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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

Page 24

by K. L. O Johnson

  Once I was out of the crater, I glanced around and noticed, the city was still in ruins. No one was around and I sensed something pull at me. So I followed it, it wasn’t dangerous but it wasn’t safe either. But out of curiosity, I continued to allow it to lead me down the abandoned street, around a block and into what appeared to be a park. I wanted to return back to the others but this energy felt familiar, it guided me and I stopped.

  Spying a crumpled figure on the ground, leaning against a boulder. I recognised who it was as I approached, “Bella?”

  She was quiet, her eyes I noted in the darkness scanned me carefully, I could feel her energy, reaching out to screen me—after all, one could never be too safe in the crazy world I entered. “Cecelia? It’s you.”

  “Yeah,” I said and moved over to help her up.

  “Why aren’t you gone?”

  “The rotocopter crashed.” Bella was silent but at the same time I believed she was okay, potentially shocked that I didn’t make it out of the city. I threaded her arm around me, “Where do you want to go?” I asked but that was the same time I smelt blood, Vampieruz blood—lots and lots of it. “Bella, you’re bleeding.”

  She grunted, “Yeah, I didn’t expect the energy blades the Grattican carried to be so effective.”

  “So you let your guard down.”


  “Then what?” I wondered.

  “I was taken by surprise.” Bella corrected. “They’re coming.” she mused and I heard in the distance the sound of heavy Grattican boots echo in the distance and I knew they were looking for us.

  Their feet smashed against the ground and I sensed they were closing in. So did Bella, I moved in the direction opposite to their pursuit. We stumbled out of the park and into another empty street, lit with small fires here and there, the shattered windows of the tall glassy buildings were recognisable somehow. I glanced at the large screen then I realised, this was the same street that we drove down when we first entered the city. The darkened streets reminded me of the danger we faced and I guided Bella along until I found a glassy door.

  I pushed it, but it didn’t open. “Hang on.” Bella stated and I soon felt my body tingle. “Now go,” she gestured and I put my hand out and watched as it phased through the door. Taking the invitation, I walked through the door and passed the counter, rounding it I set Bella down.

  “How did I find you?” I wondered, out loud.


  The Arena

  “Because I wanted you to—I sensed you near.” That made perfect sense, the more we trained, the better we were at controlling our energy and our senses. I wondered, if the medics were near or if that lady from PASA was near but I figured it’d be a long shot. Considering I wouldn’t find a medic or that woman anytime soon. I searched for a cloth of some kind—which was difficult as the room was clean, very clean. Instead, I asked to use her cloak, she agreed and I applied pressure, aware she was bound to lose more blood if I didn’t do something to help her heal. “Keep the pressure on,” I directed before climbing to my feet.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “To make sure we’re safe.” I said as I left, entering the back room, I swiped my hand over a sensor pad, only to realise the power was out. “Great.” I mumbled unsure what to do next as my eyes sharpened in the darkness thanks to my demonic blood. I moved around the corner and entered a junction, turning to the right I scanned every available room and hallway for any sign of danger, after a good half-an-hour I returned to Bella. She seemed to be worsen her marble skin looked grey and sickly.

  She panted, her chest rising and falling too quickly to be normal. Placing my hand to her head, I noted she felt hot. Sweat glistened upon her features. Something which made me realise she was burning with a stinging fever. “Hang on Bella,” I pleaded. “I’ll get you some help, I promise.” I knew we couldn’t stay here; we’d have to wait a little longer for the Grattican disappeared. Given the stories I heard about them—I knew if we ran into them, we wouldn’t live to see tomorrow.

  I peered over the counter and watched as the sun setting behind the tall buildings. Strongly outlining the large armoured figure that stopped and scanned the area outside the shop. He turned to me, I ducked. I placed my hand over my mouth—sealing it from screaming. I leaned against the counter, keeping my hand firmly against my lips. I glanced at the shadow that stopped, his figured shadow stretched along the ground and I feared he heard me gasp in surprise.

