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Deadly Liaisons

Page 20

by Terry Spear

  Daemon quickly roused him while one of the vampires wrapped a towel around his head. “How many were with Mustaphus?”

  “Ten, in-cluding a scrawny woman.”

  “Lichorus.” It had to be her—she’d sealed her fate this time. Daemon’s blood boiled. “Why did they let you live?”

  “I had no weapons, no way to defend myself, no way to save Katie.”

  Daemon paced. “But Voltan knew you were telepathic and could warn me. It doesn’t make any sense that he wouldn’t have killed you.”

  “Mustaphus was…running the show. I’m certain he recognized me as the hunter who couldn’t kill him ten…years ago. I-I think it amused him that I couldn’t fight him now any more…than I could then. I’ve been in contact with Tez-Tezra, however.”

  Hell, no wonder she couldn’t contact Daemon. She was too busy communicating with the damned hunters. He ran his hand over his unbound hair. “Where the hell is she?”

  “She said something…I think I passed out, then she cryptically said, ‘the ocean.’ I assume she’s got to be someplace…nearby.”

  “Do you believe him?” Maison asked.

  Daemon rubbed his chin while he considered Patrico’s words. He nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

  “What about Voltan?”

  Daemon was certain his smile looked purely evil. “They’ve let the wolf into the sheep’s pen.”

  “Hopefully he won’t get himself killed.”

  “If I’m not wrong, he’s playing a twist on the situation we had in the Americas during the Revolution. Remember when one of Sir William Howe’s men captured Missy Temple, saying she was a rebel spy?”

  Maison nodded. “Somewhere Voltan got a Brit’s uniform that was lanky enough to fit his tall frame and sneaked in to interrogate her.”

  “Right, and took her safely from her cell.”

  “And nearly got himself killed—shot three times and lanced once, the blade just missing his heart,” Maison reminded him wryly.

  Daemon didn’t want to consider that part of the equation.

  “Come to Clam Diggers, my lord,” Voltan suddenly relayed.

  “Tezra and Katie are there?” Daemon asked.

  “Yes, yes, hurry.”

  Minutes later, Daemon and his army stormed the seafood restaurant just a mile down the road from Patrico’s place, praying he wasn’t too late to rescue Tezra and her sister. Inside the darkened building, they found Voltan fighting six vampires at once, his face red, his arm cut and bleeding, sweat dribbling down his iron jaw. They’d knocked over tables and chairs, some in splinters. Broken glass from the lobster tank and water covered the wooden floors. No sign of Tezra or Katie.

  Jumping into the fray, Daemon unsheathed his sword and beheaded a blond male, while his men quickly took care of the rest. “Where is Tezra?” he hollered at Voltan.

  “Fighting a vampiress in the cellar. I think she’s your former lover, Lichorus—and from the scream I heard coming from there, I believe the vampiress is dead.”

  “And Atreides?”

  Voltan shook his head.

  Daemon and Bernard barged down the stairs, only to find the dusty remains of the vampiress and her leather clothes and Tezra fighting four vampires who were attempting to stay out of her dagger’s reach. Katie was cowering behind her between the wine rack and wooden crates stacked against the wall.

  Seeing the spirited huntress at such a disadvantage, his heart reached out to Tezra. In that instant, he made the decision to turn her for her own protection now and forever. Until Krustalus was dispatched, she’d be safer as a vampiress and maybe Katie’s only chance to have a life. With his sword poised, Daemon dispensed with two of the vampires while Bernard finished off the other two. Tezra hugged Katie to her chest.

  Tezra was way too vulnerable as a huntress. He wouldn’t take her for his mate and go down that dark path, but he couldn’t lose her to Krustalus or to any other ancient who might wish to lay claim to the enchantress. He would make her his ward, under his protection for as long as he ruled. And rule her with an iron hand to ensure she didn’t turn rogue.

  Maison appeared suddenly in the cellar and lifted a broken necklace from the vampiress’s remains. “Lichorus’s.”

  Daemon stared at the necklace, recognizing it as the ruby heart he’d given her many centuries ago when he thought her sweet and innocent.

