MYSTERY: RIng of truth - Dying Words: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery: Ring of truth)

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MYSTERY: RIng of truth - Dying Words: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery: Ring of truth) Page 3

by James Tayler

  “Oh my god…let me get you out of that.” I heard a voice and it was of the male variety, but I could not see who was talking to me. “I don’t know how you got yourself into that, but I’m gonna have to find a way to get up to you. Don’t go anywhere.” Despite the fact that I was in mortal danger, I began to laugh at the absurdity of his statement. “I was going to ask what was funny, but now I understand. It’s not like you can go anywhere anyway and you’re pretty much a captive audience of one.” He sounded like he was a good looking man, but voices can be deceiving, as well as anybody would know from those telemarketers that made their life by pretending to be something that they weren’t.

  Then again, sex phone operators could say the same thing, although most of those were becoming obsolete with the invention of the Internet. I had to admit that most people that lost their livelihoods upon the introduction of the Internet had found a way to use the Internet to make their lives a little bit easier.

  “I hope that you can hurry, because I can feel that my jacket is not going to stand up to my weight for very much longer. I hear the ripping of the material and I really don’t want to fall from this height.” I heard the sound of sirens in the distance and I looked around to try to verify my location, but nothing seemed all that familiar. This could’ve been any kind of metropolitan city in the area and I was going to have to get more information. The only person that really could tell me anything was my knight in shining armor or maybe he was just a Good Samaritan that had decided to help a damsel in distress.

  “I can’t reach the fire escape. I’m going to have to go in and up the stairs and find a way to get onto the fire escape. Try and not move too much and maybe that will mitigate the chances of you falling to your death or ultimate injury.” It would’ve been nice to know who I was talking to, but that could wait. I could feel my hair blowing in the breeze and I could tell that it was a warm day, so that could be anything from May until late September or early October. That was predicated on the fact that we were in the United States and not some foreign country in the middle of nowhere.

  I saw no indication that the architecture of the time was from anywhere other than the United States or maybe Canada. I could’ve been in New York, Toronto or a number of other cities. It was kind of gratifying to know that I really didn’t have all the answers. Usually, I’m the one that everybody comes to for advice and that included my sister upon her divorce. She wanted to know my opinion and I gave her my unbiased answer with nothing held back. I told her that a man that cheats will most likely go back to cheating. It was just a matter of time. Things could look rosy for some time and even therapy might stop him from stepping over that line, but then some willowy young thing would catch his eye.

  I could tell that we were in an alley and that there wasn’t anything around besides a few locked doors and garbage cans littering the pavement below. Nobody would ever know that I was in danger, unless of course I was to scream and bring attention to myself. That was one thing that I wasn’t going to do and I had no qualms about waiting this out to see how it was going to play out.

  I tried to remain calm, but standing there or more to the point hanging there was only making things worse by the second. I liked the idea that I was part of the unknown and that at this very moment I could pretend that I was anywhere in the world. I found myself daydreaming about Paris and the Eiffel tower, but I somehow knew that this was not where I was. I remembered what Hope and Samantha said about the things in our mind at the time of our departure. I tried to think on anything that I had running around in there, but nothing was coming to mind. I had no idea where I was or what kind a catastrophe was going to befall the people that were around me.

  I heard a window and then the voice of the same man coming from above. “I couldn’t find a way to get to you directly, so I had to resort to knocking on a few doors. There was nobody on your floor, but this young lady opened up her home to me. I’m a little surprised and New York is not known for the most friendly of people.” I now knew where I was, but the time and the date still was right there for the taking. “There’s a bit of frost on the stairs. Had you tried to take your life may in the afternoon that might have been better for the both of us.” I suppose from his point of view it did appear that I did try to jump to my death. I was going to have to tell him otherwise, because I didn’t want him to think that I was some kind of hard luck case in need of psychological evaluation.

  I found it ironic that he would think that I was some kind of mental case, when I was the one that was helping people in my own time to rectify those decisions that they had made in the spur the moment. I was their lifeline and I gave them hope where there wasn’t any before. I’d even done some pro Bono work for inner city youth and I was quite instrumental in making sure that those young men and women found their way back into the education system.

  “I doubt that you’re going to believe me, but I didn’t try to kill myself. It may look like it, but I can assure you that would be the furthest thing from my mind.” I’m sure that anybody caught in this situation would say the same thing. “This isn’t what it looks like.” I knew how stupid that might sound. I almost burst out laughing, but any kind of motion would be detrimental to my well being.

  “There’s no reason to get defensive and everybody has bad days. It’s getting close to Christmas. I imagine that a lot of people including yourself are feeling that deep depression starting to set in.” I was getting a better picture of where I was at. New York close to Christmas would be too much to ask for. I always wanted to see the Christmas tree lit up for the first time, but I never found a reason to actually go through with it. “Don’t worry, I’ve been there myself and I’ve come back through to the other side. I have my faith in god and I know that things may look bleak, but there is a reason to hope for a better future.” I heard the clanging of the stairs and his exclamation of surprise when he lost his footing on the slippery stairs.

