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Dollhouse Page 4

by Tim Miller

  Jodi felt her stomach lurch as the scene unfolded in front of her. The smell of the blood and ground up flesh filled the room, and her nostrils, as the sight and sound of it running down the tube filled her mind. She tried to control her breathing as much as she could. No telling if she were to throw up if she'd even be able to get it out. Would she just choke on it? Jodi didn't want to find out. After a few breaths, her stomach seemed to be calming down, finally.

  Ernie stood and held a washcloth around Miranda's severed hand.

  "See? I can feed a lot of you to yourself if you keep wanting to act this way. I still have your other hand, your toes, an arm, and your tits. Too bad you can't taste yourself. That would be really weird wouldn't it?" he laughed as he began frowning. "My God! You don't know when to quit do you! Stop laughing at me! What do you mean it didn't hurt? Why are you crying then?"

  He lifted the knife and jammed it into her left eye socket. He poked and dug around until he pried her eyeball out of her head. He cut it open, letting the milky insides run down Miranda's feeding tube. This was too much for Jodi to take. Without warning, her stomach heaved as the vomit came up.

  She shot forward as the contents of her stomach slammed into the back of her mouth. Some of it oozed through her lips, more of it burned as it came out her nose while the rest went back down her throat. Ernie looked at her as she continued heaving and gagging. Ernie ran over to her and leaned her forward.

  "Oh no! No! No!" Ernie yelled as he shoved a butter knife into her mouth. She felt one of her teeth break away as he did so, but once it was in her mouth, he pried her mouth open, letting the vomit spill onto the table. She felt her airway open back up as her throat and airway cleared of the foul liquid. Once she was done, he leaned her back as he looked her up and down.

  As she sat back, she noticed the other girls sitting around the table. All in the same doll state as herself, she assumed. That, or dead. None of them had reacted in any way to the goings on before them. Maybe they were just used to it now. The thought of becoming used to this life made her want to throw up again, but it subsided.

  "Ok, looks like you need a bath, Jodi. Again. The berries might be making you sick. That or my taking care of Miranda. Either way, you'll be fine. We'll get you cleaned up and everything. You'll be just fine." He picked her up out of the chair and carried her into the room with the steel table. He lay her down, undressed her, and began cleaning her again. The steel was still just as cold as the last bathing experience and made her cringe on the inside. She'd rather remain covered in her own vomit. But just like everything else, it was no longer her choice.

  Chapter 11

  Ernie finished cleaning and changing Jodi and carried her back to the table. The other girls were still sitting motionless, staring lifelessly at each other, but they were all very much alive. He positioned her hands and began brushing her hair when there as a banging at the front door. Who the hell could that be? No one comes out here. The banging continued. First it was just a few knocks. Then it turned to continuous pounding.

  Ernie threw the hairbrush down and walked out of his secret part of the house, closed everything up and headed to the front door. Looking through the peephole, there was a familiar looking man standing on his porch. The man was large and looked spray tanned.

  "Can I help you?" Ernie yelled through the door.

  "Mister Lester! Sorry to bother you. I need to talk to you; it's really important."

  He knew Ernie's name? He sat and thought for a second. The cell phone store. This asshole was Jodi's boss. How had he found him? He didn't have time for this nonsense.

  "I'm sorry. Now's really not a good time," Ernie said.

  "Please? It will only take a minute."

  Ernie walked back to his closet and grabbed his cattle prod. It had been awhile since he'd had to use it, but came in handy in a pinch. He unlocked the door and pulled it open, stepping to the side. He heard the man moving slowly inside.

  "Hello? Mister Lester?" the man said as he came into view. Ernie pushed the door shut while jamming the cattle prod into the man's side and pressing the button. The large man yelled as the electricity coursed through him, and his body gyrated like a rag doll. After a few seconds, Ernie let up, and the man fell to the floor. Ernie grabbed a roll of duct tape from the kitchen and secured the man's arms and legs before dragging him into the back. He struggled to lift the man into one of the chairs as he stood and looked him over.

  “Well now, what am I going to do with you?” Ernie said. After a few minutes, the man slowly came to and looked around. His eyes widened when he looked at Jodi.

