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Catalina's Caress

Page 29

by Sylvie F. Sommerfield

  Maybe one more night—one more taste of passionate magic that blossomed between them—would free him to do what he felt he must.

  "You were utterly charming tonight, Cat. I'm afraid you've captured more hearts."

  "Your friends were delightful," she countered; "For a while they almost made me forget just how... uncertain our situation is. I had to keep in mind that none of this can be any more than a passing pleasure, as all your pleasures are."

  His eyes narrowed as he searched her words for a double meaning, at the same time trying his best to push from his mind the thoughts that had subtly insinuated themselves. Permanence was the last thing he wanted, but the pleasures she spoke of evoked vibrant memories when he looked into the deep pools of her eyes.

  His arms went about her and he drew her close to him. "You are a pleasure no man in his right mind could resist. God, but you're beautiful, Cat," he whispered as he bent to kiss her again. His mouth smothered any words she would have uttered, and within moments any thoughts either harbored were melted by the heat that forged them together.

  She moaned softly under his fierce fevered kisses, and clung to him as she gave herself wholly to her passion, becoming so enmeshed in its intensity that she found herself returning to that state of wild and free abandon that amazed her as well as him.

  When their lips parted momentarily, they gazed at each other, astounded by the sensations that tore at them.

  But this was not what Marc had planned for this night... not this night

  Catalina gave a startled gasp as he bent and lifted her up in his arms.


  "Shh ... it's been a day to remember. Now we will share a night to remember ... but not here."

  Almost fearing this fabulous moment was a dream she closed her eyes and put her arms about his neck.

  He strode to the stairway and carried her up it Pushing the door to his room open, he stepped inside, then used his back to push the door shut.

  Servants had lit candles and had turned down the bed after lighting a fire in the fireplace.

  Gently he let her feet drop to the floor, but he held her close to him.

  When she lifted her eyes to his, he molded her even more closely against him.

  "I want you, Cat," he whispered as he pressed a searing kiss to her throat. "I have never wanted anyone as I have you. I will never understand you ... but I want you."

  "I am not so impossible to understand," she whispered. "You look too far away for answers."

  Marc no longer cared, for she had lifted her mouth to his again in a yielding yet seductive kiss that sent a glorious sensation of lightness through him. He took her hand, and backing slowly toward the bed, he drew her with him. She offered no resistance, and when they reached the side of the bed, she moved into his arms willingly.

  While their lips lingered, played and tasted and savored, their hands caressed and then moved to destroy the barrier of clothes that stood between them.

  Catalina, he thought wildly, you make me forget all but your silken flesh.

  He could feel her now, pressed to his heated skin. The entire length of her body melded perfectly with his.

  He could not deny the almost unnatural physical desire he had for her, and he could not resist the magic web her lovemaking wove about him.

  They dropped to the bed, their limbs too weak to control, and feverishly he caressed the slim length of her body, his hands drawing forth the streaks of passion that shot through her.

  Mouths parted, hungering for the depths of delight. Tongues warred, while passions soared.

  His hands slid down her waist to her belly, then sought a deeper warmth. '

  Here, in his bed, in the heart of his home, Marc sought to brand her as his.

  Pushing her gently against the pillows he rose above her, to gaze for a moment at the graceful length of her body in the candle glow. He wanted to know every inch of her, and he let his fingers gently touch her shoulders. Their eyes met and held, and she remained quiet and motionless as his hand slid down to cup her breast.

  He bent to lick lightly at one, then the other, hearing her soft sighing response. He caressed her soft mounds, feeling the velvet of her skin and the hardness of her peaked nipples. Then he captured one, sucking gently at first, then more urgently until her sighs turned to moans and she reached for him.

  He savored her flesh, moving his mouth slowly, nibbling, tasting—sensing the heat within her. When he lifted his head for a moment, pleasure moved through him in a thick wave. Her eyes were closed, and he could feel her entire body tremble.

  With an easy movement, he knelt between her legs. Her eyes opened, and she gazed at him, her eyes glazed with need. Running his hands down her hips and then up the inside of her thighs, gently he parted them. Then he bent to let his lips trace the same path, slowly, ever so slowly, until Catalina felt she would scream for her body pulsed with need and arched to seek release.

  She cried out his name in blind and mindless surrender as his mouth touched, his tongue caressed, at first lightly in short strokes until she felt she could bear it no more. Then he penetrated deeply, seeking to drive her beyond reality. Only when her body quivered on the brink of release did he cease. Both were beyond anything but this blinding hot desire.

  Suddenly, with a deep, almost violent thrust, he buried himself deep within her. Then he remained motionless until her eyes opened. Holding her gaze, he began to move in a tormentingly slow movement.

  She reached to draw him to her, but he remained above her. She arched her hips, thrashing in her need, but still he moved slowly until she was beyond control.

  "Marc ... please ... please."

  The pace increased, the fire mounted until they were moving together in an almost wild and violent abandon.

  When she cried out his name again at the pinnacle of release, he barely heard, for he was dissolving in a river of brilliant completion and could only groan her name softly in response.

