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Texas Stranger

Page 12

by Muncy, Janet

  “Lure me on. Is that what you’re trying to say? Flirt with me? Tease me? Well you’ve been doing it for several weeks now, and I must admit, you sure are good at it. Do you enjoy playing games January? Do you enjoy making men fall all over their selves wanting you? Does that made you feel better about yourself?”

  “No! Don’t say those things Carl!” January cried, not believing the look that was of disgust in his eyes. “Look, just because I don’t want to jump into bed with you...”

  “Oh, but you did, you do want to, you’re just playing a game with me you’ll come around and when you do I may be there, I may not.”

  His eyes glared at her as they stared at each other in hostile silence for several seconds.

  Carl had replaced the bottle of brandy on the bar, and January had started to reach for it when Carl reached out and took her wrist. “Let me go,” She said, through clenched teeth.

  Without saying a word, he jerked her to him crushing her breast against his hard chest. His arms tightened around her almost painfully, and with a low moan his lips came down on hers, hard. January didn’t pull away as he must have expected her to but instead welcomed the explosion of passion that she felt for him. Her mouth opened willingly, accepting the invasion of his tongue as it touched hers. He moved his body against hers and she felt the hardness of his manhood as he moved it back and forth, up and down. His hands lowered to her buttocks firmly holding her to him. Her fingers clutched at his jacket tightly.

  A hesitant cough came from the open door of the family room. Carl’s head jerked around and he pulled away from her quickly. “Yes Marie, what is it?” Carl cursed.

  “Will there be anything else needed tonight sir?” She lowered her head in embarrassment.

  Carl hesitated before answering. “No, go to bed,” Carl said, moving toward the bar for another drink.

  Dazed, January watched him fill the glass full of brandy and drink it down quickly. He then turned to her. “Maybe you should go to bed as well.”

  January cringed inwardly in embarrassment. She turned quickly and almost ran to her room, unable to face him any longer.

  Her room was lit by the full moon, leaving a sparkle of light across the room. As she undressed in the dark, pulling on her gown, the tears began to flow down her cheeks. Some time later she heard water running in the room next to hers. She got under the covers and hugged them tightly to her. Every bone in her body ached for him. She wanted him so much. A soft tap on her door minutes later took her by surprise. She opened the door slightly, wondering if it may be Mary.

  Carl was standing there staring at her, catching her off guard. “Can I come in?”

  Realizing she only had on her gown she jumped back from the door. “No! You can’t, what do you want?” She whispered as not to wake anyone up down the hall.

  His eyes shining through the dim light in the hall way she could tell he had been drinking more after she had gone up stairs. He didn’t however take no for an answer as he walked through the opening, closing the door behind him.

  “Please leave Carl, I’m not dressed.” She pleaded.

  “January, as I’ve told you before there is no need to be embarrassed, I’ve seen you naked before.” He said as his eyes traveled over her in the silky gown.

  Raising her hand to slap him he again caught it in mid air. “How could you be so cruel?” She hissed.

  “If your so concerned why don’t you put on your robe?” he teased.

  Even more embarrassed as not having thought of it herself she spun away from him and headed for the closet where the robe hung on a hook. Slipping it on she looked over her shoulder to see him staring at the sky from the French doors that lead out to the balcony. The moon made a soft blue glow across the room. Not wanting to spoil the illusion to turn the lights on she walked closer to him.

  “What did you want?” Her voice quivered slightly.

  “You,” came the answer.

  Not saying anything more he turned to look into her eyes, the light from the moon behind him making it hard to see his face.

  “You take my breath away.” Reaching up to stroke her hair, he let the silkiness fall through his fingers. “You intoxicate me with yours sweet smell.” His hand cupped the back of her neck and he pulled her closer to him. His mouth edged closer until his lips brushed the softness of her own. Inhaling the scent of him she melted against him unable to hold back the desire she felt for him any longer.