  “What? What the fuck? What is she doing here? What is this?” he asked.

  “I think I’m the one with the questions. Who are you, and why are you here?”

  “What the fuck? Help!” Bob screamed. “Help! Get me out of here! Someone help me!”

  Ernie rolled his eyes as Bob shrieked and carried on for several minutes. For a big strong man, he sure screamed like a little girl. Finally, Bob’s screamed turned to sobs.

  “Please! Please don’t kill me!” Bob pleaded.

  “If you’re done carrying on, I have some questions for you. Then, maybe I’ll let you live. Ok?”

  “Ok.” Bob whimpered. He now had snot running out of his nose and dripping from his chin.

  “Well, tell me, where do I know you from? You look awfully familiar.”

  “I’m Bob, Jodi’s boss. She didn’t come in today or call. I got worried so I tracked her here.”

  “You just tracked her here? How?”

  “The coffee shop, man. They saw you leaving with her, helping her to your car. You drugged her or some shit didn’t you?”

  Ernie ignored the question.

  “How did you find this house?”

  Bob just sat there, his stomach rising in his throat. He felt like he could throw up any second. Ernie snapped him out of his weakling fear-ridden trance by whacking him in the back of the head with the cattle prod.

  “Ow! Shit! The store! I recognized your description from when you were in the store. I looked you up there and went to your old house. The old woman there gave me this address.”

  “Interesting. Well you made a big mistake tracking your wannabe lover, I’m afraid. As you can see, Jodi will no longer be working for you. She’s quite happy here with me and my family.”

  “Family? What the fuck? You call this a family?” Bob looked around at the rest of the girls sitting around the table. All perfectly still. “What’s wrong with them? And Jodi? Are they dead?”

  “No, not dead at all. Perfectly alive and healthy. Kind of a state of suspended animation, I guess, or paralysis, some would call it. Though I think that word is much too harsh. I take good care of them and they are all quite pleased to be here.”

  “How would you know? They can’t even fucking talk, you crazy fucking bastard! And here I thought you guys were fucking. You’re some sick freak! Just let me go ok? I’ll leave here and won’t tell anyone anything. I’ll forget all about Jodi.”

  “Perhaps, but I don’t think you can forget about her. I see how you keep looking at Jodi. You want her, don’t you?” Ernie asked. He wasn’t sure if the guy had been fucking Jodi before, but one thing he was sure of, he wanted to in the worst way. It was all over his face.

  “You’re looking at her like she’s an all you can eat buffet. Her sitting there helpless turns you on even more, doesn’t it?”

  “No, man!” Bob yelled. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing, I feel fine. My first thought when I zapped you was to kill you, but now I don’t know. You intrigue me.”

  “Intrigue you? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “You managed to track her to my house, I’ll give you that. I’ve grabbed many girls in my time and no one has been able to track me down at all. Or even come close.”

  “I dunno. I wanted to find her.”

  “You’re devoted to her,” Ernie said.

“I guess so.”

  “Have you two dated or had sex?”

  “What? No. I mean, I wanted to, but she never wanted anything to do with me. What’s this got to do with anything? You gonna let me go?”

  “I’ll bet you always get girls, don’t you? You’re a muscular, handsome guy. I bet girls drop their panties at the mere sight of you.”

  This drew a smirk from Bob.

  “Well, I usually have no problem getting laid.”

  “Except for this one,” Ernie said pointing at Jodi.

  “Yeah. Pretty much.”

  “What if I told you that you could fuck her right here, right now?”

  “Huh?” That seemed to pique Bob’s interest.

  “What if I let you fuck her? She’s sitting right there. I could untie you and let you have at it with her. She couldn’t say no, she couldn’t fight back or anything.”

  “Why would you let me do that?” Bob asked.

  “I don’t know. Because I think it would be funny to watch. Maybe I’m in the business of wish fulfillment. I notice you didn’t say no.”

  “I’m thinking about it. How do you know I won’t pound your face into the ground?”

