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Divine Royalty

Page 8

by Shelli Humphrey

  She lead me out and down the hall to my room. Catalina and Damyen were inside already, and there was a tray of food laid out for us, a long with a few bottles of wine. “I do not know how long we will be in here, so I wanted to make sure we had enough to get us through for a while.” Lysa said when she saw me staring at the food and wine. I laughed before turning to Catalina and Damyen. Lina threw her arms around me. “Stasia!” She cried. “It is okay Lina. We are okay. It has not spread across the fields.” I said trying to reassure her. “But that does not mean it will not.” Lina said, sounding frightened. “Michael and Rhiannon will figure something out.” I said sounding much more sure of myself than I felt. Truthfully I was just as scared as Catalina. We all sat down and had a glass of wine. All we could do now was wait.

  “MICHAEL!” RHIANNON called as I walked past her in the hall. “What is it Rhiannon?” I asked, praying she had some good news for me. It had been hours since the farmer had brought us news of the illness, and we were no closer to stopping it than we were then. “I have contacted my father. He wants to speak with you. He said he may know what the illness is.” She said sounding scared and excited. “Wonderful!” I said as I followed her back to her chambers.

  In the middle of her bedroom there was a large mirror. It was as big as the door and framed in an ornately carved wooden frame. Staring back at me from its surface was not my reflection, but a man I had never met. “Father, this is Michael, the King of this kingdom. Michael this is my father.” Rhiannon did quick introductions. “Hello sir. Rhiannon said you may know what this illness is?” I asked getting straight to the point. “Yes Your Majesty. I have been on this earth for more than three centuries. I have seen just about every kind of illness that your kind can contract. From what Rhiannon has told me, the illness currently plaguing your people, sounds like one that affected the kingdom 200 years ago. Before we could find a cure, it had wiped out half of the population. Your King and Queen and the Priestesses of the time worked with me and my people. It took us a while but we eventually found a cure. There is a flower that grew at the top of the mountains. When you boil the petals it creates a tonic that cures the infected of all traces of the illness. It also makes the uninfected immune to the illness. After discovering this flower, my people started growing it in large amounts around our camps, in case it was needed again. I have already sent some of my people to start making the tonic. Once it is ready, we will start giving it out to the people in the outlands and I will send some to you. By morning, your entire kingdom will be cured and immune.” Rhiannon's father explained very quickly. “Thank you sir! If this works, we will be indebted to you.” I said excitedly. “It is no problem Your Majesty. We may be different, but we are neighbors. My people have always been friendly with yours. My history with your mother in law was a mistake that would not have happened if I had known who she was, but then again I think it was meant to be. For without that mistake, we would not have Rhiannon.” He said with a smile. “Once we have taken care of this illness, we will be having Rhiannon's birthday ball. I think you should be there sir.” I said. “I would love to attend. Just have Rhiannon let me know the details.”

  After my conversation with Rhiannon's father, I ran to my chambers. I had to tell Stasia. I came around the corner and instantly knew something was wrong. Samuel was not outside the door, and I could hear Stasia screaming from inside the room. I pushed open the door, and was shocked at what I saw.

  WE HAD BEEN SITTING in my room talking about Lysandra's wedding to keep us distracted from our fears of what was going on outside the room. We had gone through three bottles of wine when all of a sudden, the baby decided it was time she made her entrance into the world. A contraction hit me out of nowhere and I dropped my wine glass. Lina and Lysa jumped up to see what was wrong. “The baby is coming.” I managed to say through the pain. Lina gasped and Lysa turned to Damyen. “Tell Samuel to find Michael and to get some cloths and warm water.” She ordered him. He nodded and ran to the door. Before I knew what was going on, another contraction hit me and I screamed. Lina held my hand as she and Lysa helped me to the bed. Once I was lying down, the contractions started coming quicker and more painfully. All I could do was lie there and scream. I could barely breath, despite Lysa's constant reminders to breath. I could see Damyen sitting back looking very uncomfortable.

