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Nitro's Torment (Sydney Storm MC #1)

Page 15

by Nina Levine

  Tatum’s fingers dug into my scalp as she gripped my hair so hard I thought she’d pull it out. I hissed at the sensation it evoked in me. I fucking loved the pain. “Fuck, Nitro…,” she panted. “More… give me more.”

  I growled into her and squeezed her ass, pulling her up off the bed with me as I moved to a kneeling position. Her head remained on the bed, her back arched up and she wrapped her legs around my neck while I feasted on her.

  Sucking and licking, I lost myself in her.

  Her taste.

  Her scent.

  The sounds she made.

  It all collided, exploding like a brilliant storm in my mind.

  When I finally lifted my face from her, I took in her arms flung across the bed. Her eyes squeezed closed. Her breaths coming hard and fast. She’d totally surrendered to the ecstasy.

  I dropped her on the bed and quickly moved off it to find a condom. She complained as her ass hit the mattress. “Why did you stop?”

  Rummaging in my wallet, I located what I was after. Eyeing her, I said, “Tell me, Vegas, do you fuck as hard as you fight?”

  She shifted onto her elbows and met my gaze. “Do you fuck as brutally as you do?”

  My breathing grew ragged as we watched each other. Pointing at the end of the bed, I said, “Come here and suck my dick. I need to see your lips around it.”

  She did as I said, no arguments. Fucking first time for everything. She threw her legs over the edge of the bed and our eyes locked as she took me into her mouth.

  Fuck me.

  My eyes rolled back and I groaned as she ran her tongue over me and sucked me hard. Fisting her hair, I held her face against me, my instincts to fuck her mouth taking over.

  I wanted to shove my dick down her throat.

  I wanted to go deep.

  I fucking wanted her to swallow my cum.

  Her hands moved to my ass and she kept them there while I rocked into her. The urge to thrust grew more insistent, until it got to the point where I wanted to feel her cunt wrapped around me instead of her lips.

  Pulling out, I stepped back and quickly slid the condom in place. I then jerked my chin towards the bed and growled, “I want you on your back.”

  She moved fast and a moment later, I was positioned over her with my dick against her pussy. So fucking wet. I bent my face and ran my tongue over her throat, giving her some teeth at the same time. I bit her, not too hard, but with enough pressure that her back arched up off the bed. When she moaned, I pushed my dick inside her a short way before pulling back out.

  “Tell me how much you want me to fuck you, Vegas,” I ordered as I licked a path down between her breasts.

  “So fucking bad.” Her legs came around me, hooking together at my back.

  When her fingernails clawed my shoulders, I grunted and dropped my mouth to her breast. Biting with more pressure than before, I marked her skin. The need to leave a mark behind overwhelmed me like never before during sex.

  “Fuck,” she cursed, but it was clear from her tone how much she liked that.

  Unable to hold back any longer, I slammed my dick into her. Neither slow nor gentle, I fucked her how we both needed it.

  Raw and animalistic, I thrust into her over and over. It was erotic and filthy all at once. We each clung to the other, our grips needy and hard, while our bodies came together to get our fill.

  By the time we came, I’d fucked her cunt so furiously I wasn’t sure how she’d stand that day. She’d scratched and bitten me to the point where I wouldn’t be able to take my shirt off without someone thinking I’d been attacked. It was downright fucking dirty and I’d never had sex so good.

  I collapsed on top of her and she hugged her arms and legs tighter around my body. Dropping my face to nuzzle between her shoulder and neck, I caught my breath, inhaling her scent.

  “Jesus, Nitro, you know how to fuck,” she said, still breathless. Her head was buried against my shoulder and I felt her warm breath on my skin.

  Pushing up off her, I rested my hands on the bed either side of her. My gut squeezed at the sight of her wild, thoroughly-fucked expression. “What are your plans tonight?”

  Her tongue swiped over her bottom lip before she sucked it into her mouth and bit it. She hesitated but only for a beat. “I’m free.”

