Heart of a Captive

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Heart of a Captive Page 21

by Hestand, Rita

  Amelia looked around at the beautiful lace curtains, and the lovely chair beside the bed. She couldn't believe it was real and they were here.

  "It's so lovely, Cale. However did you think of such a thing?"

  "I talked with Mrs. Summers, she told me about this place and I had to come up here and check it out for myself. I thought it perfect for our first night." He smiled in the flickering light.

  He set her down and took his hat off and hung it by the door where there was a rack.

  "Do you really like it?"

  "I never imagine anything like this…" She sighed with such an expression he stared at her.

  "And I've never seen anything as beautiful as you were today…." He whispered.

  When he came up to her, he kissed her and before she knew his intention, he was unbuttoning her dress.

  She felt the old fear about her back and gasped.

  "Don't be shy…I love you…" He cried.

  "It's not that…but Cale…my back…please…don't look at it." She cried moving away from him.

  He came closer and touched her nose with his. "You are my wife, and I love all of you, even your back. I know what happened. I'm sorry it happened, but now…it's part of you, and I'm going to take tremendous pleasure in kissing every scar there…"

  "Cale…" She gasped then a shy smile lit her lips.

  He reached to turn the light down and the dress fell to the floor…

  He smiled as he pulled her to him in the dark. "There will be no secrets between us…no shyness. We love each other and that's all that matters.

  "Oh my God…Cale. I've been so worried…and now, to hear you say this…makes me so happy. I'll never hide from you again…" She said and went into his waiting arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Two days later they were again in the carriage, only this time there was a oneness about them. Their happiness was complete and their marriage founded on the firm hopes and dreams they shared together.

  Cale recalled their wedding night over and over in his mind. His need of her grew every day. And the contentment they shared echoed their happiness.

  Cale felt both protective and possessive of her now. It was a good feeling. Love was good.

  "Won't you tell me where we are going?" She asked as she looked about the town settlement.

  "No, I don't want to spoil it for you." Cale said.

  "Is it a long trip?"

  "Kind of, yes." He smiled, taking her hand and wrapping it on his arm. "Stay close to me, I like you close, very close."

  She buried her face in his neck and kissed him there.

  He squirmed, "Woman, we'll never get there if you keep that up." He felt every touch, every caress of her body that strained to be closer to his. He felt almost guilty for being this happy.

  "Oh Cale, I can't believe I'm so happy. I'm afraid I'll wake up and this will all have been a dream." Amelia cried.

  "I think it's time we discussed how many children we want, don't you?"

  She blushed. "Cale!"

  "What, we are married. And we've never really talked about having children. Maybe I'm assuming a lot, but I'm hoping you want children."

  She chuckled. "Of course I do. I can't wait to have your children…"

  He leaned over and kissed her. The buggy veered and she scolded him for not watching what he was doing.

  "Sorry, got carried away." He smiled.

  "I want half a dozen children, actually. Unless you want more."

  "Really, that's great. As long as you are healthy and able, it is. I don't ever want to put you at risk." Cale told her.

  "Bearing your children is no risk." She informed him. "Iron Kettle once told me I'd have many children…he said I had the body for them." Amelia looked at him and blushed.

  "Oh yes ma'am, you sure do." Cale agreed with a quick grin his eyes slowly going down her body, suggestively.

  "Well then, you be thinking of names, as I plan to get pregnant as soon as possible." She told him.

  "Yes ma'am. My pleasure." He squeezed her hand.

  "I miss Iron Kettle, but I'm very happy, Cale. I want you to know that. I never thought I'd say that after I was captured. That first year, I was sure I would die. But by the second year I began to realize I wouldn't, and almost wished I would. And the third year I resigned myself to my survival. Isn't it strange how the mind works, sometimes?"

  "Honey, that part of your life is over. Now we are starting a new life together. We'll raise crops and kids and be happy as two mudlarks in a puddle."

  She chuckled.