  His poignant shadow seemed to move, dauntingly before it vanished, allowing me to release a breath I didn’t realise I held. I waited for what seemed like a good half-an-hour and pulled Bella’s arm around me. We moved into the back of the boutique where clothed mannequins stood behind transparent glass cylinders—modelling the next line of fleecy Nefaliem clothing. Passing the dressing rooms and reception desk, we rounded a junction. I guided Bella to the far end room and set her down. Grabbing a discarded blanket from the far end of the room. I felt something pinch my scales, turning around slowly, I watched as a sterling blade gleam dangerously against the shadows. “Don’t move,” a male voice bounded. My hands shot high beside my head.

  “Hey . . . ah . . . can we . . . um . . . you know—talk?” I attempted, calming my already racing heart.

  “There’s nothing to talk about,” he seethed. “You’re who they’re looking for. Right?” I held my tongue, who was this guy and how on this earth did he know about that? I was certain beyond a doubt he was a Nefaliem but given his energy levels, he was as low and as weak as a Human—regardless of his Nefaliem heritage.

  “Depends on who’s asking?” I demanded, growing impatient.

  “Lukarv Markiroff.”

  “Well Lukarv, I suggest you remove your sword,” I prompted.

  “And why should I do that?” he seethed.

  “Because—” Bella began, “She’s Princess Cecelia Ranaldi Rusakova of the Vampieruz—the next councilwoman,” she groaned and I raced to her with the blanket in hand. I delicately draped it around her shoulders.

  “Bella, don’t push yourself,” I urged. “You won’t get any better.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” she pressed her eyes were hard as she took in Lukarv; a short silver haired man, on the chubby scaly side as his silver cloak only managed to hide his bulging stomach. “And if you think about harming her, I’ll be sure to have you arrested.” She ragged a cough. I watched her carefully, unsure about what to do next.

  The Nefaliem placed his sword on his back and I wondered how someone who appeared unfit, managed to carry weapons of a soldier. “We’re a warrior race, Princess. Or have you forgotten?”

  I snapped, “I haven’t forgotten!” Turning back to Bella I called, “And stay out of my head.”

  “No problem there, just next time learn to shield it.” I felt my cheeks heat. He had no right saying that to me, I’ve only known that pain in the neck for two long minutes not even that. So, where did he get off telling me what to do—I was a Rusakova, I didn’t take orders—I gave them. The man didn’t seem to care for my title instead he was as rude as ever, “I suggest you leave.”

  “Or what?” I demanded. “You’ll call out to the Grattican?” I started and continued, “Last I checked it was Nefaliem blood was what they mainly craved. So much more than mine or my friends’ here. They’d turn on you quicker than any demon—that’s for sure. So given all that. Do you still want to send me out?”

  He was silent, shock turned to anger and that anger boiled and festered his features in a deep rouge. He turned his heel and stopped only to say, “You’re free to stay here but you better not be here when I get back.”

  “Don’t worry, we won’t.” He stormed into the darkness, disappearing down the halls and I wondered what to do with Bella and her raging fever. I feared the worst—I wouldn’t have an answer. Something that was bound to drive an obstacle between us and our ultimate goal—survival. “I’m fine Cecelia don’t worry.”

  “You say tha
t but I can’t help but worry,” I replied, she weakly smiled and my heart ached. I was so used to seeing the in control, bright Bella, not this. This was so out of character.

  “I’ll get better; I just need to rest.” I agreed rest was what she needed but I feared that grumpy old goon would come back and cause unnecessary problems. Something I really didn’t want to face. I couldn’t help but worry. I wanted to make sure she was okay but I also knew she was stubborn, when it came to her pride.

  Hoisting myself on my feet, I clearly regarded my surroundings. It had been a few minutes before Bella finally settled down and I prayed that Nefaliem man wouldn’t return, he was a rather rude. I’ve never come across anyone like him—ever.

  Taking in my surroundings once again, I exited the back room. A room, unfortunately, with two exits. So into the sharply outlined darkness of the furniture and interior architecture I went, determined to leave before Mr. Grumpy returned. I rounded a corner and entered a dark hall that led to a double fire door. Pressing against the lever, I opened it with ease and disappeared into the outside alleyway.