  “If you’re going to save me, then I suggest that you don’t kill yourself going down the stairs. Take it easy and I’d rather fall than to have you hurt yourself.” I didn’t even know why I even cared about him, but there was something about his compassion that tugged at my heart. “I think that I can hold on for a little longer. Just be careful and use good judgment and good footing to get down to where I’m at.” I tried to look up to see what he looked like, but being in this position had made it almost impossible.

  “Don’t give up and it was fortuitous that I walked by when I did. I was on my way to work at the fire department and I saw you hanging there. At first I thought that I was imagining things. The light behind you made you look like an angel that had dropped down from heaven.” It was nice of him to say that, but most likely he had only seen the bright light that was followed by my emerging into this time. If he did see what happened, then his mind was trying to justify it with an answer that would make more sense. For me to materialize out of nowhere was not possible. A lot of people would try to explain it away in their minds. They wouldn’t be able to handle such a stretch of the imagination.

  “I’m glad that you did walk by, but right now I’m really in no position to speak on the matter.” My education was quite prevalent in my speech and it dawned on me that he was of a similar educated person. “My name is Caroline Anders.” I don’t know why I didn’t just tell him my real name, but maybe a little anonymity would go a long way.

  “Jasper Perry. It’s nice to meet you Carolina and I wish that it could be under better circumstances. I should call this in, but I think I believe you that this was not a cry for help. You don’t have that vacant stare and I can’t see you trying to take your life over some petty argument or differences.” I was quite impressed that he was able to read the situation, as well as he could. Then again, he was a trained professional and even firefighters had to at some time talk a man down from jumping off a bridge.

  “That is a very unusual name. I take it that you are a transplant to this country.” I thought that
I heard some kind of accent, but I couldn’t be entirely positive. “You sound English, but there’s also something underlying that I just can’t put my finger on.” I heard his heavy breath behind me and then his hand came around to hold me by the waist. “Be careful, because I could fall at any moment and I really don’t want to take you with me.” I think that I would have had the same regard for anybody that was trying to come to my rescue. I did have to say that his help was most appreciated and I was going to have to find a way to reward him.

  I thought about having sex with him, but it was only a fleeting moment that was soon extinguished by my faith in the almighty. I could never give my body freely to anyone, especially if they were a complete stranger. I needed time to get to know them on a different level and to make sure that they were exactly what I was looking for. I didn’t want to do anything that would make it necessary for me to stand in front of my priest in confessional. I hadn’t been in a confessional booth in over two years and I wanted to keep it that way. There were things in my past that I wasn’t proud of, but it was made when I was in a bad place in my life.

  “I know that you don’t weigh much, but dead weight is a lot more than trying to carry you over the threshold.” It was interesting that his mind went to a moment where two lives would emerge as one under the eyes of god. “I think that I’m going to have to unzip this jacket. I hope that you don’t have any sentimental attachment to it, because I doubt that it’s going to survive.” I actually did like the long black leather jacket and it gave me a sense of confidence that I didn’t have in my daily life.

  “I would appreciate it that you try and make sure that the jacket is salvageable. I know that it’s not probably going to happen, but I want you to make every effort to make it happen.” I reached out with my hands and I grabbed onto the railing to give myself a little bit of leverage. This way, I was helping him and not trying to drag him down with me. The railing was slippery and the frost was now starting to burn off with the sun that was beating down from above.

  “I’m glad that you’re trying to help. It shows that you’re not a lost cause and that there is something inside of you that wants to stay breathing. I think I knew that this was not your idea of trying to end it all. The building is only five stories high and you would have to do a nose dive into the pavement to die quickly. Most often than not, it would be a painful reminder that life is precious. You would probably feel pain like no other, but it would be a small price to pay to realize that you don’t want to leave this mortal coil.”

  “I know all the rules and I would never break them for anything. We only get this one time on this planet and for anybody to think that they can walk away without performing their necessary function makes me angry. God put us down here for purpose and whether we die when we are a child or when we are old and gray rocking back and forth on some kind of porch. We may never know what that purpose truly is and it could be, as small as helping a young child cross a street in the middle of rush hour traffic.” He was holding me tightly and I could tell that this man had been in a gym.

  “You have an interesting way of looking at things, Carolina.” I thought that I told him that my name was Caroline, but maybe he couldn’t exactly hear me correctly. I was going to play along and hopefully my ruse would not be uncovered. “The way that you talk reminds me of a psychiatrist that I went to after a certain fire gave me a permanent reminder on my hand. I don’t want to scare you, but I lost 20% of my feeling in my left hand. It’s mostly just numb and I can tell you that holding you like this is a little hard on me.” He reached around to unzip my jacket. I managed to slip out of one of the arm holes, grabbing onto the railing behind me and breathing deeply at the very notion that I could slip and find myself on the receiving end of the hard packed pavement below.

