ether, 61, 78, 205–206, 208
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). See CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Evens, Dan, 136
evolution, theory of, 182
exclusion principle, 10
experimentalists: cautious in announcements, 155
at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), 149, 170
data presented by, 109
false claims damaging reputations and careers, 114
extended Technicolor model, 126
extra space dimensions, ix
Faddeev, Ludvig, 84
false vacuum, 91, 92
Faraday, Michael, 16, 206
Feinberg, Frank, 138
femtobarn (fb), 108, 206
Fermi, Enrico, 17
Fermi coupling constant (G F), 17
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermi Lab), 212
fermion-antifermion decay, 194
fermion masses, 79, 179
fermions, 4, 10, 71, 206
fermiophobic boson, 120
Ferrara, Sergio, 72
ferromagnetism, explaining, 84
Feynman, Richard, 9, 17, 19, 27–29, 38, 83–84, 134
Feynman diagrams, 18, 19, 20
Feynman loop integrals, 134
Feynman propagator, 143
fifth quark, 14
fine-structure constant, 18, 141
fine-tuning, 168, 176–178, 206
five-dimensional spacetime, 168
fixed distance scale or gauge, metric theory of, 63
flavors of quarks and leptons, 11, 12
mixing of quark, 165
fluorescence, 34
forces, in nature, 15–17, 205
four-dimensional spacetime, 208
four-fermion interaction, 126
fourth quark: prediction of, 12, 165
solving anomaly problem, 13
fourth spatial dimension, 75
fractionally charged particles, 6, 8, 9, 12, 29, 210
Frank, Il’ia, 34
Freedman, Daniel, 72
French National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, 151
Friedmann, Alexander, 73
Friedmann-Robertson-Walker standard model, 131
Fritzsch, Harald, 10, 11, 83
“fudge factor,” 134
Fukui, Shuji, 37
Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation, 175
future light cone, 209
Galilean invariance, 61
Galileo, 60
Galois, Evariste, 56
Gargamelle bubble chamber, 35, 36
gauge, 21, 22
gauge bosons, 12, 23, 206
gauge hierarchy problem, 178–179, 185
gauge interactions, in Technicolor, 124
gauge invariance, 22, 80, 206
conservation of electric charge from, 62
global, 65
of interactions of protons and neutrons, 23
issue of, 141–142
maintaining in a nonlocal electroweak model, 136
of Maxwell’s equations, 62
in quantum field theory, 83
retaining even with masses added in by hand, 142
violation of, 134
in weak interactions, 81
gauge symmetry, 63
gauge theories: renormalizability of, 21, 22, 145
Geiger counter, 37, 206
Gell-Mann, Murray, 1, 2–3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 19, 27, 28, 30, 60, 83, 86
general relativity, 15, 206
generators: finite number of, 59
of the Lie group SU(3), 60
GeV (billions of electron volts), xi, 206
ghost fields, guaranteeing renormalizability, 84
Gianotti, Fabiola, 98, 158, 160, 175
Gilbert, Walter, 85
GIM (Glashow, Iliopoulos, and Maiani) mechanism, 13, 14
Ginzberg, Vitaly, x, 87
Ginzberg-Landau phenomenon, 87–88
Ginzberg-Landau wave field, 89
Glaser, Donald, 35, 204
Glashow, Sheldon, xiv, 11, 13, 27, 84, 142, 161
Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model, 93
gluino, 73–74
gluons, 66, 206
binding top quark and antitop quark, 127
eight colored, 11
not detectable directly, 9
of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), 9
verified to exist, x
God particle, x, 70
Gold, Thomas, 181
golden decay channels, 100, 102, 110, 116, 148, 152, 157, 158
Goldstone, Jeffrey, 85, 146
Goldstone’s theorem, 85
Golfand, Y., 71
Goudsmit, Samuel, 4
