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Dollhouse Page 3

by Tim Miller

  The idea of some douchebag fucking her made him furious. He wasn't sure why, Jodi was younger than most other girls he'd dated. Bob had always picked girls who were around his age, but more demure and passive. He liked to be in charge. Something about Jodi drove him crazy, though. Maybe it was because she was so strong willed, but her tits and ass didn't hurt that perception. Whatever it was, it drove him nuts, and he had to pursue it.

  "So she hasn't called or anything?" he asked Becky, who was at the hosting stand. The person at the hosting stand answered the main phone line that rang in, as well as greeted everyone who walked in

  "No, for the fifth time she hasn't. You seriously need to get a grip," Becky said.

  "Don't fucking tell me what to do! I'll fire your ass in a heartbeat." He said as he stomped back to his office where he dug through his backpack until he found his flask. He took a sip of the Wild Turkey he kept in the flask. He never left home without it. A sip here, a sip there; it always helped him think. On average, he went through two or three flasks of whiskey a day. So, hardly any when it really came down to it.

  He left the office and decided he would see for himself what she was up to.

  "I have to run some errands," he told Becky as he walked out. "Phillip is in charge until I get back." Phillip was his assistant manager. The guy was a weakling and quieter than a church mouse, but Bob didn't care at the moment. If he could catch her in the act, fucking this guy, that would be gold. Though watching her fucking would be pretty hot too. Except her fucking another guy might put him over the edge. What the hell was wrong with him? Is it hot or isn't it? Fuck!

  Bob got into his BMW and headed toward Jodi's neighborhood. He knew which apartment complex she lived in. He'd gone and looked in on her a time or two. Fortunately, she'd never noticed him those times. He wasn't a stalker or anything. He genuinely had feelings for her. No doubt she felt the same about him, she just needed a little convincing, was all. Maybe the stunt with the phone was a bit much, and she was just having a tantrum. Maybe she even wanted him to come looking for her. What if she was lying in bed naked right now, waiting for him?

  The thought made him hard and the bulge in his pants grew. Once he reached the complex, he drove around the parking lot. Her car wasn't parked in its usual place. After driving around a few more minutes, he found the car wasn't there at all. Motherfucker! Maybe she was at her boyfriend’s. No telling who that was. He punched the steering wheel as he looked around. Finally, he decided to head back to the store.

  As he neared the store, he figured he'd hit the drive-through at Starbucks. As he pulled through waiting his turn to order, he saw it. Her car, sitting in the Starbucks parking lot. Bingo! Bitch was going to just hang out and have coffee right across from her work? She was on crack if she thought it was that easy. He'd noticed in the last few months she'd gotten much more snarkier than in the past. Some of it was cute, but mostly it was annoying. Someone needed to knock that girl down a peg or two.

  He parked and went inside but stopped when he didn't see her anywhere. He waited several minutes, thinking she'd be in the bathroom, but nothing. She was nowhere in sight. What the hell? He hung around a few more minutes before walking up to the barista at the counter. She was just finishing taking an order.

  "Hi, can I help you?" she asked.

  "Yeah, hi. I was wondering about something. One of my co-workers hasn't shown up today, and I've been a little worried. Her car is parked here, but she's nowhere around. Can you tell me if you've seen this girl?" he took out his phone and showed her one of the many pictures of Jodi. Of course, Jodi had no idea he'd taken them while she worked.

  The girl looked at the photo for a minute.

  "Um, yeah. She was in here earlier with some guy. They sat in the corner over there. Looked like some business meeting but then he helped her out as if she were drunk or something. It was kind of weird."

  "You know what the guy looked like?"

  "He was bald, with a thick mustache and glasses. I thought he might be her dad at first, but then I figured he was her boss or something."

  "Great," Bob said putting his phone away. "Thank you."

  Bob turned and went to his car. That guy she described was the customer Jodi had been waiting on yesterday. Wouldn't be hard to find out who he was. Why would she be drunk so early, though? Whatever. They'd both be explaining it to him by the end of the day.