  His oh so soft moan as he whispered in her ear. “Please don’t stop me. I want to make love to you I want to taste the sweetness of your body and hold you in my arms.” Pushing her away slightly, his hands smoothed down the robe. Kissing her now bare shoulder, he brushed the strap that held her gown. His lips tasting her smooth silky skin as his lips moved up to her sensitive neck and across to the other shoulder now bare from the strap. The gown slipped down softly as his hands cupped each exquisitely full round breast. His mouth kissing the valley between them. Expertly sucking and nibbling on their hard peaks. January made no attempt to pull away as he found the path between her thighs. Softly touching and kissing her in the most exquisite way. Pulling her closer his hands sensually roaming over her body bringing her senses to life and beyond control.

  She wanted him, she knew she couldn’t stop the pleasure, that was sure to be hers. Kissing her more passionately he pressed the small of her back to fully make her aware of his desire. He swept her up into his arms and carried her to the double bed. The cool sheets felt good against her own hot body. Standing there looking down at her he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, exposing the dark hair that covered his muscular chest.

  Unzipping his pants and stepping out of them she could see the boxer briefs that only covered the necessary parts. His tan looked even darker now that all had been uncovered. She moaned with pleasure reaching for him as he laid his warm body against hers creating a burning fire ragging out of control.

  “Now tell me you don’t want me when every inch of you is saying otherwise.” He whispered caressing her. His lips found her’s in a sea of passion that was taking them both under. She felt weak from the sensual experience.

  “Carl, I think there is something you should know.” January moaned softly as his hands roamed over her in sexual pleasure.

  “I already know.” He kissed her again.

  “No I don’t think you do. I’ve never known a man. Not this way.” January sighed softly, holding onto him gently.

  He tensed up. His body became ridged. Slowly he moved away from her and sit up on the side of the bed. “Why didn’t you tell me this before now?” He cursed, reaching for his clothes.

  “There wasn’t an opportunity. Besides I wanted you.” January bashfully turned her head away from him.

  “I guess there was no need to tell me but I can’t take something like that away from you January. I can’t be the one to ruin something you seem to have cherished for so long.”

  “Carl don’t leave me feeling empty inside. Don’t leave me wanting you so.” January reached out for him.

  “January you know I can’t do this, I’ve never taken a woman before, at least not one that has never been taken before. I’m sorry I have more respect for you than that. I want you but it must be right, I wish I would have known.”

  “Aha..., Please Carl, don’t leave me wanting you so.”

  “But you are a vir...”

  “Yes,” She interrupted him. “But it doesn’t matter, not any more. Please come to me Carl hold me.”

  He questioned her again, then he began, slowly rekindling the fire that was burning hot in his veins. He was so much a man she thought as he gently caressed the tender skin of her inner thighs. January trembled almost violently beneath his touch, gasping as his hands, lips and his tongue explored her inch by inch. “Carl,” she cried out, she wasn’t sure weather she wanted to tell him to stop or never stop. But he seemed to sense her feelings and his hands lingered on her hips. But January knew at this moment there would be no turning back. She
wanted to give him the same pleasures as he’d given her, but he stopped her holding her hands and rolling her over on her back. The moment of discovery was near. As soon as he entered her, she knew she had just found heaven. The pain and ecstasy all rolled up on one. His breathing matched her as he continued to fill her need. Their hunger for one another was mutual. The world exploded into stardust honoring them both with fulfillment. With him holding her close, she fell into a deep restful sleep.

  Chapter 20

  January tried to snuggle closer to Carl when she realized the emptiness in the bed beside her. His clothes were gone, and the sun was shining through the French doors. She missed the warm solid feel of his body beside her. The only thing remaining was the scent of his cologne on her pillow. She laid there recalling their love making. A satisfied smile crossed her lips and getting out of bed she stepped over her night gown laying on the floor. Carl had wanted nothing between them and the gown had been slowly removed. She was aware of the soreness, and after showering she stood in front of the mirror and tried to see if anything had changed. She notices the rosiness in her cheeks.