grand unified theories (GUTs), 17, 121
gravitational field, quantizing, 18
gravitational waves, detection of, 131
gravitino, 72, 212
graviton, 15–16, 67, 72, 206, 212
gravity, 205, 206
acting between bodies, 133
modified theories of, 76
propagating at a finite speed, 133
warping of spacetime, 15
weakest force, 15
Greenberg, Walter, 10
Gross, David, 29, 30, 31
group, mathematical, 2, 56, 206
group SO(3,1), 62
group SU(3), 4
group SU(3) X SU(2) X U(1), 66
group symmetry, 140
group theory, 56, 58, 206
Guralnik, Gerald, xi, 86, 89, 90, 160, 161
Guth, Alan, 187, 207
hadronic, strong-interaction background, 116
hadronic calorimeter, 39
hadronic debris, 100
hadronizing jets, detecting quarks and gluons, 9–10
hadrons, 68, 206–207
in accelerators not revealing colored quarks, 11
all created equal and bootstrapped, 26
fundamental constituents of, 4
scattering off other hadrons, 25
with similar masses and same spin but different electric charges, 5
termed colorless or white, 10
ways of grouping, 27
weak decay of, 16
Hagen, Carl, xi, 86, 89, 90, 161
Han, Moo Young, 10
Harari, Haim, 14
hard-core particles, detection of, 28
hard scattering era, of particle physics, 8
Hartle, Jim, 170, 171
Hartree-Fock self-consistent procedure, 145
Hawking, Stephen, 77, 170–172
Hawking radiation, 77
heavy-ion collisions, with lead ions, 52
Heisenberg, Werner, 17, 23, 25, 58, 84, 161, 207
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 100
Hess, Victor, 41, 42
Heuer, Rolf-Dieter, 99, 159–160, 167
hierarachy problems, in the standard model, 179
Higgs, Peter, xi, xii, xiii, 81, 89–90, 98, 156, 157, 160, 172, 175, 207
Higgs boson, 86, 90, 93, 144, 149, 161, 207
according to standard model, 67
amount of light or photons emitted by, 39
attractive features of standard model with, xiv
believing in the existence of, 96
branching ratio magnitudes, 116
candidate event for decaying into two photons, 191
catastrophic consequences of, 163
causing excitement, 98
CERN results inconclusive, 104
closely related to properties of the vacuum, 147
composite of other particles, 124
decay into two photons, 110, 116, 117, 120, 162
decay into two Z bosons, 117
decay rates, 166
discovery of, 189
discussion in the media and on popular physics blogs, 153
estimating the mass of, 69–70
evidence dropped from about 3 sigma to 2 sigma, 153
excitement about a potential discovery of on July 3, 2
012, 154–157
expected probability of the decay into two photons, 110
explaining origin of the masses of elementary particles, 95, 125
field, 91, 95, 207
finding, xi, 94–97
hedging bets on, 112–114
hiding, 120
hints of, 68, 152
idea of, 83
importance of, 68–69
introducing into the electroweak theory, 138
inventing in the standard model, 89–94
likening to a river of flowing molasses, x
mass of, 69-70, 95, 96, 98, 154
mother of all particles, ix–x
naturalness problem and, 184–186
negative news of not discovering, 107
not decaying directly into two photons, 148
observable decay channels, 116
overall accumulated evidence for new boson being, 194
role in particle physics and cosmology, 68
searching for, 67, 102, 152, 153
spin and parity of, 164
standard model not predicting mass of, 101
strong evidence for its existence, 156
theoretical prejudice in favor of, 119
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, 175
Higgs imposter, 164, 165
Higgs-like boson, 170
at 125 to 126 GeV, 115
issues needing to be resolved, xv