  I moved off the bed. Reaching for my jeans, I said, “I’ll come over.”

  “I’ll be home after eight.”

  As I headed into her bathroom to deal with the condom, I stretched my neck from side-to-side. Fucking Tatum had worked the kinks out of my shoulders and neck. An awesome side benefit.

  I disposed of the condom and put my jeans on. I’d head home for a shower and check on everyone there before going to the clubhouse. Exiting the bathroom, I ran into Tatum.

  Dropping my gaze, I took in the exercise gear she held. “You going to the gym or something?”

  “Gonna have a shower and then go for a run.”

  I lifted a brow. “After that?”

  “Yeah.” At my frown, she added, “I get the best run in after sex. You should try it sometime.”

  “I’ll give it a miss.”

  As she entered the bathroom, she called over her shoulder, “Lock the door on your way out, Nitro. I’ll see you later.”

  And then the bathroom door closed behind her. And I realised that sex with Tatum might be something I pursued. A woman who fucked like she did and then didn’t hang around afterwards was a woman I needed in my life.



  “Habit Of You” by Keith Urban

  “You saw the shrink again today?” Monroe asked as she filed paperwork in her tiny office at the back of the tattoo parlour. “Didn’t you just see her?”

  I sat at her desk and watched her work. She was anal about filing and keeping on top of admin. A bit like she was anal about keeping her house clean. “I saw her on Monday.” Three days ago. “We agreed I’d see her twice a week to begin with.”

  She stopped and glanced at me. “How did it go today, babe?” The concern in her voice could not be mistaken.

  I wrapped my arms around myself as a shiver ran through me. “It sucked. I’ve cried more this week than ever. And now I’m exhausted, which sucks, too, because I’ve got a sure thing for tonight and I’m gonna need all the energy I can muster.”

  Her eyes widened. “Okay, sister, let’s run through all that. What did you talk about with her today?”

  “Mum. Dad. Chris. We’re still going over shit from decades ago. I’m ready to move on, you know?”

  “Yeah, but you need to get all that shit out. Your mum fucked you up big time.”

  I hugged myself harder. “That’s the goddam truth. And yet, I can’t bring myself to hate her. It would be a hell of a lot easier if I could just do that.”

  “What’s your shrink got to say about that?”

  I sighed. “At this point she’s just doing a lot of listening. She seems to just want me to talk. Oh, and sleep and watch my diet and practice self-fucking-care.” Irritation pricked my skin. Therapy hadn’t turned out to be anything like I imagined it would be. I was ready for answers and solutions, but all my therapist seemed to be about was everything but telling me how to fix myself. I wasn’t sure therapy was actually for me.

  Monroe laughed. “Tatum, I know you’re a big believer in taking action and fixing problems in a logical, efficient manner, but emotions can’t be dealt with like that. You can’t just follow a generic step-by-step plan and magically fix yourself. This is going to take time, and consistent effort. You’re going to have to be gentle on yourself.” She paused for a moment. “And you’re going to have to get on the self-care bandwagon, babe.”

  “God,” I muttered. “You sound exactly like her. I think you missed your calling in life.”

  She left the filing cabinet to come sit at the desk. Her eyes lit up as she said, “Now, tell me about this sure thing. And don’t leave anything out. But first, does he have a pierced dick?”

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed. It broke some of the tension in my body and I unwrapped my arms from around me and relaxed back into the chair. “I love you, Roe.”

  She groaned. “You kill me, girl. Tell me!”

  “No, there is no pierced cock for me.”

  “Ugh, why don’t all men pierce their bloody dicks? I think it could bring about world peace. Like, seriously. Could you imagine all the satisfied, happy women wandering the earth after having sex with big, fat, pierced dicks? World peace, I tell ya.”

  I shook my head in laughter. My cousin and her crazy sex shit. “We really need to find you a man with a piercing, don’t we?”

  “Yes. But first, you need to tell me where you found this guy and all about him. Is he a lawyer? No, wait, let me guess. You met him at the therapist’s office. He’s a doctor!”