  After deciding on a print top and blue jeans, she headed down stairs. It was still early and there were no sounds of anyone being up. As she rounded the corner to the dinning room. Marie entered the dinning area with a pot of coffee ready to plug into the warmer. Embarrassed, at having Marie catch her and Carl in the family room the night before. January lowered her head.

  “Good morning Miss. Manson, what would you like for breakfast?” Marie asked, in her own embarrassing state.

  “Coffee, is just fine, thank you, is anyone up?” January asked, meaning Carl.

  “Mr. Spencer is on the patio,” She said, returning to the kitchen.

  January poured herself a cup of coffee and headed out to the patio to join Kevin.

  The patio was decorated with flowers, and chairs. You could see the extending flat green land just over the bushes. The swimming pool to the right was sparkling with blue water.

  “It’s lovely out here isn’t it?” January asked Kevin who was staring out to the open range.

  “Oh hey January, I didn’t hear you. I was just enjoying the view. It’s going to be a big day. Are you all ready to help give the bride away?”

  “Yes, I’m sure she’ll be happy. You know I will hate to return to the city after enjoying this beautiful country side.”

  The day went by fast, January was helping Mary and Mrs Richards prepare the last minute changes before the wedding. January still hadn’t seen Carl, but decided he probably was busy himself with helping BJ get ready for the wedding. She decided to rest awhile before everyone was up and about and went up stairs to her room. As she strolled over to the French doors letting the warm breeze blow in from outside. She heard Carl talking to someone on the phone. Then he had been there. She thought. Why hasn’t she saw him?

  The question still wondering around in her mind when his words hit her.

  “I’ll spend the coming week-end with you Kathy. I can’t be everywhere at once, so don’t get so upset. I told you I’m working on it.” Carl said.

  Carl was spending the week-end with Kathy. How could he after last night? He could be so heartless? She clenched her teeth. Realizing the mistake she had made. Her knees felt weak as she slowly moved over to the bed. She had never known a man who could hurt someone like he hurt her and think nothing of it. Although he didn’t tell her he loved her she could feel the love in his kisses, his caresses. He made love to her, knowing she had never known another man. Even though it was her idea. January hit the pillow hard, burying her face in it, she cried.

  January wasn’t sure how long she laid there. When Mary tapped on the door.

  “Are you ready?” She asked.

  “No! What time is it?” January jumped off the bed.

  “You have some time, but I’ll need help with my hair,” Mary smiled.

  “I’ll hurry Mary.” January promised.

  January liked the effect the wine colored floor length gown gave her tan skin an even darker tint. The spring boutique set the dress off. Baby’s breath filtered through her hair as soft curls fell at will. Just the right amount of make-up and blush causing her soft skin to look smoother and natural. Her eyes deeper blue like sapphires shining under the dark lashes. She looked closer in the mirror, to see if there were any tale tale signs of her crying. But decided the make up seemed to hide it if there were any.

  Glancing once more in the mirror she was satisfied with the effect. Mary in a white floor length gown accented with a lace trail that flowed softly behind her. The larger spring bouquet and white roses with streams of white lace and ribbon, her dark hair pulled up in soft curls, and white rose bud behind one ear. The lace veil that flowed down her back was a picture of loveliness. Her flushed face and bright shining eyes showed her happiness.

  It was hard to see the look on Carl’s face from where she waited to descend the carpeted walk way. The bridesmaids now in place and the flower girl behind her, she started up the isle.

  January could feel his eyes on her as she strolled closer to the alter. Avoiding his eyes, she stepped in position. All eyes now on the bride as Mary slowly made her way up to her husband to be. Mary smiled with pleasure as BJ extended his hand to receive her.

  The wedding ceremony began still avoiding Carl’s eyes, January listened while the minister asked for the ring. Her knees were weak, and she was wondering how she was ever going to be able to walk the few feet holding onto his arm. After all she couldn’t even stand to be near him after she heard him promise Kathy a week-end.

