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Wildflowers (JACT 2.5)

Page 13

by Jennifer L. Allen

  We cut into the cake together, and place the slice on a monogrammed plate. Momma really did go all out, I think to myself, smiling.

  Joey looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eye as he picks up a small piece with his fingers.

  “Joseph,” I say sternly. “You’d better behave.”

  He smirks in response, just before he smashes the cake on the corner of my mouth, rubbing it up and across my cheek. I think there’s some in my ear…

  “You’re so gonna pay for that!” I grab the rest of the slice in my fist and Joey takes off, me right on his heels. Our guests are all laughing at our antics, even my father has a smile on his face.

  Trevor, Alex, and Chase jump out in front of Joey and grab hold of him. Trevor and Alex each have an arm and Chase is standing behind him, holding him steady.

  “This isn’t fair,” Joey protests, trying to squirm out of their grip. “You’re my brothers; you’re supposed to be on my side.”

  I stand in front of my husband, hip cocked to the side, one hand on my hip and cake in the other, giving him that same mischievous look he was giving me mere seconds ago. Oh, how the tables have turned.

  “Baby, sweetness, I love you,” he pleads. It’s kind of adorable.

  I step forward. “I love you, too, handsome.” I lean in to kiss him, smearing my frosting covered cheek against his.

  “Ugh,” he grunts, trying to twist away from me, but his boys only hold him tighter. “This is cruel and unusual punishment.”

  “Oh, come on. Man up, Joe,” Jason calls from the sidelines.

  “How about I say that to you when your little spitfire sister sets her sights on you?” The grin drops off Jason’s face. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. I saw the pictures.”

  “Go easy on him, E,” Jason says.

  I roll my eyes. Traitor. Looking back at Joey, I smile sweetly, and smash the cake right in the center of his face.


  Faces clean, I rest my cheek on Joey’s chest as we dance our last dance of the night. Most of the guests have left, leaving just the two of us and our immediate families. It’s the perfect time to tell him my news, surrounded by the people we love.

  I look up into his deep brown eyes, and he smiles down at me. I know it hasn’t been long, but being with him will never get old.

  “I’ve got something to ask you, Mr. Adams.”

  He places a gentle kiss on my forehead and spins us around. “What’s that, Mrs. Adams?”

  I lift up to my tiptoes and whisper in his ear, “How do you feel about making our little family of two, a family of three?”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  In an instant, everything in the background fades away. Nothing else exists except for me and Evie. There’s no music, no people, no dance floor, no barn…just me and her and…

  A family of three. Does that mean what I think it means?

  “Evie, baby, what are you saying?” I ask, resting my forehead against hers as she continues to whisper words to me.

  “You’re gonna be a daddy, Joey.”

  I’m going to be a father.

  I’m going to be a dad?

  I pull back and look into her eyes. “Really?” I croak, my throat suddenly dry and my chest full of…something.

  She nods, tears in her eyes.

  “We’re having a baby?” I clarify.

  Evie laughs, nodding again. “We’re having a baby,” she confirms.

  “When? How?”

  “Well, I think you know the how…” she grins. Hell, yeah I do; I wink at her. “I just found out this morning. I’m a few weeks late, with the travel and everything; I didn’t really think about missing my period. I felt nauseas this morning, and it all kind of clicked. I went to the drug store, picked up a test, took it, and voila! I might be around eight weeks. I can’t be sure until I see a doctor, though. It’s been hell not telling you all day, but I wanted to wait for a special moment, and what’s more special than this?” she asks, looking around the room decorated just for us, filled with the people who mean the most.

  I look down at Evie’s still flat belly. “There’s a tiny human in there.”

  “There is,” she agrees.

  “Wow…” I’m at a loss for words. This is unexpected…unplanned. Evie and I never really talked about having kids, though I always assumed it would happen eventually. That’s what usually happens when you’re a family.

  “You okay with this?” she asks.