  I cringed. She would hate what I was about to tell her. “It’s Nitro.”

  She sat up straight and stared at me with shock. “A fucking biker, Tatum? Are you on drugs?”

  I held up my hand in defence. “Roe, it’s only sex. It’s not like I’m putting his fucking ring on my finger and traipsing through the kitchen barefoot.”

  She blew out a long breath. “Okay, you’ve got a point. Sorry. I forgot for a moment it’s you we’re talking about. You of the one-night stands and zero commitment. So long as you stick to that, though. Don’t go letting him boss you around.”

  “No bossing around, I promise.”

  “So, the sex is good?”

  “Out-of-this-fucking-world good.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me and if I knew my cousin at all, I’d bet money she was about to grill me for every little detail. “Like, on a scale of one-to-ten, he’d be a what?”

  I leaned forward and grinned at her. “An eleven,” I whispered.

  She whistled low. “Fuck me, Tatum. How do you always get the good lays and I always get the flops?”

  I kept grinning. “You always go for the good boys. Maybe it’s time for you to find a bad one and let him rock your world.”

  She waved her hand in front of her. “Pfft, you can keep the bad boys to yourself, babe. I haven’t got time for their shit.”

  As we laughed and joked, neither of us acknowledged the fact that I had been the one to marry the good boy all those years ago. The truth was that good guys weren’t always what they told you. At least with a bad boy you knew upfront what you were dealing with.

  * * *

  I drained my glass of rum and refilled it straight away. My third one for the night. I’d needed something to take the edge off and I couldn’t wait for Nitro to arrive for that to happen. So, alcohol it was.

  It had been a rough day. Both at work and with my head. My damn emotions had put me through the wringer. Seeing the therapist stirred too much shit up that I’d rather forget. I’d forgotten it for so long that it was surprising me as we dug for it. And not in a good way.

  I jumped at the sound of someone banging on my front door.


  I placed my glass down and walked the short distance to the door. Opening it, I found him standing with his forearms resting on the door jamb.

  “Vegas,” he murmured as his eyes slowly travelled my body. Nitro’s attention on me like that was addictive. I’d only just begun sampling it, but I wanted more.

  He dropped his arms, stepped inside and scooped me around the waist as he kicked the door shut. His mouth landed on mine and he kissed me for a long time. When he ended the kiss, he said, “You got any of that rum left?”

  I pulled my thoughts together after that kiss and nodded. “Yeah.”

  He followed me into the kitchen and I poured him a drink, noticing the exhaustion that lined his face. I knew Storm and Silver Hell had called a truce, so I wondered why he looked so worn out.

  I added some ice and then passed him the glass as he asked, “What’s running through that head of yours?”

  “You look tired. Exhausted, actually.”

  “Got a lot going on.” Such a man of few words.

  “You know what I can’t figure out?”


  “Why King gave in so easily after everything that fucking club did to yours.”

  He clenched his jaw and threw half his rum down his throat. “He had his reasons.”

  “Fuck, do you ever say more than a few words at a time, Nitro?”

  He closed the distance between us, the vein in his temple pulsing. “I don’t want to waste time with words tonight. I didn’t come here to fucking talk.”

  It was true. My pussy clenched at his words, but at the same time something odd happened. I wanted him to fuck me—no denying that—but a tiny part of me wanted to have this conversation. Wanted to know his thoughts. I pushed all that aside, though, because I didn’t want to deal with those feelings. I just wanted him to wipe my mind of everything for a few hours.

  He looked at me like he wanted to eat me. Then, he reached for the glass of rum he’d placed on the counter and pulled a cube of ice from it. A second later, he skimmed it across my collarbone and down to my breasts. The fingers of his free hand curled over the edge of my tank and he pulled it down a little so he could run the ice over my breast.

  His mouth met the ice and he licked the melting liquid over my skin. Backing me against the kitchen counter, he let my tank go so he could reach under it and caress my stomach, then my waist and up to my breasts. His hand covered me perfectly when he slid it into my bra, and I arched into him as he rubbed my nipple between his fingers.

