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Return to Sender

Page 3

by Harmony Raines

  “Can’t it wait for the morning?” Christie didn’t want Sarah Jane’s presence to break the perfect spell.

  Sarah Jane leaned against the wall. “No,” she said a little too loudly.

  Christie wanted to get rid of her, so she decided to open the door and let her say what she had to say before she sent her home. She was willing to graciously accept whatever she had to say, because now it didn’t matter, she had a man who liked her for herself.

  “Come in, quickly.” Christie undid the chain and Sarah Jane walked carefully into her apartment. “Right, let’s get this over with.”

  “Get what over with?” Sarah Jane asked.

  “Your apology.” Christie tried to keep her voice calm.

  “Oh, yeah. First I need the bathroom.” Sarah Jane started to wander off.

  Christie stood by, too stunned to speak. She realised the real reason for this visit was that her so called friend needed the bathroom, the apology was just an excuse to get through the door. That did it, she didn’t want to hear a word from Sarah Jane, she wanted her to go, and never see her again.

  Standing as calmly as she could she waited for Sarah Jane to reappear. By the time she had weaved her way back out, Christie already had the door open for her to leave.

  “Not going to offer me a coffee?” Sarah Jane asked.

  “No, I think you need to get yourself home.” Christie still stood by the open door.

  Sarah Jane walked forward again, and then saw the letter in Christie’s hand. “Not still reading those stupid letters are you? You know nothing will come of it?”

  Christie felt her anger bubbling up, she wanted nothing better than to tell Sarah Jane how wrong she was, but she didn’t want to answer all the questions that would follow.

  “Goodnight, Sarah Jane.” Christie said firmly.

  Sarah Jane walked closer, and then made a grab for the letter tearing it out of Christie’s hand. “What does he say to you anyway?” she asked pulling away from a very surprised Christie.

  “Give it back,” shouted Christie.

  Sarah Jane stepped away, turning the envelope over to take the letter out. She stopped, standing dead still; her eyes glanced over the address, with the words return to sender written over it. Looking puzzled she turned back to Christie. “I don’t understand. How did this get here?”

  “Give it back to me!” Christie quickly snatched it back from Sarah Jane, who let it go, still looking questioningly at Christie. All at once it became obvious to Christie what had happened to the letter. “You did it! You sent the letter back.”

  Sarah Jane pulled herself up straight. “Yes, yes I did. I thought we were friends, so I tried to spare you the pain and embarrassment of being turned down by your soldier.”

  “What makes you think he would turn me down?” Christie asked, really wanting know why Sarah Jane would do something so cruel.

  “Come on, Christie, wake up and look at yourself.” Sarah Jane said, her speech still a bit slurred.

  “It would never occur to you that someone might like me just the way I am?” Christie asked, safe in the knowledge that Marcus already did.

  “No. Let’s face it, whenever we go out men avoid you like the plague,” she scoffed.

  “Perhaps none of them were the right one for me.”

  “And you think this soldier will be? Come on, Christie stop deluding yourself. He is bound to be fit, he’s been serving abroad, and it stands to reason he would be looking for someone similar.”

  “Well, I never was very good at reason.” A deep voice spoke behind them.

  Both women turned, Sarah Jane’s mouth fell open with shock at seeing Marcus, only a sheet wrapped around him, standing in Christie’s bedroom doorway. Recovering quickly she stood up straight and hitched her skirt up a little bit higher. Then she shakily went over to Marcus with her hand held out.

  “Nice to meet you, Christie has told me all about you.”

  Marcus shook her hand and shook it politely before trying to pull away, but Sarah Jane held on uncomfortably long. Christie could imagine the expression on her face, batting her eyelashes and pouting slightly. For a moment she was worried it would have the usual effect of grabbing any man’s attention. But not Marcus, he dropped her hand firmly and then slid past her to come and stand by Christie.

  “It was nice meeting you, but we are a little busy right now, isn't that right honey?” He wrapped his big strong arms around her waist, squeezing her tight and raising a thumb to stroke under Christie's breast. A very slight movement, but one that was not wasted on Sarah Jane.

  Christie covered his hand with her own, squeezing it appreciatively. “Yes. Sarah Jane if you don’t mind, Marcus has come a long way to find me. No thanks to you.”

  Sarah Jane looked greedily at Marcus, Christie knew how jealous she must be, a man like him being more interested in the “fat girl” must really rankle. Yet, Christie had no sympathy for the woman who nearly cost her happiness. Looking once more at the two of them together, Sarah Jane knew she was beaten.

  “I’ll let myself out, you two have fun,” she said, and left Christie's apartment. Slamming the door behind her.

  Christie turned to Marcus. “I guess we know what happened to the letter.”

  “How did she get her hands on it?” Marcus asked.

  Christie thought for a moment. “I’m not sure; she must have looked in my mailbox. Not much of a friend was she?”

  “It doesn’t matter now, we've found each other despite her interfering, now doesn’t that tell you something?”

  “I should find better friends?” she quipped, trying to avoid the devastating look he was giving her.

  “No, silly.” He lifted her chin so she couldn’t avoid him. “That we are meant to be together.”

