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Texas Stranger

Page 14

by Muncy, Janet

  January held out her hand and smiled. “Nice seeing you again,” she said as he was lead into the living room to join the rest of the guest. She remembered being introduced to him at the wedding.

  January was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a white blouse with a vest. She knew they were having a cook out and wanted to be comfortable. Steve was dressed in a similar outfit, only with a blue shirt and everyone committed about them dressing the same. Five minutes later the door bell rang again and Carl and Kathy came in.

  Carl’s eyes met her’s in a stare. His lips thinning slightly.

  “Oh BJ look who’s here, it’s Carl and Kathy.” Mary said, smiling. “Come on in and join the party. I think everyone is here now so why don’t we move this party outside, I’m getting hungry.” She urged BJ on.

  For an hour January tried to avoid Carl, keeping her back to him as much as possible. Her glass empty of brandy she returned to the make shift bar on the small patio and filled her glass half full. Kevin was there.

  “Hey when did you get here?” January asked, surprised. “Did you bring your nurse?”

  “No, she had to work tonight.” Kevin said sadly.

  “That’s too bad, I would have liked to meet her. I’m beginning to think she doesn’t exist.” She patted him on the shoulder.

  “There will be time we’re getting married.” He announced.

  “Oh Kevin! That’s wonderful,” January said, hugging him and laughing in surprise.

  Wrapping his arms around her Kevin held her close. “She’ll love you I know she will,” Kevin said, as January stood back from him. It was wonderful how his accident had some what changed his life. He seemed ready to settle down, and maybe start a family. She was also happy that his accident didn’t leave him unable to walk. He was really getting around nearly normal.

  “Let my buy you a drink,” offered January. “Especially since BJ and Mary are paying for it,” she giggled.

  After they finished toasting their glasses. “Are you going to announce the good news to everyone?” January asked.

  “No you’re the only one, I want to wait until Cheryl can be with me.”

  “I understand,” January said. “Do you feel up to dancing?”

  “Yes, I do thank you.” Kevin said taking her arm and leading her out to the make shift dance floor. She was glad it was a slow song, Kevin was still struggling to make his feet move like they use to.

  She wanted to get away from Carl’s eagle eyes. The next song was a little fast but Kevin seemed to keep up fairly well.

  Then someone put on a soft ballad. She was warm and breathless when she started to fall into Kevin’s arms for the slower dance.

  She was surprised to hear a deeper voice say my turn Kevin. That is when Steve Carson took over. He was a really good dancer or at least what little time she had dancing with him for just when she started to enjoy it Carl tapped on Steve’s shoulder and took over.

  “Don’t I have a say about who I dance with?” January stated. Holding herself back as Carl slipped his arm around her small waist and took her hand.

  “No.” He said, pulling her closer. Picking up the rhythm of the music and moving across the area. She was afraid of making a scene or she would have left the floor.

  “I like your perfume.”

  “How nice.” She answered, stiffly.

  “Do you have to be so cold?” He pulled her closer. His hips were touching hers, his thigh’s brushing hers.

  “Did you have a nice time in Dallas with Kathy?” She asked remembering his trip.

  “Yes I did.” Carl moved his hand slowly over her back. His fingers gently massaging her shoulder blades. She stiffened again.

  “What is the matter, are you afraid of me? Or is it Kevin?” He glanced toward the bar where Kevin was talking to Mary and BJ. “Your lover doesn’t seem to mind.”

  Immediately January pulled back, putting several inches between them. “Kevin is not my lover.”

  “Come on January, I’m not blind. Kevin arrives by himself, you rush over to him and embrace. It’s obvious what’s going on.”

  “Mr. Richards, do you hear yourself? Do you seriously hear yourself. Isn’t Kevin you brother? Why don’t you ask him what is going on. Have you any thought to me what so ever? I mean every time Kathy whimpers you rush to her. So listen carefully. I don’t want to dance with you any longer, as a matter of fact, if I never see you again it will be too soon.” January quickly walked off the dance floor and seeing a path through the trees she took it. The scent of the freshly cut grass scented the cool night air. Behind her, she could hear the music and laughter of the party. There was a full moon. It’s faint light giving her very little assurance of where she was going.