  It was over. BJ and Mary were married, and both started down the isle. January moved into place beside Carl and he took her arm in his. She could feel the warmth of his body as he walked slowly toward the door. He cupped her hand tighter.

  “It will be over in a minute,” he whispered, under his breath as they were about to reach the door. “You look beautiful,” he smiled at her letting her go.

  Mary’s voice of excitement brought her out of her trance. The next few minutes were hectic as everyone filed in to shake hands with the newly weds.

  “It was a lovely wedding, and you look radiant, January.” Tonya commented, passing through the line with Phillip.

  “Thank you Tonya, I’m glad to see you and you look lovely yourself.” January tried to keep her voice steady.

  “When are you and Kathy going to tie the knot?” Phillip asked Carl, shaking his hand.

  January’s knees went weak, the color seemed to drain from her face, waiting for the answer that was sure to come.

  “Don’t you have to be in love first?” Kevin piped in watching January. “Or am I old fashion?” He looked over at Carl.

  “Your right ole boy,” Carl remarked shaking his hand.

  “Why you look nice tonight January.” Kathy said as she stepped up in line.

  “Thank you.” She heard herself say.

  “You look almost grown up with your hair like that.” Kathy committed.

  “I find her very much grown up,” Carl interrupt. “She does look lovely,”

  The comment in front of Kathy took her by surprise. Still avoiding his eyes January turned to the next person in line.

  She could feel his warmth still standing next to her. When the last person came through the door, January quickly stepped away and headed to the bar that had been sat up for the reception. The brandy felt warm as she gulped down the first glass. Refilling her glass once again she closed her eyes after letting the effect of the dark liquid drain slowly down her slender throat. She again reached for the bottle when a large hand covered hers.

  “Don’t concern yourself Carl.” January said lifting the bottle and pouring herself another glass. Then backing away from him she started for the French door’s that lead out to the patio. The sun was descending behind the trees as she followed the path toward the pond. The air felt cool on her seemly hot body. The effect of the brandy was making her slightly tipsy. Just one las
t time enjoying the quite sounds of the country before she headed back to the city. She moved quickly down the walk way to the pond. Some time later she stepped up to the patio. The guest were still enjoying the party.

  “January,” Mary yelled, over the music. “I’ll need your help, come on.”

  “Wasn’t it just beautiful? Everyone thought so,” Mary said, as she headed up the stairs and to her room.

  “Yes, it was, are you going to the ranch house tonight Or are you guys going somewhere else?” January asked.

  “To the ranch, I want to change clothes first and put some things in that case,” Mary pointed to a small make-up case at the foot of the bed.

  “Like what?” January asked, picking up the case and putting it on the bed.

  “Oh, you know, make-up, hair dryer, underwear, things like that. We’ll be coming back here late tomorrow to pick up everything-else. Are you staying here tonight?” Mary asked.

  “No, I’m leaving in a few minutes, I need to get into the club first thing in the morning.” January sighed.

  “I’ll be back to work in a couple of weeks, that is if you still want me? I do want to keep my job, but if you could cut down on some of my hours, I’d appreciate it.” Mary smiled.

  “Sure. What are friends for.” January smiled back. “I maybe leaving sometime in December to spend a couple of weeks up north with my family, so I really need to find someone to help run the club when your not available.” January said, as she closed the lid to the small suit case.

  “Maybe Tonya and I could work something out.” Mary smiled.

  “Maybe, we’ll talk about it some other time.”

  “Yes, later, well I’m ready.” Mary giggled.

  “Good luck and lot’s of love Mary.” January hugged her.

  “Come on I’m going to throw the bouquet.”

  “Oh no not me.” January bellowed.

  “Yes you.” Mary grabbed her arm and headed back down the stairs.

  Chapter 21

  The excitement rose to a dull roar as BJ and Mary stepped out onto the porch. The men gathered to one side of the porch and all the girls gathered to the other side. January was standing slightly to the right. Turning their backs BJ flipped the garter and Mary threw the bouquet at the same time.


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