  “Because I can see how much you want her. And I’ll cattle prod your nuts next time, if you try anything stupid. Oh, and I’m going to film the whole thing so if you decided to get cute, it goes on YouTube and the world will see you raping a girl who has obviously been drugged.”

  “You’ll get in trouble, too, if you do that.”

  “Don’t be so sure. I’ve been at this a very long time. Time’s up. What will it be?”

  Chapter 12

  Jodi sat in horror listening to this conversation. At first she was shocked, and then somewhat impressed that Bob had taken the time, but also had enough brains to find her. Even though Ernie had somehow got the drop on him. But now, they were sitting there talking about her as if she were a piece of merchandise to haggle over. She had never wanted to scream more than she did now.

  The prospect of being raped by Bob made her want to shrivel up and die. Ernie called it fucking, but it was rape, as she was fucking paralyzed and unable to give consent. Either way, Bob had always repulsed her in such a way she couldn't even describe. The idea of her lying helpless while he stuck his nasty dick inside of her made her want to throw up again. Just the thought of his hands on her made her stomach lurch. In all of the time working for him, the more Bob had pursued her, the more sickened she’d felt being around him. Something about him had always felt off. She figured now she knew what it was. At first she’d wondered if he was in on this with Ernie, but that seemed unlikely. It was looking more like two fucking psychos just found each other and are now in a 'bromance.'

  "So what do you think?" Ernie asked. "Short of hurting her, I'll let you do anything you want with her."

  "Why would you do that? Are you going to kill me?"

  "I already told you. I'm recording you. I might even let you sample the rest of my work."

  Bob looked thoughtful and somewhat confused. Jodi couldn't tell, either, if Ernie was messing with him, or what.

  "Ok look. I'm giving you the chance to have sex with the girl of your dreams, and you seem all stupid about it," Ernie said as he picked up a knife. "Or I could just kill you."

  "Fuck, NO! Ok! Ok! You'll probably kill me anyway. I'll fuck her."

  Jodi managed a quiet yelp from her throat, which was the closest to screaming as she could get. Ernie walked over and cut Bob loose, but held the cattle prod at him. Bob stood and walked toward Jodi.

  "Ok, pick her up and take her to the back. There is a bed back there," Ernie commanded. Bob picked her up in his arms and carried her through the doors in the back. He lay her on the bed and began removing her clothes.

  "Hold on, cowboy," Ernie said from the side as he fumbled with a small camera. "I told you I'm recording this."

  Jodi felt her flesh crawl as Bob finished undressing her and began kissing her mouth, neck and shoulders. The guy was moaning and whispering to her.

  "You like that, baby? I told you I'd make you feel good," Bob whispered as he massaged each of her breasts while sucking and nibbling on her nipples. Once again, she tried to move, to slap him, kick him or anything she could do to resist, but it was useless. She wondered if the drug would wear off ever or if the damage was permanent. As he began fondling her pussy and rubbing his big cock up and down its lips. It seemed all she could do was to take her mind somewhere else.

  These men controlled her body for now, but not her mind. She thought of life before this happened. Just days ago she’d been out with her friends, having coffee and talking about bad dates they'd had. Thinking further back, she reminisced about her childhood, and how her mom used to make her dolls by hand. She'd use old socks and some material and turn them into little princess dolls, or fairies, or even a milk maid. Jodi used to love those dolls.

  She could give them names and draw any faces on them she wanted. Many days, she sat around having tea parties with them, dressing them in various outfits or taking them for walks in her wagon. Now she wondered, had they felt like she did? Could they see, hear and feel? Was she just as evil to them as Ernie was being to her?

  It was a silly thought, but one she couldn't ignore in her current state. Of course, they couldn't see or feel. They were just toys. She'd grown out of playing with dolls by her early teens. This Ernie guy, he was a grown man who'd taken to turning grown women into his personal dolls. She wondered what kind of pathetic life he'd had to lead him down this path.

  Maybe his mom abused him, or he’d had a drunken father. Then again, maybe the guy was just fucked up. She'd known a few of those in her lifetime, but nothing quite like this. Ernie hadn't come across as creepy or even remotely dangerous when she’d first met him. She’d always thought she was good at sniffing out the creepers. She couldn't have been more wrong.