  “It’s dark out here girl.” Carl said, from behind her.

  Startled, January turned to face him. She shivered from the cool night air. Her nerves were on edge. Carl Richards had sex appeal she couldn’t ignore. A slight breeze brought the scent of his cologne to her and shyly she glanced up at his face to find him watching her.

  “Your beautiful in the moon light.”

  “Carl I....”

  Lightly he placed a finger on her lips. “Don’t ruin the moment,” he said.

  “Carl don’t,” she jerked free of him. He grabbed her arm. “What is the matter with you?”

  “What is the matter with me? What are you talking about? What is the matter with me? You said you would call, well you didn’t. You are spending every moment you can with Kathy, Why do you give me the impression I am something you own. Well, for your information I’m not. I am so surprised Kathy is not running out here making sure you are not talking to me too long. Don’t you get it?”

  “Carl is that you?” Kathy came down the path way with Steve.

  “I rest my case.” January jerked away from him and headed for the house.

  Now she needed a drink a strong one. Heading for the bar she fixed herself a shot and downed it. The heat of the liquid burned a path down her throat to her stomach. Her eyes stung with tears.

  “Are you alright?” Kevin asked as he walked up beside her.

  “I’ll be fine in a minute,” she coughs taking a deep breath. Why should it matter what Carl thought about Kevin and her being lovers, wasn’t that what he and Kathy were?

  She danced with Kevin, then with Steve, who seemed to dominate her the rest of the evening. And as the evening wore on Carl’s attention toward Kathy infuriated her more and more. Suddenly the party seemed boring. She said good night to Mary and BJ. Kissing Kevin on the cheek whispering congratulations in his ear. She did that more for meanness than really wanting to kiss Kevin at all. Steve walked her to the car.

  “I’ve known beautiful women in my lifetime, but I assure you never one who had a personally to go with the looks. I assure you I mean every word. You are surely something special, please let us get together soon. I would love to get to know you better. Mary and BJ talk highly of you.”

  “Thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure meeting you as well. I am sure we will meet again soon.” January said, getting in her car and heading home by herself.

  After leaving the party, she tried not to let the fact that Carl and Kathy would be leaving the party together. She tried to figure out her feelings toward any of them at this point. She was going to take a serious look at who she spends her free time with. She loved Mary, but if she had to deal with Carl and Kathy every time, she was going to have to get a different best friend.

  Chapter 24

  Monday was a perfect day, a and anything that could go wrong did. Two machines broke down, the sauna was to hot. The air conditioning wasn’t working, and she had received the bill for the Richards Construction Company.

  Gasping at the amount, she sat heavily in the chair. Well the only thing she could do was pay the bill. Although I’d like to stuff it down his throat.” she said out loud.

  “Tell me, what did you think of Steve Carson?” Mary asked, sitting down at the table with her lu

  “He’s very impressive,” January stated.

  “Kathy thinks so too, she tried to get his attention all night, did you notice how she was acting?” Mary smiled.

  “No, I’m afraid, I didn’t notice Kathy,” January glared at her thinking of how Carl must feel.

  “Well when you and Carl went for that walk, she hung onto Steve’s arm like glue. He didn’t even ask her to dance all night. It was funny.”

  So they noticed, Mary must think shes awful. “Mary, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t want to draw attention.”

  “Hey don’t worry about it, no one noticed but me and BJ. Are you still leaving for the cabin Friday?” Mary asked. “I’m not sure it’s such a good idea for you to be in those mountains alone,” Mary frowned.

  “I’ll be fine, there’s a two way radio up there, and besides I have neighbors down the road.”

  “Still it’s a little scary. So what are you doing for Thanksgiving this Thursday?”