  “What? Of course, I am. Why would you even ask that?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, looking down. “To be honest, I was afraid you might have some reservations given what happened with your parents. We never talked about this—”

  “Let me stop you right there, Sweetness.” I pull her closer, wanting to meld our bodies together. I can’t even begin to describe the way I feel right now. I just want to be impossibly close to Evie…to my wife and child. “We’re not my parents. I’m not worried about making their mistakes. If anything, I learned from them how not to be a parent. I had great role models growing up with Alex’s parents, and you had your mom and dad. I don’t have any reservations. I’m ecstatic. Do you have any reservations?”

  “Not a single one,” she says. “I was surprised, yeah. We’ve been careful, but birth control isn’t one hundred percent effective. I figure if this little boy or girl wanted to be here that bad, then so be it.”

  “It was meant to be,” I agree. “As soon as we get home, we need to set up an appointment.”

  “We will.”

  “And we need to get some of those baby books and go shopping, we don’t have anything for babies. Oh! And can we get one of those things that gives us the picture?” There’s so much to do; we need to start making lists.

  “An ultrasound?” she asks, laughter in her eyes.

  “Whatever, the thing that shows us the baby.” I don’t know what it’s called, I’m a dude.

  “We can try, but it might not look like anything yet. It’ll probably look like a bean or a blob.”

  “Don’t call my baby a blob.”

  “You’re really excited about this, aren’t you?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.

  “I really am. Every moment we’ve spent together has been nothing short of amazing. I have everything I could ever want. This is just another adventure, babe. Another adventure with you? Bring it on.”

  She smiles her heart-stopping smile, and I lean in and kiss her, once again trying to get impossibly close. Judging by the cheers and jeers coming from the sides of the dance floor, the kiss is probably inappropriate for public consumption, but at the moment…I don’t give a shit.

  All that matters is this right here…my family in my arms.

  Alex and Brad are the loudest of the hecklers, and it’s starting to irritate me that they’re interrupting our special moment. I pull away from Evie and face them. “Shut up, you two,” I look back at Evie with what must look like stars in my eyes. “I’m gonna be a dad!”

  Evie shakes her head at me and smiles as the rest of the room erupts in more catcalls and applause. Seconds later, we’re bombarded by Momma Carson, Bill—we’re on a first name basis now, Evie’s brothers, and my band brothers. Congratulations, tears, and hugs are shared. Evie’s mom keeps asking her questions and squealing about how she’s going to be a grandma. Bill and Brian give me the side-eye, but I can tell by the way they look adoringly at Evie, they’re happy for us. Everyone is excited to add a tiny human to the Carson-Adams clan.

  Eventually, we all leave the barn and go our separate ways for the night. Since our time in Texas is limited, Evie and I are staying at the main house in her childhood bedroom. We say goodnight to the band, who are staying at an inn about half an hour away, and to her brothers, who head off to their respective homes scattered about the property. Finally, we bid goodnight to her parents, who congratulate us once again, and settle in our room.

  Evie’s lying on her back beside me, and I can’t keep m
y hands off her smooth belly. Knowing there’s a little life inside there…it’s the most intense feeling I’ve ever had. So many thoughts and emotions roll through me at once; I’m not sure which to focus on.

  “You in shock?” Evie asks after several moments of silence.

  “No, baby, I’m in awe.” Yes, awe is the perfect way to describe how I’m feeling. “Wow…just wow.”

  She runs her fingers through my hair. “I know this wasn’t planned, but it feels right. Like everything is falling into place. Like I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.”

  I pull my gaze from her belly and look into her bright, green eyes. “I feel the exact same way. Everything is perfect, just perfect.”

  Evie rolls on her side to face me, and I press my lips against hers. I claim her mind, body, and soul with this kiss. I claim her present and her future, too, just as she’s claimed mine.

  No, none of this was planned…but the best things in life rarely are.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Present day…

  I sit with a snoring Max on my lap, watching Chase and Ally dance to Theory of a Deadman’s “Easy to Love You.” Ally looks beautiful in a simple, strapless white silk gown that hugs her curves and pools at her feet. Witnessing the two of them exchange vows and participate in all the traditional wedding activities reminds me of mine and Joey’s whirlwind adventure.