  He dipped his head and kissed her, a soft passionate kiss that made her knees feel weak. Feeling her cling to him he bent down and lifted her up, carrying her back to the bedroom. No one had ever swept her off her feet before, and she wanted to stay in his arms for ever, he made her feel like a real woman.

  Laying her down gently on the bed he slid next to her, the sheet falling from him. Then he undid her robe and began to kiss her large breasts, every last inch, until she was gasping for air. The feeling of need had returned, her sex already wet and ready for him.

  Sliding her hand down she wrapped it around his thick cock and stroked him, slowly. He showed his pleasure by sucking hard on her nipples until they were stiff peaks. The feel of his hand across her thigh made her open her legs for him to gain access to her heated need. His fingers slipping into her sex, enticing her with their touch.

  This time he did not make her wait; he moved onto his back and to her horror helped her to straddle him.

  “I’ve never done it like this before,” she admitted.

  “This is a night of new experiences, my love. Trust me, you will enjoy it.”

  “I don't know how I’m supposed to move,” she said still worried. “Will you teach me?”

  “Of course, we can learn how we fit together.” He held his cock and guided it into her.

  Slowly she eased herself down onto him. The head of his cock felt strange as it butted up against her entrance. His hands went to her hips and he helped her take him slowly, his cock sliding into her, deeper and deeper. She groaned at the feel of him, he filled her and stretched her tight sex, something that he seemed to appreciate.

  One thing she learnt about riding him like this was the way she could watch his face, the expressions of pleasure their lovemaking brought to his features, and right now he looked very pleased. His mouth was slightly open, his breath coming in shallow burst as he fought to gain control of himself. All this time she took more and more of him inside her.

  At last she sat astride him, his cock buried as deep as it could go. For one moment she stayed still and took in the feel of him, the head of his cock so deep. Then his hands encouraged her to move, following his lead she rose up onto her knees, feeling him slide out
of her, and then she let herself down until he was buried deep in her. The control she had over him was wonderful, she began to enjoy it, rising up until only the tip of his cock was inside her, and then she eased herself down a little, before rising back up.

  This drove him wild; in the end her gripped her hips firmly and thrust up into her hard, his hips rising off the bed.

  She smiled at the look of relief on his face; he really did find her body pleasurable. Her orgasm grew, fuelled by his obvious desire for her. The thrill of having him inside her was tremendous; she began circling her hips so he stretched her in an exquisite way, the walls of her sex yielding for him.

  His thumb brushed her clit, he moved it so every time he was fully inside her it touched the sensitive little nub. She got the hint, he wanted to be inside her, and she wanted him to stroke her there. For now she sat fully on him and rocked backwards and forwards on his cock instead.

  “That is wonderful,” he told her, and she had to agree. She felt so close to him, as if they were one and the same, an amazing feeling since she had only seen him for the first time a few hours ago. But there was more between them than those few hours, and she thought of all the things they had shared on paper, and a new intimacy took over her.

  Christie tightened the muscles of her sex to grip him tighter, causing him to take a sharp intake of air, still gripping him she moved, slowly and deliberately, making him groan as his orgasm closed in on him. This time he came first, his seed spurting deep inside her, the power of his climax so strong.

  The feel of his cock pulsing inside her tipped her over the edge. Her sex contracted around him and she came, throwing her head back and crying out with ecstasy. The two of them were lost in the moment, both so wrapped up in the other it was as though they were one entity.

  Christie used small, strong movements, milking his cock of its seed. His hands on her breasts and her clit making her body a seething mass of nerves. She leaned forward and braced herself against him, she was starting to lose control, and all she could think about was how wonderful it was to have him inside her.

  Then the feelings slowly subsided, he lifted himself up and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close while she still sat impaled on his huge cock.

  They stayed like this for a long while, stroking each other's heated skin. Then, without a word they lay down and fell asleep in each other's arms, content that when they woke they could repeat the experience again and again.


  Christie prised her eyes open; unaware of what day it was, let alone the time. They had woken in the night and he had taken her again, and he said she was insatiable! The thought of it brought a new heat to her body, he had lain behind her and taken her from behind, leaving his hands free to rub between her legs, and massage her sore and sensitive breasts.

  Reaching behind her she felt a sudden jab of panic, he wasn't there. She tried to calm herself, it wasn’t a dream, and her sore body told her that their lovemaking had been very real. She grabbed a robe and pushed herself stiffly off the bed.

  Then her body relaxed, she could hear him in the kitchen. After visiting the bathroom she made her way out to find him preparing breakfast.

  “I hope you like eggs, funny, I know so much about you, but not what you like for breakfast,” he said, putting a plate down and scooping some eggs out for her.

  “It would be boring if we knew everything about each other, I’m just glad we know the important stuff.”

  He smiled at her and passed the plate, grabbing one of his own and coming to sit next to her.

  He kissed her head and they sat side by side enjoying each other's company over breakfast. As they ate Christie remembered the letter.

  “Can I read the letter now?” she asked him.

  “After it caused so much trouble I’m wondering if it might be better to simply destroy it.”

