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Divine Royalty

Page 5

by Shelli Humphrey

  Michael sat down on my father's throne, which was now his. He took my hand in his and pulled me close so he could kiss me. I laid my head on his shoulder and tried to relax. If I did not I would break down, and the Throne Room was not the place for the new queen to have an emotional breakdown. I needed to hold it together until after the feast, when we retired to our room and it was just me and Michael. I had to be strong for my sister and my kingdom. Though quite frankly, I was getting tired of having to be strong for everyone. I am the baby of the family, yet I have to be the one who holds it together no matter what. I should be the one hiding in my room, crying my eyes out into my love's shoulder, but I do not have that luxury.

  I was surprised that no one came into the Throne Room to see us. We sat in there alone for over an hour after Catalina and Damyen left. Then all of a sudden the doors flew open and in walked my head guard with a couple priestesses right behind him. I sat up straight and forced a smile for them. I had not expected the priestesses until after the funeral. “Samuel, you work quick. Thank you.” I greeted him. “Of course Your Highness. This was a matter of great importance.” He said before bowing and stepping outside the door. “Thank you for coming so quickly ladies.” I greeted the priestesses. “Your welcome Your Highness. As soon as your guard appeared at the temple, we knew something was wrong. Your mother's death is a great loss for this kingdom and its people. Please accept our condolences and the knowledge that your mother now sits with the Great Goddess watching over us all as she had when she sat on that throne.” Lady Demetrya said respectfully but with the power that all of the goddess's priestesses carried with them. “Thank you. That does give me great comfort in this terrible time. I will feel more comfortable once we catch her murderer. The guards still have no leads.” I told them sadly. “I may be of some help in that matter Your Highness. If you will allow, I can meditate in the room in which she was killed and I may be able to pick up some readings with my Goddess Gift.” Lady Kaytyah spoke up. “That would be greatly appreciated. I will have my handmaiden show you to my mother's room. The guards should have it cleaned up by now.” I said feeling a little better about the situation. As if she knew I was talking about her, Lysandra walked into the Throne Room at that moment. “Ah wonderful. Lysandra could you show Lady Kaytyah to my mother's room please? And make sure she has whatever she needs to complete her task.” I asked Lysa when she got up to me. “Of course Your Highness. Please follow me M'Lady.” Lysa said before turning around and heading back out of the room.

  Michael and I spent the next few hours with Lady Demetrya. We went over how the Ascension Ceremony would go. She also helped me to prepare for Mother's funeral, since the funeral of the previous monarch is a little different than the funeral of her husband. Michael surprised me by asking Lady Demetrya to do a blessing on our baby before she heads back to the temple. She was more than happy to oblige his request and we planned it for sunrise the following morning.

  My mother's funeral went a lot more smoothly than I expected. Everyone I could see was in tears, even the guards. I spoke of my mother's life and her reign. I spoke of her love for her people and her family. I also gave the people as many details about her death as I could before handing it over to Lady Demetrya, who then did a prayer for my mother's soul. She prayed that her soul finds peace within the Goddess's arms despite her tragic and untimely death. She prayed that her murderer be found quickly and without problems. She also prayed that the Goddess bless not only the kingdom in general during this difficult time, but my family as well and that the Goddess protects the rest of the royal family from further tragedy and heartbreak. Then she dismissed everyone to the Throne Room.

  Once everyone was in the Throne Room, Lady Demetrya started the Ascension Ceremony. She read us the oaths and Michael and I swore our lives on them. Then she called on the Goddess to bless us as the new King and Queen. Much to everyone's surprise (even Lady Demetrya) the Goddess appeared in front of us much like she had at Marcus's execution. She smiled out at the people before turning to Michael and I. “I do not usually appear in form at these ceremonies, but due to all the tragedy and heartbreak that lead to this moment, I felt it necessary. Anastasia and Michael you two have been destined since birth for greatness. The extent of this greatness you know not. I am here to start you off on the right path as King and Queen of my children. From this day until your deaths, you will rule this kingdom and these people before you. They will look to you for guidance and leadership. They will grow strong from the strength inside of both of you. The two of you will do things no other rulers have done. You will have to deal with things none before you have had to deal with. There will be more trying times ahead of you, and at times it may seem easier to give up, but I am here to tell you that if you keep to the path I set you on, you will come out stronger than you ever imagined, as will your kingdom and your children. You will go forth from this day, knowing that I am with you always. Have you need of guidance all you must do is ask for it. On the day of your daughter's birth, an ancient power will awaken in both of you. Use this power for the good of your kingdom and you and yours will be rewarded with happiness and prosperity. I leave you tonight with my blessing and my love. Go forth from this day with peace and serenity in your hearts my beloved children.” When she finished her speech, she disappeared just as quickly as she had appeared. Without missing a beat, Lady Demetrya proclaimed us King and Queen, and placed our new crowns atop our heads.

  We all went into the banquet hall for the feast in memory of my mother. This feast lasted all night. There was more food than I had ever seen at any other feast in my life. The desserts were piled high on tables ready for the taking whenever someone wanted something. Some muses had traveled down from the temple and were singing, dancing, and playing music. The servants had even hung up paintings of my mother from through out her life.