  “I will probably have a small hen or something.” January was thoughtful for a few seconds. She had completely for gotten about all the holidays coming up. Her mother expects her home for Christmas but she had forgotten all about Thanksgiving.

  “You can’t have Thanksgiving by your self, why don’t you join us. We’re having Thanksgiving at the Richards, I’m sure they would love to have you.”

  “No way, but thanks anyway. I’m not interested.” January cleaned up her mess from the table. “Besides I think I may write another book while I’m up in the mountains. “There is no one to bother me up there.”

  “That’s for sure, it’s isolated. There’s no civilization around anywhere.” Mary argued.

  “Oh, Mary, for heaven’s sake.” January replied. “Would you stop making it sound as though I’m crazy.”

  “I’m sorry, just concerned.” Mary sighed.

  Returning to the club, there was a message on her desk to call Mrs. Richards.

  “Mary did you call the Richards, because there is a message for me to call them.,” she gave her a warning look.

  “No, January I swear I didn’t.”

  “I wonder what it’s all about? Maybe I forgot something from the wedding. She thought as she dialed the number.

  “The Richards resident,” Marie answered the phone.

  January had a hard time telling her who was calling and decided she had no choice.

  “Marie, this is January Manson, returning Mrs. Richards call. Is she in?”

  “One moment please,” Marie said. Only a few seconds had passed when Mrs. Richards picked up the receiver.

  “January my dear, how are you?” The cheerful voice said.

  “I’m fine and you?” January asked trying to sound casual.

  “Oh, bustling around getting ready for the holiday’s. That’s the reason I called my dear. I would love you to come share a small Thanksgiving dinner with us Thursday. I know its short notice but Mary said that she was off because you were going to close your business on Thursday, and Carl Jr. told me your family was all in Indiana. I certainly would hate to have you spend the holiday alone. BJ and Mary are also coming, now I won’t take no for an answer, so I’ll see you Thursday and come early so we can talk.”

  January had no choice but to say yes, but how on earth was she going to be able to spend that day with Carl as well. “I must be a glutton for punishment.” She said, out loud.

  Thursday afternoon January slowly got out of her car in front of the Richards home. Her slender heeled shoes made a clicking sound as she walked across the stone walk way to the porch. She had dressed in a black floor length dinner skirt, and black long sleeve blouse with white beaded design. With a knee high split on one side of the skirt which reveled a long shapely leg. The skirt clung to her superb figure. The modest top fit her perfectly. She wore long beaded earrings that matched the beads in her top. Her make- up was softly applied to perfection and her auburn hair laid in curls on top of her head with just a few soft curls free to frame her face.

  “January, you look stunning.” Steve Carson, greeted her as she reached the top step of the porch.

  Surprised by his presents, she thanked him as he leads her into the main house. January noticed Kathy at the fire place holding a drink talking to BJ and Mary. She was lead into the family room. Kathy’s blonde hair was piled on top of her head in soft shining curls, accented with a brilliant stone. She wore a slender cocktail dress of red. The V of her neckline was low enough to draw anyone’s attention. But January had to admit she could see why Carl would be attracted to her. After all she was beautiful and rich.

  “January!” Mary greeted her, excusing herself from Kathy, as she strolled over to her. “You look lovely.” Mary said, taking her hand. “I’m glad you came.”

  “Thanks, you’re a picture of perfection yourself.” January complemented her.

  Dressed in a rose colored evening gown with a modestly low neck line that framed her toned curves. They joined Mr. and Mrs. Richards, who was standing near the bar. It wasn’t long before Carl entered the room.

  January’s heart gave a leap at the sight of him. For he was also dressed in a perfectly tailored dinner jacket and European slacks that clung to his muscular thighs. The cologne he wore was a new pleasant fragrance she could smell as he walked up to her.

  Kathy immediately put her arm possessively through Carl’s as she stepped up to him. The sight caused January stomach to sour slightly as she turned her attention to Steve.

