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A Lesson in Presumption

Page 18

by Jennifer Connors

  Clearing his throat, he murmured, “I shall go and find the dresses and leave them in your cabin. If you will excuse me.”

  Gifting him with one more smile, Nathaniel turned and walked below deck. His heart was lighter than it ever had been before. How could one small gift bring such joy, and with so little work on his part? Then, as if the universe had to keep its balance, one thought came crashing down on him. It was the fact that the dresses he'd just offered sweet Megan, he had already offered to Corliss. She had meant to work on them, adjusting them to her size, but had not had the time with her work aboard ship. Now, he would have to find her and explain that he was giving them to Megan, who in his opinion, was not only in greater need, but far more deserving.

  Chapter 25

  Closing Noddy's door quietly, Ginny turned and was face to chest with Nathaniel. Jumping back, but catching herself before she screamed, Ginny said, “Jeez, you scared me.”

  “I have been looking for you, Corliss. Do you have a moment to talk?” Ginny was instantly on her guard. His tone was proper, too proper. Intrigued over where the story was going next, she nodded and he led her back to their cabin.

  Once inside, Ginny took one of the chairs and waited for Nathaniel to begin. He was back to pacing, looking uncomfortable. If Ginny were honest, she would have to say the sight made her kind of happy. There was just something so fun about watching a man squirm.

  Clearing his throat, Nathaniel finally faced Ginny and said, “I need the dresses I gave you.”

  Ginny blinked. What? “Okay. Do you plan to wear them yourself?”

  Turning his head to the side, he responded, “No, of course not. I wish to give them to Meg... Miss McCarthy.”

  Ginny's eyes widened in amusement. It seemed she got her answer about where the story was going. Should she capitulate or should she hunker down for a good fight? Decisions, decisions.

  “You want me to give you back a present you gave me so you can give it to another woman?” Her voice was even, but inside she was laughing.

  Misreading her tone entirely, thinking that he was about to get screamed at, Nathaniel stood a little taller in challenge. “She has but only a few things to wear, Corliss. You have not even attempted to alter the dresses, as you are too busy wearing men's clothing to be bothered with being a lady.”

  Being a lady? Oh, that settled it. It would be a fight, but she refused to look like the bad guy. “Of course, Nathaniel, you're right. I noticed that Megan's dresses were ill fitting and she is very good with a needle and thread. I would be happy to give her the dresses.”

  A look of confusion came over Nathaniel's face, right before Ginny hit it home. “However, you understand that you are a huge jerk for trying to make me feel like a selfish bitch, when you offered those dresses to me. You could have just asked if it would have been alright. Instead, you try to make me feel like the bad guy.” Lowering her voice even more, she uttered, “So go to hell, jackass.”

  Ginny rose from her chair and walked over to the large armoire. Reaching in and grabbing the carefully folded garments, she turned to leave, but not before shooting him daggers from the doorway. As satisfying as it would have been to slam the door, she declined the opportunity. Instead, she walked to Megan's cabin and knocked on the door. When no one answered, she entered and left the pile on the berth. She would think it was his gift anyway, and Ginny wasn't so childish to inform her otherwise.

  Smiling, Ginny went in search of Gideon or Spencer. Both of which would enjoy the story and her reaction to it.


  Sitting on the railing, Ginny was enjoying the feel of the wind on her face. Gideon stood next to her, using a telescope to look at something that Ginny neither knew or cared about. After a minute of looking busy, Gideon finally broke the silence.

  “What has brought that look upon your face, Corliss?”

  “What look is that, Gideon?”

  “I cannot say for sure, but you must have something on your mind. Why else would you be sitting here watching me work?”

  Smiling, Ginny got down to brass tacks. “I think that Nathaniel has a thing for Megan.”

  Pulling back in surprise, Gideon asked the obvious. “Miss McCarthy?”

  Looking left and right, Ginny finally looked into Gideon's eyes. “Yes, Miss McCarthy. Who else would I be talking about?”

  “But I was under the impression that the two of you were... well, you know.”

  His discomfort was, for the lack of a better way to say it, comforting. Ginny was beginning to think that maybe she was pushing the story in a certain direction, and this probably proved it.

  “If you mean to ask if we're sharing a bed, the answer is yes. Which is why I'm slightly disconcerted by his inconstancy.”

  “What makes you think this?” he asked, truly shocked to think that his captain and friend would be so uncaring.

  Ginny started in the beginning, with dinner the night before, their fight, how he reacted after she came down from the crow's nest. She finished with the dresses. By the time she was finished, Gideon had a look of concern on his face.

  Sighing, Ginny said, “Gideon, don't worry yourself. If things don't work out between Nathaniel and I, I won't be broken hearted. It is what it is, you know.”

  Scratching his bald head, he said, “No, I cannot say I know what it is, Corliss. Because to me, it is fairly despicable.”