  About two hours into the feast, I was ready to fall asleep in my seat. Thankfully Michael noticed this. He stood up and gave a short speech thanking everyone for coming and telling them they were welcome to stay and enjoy themselves as long as they wished. Then he helped me up, and lead me back to our room.

  Once the door closed behind us, I collapsed on to the bed. Michael tried to catch me but was just a little bit too slow. I do not think the baby liked the jostling because she chose that moment to start moving around (for the first time since this morning). I brought my hands up to my belly to feel her movements. I was still amazed at all of it. Michael watched me quietly for a moment, before pulling me into his arms and placing his hands on my belly as well. “Have you decided what you would like to name her, my love?” He asked, his voice soft and sweet. “I have a few ideas, but want your input as well. She is your daughter too.” I said sounding very tired. “What are your ideas?” He asked curiously. “I was thinking either Haven or Adelaide.” I told him after a moment of thinking. “I like those. How should we decide?” He asked me as I started drifting to sleep. “We shall decide when we see her for the first time.” I managed to say before finally slipping into the abyss of sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Sunrise came much to quickly for me. Lysandra knocked on the door to wake us up for the blessing. We got up and got dressed before heading out to the gardens. Lady Demetrya was waiting for us by my rose bush. Lady Kaytyah and the muses were with her as well. They all curtsied to us as we approached. “Good morning ladies.” I greeted them with a smile. “Good morning Your Majesties.” They said in unison. Lady Demetrya did not waste any time. She got us started on the blessing ritual, which was no small ritual like we had expected. She had put together parts for her and Lady Kaytyah as well as all the muses. If everything they prayed for in the ritual came true for our daughter, then she would not only be a princess of grace and beauty but also of many talents in the arts and skilled in the magikal arts as well.

  By the time we were done most of the castle was awake. Lysandra came to find us because I was almost late for my meeting with the guards. Michael and I said goodb
ye to the priestesses and the muses and then headed to the Throne Room. Half of the guards were already there waiting. We took a seat on our thrones as we waited for the others to arrive. Ten minutes later every guard was standing in front of us. I had them separate into groups based on who's guard they had been in (mine, Catalina's, Mother's, or Father's). Once everyone was separated and I could see how many were in each guard, I stood up and started to address them. “Thank you for meeting with us this morning. I wanted to call this meeting so we could reassign those of you who had been guarding my parents and to make sure that the separate guards were even. Those of you who were assigned to my father will now be assigned to Michael. Those of you who were assigned to my mother will be split between me, my sister, and Michael until our daughter is born. Then you will be assigned to her guard detail. I would also like it if the Head Guards would search for more men of proper age and ability to join the Royal Guards. With all of the tragedy that has befallen my family lately, I do not want to take any chances, especially with my daughter on the way. If anyone has any questions, ask them now. Otherwise you all are dismissed, except for Tomas.” Nobody seemed to have any questions, so they all filed out of the room and went to where ever their stations were.

  Once everyone was gone, Tomas walked up to us. He looked as if he had not slept last night, which knowing how he works, wouldn't surprise me. “Tomas have you gotten any information about my mother's murder since we last spoke?” I asked him trying to be as much of a queen in this moment as I could, but it was still difficult talking about my mother being dead. “I have questioned each of the servants and most of the guards. They all had no knowledge of anything suspicious happening that night. No one saw anyone come or go from your mother's room. No one heard anything either, but that does not surprise me. She was killed in her sleep so she would not have made any noise. I have some more guards to question today as well as the rest of the staff. As soon as I find out anything, I will let you know.” He said formally but there was sadness hidden in his voice. “The guards that went out yesterday, did they see or hear anything?” I asked, praying that we had some information. “All they reported was that most of the people had already been talking about the queen having died. They did not know how she died but there had been rumors that she had before the guards had even gone out. It makes me suspicious that the person who killed her was the one who started spreading the rumors, but that still does not get us any closer to finding out who it was.” “Alright. Thank you Tomas. Please keep us informed.” “Of course Your Majesty.” He bowed to us and then left.

  The next few hours dragged on. Michael and I had to sit through multiple meetings. The farmers came in to report what seemed like the start of a drought out in the fields, and the miners came in to report that they had found a new cave where they would be mining more precious gems than they had ever seen in one area. With every new person that walked into the Throne Room, I prayed that they would be coming to give us some information on my mother's death, but I was disappointed every time.

  Finally it was time for dinner. Michael and I headed into the banquet hall to eat. Catalina was already seated and sipping on some tea. This was the first time I had seen her all day. She looked like the picturesque princess. Not a strand of hair was out of place, and there were no tear stains on her cheeks. Only someone who knew her as well as I did would be able to see the signs of her grief.

  When Catalina saw us walk in, she walked over to us and gave me a hug. She had not hugged me like that since she pulled me back through the portal. It was as if she had been worried that she would lose me too. I hugged her back and whispered to her that everything will be alright. We will get through this. She smiled at me before leading us back over to our table.