  She tried to gauge the direction they were going, but she'd never been this way before. Trying to stow her curiosity, she sat back, keeping a firm hold on his arm and relaxed.

  "We didn't get much sleep last night." She said after they were way away from the settlement. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer.

  "Nor the night before, but it was sure worth it. I never realized being married had so many…advantages." He grinned. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

  "Of course not…at least…not too much. I hardly noticed, I was sort of preoccupied." She giggled.

  "Me too…"

  He glanced around the arid countryside. It was winter and not very pretty right now. The trees had already turned brown, the leaves were shedding. The wind had turned colder, but still not unpleasant, just enough to need a light jacket.

  Cale had pulled a blanket around their legs and it was cozy.

  "I wish it was spring, you'd see a lot of blue bonnets if it was. Fields of them…"

  "Oh yes, I love them. It's like God plants them for us to enjoy, isn't it?"

  "That's right. He does."

  She closed her eyes a moment, and he thought she was going to sleep when he called her name softly. Her eyes flew open and she smiled.

  "Did you just go to sleep on me?"

  "No, I was dreaming of being in a field of blue bonnets and traveling in a covered wagon. I don't know why it was a covered wagon, but it was. It was so beautiful. We stopped along the way to enjoy the beauty, and you held me in your arms. I felt so protected, so safe."

  "You've got a real imagination." He glanced about. "But I don't mind stopping, and holding you."

  "Really, then let's…"

  "Are you kidding?"

  "No…are you?"

  "No," he murmured as he stopped and helped her out of the carriage and into his arms. Kissing her thoroughly, he did hold her in his arms. Shivers ran through her as his tongue explored the dark recesses.

  The heady sensations he created when his mouth touched her neck, made her groan in her throat.

  "My God, I want you again, but it's broad daylight…"

  "Yes, in the middle of nowhere…" she giggled.

  "I'll get the blankets…" He smiled sexily at her.

  She melted when he sent her looks like that. But she knew she needed to be close to him again. It didn't matter if it took days to get to where they were going, she needed him as much as he needed her.

  He lit a fire and they cuddled close to a big pecan tree. Their kisses were hot and full of the desire that enflamed them.

  Moans echoed through the land as they satiated their love for each other.

  An hour later they were back on the road.

  She blushed thinking about how they mutually needed loving. They were one now and they had no separate needs.

  They traveled all day and part of the night, but it would be another day of travel before they reached their destiny.

  Amelia was very curious as to where they were going, but Cale refused to tell her. Instead, he'd kiss her when she got too noisy. Something he enjoyed more each time.

  As they camped out under the stars that night, he shot them a couple of rabbits and she prepared them for the spit he made. Cale couldn't quite get over how fast she could skin a rabbit. She did it like a real Indian.

  They camped under a huge pecan tree and stared out at the canopy of stars before them.

love it out here. I don't know where we are going, but I'm enjoying it." Amelia smiled as she lay in his arms. "It feels good to have the earth beneath me again. I've missed it."

  She looked at him curiously. "Cale?"


  "I'll learn to sleep in a bed again…"

  "It's alright. I don't care where we are, as long as we are together." He murmured and kissed her nose.

  "You are an unusual man…."

  "Am I?"

  "We are close to a river, I saw it from a distance." She glanced at him as she snuggled in his arms.

  "Yes, we are." He admitted and took her fully into his arms.

  For the next hour there was no talking, just making love. Their groans of satisfaction spoke volumes.

  At last they cuddled in each other's arms and went to sleep.

  But it wasn't a peaceful sleep as a couple of hours later the shrill cry of a cat woke them. It was a large cat and he was very close.

  Recognizing it was a cougar's cry, Cale got his rifle out. Amelia kept still. "Don't move," he warned.

  "I'm not about to." She cried.


  The cat made his loud screeching noise to alert them that he was very near.

