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God is in the Rain

Page 21

by Bruce Burk

  “He has placed himself above the natural law necessary for the balance of life on Earth. He has destroyed all sovereign nation-states and forced all people of the world to answer to a one world government. He has drained all power from smaller, local governments and forbidden their recreation. He has denied the people their right to representation and participation in the affairs of government. He has obstructed the administration of justice by removing all courts. He has destroyed the rule of law. He has made all territories of the One State dependent on his will alone while feigning their appearance of sovereignty before the people. He has coerced the people into forced participation in the military. He has denied the people the right to a civil government. He has destroyed our constitution and refused to be bound by the consent of the people. He has created mass systems of surveillance behind the backs of the people, denying the people their right to privacy. He perpetuated war without the consent of the people or any legislative body. He has established secret courts, exempt from public scrutiny. He has quartered armed troops amongst us. He has created false flag terror attacks to justify the use of military force in foreign lands. For destroying our right to a free press. For destroying our right to freedom of expression. For destroying our right to freedom of discovery. For labeling any dissenters as terrorists and keeping them in indefinite detention in military prisons. For forbidding the citizen’s access to nature. For recklessly polluting the environment and manipulating the genes of natural organisms. For imposing excessive taxation without the consent of the people. For the use of torture and cruel and unusual punishments. For denying people the right to agriculture and being self-sustained. For imposing the English language on all citizens of the earth by erasing all other languages from the database. He has exempt any members of the Ruling Party from any code of ethics, law, trial, or punishment. He has broken the law of power and occupied a sovereign government on more land than the natural law provides him. He has deprived us the right of trial by jury. He has created concentration camps in which he has placed the common people of peaceful religious beliefs and sentenced them to suffer and die for not pledging their allegiance to the One State. He has ordering the killing of citizens by drone strikes without a trial by jury. He has destroyed unspeakable amounts of human knowledge and manipulated existing knowledge within the Universal database so that all of history conforms to his will. He has removed all religious thought from the world. He has divided us, excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and robbed the people of freedom of thought to question the acts of their government. He has destroyed our culture, way of life, and forbid us from practicing traditions not sanctioned by the state. For keeping and maintaining the Universal Database and forbidding the citizens from their right to store their own information and express themselves on paper. Those who have grieved of the above oppressions to the government have been met with death or imprisonment. We, therefore, together as the combined nation states of the world, declare ourselves independent from the One State. We, the combined nation-states of the Old Republics, ask the Order of Shadows, based on their universal authority under the natural law, for the destruction of the One State,” Sophia said.

  All members rose in applause, cheering on everything that Sophia had said. The leaders from all the lands began to cheer! “Down with the One State. Down with the One State!” Everyone watched John and waited for his response. He paused and thought through what he was about to say. He thought about all the horrible things the One State had done. How Aiden had killed his father, how they had burned his bible and killed countless of people in the camps, and how they had destroyed so much of human knowledge. John, Gavin, Clark had gotten so good at soul speak that they could do it at their whim. They had been communicating amongst themselves without opening their mouths since the tree had shot the natural law into the sky. “Who amongst us agrees with what has been said here?” John asked. “I,” said Kaslov. “Time to bring these assholes down.” “I,” said the Chinese leaders. “I,” said the South American Leaders. “I,” said the Africans. “I,” said the all the leaders from the Middle East. “I,” said the Europeans. “I,” said the Indians. “We are in agreement as well,” said Fysi, sitting next to Aiyana. “But we do not present our agreement as a nation-state. We file our agreement on behalf of nature; of the trees; of the animals; the birds; the fish, the flowers, the matter that binds us together. On behalf of the Earth and nature itself, ‘I’, said Fysi. John stood up. “The nation-states and nature are unanimous. For all that has been said here. For Eidolon’s crimes against humanity, the earth, the natural law, and our God, we hereby declare war on the One State. We order the destruction of the government the One State. We sentence Eidolon, Aiden, and other One State leaders to death. It is so ordered. Signed, J. Shepard, J. Fresco and J. Smith.”


  John Shepard, determined and steadfast, rose from his chair in the Court. Across the table he unraveled a large map of the world. Then, he took several sets of chess pieces and placed them throughout the world at all the key locations of the One State positions and capitals. There was nothing left to justify. No law to be interpreted. Now, his prerogative was simply to draw battle plans. He had to swiftly take down the most powerful government the Earth had ever seen. He felt the incredible burden on his shoulders but his sense of duty outweighed any fear of failure. With each chess pieces he moved he thought of the horrors the One State was guilty of. Not absent from his mind were the civilians. He knew had to make sure their deaths were minimized if he was to preserve the integrity of his Order. No Master of the Order of Shadows had ever had to take down a one world government before. The ones that had been taken down were simply empires in their adolescence of global domination.