  “Ionia,” Tezra said, finally able to get a word out.

  “Sorry, my prince,” Voltan said from the top of the stairs. “I thought it was Lichorus. She and Ionia played tricks pretending to be each other because of their similar looks.”

  “Mixed them up once at a bash Maison had given. Lichorus thought it was funny as hell until I kissed Ionia pretending I still thought she was Lichorus.” Daemon let out his breath in exasperation when he realized he hadn’t seen his brother yet, but wouldn’t give in to the concern he had that Atreides might not have made it. “Where’s Atreides?”

  “He, he was fighting several vampires on the beach,” Tezra said, tears filling her eyes.

  “Here.” Atreides poked his head through the doorway. His bloodied arm dangled at his side. “Sorry I was late again. The buggers wouldn’t tell me where they’d taken the women hostage. And when they sifted to the warehouse district, I tagged along. I convinced the last one to tell me where the ladies were, though he was pretty reluctant.”

  More than relieved his brother, his last living blood relative, was fine, Daemon glanced at Tezra, knowing he had to do this now. “We have to talk.”

  Tezra stared at Daemon, wondering what this was all about. A darkness seemed to fill his spirit, and she didn’t like it.

  He walked her outside and to her surprise, the Corvette sat in the parking lot. “Maison drove it here so I could get to you more quickly, but I’m not chancing having you get sick from transporting all over again.” He said to Atreides, “Take Katie back to Patrico’s place. Double the guard. We’ll return there soon.”

  She gave Katie another hug, not wanting to leave her alone again, but Daemon’s tone of voice made her think better of questioning him. Atreides held Katie close, irritating Tezra that he didn’t put more distance between them, then he and several of the others, including Voltan, vanished.

  Tezra didn’t like that Daemon was planning to drive the car again. She rubbed her arms. “Can I—”

  He shook his head and ushered her to the car, then opened the passenger’s door. “We should get back to Patrico’s place soon.”

  “In one piece, Daemon.” She gave him the evil eye, meant to quell his lead foot.

  He climbed into the driver’s seat, but before she could brace herself, he zipped out of the restaurant’s parking lot.

  “If you still want me to turn you, I will.”

  Her heart barely beat. “I thought—”

  “You’ll be my ward. I won’t take another mate.”

  “But you said—”

  “If you turn rogue, I won’t terminate you. I…couldn’t, Tezra. So understand this, if—”

  “So, there was another option for turning me other than my becoming an outsider.” She touched his lips, silencing him when he opened his mouth to speak again. “What exactly does being your ward entail?”

  “You abide by my rules. If I so choose, I can give you to one of my loyal vampires as a mate in payment for their service to me, just like the royals did with the women who were wards of their courts during their reigns.”

  She stifled a sarcastic laugh. He was way too controlling to give her to one of his friends. “Would you really?” she asked, though she didn’t believe him for a minute.

  “It is always an option, and I wanted you to know what being my ward truly means.”

  He sounded totally serious, but she knew he was only trying to get her to change her mind about being turned and wouldn’t give her up to anyone. Beyond that, no way would she allow it anyway. “All right, well, I promise I won’t turn renegade on you, and being your ward is acceptable.”

  Yet she couldn’t help feeling hurt that he didn’t want her like he did the other women. She wasn’t like the others. She was committed to being turned, and she could love Daemon without reservation. So why did it distress her so much?

  “Why did you change your mind, Daemon?”

  “Krustalus will always come after you.” He glanced at her. “I intend to kill him, Tezra, but I can’t be certain I will always be there for you. He separated us, and I cut him a couple of times before he vanished.” He let out his breath. “I couldn’t see it before, or maybe I didn’t want to believe it. You were right. Krustalus was waiting until you were older. But not because you could fight him better. He wants you for his lover. He’s lost his chosen mate, and he’s staked his claim on you. It’s too great a risk with you being so defenseless. If I turn you, you’ll be a fledgling. But you’ll have speed, the ability to see in the dark, a heightened sense of hearing and—”

  “I can bite him.”