  The ice melted while he massaged my boob, right before his mouth latched onto my nipple. I gripped his biceps and moaned as his teeth nipped at me and his fingers worked their magic. The way he started sex all slow and intimate turned me on so damn much. I knew what was coming, and I wanted it, but this, this I could take for fucking hours.

  He lifted his head and met my gaze. His eyes were glazed, full of need, the kind that made me want him sooner, faster. Fuck, I was needy for him. Grinding against me, he rasped, “These tight pants you wear get me hot as fuck, but I gotta tell you, it’s a lot fucking easier to get to you when you wear a dress.”

  I slid my arms over his shoulder and around his neck so my fingers were in his hair. Gripping him hard, I said, “I’m sure you’ll find a way to get them off fast.”

  His eyes darkened and he dropped his head. Sucking in a few harsh breaths, he looked back up at me. Pained. “You test me, Tatum.”

  I had no idea what he meant. “How?”

  He took hold of my waist, his fingers digging into me. “You make me want things,” he bit out, his voice a dark warning.

  My heart banged against my chest. Red flags would be flying all over the place for most women at that moment, but not for me. My whole body lit up at what I’d heard in his voice. I leaned closer to him. “Tell me.”

  He hissed and swore. “Fuck.” But I knew I had him when he spun me around, slid his arm around my waist and pushed his erection against my ass. “You sure about that?”

  I gripped the kitchen counter, breathless. I hadn’t been more sure of anything in a long time. “Yes.”

  He took a moment and then he produced a pocketknife, pressing the tip of it to my chest. Not hard, but with enough pressure to send my pulse racing. “You ever played with knives, Vegas?”

  I stared at the blade against my skin. It both excited the hell out of me and scared the ever-loving shit out of me. “No,” I panted out, lightheaded at the thought of what he wanted to do with the knife.

  He ran the tip of the blade across my skin, not drawing blood, just lightly pressing against me. His breathing grew ragged and his body dominated me in a way it hadn’t yet. Nitro wanted this bad. Even though I couldn’t see him, I sensed how turned on he was.

  Placing the knife on the counter, he turned me so I faced him, and wrapped his hand around the back of my neck. My scalp burned from the grip he held me with and my breathing slowed at the fierce energy vibrating off him. “I n
ever fuck a woman in any way she doesn’t want. Let’s just get that out of the way.” He licked a line from the base of my throat up to my mouth. He then consumed me with a kiss that he poured all his need into. When he finally let my mouth go, he said, “I want to cut those pants off you. I want to slice your underwear in half. And I want to run that blade all over your skin, but I won’t do any of that if you don’t want me to.” His eyes bored into mine, waiting for my answer.

  My heart stuttered. My whole body tensed. What he asked was too much. The danger thrilled me, but my common sense kicked in and prevented me from saying yes to all of that. He might have saved my life a couple of times, but no way in hell did I trust a man I’d just met with a knife anywhere near me.

  “I can’t. No.” I shook my head as the words fell out of my mouth.

  His jaw clenched and he nodded his understanding. Reaching around me, he swiped the knife off the counter and shoved it away. He then moved his hands to the button on my pants. Undoing it, he met my gaze. “It would have been faster my way, but we’ll play this your way.”

  I exhaled, thankful for that. His signal that he was good with my refusal. Which was a good thing because I wanted sex with Nitro. After he fucked me that morning, I’d gone for an hour-long run and my head had felt so clear afterwards. He’d fucked some of the knots out of my body and some clarity into my mind. And I needed all the help with that.



  “Animals” by Maroon 5

  I leant forward in the ute and watched as Dragon loaded case after case into the back of his van. “Fucking hell,” I muttered as I turned to see what Hyde made of this.

  His dark expression matched mine. “Yeah, that about covers it.”

  “He’s planning something.” Those cases were full of guns, and from our surveillance, we knew he’d had a delivery of guns the week prior also.


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