  “Gavin,” John said. “Take this and place it upon the capital of the One State. Our fellow man demands that we give our enemies the option of surrender before their destruction.” Gavin took the knife and the scroll from John. They shook hands, grabbed each other by the shoulder and smiled. “Soon the world will be free again,” Gavin said. He then left the room and headed to the One State capital. “Clark,” John said, watching Clark jump to his attention. “I have a special task for you. The infrastructure of the One State military industrial complex is largely electronic, online, in the computers of the government. You are in charge of our cyber warfare. The first thing we must do is disable all the One State’s nuclear, chemical and other types of weapons of mass destruction. Eidolon has no heart for sparing the lives of the innocent and I believe there is a good chance he may be inclined to just kill large amounts of people to get rid of us. So, we will take that option for him.

  Clark nodded his head in agreement. He turned a nearby room into a digital hacking station. He threw up is arms, filling the room with code, holo-screens and machines to monitor the activity of the universal database. John looked to Kaslov and Dr. Verne, “Doctor, there are many scientists within the One State who are capable of building machines and creating weapons for an army. Do you believe they will join our cause?” “There are many,” Dr. Verne said. The rebels began to write to all the scientists, hackers, and other people within the military who had shown signs of deflecting. Pigeons carried messages to dissenters all throughout the world instructing them to find their ways to the coast. John put all the chess pieces into place. He had predicted the unfolding of his acts of war, the rise of the Global Rebel Army, the war, the falling of the One State. But there was one lone chess piece that he was unsure of. The tiny white pawn sat on the table as the truly unknown variable. It was the citizen; the average person. The ones who retained the true power and authority to decide the world in which they lived under made him wonder if at the end of this all there was hope for a democracy. He picked up the piece and stared at it with deep thought and contemplation.

  Bob sat eating a sandwich near the One State capital. Long days of deleting records from the database made him hungry and he enjoyed sitting by the water during his brief lu
nch break. The seagulls were flapping their wings looking for scraps on the outdoor porch where he sat. The water swayed rippled under him while he stared at the shore. Then, Bob saw a group of scientists walking along the water. The OSS who were supposed to be on duty at the time were having their lunch, not paying attention to what was happening. Bob watched the scientists walking along the water. It was strange to see them out. Most of the time they were in their houses doing research and uploading everything to the database. He had seen the files. Suddenly, he noticed something in the water. He dropped the second half of his sandwich and stood up to look at the water. Men in grey robes emerged from the water. The shadowy men ran towards the scientists and grabbed them. Bob thought it was a terrorist attack. However, strangely enough the scientists did not resist. In fact, they seemed to want to be captured. The shadowy men dragged the scientists quickly into the water and then disappeared. The water was silent and at peace. It was if nothing had happened. He thought they were ghosts. The Order of shadows repeated the act of rallying people to their cause throughout the world. Defectors, technical people, scientists and innovators took their walks by the shore only to disappear into the shadows of the ocean: each taken to the rebel base. Bob thought nothing of it. He had become completely apathetic, as did most average people in that time. And yet, there was something inside of him that was different. He could remember seeing the sky fill with strange writing. Some of it he understood, some he did not. He had himself deleted several of the words that were used in the skywriting. But it did not seem to matter. It had still managed to burn a thought inside his mind that something was terribly wrong with the One State.

  It was night in the central square of the One State. The OSS manned their posts. The computers in their minds had made them clumsy, unsophisticated creatures of passion. Gavin moved passed them in the dark of night. He threw pebbles to distract them and headed into the central courtyard. Cameras tried to lay their eyes on them but they were disabled before they turned on their swivels. A large group of OSS officers exited the building. Gavin watched them from the bushes. After they passed, he removed the knife and the order from his belt and stuck it into the wall in the center of the square, to be seen by all. And then he vanished. As soon as the cameras came back on, several guards came to see what was wrong. They found John’s Order jammed into the doors of the capital.

  “Sir, this note was found stuck into the door. We suspect it is the result of terrorist activity,” one guard said to Aiden. Aiden snatched the paper from the guard. “Shepard!” Aiden said in anger. The guards seemed to look at the note in mystery. They had never seen handwriting before, let alone a piece of paper. Aiden read the letter, “To the leaders of the One State, as a result of your various crimes against humanity and the earth, we hereby order you to cease and desist the operation of the government of the One State and return the power the people. If you do not so within 30 days, we will be forced to destroy your government by force,” John had wrote. “Hahahaha,” Aiden laughed as he took out his lighter and set the note aflame. “We won’t be needing this. Back to your posts!” he ordered.

  Gavin returned to the rebel base. John knew that the placing of the letter would only be a formality but he wanted to uphold certain procedural precedents that the order had used for centuries: the government must be given the option to peaceably surrender, despite the high unlikelihood of them doing so. By now, the rebels had grown significantly in numbers. John and Dr. Verne were in a large empty field on the outskirts of Atlantis. It was a large underwater city. The doctor was showing John some of his new concoctions. “Mr. Shepard. You have requested of me to arm the rebels quickly,” Dr. Verne said. Several other scientists were working on a machine in the background. “We have managed to steal several shiploads of industrial 3D-printers capable of producing airplanes, tanks, blaster rifles, and submarines. This will allow us to prepare a military fleet capable of standing up to the One State,” said Dr. Verne. “Very good gentleman. See to it that you prepare a mighty fleet,” John said. “We will have victory over the One State because our warships will be piloted by the minds of men and not some database,” John said. “Sir, we need supplies. The printers are only good as the raw materials we have to put into them,” Dr. Verne said.