  Cale's glance scaled the line of trees around them. Then he got a glimpse of the cat's eyes and he heard the sharp noise of small branches breaking on the ground. He aimed his rifle.

  In one shot he felled the big cat. Amelia released a breath.

  "It's alright now. We're safe. Let's get some sleep." Cale recommended as he laid his rifle by his side and took Amelia in his arms.

  "Why don't my scars bother you?" She asked out of the blue.

  He looked at her puzzled face and shook his head. "Because, they are a part of who you are now. And I love them because you endured the pain of them, you survived, Amelia. You are a very brave woman." He kissed her again and she snuggled into his arms.

  "I love you Cale!" She whispered and closed her eyes.

  "That's a very good thing, because I love you too!"

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  By the next day, they had arrived at their destination.

  Amelia looked around and saw a fort like village.

  "W-where…oh my goodness. It's the Brazos, isn't it? You've brought me to see Iron Kettle, haven't you?" She gasped with amazement her eyes wide and beguiled.

  "I thought it would complete your happiness." Cale smiled at her smugly.

  "Oh Cale…" she reached on tiptoe to kiss him. "Thank you…"

  "You're welcome, let's go see if we can find Iron Kettle."

  "Oh…I can't believe it!" She glanced about.

  There were all manner of things going on, weaving, and it looked as though some of the Huaco's had become scouts for the army. Amelia was proud of that. They were such a good people.

  A Captain saw them and came up to them. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He insisted on knowing.

  "I'm Cale Matthews and this is my wife. We've come to visit with the Huaco's, Iron Kettle…"

  "Iron Kettle huh? Why? White men don't visit Indians?" The Captain looked skeptical.

  "We do. You see, my wife was once captured by the Comanche and traded to the Huaco tribe. They treated her with such kindness, she wanted to visit them and see that they were alright." Cale explained.

  "Your wife was captured?"

  "That's right, some time ago." Cale explained.

  "Iron Kettle would be over there…" The Captain pointed to a small crowd. It looked like a small gathering of chiefs.


  "Don't stay too long. I don't want them excited."

  "Yeah, sure…" Cale cast him a frown.

  Iron Kettle saw them coming and got up off the ground and walked to greet them. He wore white man's clothes and somehow it didn't fit, Amelia felt his sorrow. His people were adapting to the white man's world. In some ways that was wonderful, in others, it was sad. For the ways of the Huaco's were good ways, and they would soon vanish as they blended into the white man's world.

  "Oh…Iron Kettle!" Amelia reached and grabbed the old Indian around the neck and hugged him to her. He looked as though he'd aged a lot in the short time he'd been here. But it was so good to see him.

  "White squaw, what are you doing here?" Iron Kettle demanded.

  "We are married now, Iron Kettle!" Cale told him.

  "That is good, friend Cale. But it is dangerous you being here. The Comanche's have another camp and they raid the whites and the whites kill them and they keep raiding. They steal horses, and their people are dying."

  "Why?" Amelia cried, looking about. "Why do they choose war, when they can have peace?"

  Iron Kettle looked down at himself, and his hands went out to his sides. "They are Indian, they do not want to become white…like us. They do not seek peace."

  "Don't they know they can't win?" Cale asked.

  "The Comanche creates much trouble for us. They raid and come back to reservation to hide. The white eyes are angry with them and some take it out on us. Some of my people scout for them. Some die!"

  "I'm sorry for that." Amelia looked confused and hurt from the news. "Cale brought me here to see you, it's our honeymoon, and I can't think of anything I wanted more. Sarah and Hodge are fine too."

  "It is good. It is good to see my white daughter." Iron Kettle finally smiled.

  "Have they treated you fairly?" Amelia asked.

  "The ones that scout, get more rations and a little money. Money no good though. Indian can't buy. But we farm and we work hard and the land is a hard foe here. But the Captain is a fair man. If the Comanche did not raid, things could be good between the red man and the whites. But their wars and raids do nothing but cause trouble for us all."