  Chapter 8

  Ernie pushed Jodi up to the table, joining the other girls. He looked around and smiled at the collection of beauty around his table.

  "Ok girls. This here, is Jodi, your new sister. She's very special and, as you can see, very happy to be here. I think she will be a great addition to our family."

  He looked around, but his face hardened when he looked over at Miranda, who was frowning.

  "Miranda? Do you have something to say?"

  "Did you fuck her?" he heard Miranda say. However, Jodi looked on helplessly wondering who the hell he was talking to. From what she could tell, the other girls were all drugged and paralyzed just like she was.

  "That is none of your business, young lady. Besides, you know the rules here. We are all a family. There is no jealousy here, only love."

  "That is such bullshit. You think any girl would voluntarily fuck you? You're just a pathetic little man!"

  Ernie was shocked at her words and tone. She'd never spoken to him this way before. What had gotten into her?"

  "Miranda, I don't think I like your attitude."

  "Good! What are you going to do about it? You gonna hit me? You going to ‘expel' me like Jessica? Cut me up and feed me to the other girls? You still won't be rid of me."

  He walked over to her, grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head backward, gritting his teeth as he spoke.

  "You better not test me, little girl. I have no qualms about expelling you in the most horrible of ways and replacing you the same day. You're not as special as you think you are."

  "Ernie, you think there is a reason why every time you expel one girl, another one starts shooting her mouth off? You ever thought of that?" Despite the harsh words he was hearing, a tear ran down her face as her lip quivered, with the occasional whimper escaping her throat.

  "Yeah, I think one girl has gotten bold, and now the rest of you think you got the balls to stand up to me. No matter what, I'll always be the Alpha here."

  She laughed an obnoxious and mocking laugh.

  "Then you'll be plenty busy and will go through lots of girls for this family of yours. I wonder how much the new girl enjoyed your tiny little pecker. Did you cum inside her? Make her moan really good?"

  Ernie reared back and slapped her across the face. The slap rang like a gunshot; a cracked leaving a huge, rosy-red handprint on her face as he continued grasping her hair. Instead of crying or screaming, she just kept laughing.

  Ernie's face grew red as he pulled her hair even harder, almost lifting her out of her seat.

  "You want to fuck with me? Is that what you want? You have no idea who you're fucking with. I'll make what I did to Jessica look like summer camp, you cunt!"

  "Go ahead, Daddy!" Miranda mocked. "I could use a good spanking! Haha! And you wonder why you could never get a real wife or a real girlfriend! God, you're so pathetic and predictable!"

  Ernie kicked the chair out from under her, sending her sprawling to the floor. She flopped down face first. As he pulled her up by the hair, her nose and lip were bloody.

  "You know what? I got an idea." He lifted her back into the chair and walked out of the room. He went into one of his junk drawers and dug around until he found pliers and a sewing kit. He stood over her holding them up.

  "This might fix you. I won't expel you. You don't get off that easily."

  He pulled her head back and forced her mouth open as he shoved the pliers into the back of her mouth, grabbing onto a molar. With a couple of twists and pulls, he ripped the molar free. Her body twitched while her throat released high-pitched, but short sq
ueaks as he held the extracted tooth before her eyes.

  "One down, lots to go!" he said. He proceeded to rip every single one of her teeth out over the next hour. Some of them came out easier than others. By the time he was finished, Ernie was exhausted and covered in sweat. Miranda's eyes had tears streaking from each of them as blood gushed from her mouth.

  "There, huh? What's that? I don't hear you running your mouth now." He said as he picked up the sewing kit and proceeded to sew her lips closed. Once he was finished, he put his tools away and looked at her face by moving her chin around.

  "Looks like I finally shut you up. Now you're a mess, and that is no way to look at the table. Let's clean you up."

  He retrieved his wash basin and cloth from the other room and proceeded to wash the blood and tears from her face. Once he finished, he put it down and looked at her.