  Chapter 27

  Travis had stood in the deep shadows on the lower deck and had watched Marc assist Catalina into the carriage. He knew quite well that Marc had deliberately not invited him to the evening meal, and had blatantly made a production of leaving with Catalina. But he had no idea that Marc was quite certain Travis was watching, and was enjoying himself.

  Travis was so engrossed in jealous anger as he watched Marc and Catalina, he was not aware of Charlene's presence until she spoke.

  "You're not going ashore in Natchez? It's a real exciting town."

  "I'm afraid I do not intend to disembark here," he said. "In fact I've no plans for this evening at all."

  "Then"—she moved closer to his side and tucked her hand under his arm—"maybe you'd like to come ashore with me. I'm meeting Nina, and we're going to have a party with some friends. It might be very interesting for you." Her voice was seductive and her eyes glimmered in open invitation.

  Travis looked into her eyes for some time, realizing she was leaving words unsaid, words she hoped he would understand.

  "I suppose it would be worth my while to come with you. I hear Nina and one of the crew were put ashore somewhat against their will. Does this have anything to do with our little ... party?"

  "It might." She laughed softly. "It just might at that. It seems Nina and her friend are a little upset with Marc. From what I've seen you're not too pleased either. Together we might all find some advantage."

  "Just what do you have in mind?"

  "Come ashore ... and find out," she said teasingly. "I wouldn't be surprised if you enjoyed the evening. It might just remove a barrier or two from your path and give you what you're after."

  "And just how do you know what I'm after?"

  "Don't play games with me, Travis. I've known what you've been after since you had Willie pull that little trick with the door. I'd say the lady has a lot of money and you'd like to get her into a position where you could"—she shrugged—"share a little."

  "Well, you might just be right. S
o"—he smiled— "why don't we just go and join your friends, and see what the evening has to offer?"

  Charlene smiled again and Travis laughed as they walked toward the gangplank. Neither Travis or Charlene were aware of the piercing gaze of China, who had stood some distance away and had watched the two in conversation.

  There was no doubt in her mind that whatever they were talking about, it boded no good for Marc.

  She watched them walk down the gangplank and hire a carriage to take them into town. She motioned to a young darkie standing nearby and bent to whisper into his ear. Within minutes he flew down the gangplank and trotted nimbly in pursuit of the slow-moving carriage.


  China returned to Marc's cabin and waited impatiently for the young boy's return. He was gone for an hour, but to China it felt like days before a timid knock on her cabin door told of his return.

  "Well, Jasper?" she asked patiently.

  "Dey be gwan to Miz Belle's house."

  "Belle Towne?"

  "Yessum, Miz China. Dat be whar dey go. Yo'all wants me to go watch to see iffen dey goes anywhere else?"

  "No, Jasper." China smiled and slipped a gold coin into the boy's hand, watching his face light up. "You've done fine. Now go along and have some fun. Spend your money on some of those sweets you like so well."

  "Yessum ... Miz China, yo sho yo doan needs me. I be glad to stay."

  "No, you go on, Jasper. But you can do one thing for me."

  "Yessum ... anything."

  "While you're on your way to have some fun, tell one of the drivers to bring a carriage to the gangplank. I'll be going into Natchez in about a half-hour."

  "Yessum, I'll get de bes and de fastus. He'll be dere when yo'all's ready."

  "Thank you. Now go and enjoy yourself. We'll be leaving Natchez in a day or so I imagine."

  "Yessum." Jasper flashed a broad white grin and then scampered away. China knew he would carefully choose one of the carriages for her use.

  She closed the cabin door and saw that Shawna was in the condition she had expected. It was always so when Shawna was in close proximity to Natchez-under-the-hill. Drawn and pale, she was curled up on Marc's bed, obviously afraid.

  China went to the bed and took one of Shawna's hands in hers. "You know you need have no more fears, Shawna," she said comfortingly. "Marc will never let anyone hurt you again. Natchez-under-the-hill can't reach you or touch you."

  "I know, China. I... I don't have to go ashore. I don't have to go back there if I don't want to. Marc told me."

  "Of course you don't. You are safe here, and we love you. But I must go ashore awhile to do an errand . .. something to help Marc."

  "To help Marc," Shawna said timidly.

  "Yes. You'll be all right for a whiter

  "Yes ... if you're going to help Marc."

  "I am, child, but I shall return soon and we will have dinner together."

  Shawna nodded, but China could still feel fear trembling through her. She wondered if the day would ever come when Shawna would be free of the ugliness of the past. It had taken China a long time to recover. And both women were very aware of the position Marc held in their lives, for he had been the one to walk between them and hell, and he was still the only wall between them and the blackness they knew existed here.

  China rose to her feet and smiled reassuringly. "Why don't you just try to get some sleep? I'll be back soon and we'll have a quiet late-night dinner together."

  Again Shawna nodded as she pulled the covers up to her chin. China patted her hand, then left, closing the door softly behind her. Shawna watched the closed door for a while as if she expected it to burst open, to see dark evil men race and snatch her from the bed. Finally she closed her eyes. And the dreams came again as they always did. ...