  "Is there anything we can do?" Amelia asked.

  "No…you have done it, by coming here. It is good that you marry friend Cale. He is good man."

  Amelia smiled. "Somehow, I knew you'd be pleased."

  "Come…we have food." He offered.

  They had a delicious rabbit stew and sat and talked for several hours. But the Captain warned them they had to leave as the Comanche's were raiding and it could be dangerous.

  Iron Kettle gave Amelia a necklace and kissed her on the forehead.

  "You have many babies now…" He smiled.

  Amelia blushed.

  "You go now, with my blessings." Iron Kettle told her.

  "I hate to leave. I would love to stay and talk for a long while." Amelia cried.

  A long procession of soldiers and Indian scouts returned, there were casualties and it looked as though they'd been in some heavy skirmish.

  "Isn't there anything you could do, to stop the Comanche from raiding?" Amelia asked.

  "No…Comanche not listen. They call us traitors to our people. They are right. We are. Comanche not want to give up fighting. They steal horses and bring them back to camp. They not know that the white man sees it and knows what they have done. So white soldiers go after them, raid and kill. The white man does not want us in this land…but we were here first. We once fought, but we lost and we knew we lost. We cannot fight the white-eyes and win. We know this. The Comanche knows this too, but they are stubborn, refuse peace."

  "I am sorry Iron Kettle. I wish I could help." Amelia said, hanging her head.

  "Be happy little one. I will remember you in my prayers."

  "And I you." She leaned to kiss him on the forehead.

  "Go child…be happy."

  "I love you Iron Kettle!" She cried and hugged him closely.

  "Go now…." Iron Kettle pulled away and she saw the sadness and the sorrows of his people in his eyes.

  "Be safe…" She said.

  He nodded and looked at Cale. "Go my friend!"

  "Goodbye, Iron Kettle!" Cale called as he pulled Amelia away from the camp.

  There was a fleeting thought that this would be the last time they saw Iron Kettle. Amelia knew it, Cale knew it, and Iron Kettle knew it. But his wi
sh that they should marry, came true and he knew that now too. It made him happy.

  "I wish we could do something for them…." She cried.

  "I know that, honey. But we can't. And they know it too." Cale said with a heavy sigh.

  "Thank you, for bringing me here. One last time."

  He glanced at her as they got to their carriage. "I almost wished I hadn't. I didn't want to see you so sad."

  A tear escaped down her cheek. "I'm not sad. I got to see him again. I never thought I would. And he knows our hearts are there for him. No…I'm not sad. I'm proud!"

  Amelia lifted her head and finally smiled through her tears.

  Cale smiled, seeing the unshed tears in her eyes and understanding her heart without words. "Let's go home!"

  "Yes, home!" She looked over her shoulder one last time and saw Iron Kettle sitting in a huddle with other chiefs and realized that this was his home now, and somehow he would survive it, just as she had survived with the Comanche. He was strong, and good! And she knew that God watched over the good.

  Her heart lifted. She realized she'd always carry the Huaco's in her heart, and the memory of Iron Kettle was as fierce in her heart as the memory of her parents. The feeling was one and the same.

  She looked at Cale and smiled. She had a second chance at life and she was no longer the heart of a captive, but the wife of her true love.


  The following year Cale was sitting out on the porch when Amelia brought Sarah's baby out with her for some fresh air. Summer was almost over and a hint of winter made the temperature drop a few degrees.

  "How's little Amy doing?" Cale glanced at the baby and smiled.

  He reached over to dab her chin and she grabbed his finger and held on. "Man she's already got a grip, doesn't she?"

  "She's very strong," Amelia laughed.

  "Did you see Mark yesterday when you went into town?" Amelia asked as she held the baby close.

  "As a matter of fact I did." Cale answered glancing at his wife and leaning to kiss her on the nose.

  "Anything new with him?"

  "Well, I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you yet, but he's fixing to ask Lucy to marry him." Cale laughed.


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