  "Much better. I'd ask you what you think, but I know you can't answer now. Maybe eventually we can take the stitches out, once I decide you’ve learned your lesson."

  He stood and walked to the door when he heard her voice again.

  "Ha! All that and you can still hear me! Hahaha! See what I mean? Pathetic!" she laughed a loud cackling laugh that grated his nerves. Ernie kicked the wall and ran over to her, grabbing her by the throat, squeezing as hard as he could.

  "Shut up!" he screamed. "Just shut up!"

  "Go ahead and keep choking!" she said. "You'll never shut me up! Loser!"

  He kept choking her until her face turned blue. Before she lost consciousness, he let go and looked at her, trying to get himself under control. Why was she still talking?

  "I told you you'll never shut me up. Go ahead and kill me, I'll keep telling you what a loser you are."

  "Shut up!" he stood and flipped the table over, knocking some of the other girls out of their chairs and to the floor. Jodi was one of them. She lay there helpless as Ernie stormed around the room knocking things over and yelling at nothing in particular. He finally walked outside and got into his car. He needed to go for a drive and clear his head. He left the girls on the floor when he left. Things should settle down when he returned. He'd gather himself and make a nice dinner for his family. Except for Miranda. He had a special dinner planned for her.

  Chapter 9

  Bob got back to the store and ran back to his office. This shouldn't be too hard to figure out. He logged into the computer system and pulled up Jodi's profile and her customer activity. He figured it was around mid-afternoon when the guy had stopped in. He was scrolling through when there was a knock on the office door.

  "What is it?" he called out. The door opened, and a young man stuck his head inside. Bob couldn't even remember the employee's name.

  "Hey sorry. I got an angry customer out here. She wants a refund, but it's been three months. She says she's gonna cancel her service."

  "Ok, I'll be out in a minute." Bob said as the young man stepped back out and closed the door. Bob turned back to the computer and kept scrolling until he found it. There it was. Ernie Lester. That had to be him. The goofball looked like an Ernie. Why the hell would she be banging that guy? Bob never understood why girls dated dorky-ass guys.

  After his divorce, Bob had become a gym rat. He worked out two to four hours a day, ran three days a week and even took martial arts for a few months. He’d lost almost sixty pounds and bulked up. He'd also begun tanning. As far as he was concerned, he was in better shape than most guys in their twenties. Hell, girls often threw themselves at him. He'd slept with several of his female employees, even some of the married ones.

  Maybe that's why Jodi appealed so much to him. She not only refused to sleep with him, but she acted repulsed by him. Now, there was no way she could actually be repulsed by him. He was just too good looking. It had to be an act. He was positive it was; but why was she banging this retard? Maybe she liked older men with money. He studied the man's name and wrote his address down. He was just about to finish up when there was another knock on his door.

  "Bob?" the young male employee said sticking his head in again. "Were you coming? She's really pissed."

  "Fuck! Where is Phillip?"

  "I dunno."

  "Well find him. I'm dealing with an emergency here."


  "Just fucking find Phillip! Can you do that?"

  "Ok," he said as he slinked away.

  Bob folded the paper and headed out to his car and drove to the address. It was almost twenty minutes away just outside of town in a nice suburb. The neighborhood looked upscale, with every house being at least two stories; some were even three stories. He found the address at the end of a cul-de-sac. It was unremarkable, compared to the rest of the houses. When compared to the rest of the neighborhood, it seemed a bit worn down and simple. He was amazed the homeowners association hadn't thrown a fit. He parked the car, walked to the front door, and pressed the doorbell.

  Thoughts of what they must be doing in there spun through his head. Was this old dork eating her out? Was she sitting on his face and riding his weird bushy mustache? Maybe he was pounding her doggy style. Just the thoughts made his blood boil. He rang the doorbell a second time. Finally, he heard footsteps approaching. He took a step back and prepared himself for the confrontation about to follow.

  The door swung open.

  "Can I help you?" A tiny old lady said from the doorway. This was not what Bob was expecting.

  "Um…" he looked back at the address, "Is Ernie here? Ernie Lester?"