  I glance at my husband, standing beside Trevor and Alex across the small room, all three of them watching Chase and Ally with emotion in their eyes. How far we’ve come…how far we’ve all come. People mocked our tale of love at first sight, not believing we could possibly make it, but it’s been five years, and I love that man more and more each day.

  The last time we were at a wedding reception, I surprised Joey with some exciting news. I wonder if I can do that again tonight…I’ll wait until after the reception though, this is Ally and Chase’s day.

  “Trevor is acting strange,” Sara whispers, taking a seat beside me. We’re all that’s left of the small wedding party. The few friends and distant relatives Chase and Ally invited have all gone home. It was a small, intimate wedding, suiting the happy couple perfectly.

  “Where are the twins?” I ask, looking around for Georgie and Gwen, Sara’s niece and nephew, who she officially adopted a couple months ago.

  “I just handed them off to the sitter. Now I’m ready to have a few drinks and relax. And figure out what crawled up my boyfriend’s butt.”

  I look over at Trevor and notice that he does seem a little bit tense. It could be interpreted as nerves due to his little sister’s big day, but all the hard stuff is over with now. Chase and Ally have been together forever, and Trevor knows Chase will take good care of her. Hmm, I wonder what’s eating him.

  “Has he said anything?” I ask Sara.

  “I asked him if he was okay earlier, and he said he was missing his parents. It just seems like more than that to me. Like nerves or something. I’ve seen him upset about his parents, and this isn’t it.”

  I pat her hand. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. It probably is nerves. He probably wants to make sure everything goes off without a hitch for his baby sister.” I’m sure if Joey and I had had a traditional wedding, my siblings would have been the same way.

  “You’re probably right,” she says, shaking her head and sitting up straight. “It’s a beautiful night, and the wedding was amazing. I’m kid free now, so I’m going to enjoy myself.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  The song ends and everyone claps for the happy couple. It’s not long before silverware is being tapped against crystal and Chase and Ally kiss…over and over again. Alex has obviously gotten over seeing his friend kiss his sister.

  Joey comes over, sitting down next to me and taking sleeping Max from my stiff arms. Our almost four year old is getting too big for me to hold him all the time, but I can’t seem to tell his sweet face no. Same problem I have with his father.

  “Can we have your attention?” Chase is standing on stage at the mic with Ally beside him. “Ally and I want to thank you all for being here…for sharing this day with us. We appreciate each and every one of you for your support today and every day leading up to this.” Chase wraps his arm around Ally’s shoulder and pulls her into his side as she stares up at him lovingly. They’re a match made in heaven.

  Ally takes the mic. “We’re so lucky to have you in our lives, to have you as our family. Mine and Chase’s journey together hasn’t always been smooth; in fact, it’s had quite a few pot holes and speed bumps,” she pauses while everyone laughs. “But we’re here now, and we owe a lot of our success to all of you. You stood by our sides in good times and bad, you supported us and loved us, even when we made it difficult.” Chase nudges her. “Okay, even when I made it difficult.” Everyone laughs again; Chase kisses her on her temple.

  “All kidding aside,” Chase continues, “you’ve all been amazing, and we probably wouldn’t be here right now without you. So thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.”

  Everyone stands and claps, toasting the happy couple. They’re absolutely right; their road was rough, but everything is just as it should be now.

  “And now, Trevor would like to say a few words. Trev?”

  “Didn’t they already do speeches,” I say to no one in particular, and Joey squeezes my hand. I look at him and see his signature shit-eating grin. “You know something…what do you know?”

  “You’ll see,” he whispers vaguely as Trevor takes the stage.

  “A few months ago, I met the love of my life,” Trevor begins, looking to our table and meeting Sara’s stunned eyes.

  “Oh my Lord, is he?”

  “Shh,” Joey hushes me.

  “Like Chase and Ally, Sara and I had some obstacles, but we overcame them, learned from them, and compromised so we could both achieve our dreams. See, that’s what you do when you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. You move mountains, and sometimes cities, to be with them. Sara, sweetheart, will you come up here?”

