fell between them once again, and Ginny began to think about other things when Megan piped up again.

  “He is a fairly handsome man,” she said in an off hand sort of way.

  Looking up, Ginny asked, “Who?”

  “The captain, of course.”

  “Oh, yeah, he's great.” Ginny's head fell again to the task at hand. She had finally finished letting out the hem on Noddy's pants when the boy appeared in front of the women. Instantly, Noddy walked over and began to pet Megan's hair. Ginny watched and waited to see what her reaction would be.

  Megan stiffened for a moment until she saw that Noddy was a child. Then she instantly relaxed and turned to speak to the boy.

  “Hello. My name is Megan.”

  Noddy did his fair impression of a formal bow and replied, “My name is Noddy.”

  “'Tis good to meet you, Noddy. Is your mother about?”

  The boy shook his head and went back to petting her hair. Fortunately for Noddy, Megan's hair had seen soap before he started to pet her. Ginny held up the pants and called Noddy over.

  “With the way you're growing Noddy, I will have to buy some more fabric. These are barely long enough.”

  Tilly walked over, obviously looking for the boy. “Noddy, did you clean up like I asked ya to?”

  Noddy looked solemn, so Ginny handed him the pants and said, “Do as you're told, Noddy and put these pants away.”

  Tilly glanced at Megan and walked behind Noddy has he went to do his chores. When they were out of ear shot, Megan asked, “Is she his mother?”

  Ginny was picking through her pile to find another item to work on when she said, “No. Tilly found Noddy begging in the street and took him. She's been caring for him ever since.”

  Gasping, Megan said, “Oh.”

  Ginny looked at the young girl and asked, “Is there something wrong with that?”

  Sputtering, Megan replied, “No, of course not.” Then bending her head down to continue her work, she added, “'Tis just that after three years of doing the Lord's work, that is probably the first bit of charity I have heard anyone doing.”

  “Rough out there, huh?”

  Releasing a short breath, Megan said, “To be honest, Corliss, I had begun to doubt that anyone was kind. 'Tis a harsh world we live in.”

  Ginny almost said that she had no idea, but kept it to herself. Instead, she said, “Not everyone is like that, Megan. There are good people too.”

  Suddenly smiling her radiant smile, she said, “Yes, you are most certainly correct. Take your captain for instance. With little to offer, he gave us passage on his ship. It renews my faith, to be sure.”

  Ginny smiled in return and went about her sewing. Not two minutes later, the paragon himself walked up to talk to the women.

  “Have you settled in, Miss McCarthy?”

  The hundred watt smile was back and Megan gave Nathaniel her full attention. “Why, yes, Captain. I have so few things that it 'twas simple enough to settle in. My father decided to rest, but I was anxious to help out.”

  Looking to Ginny, he asked, “And is Miss McCarthy helping out?”

  Ginny was beginning to think she was caught up in some little subplot. By the look on Nathaniel's face, he was very interested in getting to know Megan better. Part of her didn't really care if she got dumped for the younger, more cheerful girl, but another part was really chafed. It wasn't even twenty-four hours since they'd had sex. And not to put a too fine point on it, the sex had been really good.

  Raising an eyebrow, she responded, “Yes, she is. Now why don't you go and do what you need to do so we can finish this up here.” Making a shooing noise, Ginny waved him off. But not before she saw the smoldering glance he gave Megan as he walked away.

  Chapter 22

  That evening, Nathaniel invited their guests to dine with him in his cabin. When Ginny arrived, she saw the table set for four, surprised that he'd thought to include her. Megan and her father were already seated, the captain having fetched them himself. He was even pouring them wine, a duty he usually left up to his cabin boy.

  Not wanting to disturb his telling of a story about one of his adventures, Ginny stood in the doorway and watched Nathaniel. Since the moment she'd met him, he came off as a bit surly. It never bothered her, probably because their relationship had taken a very different turn than what he had with the rest of the crew. But tonight, he smiled easily and spoke in a cheerful baritone.

  When he spotted her in the doorway, his smile faltered for a moment. “Corliss, there you are. I was about to send someone in search of you. You will join us for dinner?”

  They ate dinner together almost every night, so should this be different? Was she reading too much into it, or did he actually want her to say she had other plans? It wasn't as though he could ever be alone with Megan. Her father would never allow that. Shaking her head, she smiled at the assembled group and took her seat.

  Frank McCarthy looked less surprised to see her and said, “Captain Webster has been telling us how he rather likes have female members of his crew. After being on as many ships as Megan and I, I must say it is a great surprise.”

  “Yes, Corliss, you must tell us how you came to live this life.” Megan's eye
s lit up with excitement over the possibility of hearing how a woman could be so independent.

  Ginny, on the other hand, hedged a bit. Did they really want to hear what happened to her? Smiling a bit, she figured it would be good for them to hear about her sorry tale.

  “It's a long story, but I can give you the basics. I was married to Captain Webster's cousin in England when, while in a drunken rage, he tripped over a table and hit his head and died.”

  Two sets of eyes widened as she continued her tale. “I was accused of murdering him and my mother-in-law wanted to see me hang. However, I was spared that and sent to the West Indies instead.”


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