  Once everyone assembled in the dinning room she discovered although she was seated next to Steve. Carl was seated at the end of the table to her right. Kathy was directly seated to Carl’s right, straight across the table from January.

  January was admiring the table settings and the decorations when her eyes were drawn to Carl’s. He lifted his glass to her and she blushed slightly, aware that Kathy caught the gesture between them.

  “Is Kevin going to join us?” January asked.

  “No, not for dinner, but he’ll be here later I think.” Carl answered.

  Chapter 25

  The dinner was very well prepared a and delicious. The conversation light and based around the ranch activities. She found out Steve owned several acres of prim land himself. Along with several thoroughbred horses. And that was the reason they were so close. Mr. Richards and Steve’s father started breeding Arabians together years ago before Mr. Carson moved his belongings to Dallas. Now the horse ranch was being kept up to standards by the son Steve.

  Kathy seemed to be very impressed with Steve, but continued to hang onto Carl’s arm most of the time. January caught her several times, flirting with Steve. Carl did notice but didn’t seem to care.

  The party retired to the family room again and Kathy dominated the conversation Mary had just came over to her standing at the fire place which had a low burning flame.

  “Did you listen to the weather today?” She asked.

  “No, why?” January questioned her.

  “The weather man said it is really bad in the Colorado mountains. They had a lot of snow there the last few day’s and the temperature’s really dropping. I think you should change your plans about leaving on Friday.” Mary warned her.

  “Leave where?” Carl asked walking up behind January.

  “January is leaving for Colorado on Friday and I was telling her about the weather up there. It really is bad from what the weather man said.” Mary stated.

  “Oh? Why are you leaving?” Carl asked frowning. He stepped up closer to her side. She could tell by the look on his face he wasn’t pleased with Mary’s statement.

  “I’m taking a short vacation, I will be staying in my Uncles cabin, Mary here thinks I should reconsider.”

  “Running away?” Carl grinned.

  “Just don’t read too much into it, or you might be disappointed.” She snapped at him.

  Mary was surprised by her out burst as she herself was.

  “Well I feel you’re making a bad judgment if the we
ather is bad as Mary say’s it is.” He said curtly.

  “Don’t concern yourself Mr. Richards. I’m a big girl now, I can take care of myself.” She said matter of fact.

  “I was just concerned on how you are going to manage up there alone. You don’t look like the type to be able to handle that kind of adventure,” he challenged her.

  “You’ll find, Mr. Richards that I am quite capable of a lot of things.” She snapped

  “Really? I was under the impression you were in desperate need of someone to take care of you.” He said, to her with a devilish grin.

  She was perfectly aware of the double meaning he was relaying to her. He looked at her with that dark, brooding, intense look of his, and January’s pulse started racing as she couldn’t seem to avoid looking at his soft lips. Mary had been standing there quietly while they attacked each other. And January realized it. Looking over at Mary with still no come back to Carl.

  “You’ll have to excuse us Mary, we have a tendency to get on each others nerves.” January apologized to her.

  Carl’s mocking smile looked back at January. Kathy caught the reaction and strolled over to them with Steve on her arm. “What are you all so intense about over here?” She laughed in her sweet voice.

  “January was telling us of her adventurous decision she made.” Carl grinned.

  “Oh? And what might that be?” Kathy smiled back at him.

  “January’s going to the Colorado mountains tomorrow, for a vacation,”

  “Really? That sounds like fun, a little snow skiing and relaxation?” Steve asked.

  “I plan to start writing another book, and I thought I would take a few days, and try to get that started.” She smiled. “I do plan on doing some skiing.”

  “That really sounds like fun,” Kathy said, “Lets all go. We could rent a large chalet and split the cost. When are you leaving January?”

  “Tomorrow. However I’ve already got a place to stay, my uncle owns a small cabin so I am going to be staying there.”

  “That is no problem, we could rent the chalet and January can stay in her little cabin. Or we could go to some warm tropical island.” Kathy said, dismissing January.


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