  She felt Bob finishing inside of her. Tears streaked down her face as he grunted and moaned while blasting his thick, sticky jizz deep inside her. Once he finished, he rolled over, panting.

  "Holy fuck, that was good," he said. "I can only imagine had you been into it. Will she stay like this forever?" Bob asked.

  "As long as I keep giving her the medicine, she will. It lasts around twelve hours or so."

  "Wow, that's just crazy," he said as he poked the side of her face. "Can I just take her home with me?"

  "Absolutely not! She stays here. They all stay here."

  "Fine. Any chance of that letting that wear off so she can move around next time?"

  "No way. Once they are my dolls, they stay my dolls."

  "I get that. I mean like just for a few minutes…"

  "No! End of discussion!"

  "All right. All right." Bob stood and pulled his pants up. "So now what?"

  Ernie looked around the room.

  "Let's put her back and go to the front of the house," Ernie said.

  "I have a proposal for you."

  Chapter 13

  Bob followed Ernie to the front of the house. They left the back area through a small door in a walk in closet. The rest of the house looked completely normal. Ernie pointed them to a kitchen table where Bob took a seat as Ernie grabbed each of them a beer from the refrigerator.

  "So, what did you think?" Ernie asked.

  "Uh, of what? Of Jodi? Or your whole little setup back there?"

  "Yeah. All of it."

  "Well, it's different, that's for sure."

  "Yes, that's true. But it's really ideal when you think of it."

  "How so?"

  "Well, I'm sure you get this. Women are different from men. They think different, act different, they are just wired differently," Ernie said

  "Ain't that the truth," Bob said as he took a drink of his beer.

  "So, what I'm doing here, I'm protecting them. Women can't make big decisions. They can't take care of themselves. All they do is make bad decisions. Here, they don't have to make any decisions! I clean them,
I feed them, I bathe and love them; they have everything they could ever need here. Just like Jodi. She's happy here."

  "She didn't seem happy. Her eyes looked horrified."

  "She will be. She's new. Once she learns to enjoy her new life and new comforts, she'll be just fine."

  "If you say so. Her pussy still felt good," Bob said laughing. "So, what made you start all this? I mean at first it was pretty fucking freaky. But the more I think about it out, the cooler it seems. I mean you really put a lot of work into this."

  "Yes, I did. I started this several years ago after my wife and daughter died."

  "You serious?"

  "I'm afraid so. My wife was my age, and my daughter was sixteen. Wife and I didn't get along very well. Her name was Rachel. I'm not even sure why we got married. The fighting began about six months in. I was working a lot, and she stayed at home with Heidi, our daughter. It was pretty stressful. Granted, I was in a bad mood a lot. She started calling me crazy and toward the end, psycho."

  "Psycho, huh? That's hard to imagine," Bob said, wondering how this guy was even out walking around.

  "Yeah, I know. I had never slept well, but with work and the baby I was hardly sleeping at all. I just couldn't fall asleep. Thus, it made me moody. I may have had an outburst or two. But then she started saying I'd lose my mind and throw these violent fits and hit her. I never remembered doing any of that. She thought I was having blackouts, but that's ridiculous."

  "Did you go to a doctor?"

  "No. My job didn't have insurance and at the time we didn't have the money to go. So over the years she'd grown more distant. She'd insult me, call me stupid, loser, or whatever horrible name came to mind. It got really hard to take."

  "She said all that while claiming you'd get violent?"

  "My point exactly! One day she released an onslaught of insults and even attempted to go so far as claiming I’d struck our child. Our child?! How dare she even think that I could harm our baby? So, of course, I snapped; but I remember every piece of this assault. I picked up a wooden chair from the kitchen and hurled it across the room, only barely missing her. Then she ran for Heidi, picked her up, flew out the door, lunged into the car, and hightailed out of there. I told her not to go! I told her to stay with me because it is safe here! Then that bitch had the audacity to act as if she was afraid of me. Of me?! I mean, look at me. What about me is scary…? Huh…? Nothing!"


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