  Dumbfounded, Ginny had to stop him before he destroyed his friendship with Nathaniel over her. Gideon had explained his protectiveness of her. His sister, who had been older than he, married a man that was never faithful or kind. Gideon had been too young, although he had tried to defend her. His brother-in-law had him condemned to a press gang, where Gideon started his career in the British Navy at the tender age of sixteen. His sister, on the other hand, died from the venereal disease her husband contracted from some whore and passed on to her.

  Ginny's story struck a cord with him and that was why he had been defending her ever since. To Ginny, he was a great friend and sounding board, but she in no way wanted him involved in her miserable love life. She had started it with Nathaniel, and she would see where it led.

  “Don't you dare say a word to him, Gideon. I won't have you getting in the middle of this. You know me well enough to know that I can take care of myself... at least in this, anyway.”

  Pursing his lips, Gideon was about to contradict her when Spencer walked up. He only had eyes for Ginny, and judging by his look, Ginny knew she was in trouble. What for now, she hadn't a guess.

  “Corliss, I have been waiting for you in the surgery for quite some time now. Do you not remember that I was to check your wound?”

  Biting her lip, Ginny made with the sad eyes. “I'm sorry, Spencer. I plum forgot. I was visiting with Noddy, then I bumped into Nathaniel, and by then, I forgot.”

  “It would be best to check you here. The light will be better.”

  Reaching over, his fingers gently poked along her scratch. His other hand lay against her cheek, with his thumb rubbing up and down as he examined the wound. His eyes never looked at her, but Ginny was breathless. It was uncomfortable, like a public display of affection, which was what Ginny attributed the breathless feeling to. She compared it to going to the eye doctor, when he has to get really close. Ginny had that funny feeling that she was about to be kissed, but in her mind she knew better. Thus, the uncomfortable feeling.

  When he finally pulled away and looked at her, he had a half smile on his face, like he knew just how awkward she felt.

  “You cleaned it well, Corliss. I doubt you will catch the fever from it.”

  “Good,” was her only response.

  Looking at Gideon, Spencer asked, “Why the serious faces? As I walked up, you both looked as though you were discussing something important.”

  Gideon looked at her and said, “Tell him.”

  Scrunching her eyes, Ginny asked, “Tell him what?”

  Releasing a sigh of pure exasperation, Gideon responded,
“About the captain.”

  Spencer's eyes went back and forth between the two as if watching a tennis match. Putting an end to their volley, he looked at Corliss and asked, “What about the captain?”

  Rolling her eyes, Ginny stated, “I think he has a thing for Megan McCarthy.”

  Confused, Spencer looked back at Gideon. “What?”

  Gideon, who had been waiting for his chance, said, “Nathaniel has been hanging too close to the missionary's daughter.”

  Looking back at Corliss, he asked, “Are you two not...”

  Ginny closed her eyes for a second. Why couldn't anyone finish that sentence. It was no secret that Ginny shared a cabin with Nathaniel. Anyone who thought their relationship was platonic was an idiot.

  “Yes, Spencer. We two are most definitely. That is my issue. I have no where else to stay tonight because I have no intention of sleeping in Captain Cheater's cabin.”

  Barking out a laugh, Spencer finally recovered enough to say, “You may use my cabin, Corliss. I can bunk in the surgery.”

  “No. I don't want to put you out.”

  Gideon chimed in immediately. “Well, you cannot stay in the hold with the men. I will not allow that. You will stay in my cabin and I can find a spare bunk somewhere.”

  “And what about tomorrow night? I have to work this out sooner or later.”

  “But not today, Corliss,” Gideon pleaded. “It will be hard enough if you decide not to be his... well, regardless, you will take my cabin tonight and we will figure things out tomorrow. Now, I should be getting some work done. You have some sewing to do. And I am sure that Spencer has plenty to keep him busy.”

  “Aye, I do. Good day to you, Corliss.” Before he walked away, Ginny caught the half smile again. Now she had to wonder what his game was.

  Ginny took a deep breath of the salty sea air and got up to walk below deck. “Maybe I should see if Megan needs some help altering my dresses.”

  Winking at her, Gideon responded, “That's my girl.”

  Chapter 26

  Knocking again on Megan's cabin, Ginny was surprised when the door opened immediately. A very excited and happy Megan pulled her inside before she could even say hello. The girl looked about to come out of her skin.

  “Did you see what Captain Webster gave me? There are at least five dresses here. I was just about to seek you out and ask to borrow your sewing basket.”

  Just seeing how excited the gift made her deflated Ginny's anger. Maybe she was overreacting. After all, the girl had gone a long time without anything new to wear. Nathaniel was right about one thing and that was that Megan was in great more need of the clothing than she.

  “Yes, I saw the dresses. Nathaniel asked me to deliver them. And as far as the sewing basket, I actually came to see if you needed any help with altering them.”

  “Oh, glory. That would be wonderful. Most of them look to be too long, but that would be easy enough to fix. Thank you, Corliss.”