  He gave her a dark smile. “I’m thinking more in defensive terms. You’ll never have his strength, but vampiric abilities will give you a better chance at detecting danger and avoiding it until I can reach you and terminate him. The heightened senses will be immediate. Sifting is different for everyone. Some catch on quickly. For others, it takes longer to master.”

  “But I can control a human’s mind.”

  “Also limited to a degree. Early on you should curb your use of it or you’ll experience debilitating headaches.”

  “But for Katie’s sake—”

  He nodded. “If she doesn’t resist your suggestion, it should work.”

  Not expecting Daemon’s sudden change of heart, Tezra didn’t say anything for a moment.

  “It’s up to you, Tezra. It has to be your choice, but I will do it if you desire.”

  What she desired was to set Katie free from her nightmare.


  Convinced Tezra would be safer if he turned her, Daemon couldn’t let Krustalus get hold of her no matter what. Instead of taking her to Patrico’s home, he drove her to the privacy of his.

  As soon as they were inside his home, Daemon grabbed her up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom, then dispensed with their clothes and lifted her onto the high bed. The sound of her sweet murmur, the smell of her heavenly floral scent and touch of her silky skin against his instantly aroused him.

  “Daemon,” she mouthed against his lips as he kissed her into submission.

  He leaned against her, and her fingers skimmed his back. Her pink tongue flicked at his, teasing him. His need for fulfillment roared through him. He prodded her parted lips with his tongue, simulating what he wanted to do with his hard erection between her legs. He licked the tender skin at her throat, and her pulse beckoned him.

  If she wasn’t so close to being a huntress rogue, he might have considered taking her for his own mate. She was perfect in every way otherwise—if it hadn’t been for his past failures when he attempted to take a mate.

  His eyes feasted on her soft, rounded curves. Her long dark hair screened his view of her rosy nipples peeking out shyly between the strands, and the length draped down to the top of her short curly hairs.

  Breathtaking. A vision in one luscious body.

  Trailing kisses down her abdomen, he stroked her nipples, drawing them upwards into cherry-colored, twin peaks. She touched his unbound hair, and her lips curved up, her eyes heavily lidded. Her smile was contagious.

  “Do you still want this?” he asked, needing to be sure.

  She took a deep breath and nodded. “For Katie, and so that I’ll have more defenses against Krustalus.”

  “I’m not pushing you into this.”

  “Do you want me to bite you first?”

  He chuckled and licked her neck. “I’ll drink as before, then it’s your turn.” With the gentlest of pricks, he tasted her sweet blood, taking enough this time to ensure she needed his to complete the transformation. But as soon as he did, he felt the urge to make her his for all eternity. The spitfire and sensual sweetness that was all Tezra drew him in, captured him, held him prisoner. When he sealed the wound, she closed her eyes, her pulse slowed.

  Using his teeth, Daemon cut his arm and touched it to her lips, ready to fulfill his promise to her. “Drink.”

  She swallowed, then choked, her eyelids fluttering.

  “More,” he coaxed, his brow wet with perspiration.

  Her dark, dampened curls rested against the satin pillow. Her breathing was shallow, her skin deathly pale. Even her lips were colorless except for the light stain on the bottom where his blood had touched her.

  “Come on, Tezra. Drink.” He continued to drip blood into her mouth, hoping the nourishment would entice her to feed soon. “We need to see Katie.” And the sooner Tezra was turned, the sooner her defensive abilities would kick in.

  Tezra’s lips moved as if she was trying to say her sister’s name. She swallowed hard, then licked his arm with a tentative touch. His heart soared.

  She licked again, and the velvety tip of her tongue caressing his wound stirred him.

  She ran her tongue over her lips.

  “Tezra, feed.” His husky words sounded desperate. He wanted to force her compliance like any other human, but he couldn’t compel Tezra. Maybe that’s why she appealed to him so much. He couldn’t control her, though in this instance he wished he could. “You will obey me in this.”

  She opened one eye lazily and pursed her lips.

  He touched her throat, feeling the slow pulse. Brushing away her hair, he exposed her breasts, then ran his tongue over the tip of one.