  Dinner was uneventful. We ate our meal and made small talk. Catalina kept asking questions about the baby. She especially wanted to know what her niece's name would be, and she was disappointed when I told her that we hadn't decided yet.

  The cooks had made strawberry and crème truffles for dessert. I was extremely excited because we had not had these since my wedding. But that excitement was short lived. About halfway through my dessert, Tomas came running in. He was extremely out of breath and looked as if he had just been in a fight. When he caught his breath enough to speak, he looked back and forth between me and Catalina. “We found your mother's killer.” He said, his voice sounding very rough. “What? Who is it? Do you have them in custody?” I asked sounding more like a grieving daughter than a queen. “She managed to slip away before we were able to get her in custody but my men are pursuing her. None of us have any idea who she is but she said you two will know her. As soon as we have her in custody, I will bring her to you Your Majesty.” He explained sounding very pissed that he did not have her yet. “Thank you Tomas. When you get her back here, put her straight into a cell. Then come find me and Catalina.” I ordered. “Of course Your Majesty.” Tomas left right away to go catch up with his men. “Finally. This nightmare is almost over.” I said to no one in particular.

  After dessert I headed into my new office. Lysandra was in there still working on switching everything over from my mother's stuff to mine. “Good evening Stasia.” She said with a sad smile. “Hello Lysa. How are you doing?” I asked. “I am okay. I have been busy switching everything and getting the nursery cleaned up so it will be ready for when the little princess makes her entrance. What are you doing? I did not think you would be coming in here until your mother's stuff was taken care of.” “I had planned on staying out of here until then, but something needs my attention. I made a promise over eight years ago, and it is about time I fulfilled it.” I said surprising her. She did not ask any more questions. She grabbed me a piece of parchment and a pen. Then I sat down at my desk and started drafting up a revision to the marriage law. This revision would allow women who cannot bare children to marry if they find a suitable husband willing to forego having children. Once it was written, I sent Lysa to find Michael. I needed both of our signatures to make the revision an official law. He signed it as soon as he read it. He knew why I was doing this and agreed completely with me. I then gave the revision to the Historian to file it. He would also get the word out to all of the kingdom.

  When I was done with everything I needed to do to change the law, I was exhausted. Michael was bringing me back to our room so I could sleep. Right around the corner from our room we were stopped. It was Damyen. “Your Majesties! Catalina sent me to find you. The guards have returned.” He said a little out of breath. His expression told me it was not good news. We followed him back to the Throne Room. “What is going on? I told Tomas to bring the prisoner straight to the cells.” I asked confused. “There is no need to detain her Your Majesty.” Damyen said.

  He opened the door and inside the Throne Room was every guard in our employ. They were circled around something in the middle of the Throne Room. When I walked in the guards moved aside for me. Laying on the floor in front of me was a woman a few years younger than me. One look at her face and I knew exactly who she was. I couldn't believe it though. It was impossible. She had died when I was eight years old. Catalina and I had watched her die out in the fields behind the palace.

  I heard someone crying near me, and that was when I realized that Catalina had already been there. She was kneeling on the floor a few feet from me, and she was crying into Damyen's shoulder. She had recognized the girl too.

  It was all too much for me. I dropped to my knees beside the girl and started crying. Michael had no idea who she was or what was going on but he could take a hint. He dismissed all the guards and then knelt down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me as I cried. Once the tears halted I was able to speak but Michael cut me off. “My Love, who is this girl?” He asked softly. “Her name was Rhiannon and she was our baby sister.” Catalina answered before I had a chance. “But I thought your parents only had the two of you.” Damyen said just as confused as Michael. “Rhiannon had died ten years ago. The thre
e of us were out in the fields playing and the next thing we knew, she was dead on the ground. Catalina and I carried her body back to the palace. Mother was a mess when she saw what happened. We had a small funeral for her, just the family. And after the funeral, she was never mentioned again. Mother forbid us to speak of her. We figured it was because it was too painful for her, but now she shows up here after ten years, not as a long lost sister, but as the woman who killed our mother. I do not understand.” I explained to them while trying to make sense of it all in my own head. Catalina came over beside me and looked down at our baby sister's body. “I want to know what happened to her when we were little. We watched her burn on her funeral pyre.” She said to me. “I would like to know that as well but it seems we may never know. With her dead, we have no leads on what happened to her and no reasoning behind her killing Mother.” I told Catalina.

  Catalina and I had another funeral for our baby sister. We did not want to cause a big uproar among the people so it was only family and the palace staff. We sent word out through the kingdom that the queen's murderer had been found dead. It seemed like that would be the end of it all, so we moved on with our lives.

  I started working on preparations for the Midyear Festival, and Catalina started planning her wedding, which was to be the main event at this year's festival. I had never seen Catalina so busy, or so happy. Each day brought us closer to her finally having her happy ending, and she made sure to let everyone know that the tragedy that has befallen our family in the last few months would not hinder her happiness. Our parents would not want us to live our lives always feeling sad and depressed, so we made the most of everyday.


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