  "Ernie? Oh no. I'm sorry he doesn't live here anymore" she said.

  "No? You know where he lives?"

  "Oh let me see. I moved here about five years ago. Ernie's mom had just died, so he wasn't doing so well. Poor boy. He looked so sad. I knew his mom, Verna Lester. Such a sweet lady. She made the best meatloaf…"

  "The address? I'm sorry. I just I have an important delivery for him for a new cell phone and have to get it to him ASAP."

  "Oh yes, of course. I think I have it in my purse. Just one second." She turned and waddled back inside for several minutes. She finally emerged with a slip of paper. "Here you go dear. Tell him I said hello and to visit when you find him. He's a good young man, just a lot on his mind, I'm sure."

  "Great, thank you." He walked back to the car, sat inside and looked at the address. What the fuck? It wasn't even in town. It was outside of town almost an hour away. He started the car and headed that direction. After a long, uneventful drive, he ended up seemingly in the middle of nowhere. It was a quiet street where his was the only house. This one was a single story, in much better condition than the old one. Evening was setting in, so the house looked slightly creepy as the sun was setting.

  He looked at the address on the slip and the one on the mailbox. This was it, for sure. Part of him wasn't sure he wanted to do this as it got dark. There was a car sitting in the parking lot, so someone had to be home. No lights appeared to be on inside, but if they were in bed… That thought was enough to jar him into action. He got out and walked over to the car. It was an older model Volvo. It looked like something Bob's mom would have driven. He put his hand on the hood; it was warm. Whoever's car it was, they had just gotten there. He walked over to the door and noticed there was no doorbell. That was no problem. He lifted his fist and began pounding. When there was no response at first, he pounded again, this time even harder. Finally, he heard someone coming. This was going to be good.

  Chapter 10

  Ernie came back from his drive frighteningly calm. Jodi lay on the floor, helpless, and the taste of blood filled her mouth. She’d cut her lip when she hit the floor. She wasn't sure how long she'd been lying there. At some point, while he was gone, she had passed out. When she awoke, Ernie was gently putting her in her chair, brushing the dust off her dress and fixing her hair. She wished she could lean in and bite his nose off, or at least slap him across the face. Something, anything. But no, she was still frozen in this creepy doll-like state.

  "I'm so sorry I left you on the flo
or, honey," he said as he wiped her face with a cloth. "As you can see, some girls here aren't as grateful as you are. What? Yes, I know you love me. I love you too. You're so sweet. I wish that could rub off on Miranda."

  What the fuck was he talking about? All day she'd sat there watching him carrying on conversations with himself. No one else was talking, none of the girls could talk. Yet, he was apparently so off his rocker he thought poor paralyzed Miranda was disrespecting him. She wished she could have turned away from him ripping out Miranda's teeth and sewing her mouth shut, but it was impossible. In her doll state, she was forced to take it all in. The most horrible thing she'd ever seen and something that would never leave her mind.

  "Shut the fuck up, I said!" he screamed as he turned and faced Miranda He stood and walked over to her. Jodi didn't want to imagine what he was about to do with her.

  "You just don't learn do you? Do you? What? How dare you mention my mother. My mother was a good woman!" he said as he slapped Miranda across the face. Her eyes exuded pure terror as the madman continued screaming at her.

  "You know what? I can fix you. I’ve got just the thing!" He stood and walked to the table and pulled her chair out. He turned and dug through another drawer and came out with scissors. He used them to cut the dress and underwear off Miranda until she was totally naked. Once finished, he took the large knife off the table, grabbed her hand, and held it down while slicing off the first three fingers.

  Jodi thought she saw Miranda twitch, but she was unable to respond more than that. Ernie took the fingers and put them in the blender at the center of the table and ran it until they were a thick liquid. He lifted the pitcher off the blender and held up a funnel into Miranda's feeding tube. Oh God. Jodi knew what was coming next. She tried to look away as Ernie poured the soupy liquid into Miranda's tube.


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