  All of a sudden, the door burst open and Michael ran in. He froze in the doorway, not expecting to see me lying in bed in full labor. The baby was not due for a few more days. Once the shock had passed he ran over to me. He kissed my forehead and took hold of the hand that Lina was not holding. “When did it start?” He asked Lysa. “Just a few minutes ago. We sent Samuel to find you and to bring some cloths and warm water.” She answered him quickly. “Damyen, go find Samuel and help him bring the cloths and water and have somebody find Rhiannon.” Michael said. Damyen was relieved to be able to leave.

  Once Damyen was gone, Lysandra looked at me and said “Stasia I am going to see how far you are. It will give us an idea of how long til the baby is here.” All I could do was nod. I was in more pain than I expected. I was pretty sure Lina had lost all feeling in her hand and Michael was probably close to it. A moment later, Lysandra looked up at me. “It should not be much longer before she starts coming. Just try to breath and when you feel her start moving down, make sure you push with each contraction.” She coached me. “You can do this Love. Just breath and before you know it, you will be holding our little girl in your arms.” Michael said before kissing me.

  A few minutes later, Damyen walked in with Samuel and Rhiannon right behind him. Rhiannon ran up to me. She knelt down beside Catalina. Damyen and Samuel put the cloth and warm water down next to Lysandra. She turned away from me to speak to them. “Samuel can you please have the chefs prepare some of Anastasia's favorite tea and some strawberry and crème truffles?” She asked. “Of course.” He said before heading back out. “Damyen can you go tell the rest of the staff that the heiress will be here within the next few hours. Once you have done that, go rest in your room. You look like you are going to be sick if you stay here much longer.” Lysandra said to Damyen who blushed before nodding and heading out.

  The next hour or so was the longest hour of my life. It felt as if I was in one long contraction the whole time. Michael and Lina kept trying to comfort me but there was nothing they could really do. Everyone knew that childbirth was immensely painful. “Is there anything we can do to make it any less painful for her?” Michael asked Lysa. “No. We have not discovered anything that can ease the pain of childbirth.” She said sadly. “I have seen multiple women give birth, and none of them have been in this much pain.” Lina said confused. “Wait. I may be able to help.” Rhiannon said, surprising everyone. “What do you mean?” Lysa asked her. “Stasia told me that the Goddess had said the baby would have power that you have not seen in centuries and her birth would awaken an ancient power in both Stasia and Michael. That means I may be able to use some of my powers to ease her birth. When one of my kind gives birth the women cast a sort of spell over the mother to help bring the baby into the world. The spell can make childbirth worse for your kind, but it should work for Stasia because the baby is not a normal human.” Rhiannon explained. “I do not like the idea. Stasia is in enough pain. What if it does not work and it makes it worse?” Catalina said worried. Michael looked at me. He could see the pain in my eyes. He looked back up to Rhiannon. “Do it.” He said. She nodded and climbed on to the bed. She picked up my head and sat down with my head in her lap. She placed her hands on either side of my head and closed her eyes. She started chanting softly in a language none of us had ever heard before. After a few minutes, the pain started lessening. The contractions still hurt but I no loner felt like I was being torn apart. I looked at Michael with a soft smile on my face. “It is working.” He said with a grin. Rhiannon kept the spell going.

  About an hour after Rhiannon started the spell, the baby started coming. It took only about thirty minutes be
fore she was out. Lysandra cleaned her up before wrapping her in a small blanket and handing her to me. Rhiannon had moved back to Lina's side and Michael was sitting next to me. We stared down at our daughter in silence. The only noise in the room was the sounds of Lysandra cleaning up. I kissed my daughter's forehead before turning to Michael. “Adelaide” was all I said and he smiled before looking back at the baby. He stroked her cheek. “It is perfect. Princess Adelaide.” He said. Catalina squealed. She had been waiting months to find out what the baby's name would be. I had not even told her what we were considering. I kissed the baby before letting my sisters take turns holding their niece.