Higgs-like particle, determing spin and parity of, 198
Higgs mass hierarchy problem, 71–72, 96, 138, 168, 177, 180
Higgs mechanism, xi, 24, 68, 90, 146
Higgs resonance, data showing a “peak” in the low-mass range, 152
high-energy defractive behavior, 28
histogram graphs, bins displayed as, 100
Hofstadter, Robert, 8
Holdom, Bob, 105, 124
horizon problem, 130, 207
Hoyle, Fred, 181
H particle, 189
Hubaut, Fabrice, 191
Hubble, Edwin, 73
Hubble bubble, 131
huge vacuum density, causes of, 96
human beings, place in the universe, 181
Ijjas, Anna, 187
Iliopoulos, John, 13
imposter, simulating a Higgs boson, 162, 164, 166
Incandela, Joe, 157, 166, 167, 175
infinite energies, cutoff of, 82
infinities: banishing, 82–84
encountered in the calculations performed in particle physics, 121–122
removing in quantum field theory calculations, 17
inflation, 68, 130–131, 147, 187, 207
eternal 187
simple inflation model in trouble, 187
inflaton, 67, 68
intermediate vector boson, 20
International Linear Collider (ILC), planned for CERN, 44, 144
intersecting ring collider, LHC as, 49
invariance, 55, 60–62 See also gauge invariance
inverse femtobarns, 108, 207
isometries, group of all, 212
isospin 0 (isospin singlet), 128
isospin doublet, 7, 91
isotopic spin, 5, 207
charge, 65
doublet, 7, 91
force, 24
group, 60
singlet, 128
space, 22, 23
Jackiw, Roman, xii, 138
jets of hadrons, 31
Johnson, Kenneth, xii, 138
Jonah-Lasinio, Giovanni, 85
Jordan, Pascual, 17
J/psi particle, 14
Källen, Gunnar, 24
Kaluza, Theodor, 22, 75
Kaluza-Klein particles, 75, 76, 168
Kane, Gordon, 77, 171
Keenan, Ryan, 132
Kepler, Johannes, 56, 182, 200
Kibble, Tom, xi, 86, 89, 90, 161
kinetic energy, 207
Klein, Oskar, 20, 22, 75
Kleppe, Gary, 136
Klute, Marcus, 167–168
K mesons, 4, 14, 42, 207
Kobayashi, Makoto, 14
Kramers, Hendrik, 17
Kranmer, Kyle, 99
Krisch, Alan, 106
Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 207
Lagrangian function, 185, 207
Lamaître, Georges, 73
LambdaCDM model, 77, 131, 132, 186, 213
Lambda particle, 4, 5
Landau, Lev, x, 24, 87, 118, 144, 164
Landsberg, Greg, 166–167
Lane, Kenneth, 166
Langevin, Paul, 41, 42
Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider, 46, 207
Large Hadron Collider (LHC), ix, 46, 49-54, 208
beginning to confirm Higgs-like boson, 146
as a chain of accelerators, 50
detectors at, 203
diagram of, 50
drawing above of and below ground, 51
exclusion of both superpartners and extra dimensions, 76, 180
increasing to its maximum, 115
main experimental program at, 52
main goal of, 52, 67
maintenance and upgrading to an energy of 13 to 14 TeV, xv
maximum energy of 14 TeV, 41
most powerful accelerator ever built, 51
no new physics discovered beyond the standard model, 77–79
potential findings of, xv
ring collider smashing protons, 144
searching for prequarks, or preons, 1
switched on in September 2008, 50
upgrade of, 52
Lattes, César, 2, 67
Lawrence, Ernest, 43
laws of nature, symmetry or lack of symmetry, 55
Lederman, Leon, 14
LEE (look-elsewhere effect), 101, 111
Lee, T. D., 142
Lenard, Philipp, 33
leptons, 15, 208
decay into, 148
mass spectrum of, 179
named by their flavor, 12
weakly interacting particles, x
Leucippus, 1
Leutwyler, Heinrich, 11, 83
LHC. See Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) detector, 50–51
LHC Search Strategies, conference, 166
Lie, Sophus, 56
Lie groups, 56–57, 59
light, consisting of quantum packages, 33
likelihood ratio analysis, 198
Likhtman, E. P., 71