  I stood eyeing the grey stoned building opposite me and noted the bricks were set out in a pattern—almost like footholds and handholds. Considering the Grattican were Resoncretalians as well, I was without a doubt aware they’d find me in a moment’s notice—especially if I released even the smallest amount of energy. If I were to transition into my secondary form—it’d be like sending up a flare. They’d find me quicker than I could conjure up an escape route. Regardless of that, I knew I needed to get to the top, given this—I’d have to carry this out the old fashioned way. Towards the wall I sauntered, aware that I had no idea how to fly—yet. This only made the trip to the top all the more daunting and all the more dangerous.

  Hand, foot, hand, foot—the pattern went on as I climbed. When I was halfway I glanced over my shoulders and saw the ruins of Citadel City. The tall towers scaled high into the clouds and the ships that hovered over them were swarmed with many other smaller deploy ships. There were explosions in the distance and I knew that something horrendous was bound to happen. So up I continued to scale, eventually arriving at the top of the bell tower, I looked out, the view astounded me.

  I could see the city walls and watched as the silver-black tall buildings gleam under the sun. The sun! I held out my hands and checked, fleshy pale skin. I was in my idol form. I relaxed a bit and noticed something in the distance. It was a dark blurry speck to my eyes but I saw something big, jump high onto the side of a glass building. Then to another. I spotted several Nefaliem, who must have been of low energy like Lukarv that Nefaliem man I had run into earlier, as they needed hovercarts to chase after him.

  Colours of green and yellow danced high in the air like fireworks. So surreal but without any crazy designs. I was aware of their being an air battle. There was no doubt in my mind—the Nefaliem would die trying to defend their home and their people. Hearing a tattering whisper in my ear, I glanced over my shoulder. Finding nothing, I slowly climbed back down.

  “Why was it so easy before?” I grumbled a little annoyed. Careful on where to place my foot next, as I realised the drop down was detrimental and death defining. So gripping the stones as tightly as I could, I ensured I wouldn’t fall. After all, what good was I to myself and Bella, if I died? Probably not very. By the time I made it down, I released the breath somehow held during that interval. I was certain I didn’t take that long to get down but it felt like an eternity.

  Recounting my steps, I moved around the corner to the front of the boutique and motioned to open the door. It was locked. “Why now!?” I whispered angrily. I contemplated transitioning but I knew it was bound to cause trouble. I glanced down on end of the alleyway then down the next uncertain about which way to go. I randomly headed to my right and strode down an alley searching for a way in only to spot an energy fence. The zapping sounds it made, proved its active dangers.

  Backtracking I continued further down the alleyway. Something clacked and banged. The tall glassy buildings I was stationed between shattered and I sprinted. I noted as they moved to pour over me, tempted to seal my exit. I was surprised by this but knew that nothing could compare to being crushed to death. So I ran and to my surprise, I found I was safe in the middle of another abandoned street. Behind me, the buildings collided and I spotted a large grizzly like man. He was tall, and plaided in what appeared to be primitive stone armour.

  I wanted to investigate but thought better of it. I watched as a Knight leaped high into the air and smashed its boots into the skull of the man who moved out of the way. The bricks beneath him shattered and one thought came to mind. They were fighting on the roof of the building Bella was in. So I sprinted inside, recognising the building, I stopped. Picking up a stone nearby I threw it threw at the door, finding the lever I pulled and the glass door opened. Considering the noise upstairs I figured no one would notice until they saw it. Eagerly I went to the back of the room. With one priority—finding Bella. When I returned I noticed she was up and about. I panicked, “Bella please you need to rest.”

  She smiled, “I’m fine just a little headache.”

  “Ah, okay.” Surprised she was fine.

  “Did you find anything useful?” she asked. I wasn’t too sure if what I found was that useful.

  “It may be.” She waited, quietly. I took it as initiative to continue, “We have to leave.” She remained quiet. “Now!” I almost yelled.