  She weakly grasped handfuls of his hair, but her gaze wasn’t focused on anything in particular. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth, moistening her lips. Her action mesmerized him, and he hoped the bloodlust was beginning to stir her.

  His tongue tangled with hers again. She grasped it between her lips and sucked, nearly making him spill his seed. Groaning, he managed to sputter, “Tezra, honey, you’re killing me.”

  Her mouth curved up, and she licked his chin, her eyes barely open, her teeth still human-sized. Regretfully, it didn’t appear she could extend them yet.

  A shudder of need ripped through him, and he bit into his arm, then offered her the sustenance again. When she didn’t react, he pulled away to kiss her, but she tried to rise, to follow the blood on his arm. His heart rate increased. God, how he wanted the sexual pleasure of feeling her canines sink into his vein.

  Her eyes widened when he pulled his arm farther from her mouth, her gaze focused on his blood. A small growl rumbled in her throat. He smiled, but her fangs still hadn’t extended.

  None of the other women had been a problem, but then he reminded himself Tezra wasn’t like the other women he’d mated. A huntress telepath, she would never be quite like them or anyone else he’d ever known. On top of that, he was certain she truly didn’t want to be turned, only wanted to save her sister.

  He moved onto his back. Her eyes remained fixed on his arm, two droplets of blood still rising atop the pinprick punctures. She closed her eyes, and he took an exasperated breath.

  The wound on his arm sealed. He bit his finger and inserted it in her mouth. Taking hold of his hand, she sucked on his finger. His libido surged with renewed gusto.

  She licked and sucked until he could barely last. Moving between her legs, he lined up for maximum penetration when she bit his finger hard.

  A jolt of pain shot through his finger all the way up his arm. Yanking it free, he squelched a curse. “Gently,” he said, his eyes watering. He rolled onto his back, then pulled her on top of him. Her soft body pressing against his very hard erection nearly killed him. Tilting his chin to the side, he offered his throat to her, pleading silently that she’d bite him more tenderly.

  At first, she snuggled against him, ignoring his offer, her satiny hair tickling his skin, his heart beating rapidly. Her tongue flicked over his nipple. Heat poured through his veins with the tickling, teasi
ng touch.

  He’d never been with a woman he’d wanted this much. He swept his hands down her back and cupped her soft ass. After spreading her legs apart, he moved his fingers into the drenched curls.

  Stroking into her honeyed sheath, he felt her stir. Her head rose from his nipple, and she eyed the pulse in his neck. “Bite me, gently.”

  Licking her lips again, she shifted her hungry gaze from his throat to his eyes. She drew closer to his neck, pressing her body against his painful arousal.

  He groaned, but she ignored his complaint, her attention riveted to his pulse. Frozen in anticipation, he waited for her to hunt him down, to sink her fangs into his neck and suck his life force, to replenish the blood she needed, to send him hurtling toward the heavens.

  Her teeth scraped at the skin of his throat, but her canines still hadn’t extended, dammit!

  He meant to rake her long nails across his neck, to draw the blood and let her feed that way, but she pulled her hand away, her gaze still focused on his throat. Not being able to wait any longer, he lifted her hips and entered her.

  She bit him on the neck.

  Not gently either. Streaks of pain shot all the way from his neck through his shoulder. Yet he chuckled. How he loved every soft, sweet inch of her.

  Her sucking began, turning his thermostat up to blazing hot. Shoving his erection into her again, he pumped without reservation, her lapping and soft moans driving him insane.

  But the sweetest kind of insanity.

  Her body rocked against him, hard, relentless, her tongue stroking the wounds she’d made. Her lips latched on and sucking again, drew out his blood, bringing him to the peak of ecstasy before he could slow the process down.

  She arched her back and cried out his name. He groaned again—hot, satiated release.

  “Ahhh, Tezra honey.” His hands brushed over her hair and skin, wanting the intimacy to last forever.

  She touched his wounds with her fingertip and licked the blood off her finger like she was sucking on the sweetest candy cane. His erection stirred deep inside her.

  Reaching up, she ran her tongue over the wounds to seal them, dropped back down and closed her eyes. She whispered, “You sure…are bossy…you know?”


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