  Sara sits beside me, wide-eyed and dazed. I nudge her with my elbow and hiss, “Get up there!” She looks at me, seems to realize where she is and what Trevor said and slowly gets up, making her way to the stage with the trepidation of someone who’s walking the plank.

  When she reaches him, Trevor takes her hand in his. “Sara, I think I started falling for you the moment I first saw you kick your Jeep.” We all laugh. She was having the worst morning ever the day she showed up to take us on our wild horse tour while vacationing in the Outer Banks this summer. “Since that day, I’ve fallen more and more, and now it’s official…I’m completely in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. I want to be a family with you, Georgie, and Gwen. And when the time is right, I want to make more babies with you. You’re everything I want, everything I need. I love you.” He drops down on one knee and pulls a ring out of his pocket, holding it up to her. “Will you marry me?” The sight makes me twirl my own diamond around my finger. Joey and I didn’t exchange rings in Vegas, instead we bought rings as gifts to one another on our one year anniversary, once we had a little nest egg saved up. I love my diamond platinum wedding band. Joey’s is the male version.

  Sara wipes the tears from her eyes and smiles down at Trevor, nodding. “Yes, of course, I’ll marry you. I love you so much.” She drops down to her knees, and they kiss. We all stand and clap, the typical catcalls ensue, startling Max awake.

  “What’s happenin’?” he asks in his sleepy voice.

  “Uncle Trevor and Aunt Sara are getting married,” I tell him.

  “He poposed?” he asks with his adorable little lisp, looking at Joey.

  “Max knew, and I didn’t?”

  “It’s a guy thing, Momma,” Max tells me, and how can I be upset at that?

  Ally and I check out Sara’s ring while the guys razz Trevor.

  “You’re all dro
pping like flies,” Alex complains, ever the drama queen. “I’m the last man standing.”

  “It’ll happen to you, too, one day, bro,” Chase says, slapping Alex on the back.

  “I don’t think so,” Alex says, shaking his head. “I’m staying a bachelor forever.”

  Famous last words…



  A big thank you to my family for your ongoing support of my craziness. Thank you to my friends for supporting me as well, and motivating me to finish this story. I started it immediately after I finished Our Moon, but the characters just stopped talking to me. Writing Joey and Evie’s story was hard because their story is already done. If you’ve read the first two books in the series, you know they’re married and have a child. I’m a pantser (I fly by the seat of my pants when I write), I like to just write wherever the story takes me. I couldn’t really do that with these two. So it was tough and it took a while for the right inspirations to come to me to make their story worth reading, since you already knew the ending. So thanks for those who motivated me to write Joey and Evie’s story. And those of you who wanted to read their story, thanks for your patience! I never intended for this to develop into a series, so it’s been quite a process—a learning process, but a process all the same. Your loyalty to the JACT crew is amazing. xoxo Thank you to my friend Shelly, it’s been a while since I picked your Texas brain, so long that you probably don’t even remember me asking you anything, but I have appreciated your help all this time. Thank you to my editor, Aimee. You’re brilliant, and I don’t think I could ever work with another editor, so don’t ever break up with me. Thank you Natasha for the proofreading! It doesn’t seem to matter how many times Aimee and I go through things, you always find something! And I value you for it more than you know. Thanks to Cassy Roop of Pink Ink Designs for my cover. You capture what I’m looking for so damn well, and the colors on this one…beautiful. You’re a genius. I’m sure I drive you crazy, too, so please don’t break up with me either. Chapter Chicks, you save my sanity! Thanks for giving me a place to bounce ideas. Beta Chicks, you ladies are wonderful. I appreciate your feedback so much. I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to all the bloggers and everyone else who helped promote this story. And, of course, thanks to the readers. Without you, none of this would be possible. I’ve had so much fun in the last year and a half…writing, creating little worlds, chatting, and meeting…this is an outlet I had no idea I needed. Thank you for responding positively to Our Moon, giving me the motivation to write more. Thank you for taking a chance on me. YOU are the reason authors write. <3


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