  Chapter three

  Every time that I tried to grab onto the railing, I would slip on the dew that was now covering it. I thought that I was going to lose my grip, but thankfully he still had his hand wrapped around my waist to make sure that I didn’t go out of his reach. Finally with a breath of relief, I stood with my back up against him on that fire escape. He still had his hands wrapped around my waist and I couldn’t help, but to feel a certain sexual attraction. This time, I did manage to look over my shoulder and see a dark haired handsome stranger looking back at me.

  “I would say that was a close call, but I think that would be an understatement. I’m afraid that your jacket is not exactly in the best shape. That medal bar went through it, but I do know a seamstress that might be able to make it look, as good as new. I doubt that it will ever be truly the same, but I don’t see any reason why we can’t try. The seamstress in question is my mother. Before you say that I might be a mama’s boy, then I have to tell you that I don’t mind anybody calling me that. She raised me on her own by working two jobs and I don’t think that I could be any prouder of her.” The admiration for his mother was evident in his eyes.

  “I would never disparage anybody’s mother.” I had learned through dating that some parents were very protective of their children. I had one mother take me in the corner and tell me that I wasn’t good enough for her little boy. She told me that there was a woman in his life. I had heard during dinner the other night that he had just broken up with a woman that really didn’t amount to much more than a three night stand. According to his mother’s recollection, this woman was the one that was supposed to have that ring on her finger. He had downplayed the significance of that relationship. To me it was a bold faced lie that couldn’t be forgiven.

  He did try and tell me that he was only doing it to protect me, but I knew the truth. The love that they had had never diminished and for them to think otherwise was only fooling each other. I felt pity for any one that got involved with them, because eventually they would find their way back into each other’s arms.

  “You’re right and I’m not from around here and my mother and I came over here from Australia to make a new life for ourselves. I may never be president of the United States, but I can protect the lives of the innocence to the best of my ability. I found myself a part of a proud tradition of firefighters that do what it takes every day to make a difference. I’ve handed children over to their parents alive and well after a successful rescue that could’ve gone one way or the other. I’ve had some close calls, but I believe that whatever doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” This was a man with a good head on his shoulders and the kind of overindulgence in the gym that had made him into the specimen that I see in front of me.

  I almost fainted from seeing him in his orange and black uniform. He was dressed for work and I didn’t know it, but I had a secret fantasy that revolved around men in uniform. The one that was most prevalent in my mind was a firefighter and maybe that was what the device and god had used, as a way to get me here in the first place.

  “I’ve always wanted to visit Australia. There have been documentaries that had me at the edge of my seat. I don’t know why I haven’t visited and it’s not like I don’t have the money. I’m a very sought after psychologist.” The look on his face was priceless and I doubt that he had any idea that I would have that kind of credential underneath my belt. “There’s no reason to be shocked. I’ve already told you that it wasn’t what it looked like. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to explain to you what happened without making me look like I’ve gone around the bend. Let’s just say that I lost my balance.” I figured that the best idea was to keep it simple.

  “I’m not here to judge you. Let’s say for argument’s sake that you’re telling me the truth. It still doesn’t explain why you would be on top of the roof at this time of morning. It’s funny, but I should’ve called 911 and it’s kind of ironic that this would happen on September 11th.” My eyes went wide. I couldn’t believe for one second that this would be the date in infamy that would claim many lives with a terrorist attack that would take the world by the throat. Everybody would know where they were at the time of those towers getting s
truck by two airplanes. I was in session at the time with a closet case that was having a hard time adjusting to the reality of what he was. After what he heard of the Towers, he realized how stupid he was to care what others thought.

  “Let me guess… It’s the year 2001.” He nodded his head, but I could see the quizzical expression like he didn’t understand how I couldn’t possibly know the year in which I lived. “Never mind and I don’t suppose that you have the time on you by chance.” He looked at his watch and told me that it was 7:00 AM. I knew that it would only be a short time before all hell broke loose. We had maybe an hour, but that would be all that there would be to say about that. The very idea that he would go traipsing into one of the towers was making me want to reach out to him and shake the living daylights out of him.

  “I think that what you need the most is not only a seamstress, but a nice hot cup of coffee.” I was thinking that maybe something a little stronger would make my day. “I might have some left over vodka from a celebration that we had a couple of weeks ago. I’m not much for drinking, but after what happened here, I can say with some degree of certainty that a good stiff one would go a long way.” I could see something stiff inside his uniform and I couldn’t help, but to admire the man and his dedication to saving lives.

  “Are you sure that they could spare you?”

  “I wasn’t even supposed to be working today. They called me in at the last minute and if they have to wait for a few minutes longer, then I don’t think that’s going to hurt them. The station is just around the corner and my mother’s place is across the street. This won’t take long and then we can go our separate ways.”


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