Linde, Andre, 187
linear accelerator 2 (LINAC 2), 50
linear accelerators, 43, 44
Livingston, M. Stanley, 46
Livingston plot, 47
local (locality), 134, 208
local electroweak theory, 145–146
local gauge symmetry, 65
local probability, 101
local quantum field theory, 141–144
Loeb, Abraham, 187
London, Fritz, 63
look-elsewhere effect (LEE), 101, 111
Lorentz, Hendrik, 61, 62, 208
Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction, 28
Lorenz invariance symmetry, of special relativity, 131, 208
Low, Francis, 19
luminosity, 208
beams of colliding particles with a high intensity, 47, 52
of colliding beams, 51
of proton collisions, 108
Maddox, John, 162
magnetic fields, 87, 88
magnetic induction, 16
magnets, 49
Maguiejo, João, 131, 188
Maiani, Luciano, 13
Mandelstam, Stanley, 25
Mannheim, Philip, 106
Marshak, Robert, 28
Martin, Adam, 166
Martin, Victoria, 193, 194
Maskawa, Toshihide, 14
mass difference, between neutrino or electron and top quark, 179
masses: adjusted to fit experimental data, 141
of elementary particles, 137
photon acquiring an effective mass,
of Stueckelberg’s scalar bosons, 143
massive: intermediate charged vector boson, W, 84
Kaluza-Klein, 22
neutral Z particle, 145
massless: gluons, strong force carried by, 16
Goldstone bosons, 146
photon field, 86, 89
spin-0 particle, 85
symmetric phase, in the early universe, 66, 145
matrix, 57–58, 208
matter: basic constituents of, 6
progress toward understanding particle nature of, 34
radioactive decay of, 16
reductionist view of, 1. See also dark matter
Maxwell, James Clerk, xi, 16, 32, 61
Maxwell’s equations, 22–25, 62, 206
Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism, 185
Meissner, Krzysztof, 186
Meissner, Walther, 87
Meissner effect, 87, 88–89
Mercury, orbit of, 15
mesons, 206–207, 208
assigned to octets of SU(3), 27
color combinations of, 13
discovery of, 2
with intrinsic quark spin 1, 159
octets of, 4
metric tensor field, in Riemannian geometry, 21
Mexican hat picture, 92
Michelson, Albert, 78, 208
Michelson-Morley experiment, xiv, 208
microcausality, 132, 133, 134
microscopic objects of quantum mechanics, influencing one another, 134
Milky Way galaxy, containing large void, 132
millibarn (mb), 206
Millikan, Robert, 33, 42
millions of electron volts (MeV), xi
Mills, Robert, 22, 24–25, 60, 65–66, 83
Milner, Yuri Borisovich, 175
mini black holes, ix, 77, 110
minima in the ground state, breaking the basic SU(2) X U(1) symmetry, 185
minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), 163
Minkowski, Herman, 61–62
Minkowski light cone, 208–209
Minkowski spacetime, 74
Miransky, Vladimir, 126
mixing angle, 128
Miyamoto, Sigenore, 37
Miyazawa, Hironari, 71
modified gravity (MOG), 76, 132, 209
momentum, of a particle, 38
Monte Carlo method, 198
Morley, Edward, 78, 208
Moscow zero, 144
multivariate analysis, 174
multiverse, 182, 209
multiverse model, solving naturalness problem, 180–184
muon neutrino, 15
muons, 2, 40, 42, 209
Nambu, Yoichiro, 10, 85, 126
Nambu-Goldstone theorem, 85
naturalness criterion, paradigms satisfying, 176
naturalness problem, 168, 179–184
natural supersymmetry, 72
natural universe, no unnatural fine-tunings, 184
Neddermeyer, Seth, 2
Ne’eman, Yuval, 2, 27, 60
nucleons, 5
neutralino, 209
neutral K meson, 7
neutrino energy, determining the missing, 192–193
neutrinos, 2, 42, 155, 163, 209
masses, 163, 186
neutron, 209
decay of, 16, 18
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