  “Okay sure, just don’t stress,” she calmly ushered. “Just why?” Bang. Thud. Bang. The sound of the overarching battle banged on ahead. I grabbed Bella’s hand and dragged her to the exit, “You smashed the door?” she demanded.

  “No one’s going to care. The whole city’s under attack.” I replied.

  “Still,” she mused. I rolled my eyes, happy no one saw. Zoom, zoom, zoom. The sound of hovercarts moved quickly twelve feet above ground. Down the street they zip passed us. My hair blew in the wind, squeezing my eyes shut. The noise faded away into silence as they disappeared out of sight. I heard a loud crack from overhead, pulling Bella and myself, away from the building that began to cave in, as the battle on the roof of the building we were once in raged. Beneath the shattering stone the ground cracked and crashed under the impact of a . . . Vampieruz Knight.

  He was one hundred percent armour. All sterling and all silver. I felt Bella tense beside me and regarded her, carefully. Afraid she’d cough or worse. Noting Bella was okay, I glanced back at the fight, eagerly watching it, I learnt a lot of things about the fight and the people. The beast fought the Vampieruz Knight was what I recalled an Elugion—largely oversized two legged wolf like beings with thick bristly hair and a snout for a nose. I heard from Professor Long and Volvomich, their noses were much sharper than dogs on Earth. Sharper than even those of werewolves.

  One, I was fraught with desire to run and hide, letting the boys battle it out or two, stand here and watch cheering on the Vampieruz—which surprised me. I was never one to encourage violence but considering that I risked being killed by the Elugion or being saved by the Vampieruz—I’d choose the Vampieruz any day. Though, I’d be even happier if we weren’t near a hostile environment all together. Then discreetly, I saw the golden eyes of the Elugion glaze in our direction.

  Within the midst of punches and kicks the Elugion managed to gain the upper hand. Immediately, I knew what he was up to. I glanced at Bella, even in her Vampieruz form I could tell she crawled to the same conclusion I did. “Run!” the Knight ordered. He didn’t need to tell us twice as we both turned our heels, bolting down the street. Bella and I rounded a corner. I planted my back against the wall of a shop. I peered around the corner and watched for any sign of trouble—nothing. I was confused. Where did they go?

  Bella was quick to tap me on the shoulder. I glanced over at her and spied what she had seen and this shockingly was the Elugion. He appeared to almost smile at us. Bella began to cough. And, I didn’t mean lightly either, instead she heaved a sm
oker’s cough. Her skin looked craggily and dewy with sweat. I seriously questioned if she came down with some alien bug and if so—why didn’t I have it? Even as I watched her, I knew I’d have to have something but still I didn’t show any signs. That however was far from my mind as I watched the Elugion head straight for us.

  I felt Bella lock her arms around me and I watched as the Elugion continued to approach. I attempted to struggle against Bella’s grip but she didn’t waver, in her Vampieruz form—I had no chance of escape. The Elugion was inches from me when he scanned my face. His clawed nail, slid smoothly along my cheek. “You’ve made Master Ivan quite mad, little Princess,” he mocked.

  “Bite me.” I retorted. The Elugion nodded his head at Bella and she smiled.

  “You two?” I asked confused and betrayed. I turned to glance at Bella and watched as she transformed. I gasped. “What the—?”

  “Beauty I am?” she quizzed and I glared.

  “That’s not exactly what I was going for.” I seethed. She smiled then winked. The green scaly skinned woman behind me seemed familiar in the way she carried herself. “You’re not Bella—are you?”

  “That battered and beaten Vampieruz—oh please as if your kind can match us,” she said rather smugly and I watched as her blond hair pooled through. I noticed her electric blue eyes shone then I realised—the doctor, the dorm guard Helga and the woman from the Castle Haven—Ane. All of those women, was her in disguise.

  “You were a traitor this whole time?” I stated, slowly coming to terms with my own words. “It was you who set off the explosions and it was you I saw in the shower chambers and it was you the Licanthrope were howling about that night I was in the infirmary.”


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