  “I would really like to read it.” She watched his face, sure he blushed even under that tanned skin.

  “But, if you don’t want me too, I’ll understand.”

  “It’s just that when I wrote it I never thought I would be sat with you when you read it.”

  She tried to hide her disappointment. “OK. No problem.” She scooped up some egg and ate it. “These are great eggs,” she said, trying to change the subject.

  “Thanks, when you’ve lived on your own as long as I have you learn to cook.” He ate his breakfast too.

  They chatted about little things, and avoided the subject of the letter, but it hung over them.

  “Right,” said Christie, after she had finished. “I need a shower.”

  With that she disappeared into the bathroom leaving Marcus happily washing up. It felt good to feel the water cascading over her body; she washed her hair too, feeling much better by the time she had finished.

  With a towel wrapped around her body, and one around her hair, she went back to the bedroom trying to decide if it was worth getting dressed. She hoped Marcus had some ideas that involved them both being naked. When she sat down on the bed to dry her hair she noticed a handwritten note.

  Her heart sank, panic washed over her, he had left because she had tried to pressure him into letting her read the letter. Reaching for the note she could hardly bear to read it, but when she picked it up the letter was under it.

  The note simply said, “I’m sorry, I guess I’m still not good at letting my feelings be known. So I have left the letter for you to read, take your time.


  With trembling hands she picked up the letter and opened it carefully. She smiled at his familiar handwriting, having forgotten how much she had missed reading it. Then she began to read.

  “To my dearest, Christie,

  I have struggled to find the words to tell you how much you have come to mean to me. Your letters have made my time here easier. Your warmth and humour has been like a shining beacon of hope, hope that there is a life for me filled with something I have never truly experienced before. Love.

  As I have told you my childhood was not easy, and it has left me reserved where relationships are concerned. Yet through writing to you I have learned more about myself, particularly my emotions, than I could ever have hoped.

  My father always told me that emotions make you weak and vulnerable, I believe you have shown me they can also make you stronger.

  I know you have had a rough time too, with the death of your parents, so I live with the hope that we can find, together, the love that we both miss. I want to be with you, to make a family with you. I know it sounds stupid, and I pray I don’t frighten you away with these words. Forgive me if they are not appropriate, but I live with the hope you feel the same way.

  So I am asking you, if you feel the same way, to meet me when I return home. There is no pressure, but please at least give us a chance. I am willing to take things as slow as you need, after all we have forever.

  Yours forever,


  It was shorter than his usual letters but said everything she needed to hear. She felt exactly the same way, even though she knew it was crazy, but isn't that what love was supposed to be. Crazy.

  Christie reread the letter, and thought she should write him a reply, as she always had, but then she realised they had passed that point. The letters had made it easy for them to say things neither of them ever had the courage to say in person, now it was time for them to take things further.

  If they truly were going to spend the rest of their lives together and start a family, this made her smile, then they had to learn to communicate honestly and unashamedly face to face.

  Not wanting to put it off now she had made her decision she went to find him, still wrapped in only a towel.

  He was still in the kitchen, cleaning the already clean surfaces. “Marcus,” she said. “I love everything you wrote, and I want us to be together too. I already love you. I want to spend the rest of my life finding out about you, for real.” Then she went to him.

  He folded
her into his arms. “I love you too, Christie.” He let out a long drawn out breath. “I’ve never said that to a woman before.”

  She reached up and stroked his face, “I hope you will say it to me everyday for the rest of our lives.”

  He looked down at her, kissing her gently, then his hand snaked up and pulled the towel away from her, smiling as her curves were revealed. “Do you know something else I would like to do everyday for the rest of our lives?”

  “No, but I think I might like you to show me.”

  He lifted her off her feet and set her on the table, moving between her legs. In one quick movement he removed his pants and guided his cock towards her sex. He pushed into her, his cock fitting perfectly in her tight sex.

  Christie loved the feel of him inside her, but then she started to giggle.

  “What's so funny,” he asked, sounding slightly offended.

  “I’m sorry.” She struggled to control herself.

  “Giggling is not the usual response to my lovemaking.” He carried on thrusting into her, his hand going down to rub her clit.

  The feel of his fingers there made her stop, a new feeling covering her senses. “It’s only that nobody would believe me if I told them I was in my kitchen being taken by a handsome soldier. Most people think I’m not that kind of girl.”

  He grunted as he thrust into her harder, she wrapped her legs around him, holding him tight.

  “Then that is another thing I know about you that most people don’t, and I am quite happy to keep all your secrets, I want you to know you can trust me with anything.” He lowered his head and kissed her nipples. “Especially your pleasure.”

  This time she didn’t laugh, Christie was too wrapped up in the wonderful things her soldier was doing to her curvaceous body. He put his hands on her bottom, stopping her from being pushed back while he thrust into her hard, showing her he was strong and capable, and that he would look after her and keep her safe for the rest of their lives.

  Christie came, a long shuddering orgasm, in which he soon joined her. He groaned and kissed her neck, his cock plundering her sex, it seemed as though he did not want to stop.


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