  A knock on the door made all of us jump. Lysandra answered it. “I am sorry to interrupt but Princess Rhiannon's father is here.” Samuel said as he looked over to us. He smiled at the baby before looking to Michael. “Thank you Samuel. Please have him wait in the throne room.” Michael said. Samuel nodded and left. “Why is Rhiannon's father here?” I asked. “That is what I was coming to tell you when I walked in and found you in labor. Her father has a cure for the illness. He said he would hand it out to everyone in the outlands and then have some sent here. I did not expect him to deliver it himself.” Michael informed me. “My father is a man of surprises.” Rhiannon said with a smile. “Okay well I am coming too.” I said as I started sitting up. “You should rest Stasia.” Lysandra said worriedly. “I am fine. Whatever that spell was, it did not just help the pain during, but I am also in no pain now. I do not want to sit in this room any longer.” I said sounding more like a queen, than a woman who just gave birth. Michael helped me up and Lysa got me dressed. Catalina followed us to the throne room, holding the baby.

  A man was pacing in front of the thrones when we entered. Upon our entrance he froze. “I am sorry for the surprise visit, but I had been trying to contact Rhiannon for hours with no response. I got worried and decided to come check on things to make sure the illness had not gotten here before I did.” He apologized. “It is alright sir. After our conversation earlier, I went to tell my wife what was going on, and I walked in to her in labor. Rhiannon was aiding her sister through the birth.” Michael explained. “Oh my! That is not what I expected to find, but it is much better! Congratulations!” He exclaimed. “Father, let me introduce you to my sisters. This is Princess Catalina and Queen Anastasia.” Rhiannon said proudly. “It is nice to meet you Your Highness, Your Majesty.” He said with a slight bow. “It is nice to meet you as well.” I said as I sat down on my throne, “Michael said you had a cure?” “Yes I do. My men are bringing it in now. It is a tonic made from the petals of a special flower that used to only grow at the top of the mountains, but after the last outbreak of this illness, my people have been growing it in case it was needed again. I have had it distributed to the outlands, and it is starting to be distributed to the rest of the kingdom. Those infected in the outlands have been brought back to full health since drinking the tonic. I just wish I had been able to get it out before so many died.” He informed with a sad smile. “Do we have an idea of how many lives it has taken?” I asked curiously. “My men at last count reported almost 100 deaths.” Rhiannon's father reported sadly.

  Before I could respond, Samuel walked in with a couple men I had never met. They were each carrying a barrel. “Ah finally. Your Majesty, this is the tonic. You drink a cup of this and you will be immune to the illness. I believe I have enough here for your family and your entire staff, but if not I can have more brought.” Rhiannon's father said sounding happier. “Thank you sir.” I said as I sent Lysandra to get cups. “Please, call me Adam, Your Majesty.” He said with a smile. Lysandra returned with cups and Adam's men poured each of us a cup of the tonic. “What about the baby?” Damyen said after we had all drank ours. “I do not think the baby needs it.” Rhiannon said. “Why not?” He asked confused. “Because if the spell I did during her birth worked, that means she is not human.” Rhiannon explained. “May I look at her?” Adam asked me. I nodded and he stepped up in front of my throne. He knelt down and looked at the baby in my arms. He placed his hand over her heart for a moment. “Rhiannon is right.” He said looking at me. “Then what is she?” I asked. “I do not know. I have only ever seen humans and my kind. She is neither.” He told me before turning to Rhiannon, “What made you try the spell?” He asked her. “Stasia told me that the Goddess told them that their daughter would be born with a power that had not been seen in centuries and her birth would awaken an ancient power in Stasia and Michael.” Rhiannon told her father. “Your Majesty, can you give the baby to your sister for a moment?” Adam asked me. “Sure but why?” I asked as I handed Catalina the baby. “I want to see if I can sense the power in you and your husband, but if you are holding the baby, her power would block yours.” He explained. “That makes sense.” Michael said stepping up beside me.