  She had been so young ... so very young when they had caught her. She had lived with her mother on the very edge of Natchez-under-the-hill, and had been contented to follow her mother's orders to remain inside the house before dark. How could she have known of her mother's "after dark" profession? She did not understand when she had awakened one night to find her mother gone. Afraid to be alone, she had gone out to find her....

  Her dreams became terrifying. She was dragged to a brothel, and ravaged again and again. She could still feel the obscene hands tear at her, still feel the pain and the terror. She had never seen her mother again because she had been chained to the bed.

  Night after night she had been sexually used and abused until she dropped into the inky blackness of forgetfulness.

  Then Marc had come. He had seen her, and had gone mad with fury. He had killed one man and injured many. But he had dragged a fourteen-year-old child from the depths of degradation, and although her mind would never go beyond that age, her body had developed while Marc had kept her safe and protected.

  Shawna clung to sanity only because of China and Marc. For them, she would give her life if it were necessary.


  China sat in the carriage without looking to either side of the street as the carriage rolled along. She did not need to look; she, too, knew Natchez-under-the-hill well. She, too, had tasted its evil and its nightmares. And she was loyal to Marc, for almost the same reason as Shawna.

  The carriage rolled to a stop in front of a house that seemed to be better cared for than most of the dwellings in the lower city, trot it appeared to be deserted. China stepped down and sharply ordered the driver to wait. Then she walked to the door and knocked.

  The door was opened by a small wizened old man who smiled when he saw her.

  "Ah, China ... welcome, welcome. It is good to see your lovely face again."

  China smiled. "Thank you. Is Emil at home?"

  "Yes. He saw the boat arrive and he has been hoping you would call on him. Come in."

  China stepped inside and the door was quickly closed.


  Travis was welcomed to the group that sat around the table in the noisy barroom. Nina was there, with a man Travis had never seen before, and Willie Best. Willie seemed nervous.

  "I'm glad to see you again," Nina said.

  "I'm rather surprised to see you," Travis replied.

  "Surprised . . . really?" Nina laughed.

  "I told Nina I felt sure you would be interested in what she had to say." Charlene sat down and drew Travis down beside her.

  "And just what do you have to say?" Travis asked coldly, his eyes never leaving Nina's face.

  "I think," Nina declared softly, "you would like to rid yourself of Marc, and have your sweet-faced fancy lady back where you could handle her."

  "Handle her?"

  "Don't play with me, Travis," Nina said, half in anger. "We know what you had Willie here do. You want her in your bed and in your power, and you can damned well have her—as long as you promise to keep her away from Marc. We"—she shrugged and smiled—"would rather he didn't know what happened to her."

  Travis folded his arms on the table and leaned toward Nina, a smile on his face. "And just what do you plan to do?"

  "Whatever suits you."

  "I want Catalina legally married to me. I want papers that prove it After that you can dispose of her in any way you see fit."

  "Oh," Nina said softly, "I can think of many ways here in Natchez-under-the-hill to dispose of a pretty thing like her."

  "But I've got to be legally married to her before you ... take care of her. And I will need a reliable witness so the marriage will stand up in a court of law."

  "Don't worry, we'll get your witness. After that.. ."

  "After that, we can solve your problem," Charlene put in. "Willie says he can make a lot of money on her pampered body. He can keep her in circulation for choice patrons for a long, long time."

  "Sorry, Willie." Travis laughed. "I want the Carrington fortune. With her brother dead, I, as her legal husband, will be handsomely paid to... ah... keep the Carrington name clean. I plan to make a very great deal of money by holding Catalina and our m
arriage over their heads. They need never know where she is, but I must dangle before them the possibility that they might be able to see her... one day ... sometime—if they pay well"

  "Then we'll all get what we want. With that Carrington bitch out of the way, Marc will soon forget her. He'll belong to me again," Nina declared. "You'll have your money, and Willie will be able to find some ... pleasure of his own."

  Travis looked again at Willie, whose eyes glowed with the burning fire of a hungry rat. Travis shuddered to think of what his twisted mind might devise for Catalina.

  "All right, Willie," he said softly. "We'll compensate you somehow for not being able to make money on Catalina's body."

  Willie smiled and nodded his head.

  "So," Travis added, "let's get our plans straight so there will be no slip-ups. If you want her, Willie, you had better make sure everything works smoothly."

  "Don't worry." Nina spoke for Willie. "He knows. There won't be any mistakes.''

  "All right. Just what are we going to do?" Travis said quietly. The five bent close together to solidify their plans to separate Marc and Catalina forever and to send Catalina into a world of wickedness such as she had never dreamed of.


  Travis and Charlene stepped down from the carriage alongside the Belle much later that night. They walked up the gangplank as if they had only gone on a pleasurable jaunt and had not plotted such evil things.

  "Where is China?" Charlene asked of a roustabout that stood nearby.

  "She's ashore, since this afternoon."

  "And Marc?"

  "He and the young lady haven't come back."

  "Good," Charlene said softly. Then she smiled up at Travis. "Would you like to come to my cabin for a drink before you retire for the night?"

  "I most certainly would." Travis drew her closer to him, knowing that the night promised more than the sharing of a drink, and that in the next few days they would be well rewarded.


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