  Then, Kaslov walked into the room. “Kaslov, I need you and your men to help us obtain this list of raw materials. Gavin will take you to the rendezvous points and help pick up any of your men still stranded in the One State. My friend, they are not my men any more. They are your men. We will get you what you need. We Russians have a particular talent for finding and storing war materials,” said Kaslov.

  The rebels, through the Russian black markets and the black markets of all countries, obtained goods necessary for the production of war materials. The black markets had grown in popularity because the One State had made may items illegal or nearly impossible to get due to bureaucratic red tape. The line between the black markets, the mobs, the gangs and the rebel army became blurred, just as John wanted it. Many of them were picked up, taken to the rebel base and trained.

  “Gavin, we must be careful in our employ of some of these vile creatures. Keep a close watch on them. Have Fysi and Aiyana touch their hearts and remove some of their propensities. If any of them show signs of double crossing us they are to be put back,” John said.

  Fysi and Aiyana stood in a large room amongst the mobsters and the gang members. Aiyana held the tablet of the natural law in her hand. They walked back and forth examining each of their faces. Although, he did not see them as vicious and file creatures; he saw them as trees that had blossomed in a certain way based upon their upbringings and experiences. Fysi could see into their souls and experience their childhood memories. He could see the moments in the lives which turned them away from enlightenment and towards their baser urges. He could see the reasons they desired power and wanted turn away from the basic human moral standards. Fysi walked up to one man from Old Australia.

  “What is your name?” Fysi asked. “Liam, he said. Liam had joined the Australian Mafia at an early age. He had participated in several bank robberies, contract killings, and drug runs. Fysi leaned down to him and touched his heart. “We love you, Liam. Soon we will shine some light on the dark corners of your heart.” Fysi and Aiyana led the group in meditations on the natural law, morality, the brotherhood of man. They taught them empathy and kindness. Through meditation, they helped each of them understand the physiological causes of their propensities to evil and helped them to unlearn them. They plugged them into constant and ever-present God. And the men and women who had been rebels of society and a corrupt government were transformed into rebels for a much higher cause.

  Clark had been working tirelessly to rid the One State of nuclear capabilities. Streams of code were being processed all over the room. Even the ceiling had code projected onto it. Clark stood in the center with several of his other hacking friends. “Find the database codes for all weapons of mass destruction,” Clark said. They scanned the database for the code that would give away the location of all these kinds of weapons. “R4v3n, I found them,” One of the hackers said. “329495611897 for nuclear weapons, 287687298789 for chemical weapons, 987987610910 for HARRP, and 158679890894 for Horus,” he added. “Alright let’s start with the nuclear weapons, I want all the code found and hacked!” Clark said.

  Back in Old Nevada, the One State was testing a huge nuclear weapon. The alarms were sounding and the launch sequence. 5, 4, 3, 2 … Suddenly, the weapon disabled, turning into sleeping pile of metal. The screens of the OSS technicians turned to laughing skull and crossbones. This was repeated throughout the one State Empire. “All their nuclear weapons are downed sir. In Old Germany, the OSS had a prison filled with Jews. They had taken the roof off the prison and were attempting to use a chemical weapon on them. The lights on the weapon went dim and it shut down. “All chemical weapons are disabled,” another hacker said. The One State attempted to control the environment and the weather thou
gh the use of a weapon called HAARP. This device could cause tornadoes in the middle of an enemy camp as well as lighting strikes on targeted areas. HAARP was a massive field of strange structures: like a farm of mechanical crops pointed at the sky. Massive streams of code processed on the wall. “Got it!” Clark said. Clark took control of HAARP and withdrew all code from the Universal Database.

  “Sir we’re unable to stop something called ‘Horus.’ It’s specially protected, encrypted, firewalled, and is impenetrable from cyber-attack,” a hacker said. Clark ran into the central command of the rebellion. “John! All One State nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction are now under our control,” Clark said. “Well done brother. Are armies will stand now have a chance against the armies of darkness,” John said. “Wait … there is one weapon we can’t hack. It’s been sealed off somehow from any attempts at hacking.” John replied, “What is it?” “It’s horrible, come see for yourself,” Clark said as he brought John into the hacking room. John saw what Eidolon was planning to do. Within the walls of the One State capital, they had constructed a device to control the minds of the entire population. “Sir, they have billions and billions of these small fly type robots that will fly into the ears of all humanity and connect them into the Universal Database. They will lose all cognitive ability. They will become just as the OSS are: completely controlled by the database,” Clark said. John’s heart became enraged. “There’s nothing you can do about it?” John asked. “No sir … not by hacking. We’ll have to go in and destroy it manually. Or you’d have to destroy … the database itself.” Clark replied. “Then we shall. Prepare a small group of Special Forces. We will descend on the One State capital and destroy Horus. If we cannot, we shall destroy the Universal Database itself,” John said.


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