  Adam took both of our hands and closed his eyes. He started chanting. While his chant built in intensity, I could feel a heat spreading from his hand through my body. A sudden intake of breath next to me told me Michael could feel it too. A moment later, Adam let go of our hands and looked up at us. “Whatever this power is, it is from before my time. I can sense it in both of you, but I have never felt anything like it before. My guess is it will awaken fully overnight. When you two wake up tomorrow, you will have gone through some sort of change.” Adam said sounding breathless. “What do you mean change?” Rhiannon asked. “I think it will be like when our kind shut down so our bodies can adjust to our power.” He told her.

  Michael and I headed back to our room a little while later. I had left Catalina in charge of making sure everyone in the palace received some of the tonic. Rhiannon brought Adam to a guest room. Everything seemed to be solved with our people, so now all Michael and I had to deal with was being new parents to our beautiful baby girl, who was sleeping in her father's arms at that moment, and trying to figure out what was going on with us. We had no clue what this ancient power was that would be awakening within us over night, and if Adam who had been on this earth for over three centuries had never seen anything like it, was there even a record of it? I was scared to find out what it was but I tried not letting Michael see my fear.

  Michael laid Adelaide in her crib, before joining me in our bed. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. “I love you Ana!” he whispered. “I love you too Michael!” I said before snuggling into his chest. “It is okay to be scared my love. I am too.” He said softly. “You were not supposed to catch that.” I said looking up at him. “Come on Ana. We have been together for eight years. I can read you like a book. You cannot keep stuff like that from me.” “You are right. I am just so used to having to be strong for my sisters and for the kingdom.” “No one is around. It is just us, so relax. Everything will be okay, and remember you are not doing this alone. Whatever this power is, it is awakening in both of us. We will go through it together.” Michael said as he kissed me. I kissed him back before falling asleep.

  That night my head was full of strange dreams. It seemed like my subconscious was remembering all the monster movies I had watched in the other realm. In one of the dreams, the power inside Michael and I turned us into mer-people. Another turned us into werewolves. The last one I remembered had us as creatures who could change shape at will.

  Chapter Eight

  I woke up the next morning to an aching pain in my shoulders and a face full of feathers. I opened my eyes and saw that the feathers were actually wings and they were coming out of Michael's back. I screamed. Michael jumped as my scream woke him up. He turned his head and saw the wings and screamed himself. The pain in my shoulders got stronger and it felt like the skin over my shoulder blades was tearing. I screamed in pain as a set of wings burst out of my own back.

  Samuel came running in at the sound of our screams. The sight in front of him made him freeze in the doorway. “Samuel go get my sisters.” I said quietly but he heard me. He nodded and backed out of the room.

  Michael and I sat there staring at eac
h other in silence for a moment. Finally he reached out as if he were going to touch my wings but moved very slowly. I could tell we were both thinking the same thing, These cant be real. When his hand finally made contact with my feathers, we both gasped. It seemed there were nerve endings in each of the feathers. His touch sent a wave of shock through my entire body.

  Before we had a chance to say anything, Catalina came running in. Damyen was right behind her. They both froze in the doorway just like Samuel had. Lina gasped and ran over to me. She sat on the edge of the bed next to me and just stared at our wings. Damyen walked over slowly. “Stasia?” Catalina asked as if she was hoping it was not actually me. “Yes.” was all I could say. She reached out and stroked one of my wings. “They are so soft.” She said in awe.

  We were interrupted by a knock at the door. “Come in.” Michael called. It was Rhiannon. She walked in and was shocked by the sight in front of her but it did not halt her like everyone else. I guess she has seen a lot of strange things growing up as a mystical being. “How?” She asked. “We do not know. I woke up a little while ago because I felt a pain in my shoulders and felt feathers in my face. I opened my eyes to see his wings, and a moment later mine tore their way out of my back.” I answered her. It felt strange talking about Michael and I having wings. “I have heard stories from my people of an ancient race that sported wings like an angel, but they were before us. Damyen can you get my father? I think he was heading to the banquet hall.” Rhiannon said. “Of course.” Damyen said before heading out.


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