  Feeling a bit like a heel, Ginny smiled and turned back to the door. “I'll just go fetch the basket and be right back. Why don't you pick out your favorite and we'll work on that one first.”

  “I will change before you return.”

  Ginny left the cabin and went straight to her own. Walking in without knocking, she walked over to pick up her basket, never noticing that Nathaniel sat behind his desk. As she stood back up and went to leave, he cleared his throat to inform her of his presence.

  Turning around to face him, Ginny said, “I will sleep in Gideon's cabin tonight. He said he could find an extra bunk somewhere. Maybe I can take Megan's when they get off in Puerto Rico.”

  Nathaniel looked down at his hands in his lap. A gnawing feeling came over him and though part of him wanted to fix this situation with Corliss, another most definitely did not. He had never had a woman stay in his bed for so long, mostly because he was never in one place long enough and most women would not choose a life at sea. He owed her something, but what, he couldn't fathom.

  “Please, Corliss. Can we not discuss this, after all we have been to each other?”

  Walking to the desk, Ginny placed the basket lightly down in front of him. Before she could respond, he said, “What do you want from me? I have given you so much...”

  “What?” she asked, incredulous over his statement, but more so over his tone.

  “Before you gave me so much, Nathaniel, you took everything away. I had a fine life on Hispaniola. I certainly didn't ask to be kidnapped, held in a dark hold and forced to fight with a sword to escape.”

  Rising to his feet, looking down his nose at her, he asked, “What do you want, Corliss? Marriage? Because we both know that that is out of the question.”

  Marriage? What in the hell was the man talking about? Ginny was stunned at the turn and even more confused. She wasn't going to marry him, for God's sake.

  Right after the thought went through her head, she stopped. Not marry him? Wait a minute, she had to marry him, right? He was the mega-hunk, she was his heroine. The ending demanded satisfaction and that always came in the form of marriage, followed by family. And yet, here she stood acknowledging, if only to herself, that she had no need or desire to marry the arrogant jerk.

  Squaring her shoulders, Ginny pursed her lips in defiance. “Really, Nathaniel, when had I ever mentioned marriage? I have no more desire to marry you than you do me. Don't presume that you're all that great a catch, sir, because you are most definitely not.”

  Before she could escape the room, Nathaniel was on her, pulling her back into his embrace and kissing her hard. When she tried to pull away, his hands gentled, rubbing her back. Ginny still held the basket, though it lay forgotten in her hand. Her available hand came up and reached behind his neck.

  The last thing she wanted to do was encourage the bastard, but here she was, enjoying his attentions. There was one thing she couldn't deny and that was that the man knew how to kiss. Out of all her heroes, Nathaniel had kissing, hands down.

  Pulling away, he looked down into her eyes and said, “You need not find somewhere else to sleep tonight, Corliss. I want you here... with me.”

  Nodding stupidly, he released her and watched her go. What was he doing? He had his chance to set her free and instead, he asked her to come back to him. He was a selfish bastard, knowing full well that Megan would never have him, not without marriage. So why give up a good thing with Corliss? In a few days, Megan would be gone, but Corliss would still be here to provide him comfort.

  Ginny's thoughts went in a completely different direction. She wondered why she didn't tell him where he could go. It was just easier to leave and maybe still find another bed for the night than listen to his ramblings any longer. It was obvious that he was at war with himself. Part of her wanted him to suffer for making her feel selfish. Another part wanted to continue to share his bed because, quite frankly, he was that good. Shaking her head, Ginny went to Megan's cabin. Perhaps spending the afternoon sewing with Megan would give her new perspective.

  Chapter 27

  Well, it gave her perspective alright. After a few hours of talking with Megan, Ginny was convinced that she was the devil's own and deserved her well earned place in hell. Megan hadn't committed her to eternal damnation, but after hearing her stories of the ill-doings of their fellow man, Ginny was certain that Megan's god wouldn't think too kindly of her either.

  A number of Megan's stories surrounded brothels where her father and she had tried to counsel the women to a better way of making a living. Unfortunately, their pleas went unanswered. According to Megan, the women were too lazy to make an honest living. At that choice comment, Ginny decided it was time to say her piece.

  “You know, Megan, not everyone is the same. Some of those women don't have a choice.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “During your travels, did you see a lot of jobs for women?” Ginny kept her anger in check, trying to reason with the girl.

  “My father and I saw many women doing a va
riety of jobs.”

  “Look, Megan. I don't know what is available for them, but I do know that a lot of those women don't have any choices. They are virtual slaves, just trying to survive horrendous conditions. If you really wanted to do something about it, you should have gone after the brothel owners, not the girls.”

  “But my father did. They cared little for the Word of God.”

  “How about this word of God: Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

  At first, Megan didn't clearly understand the what Ginny's point was. But after a moment, a cross look came across her face. “It is our job to counsel others in the Word of God.”


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