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Sky and Storm (Warriors of Vis, Book One)

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by Alina Popescu

  Sky prayed she’d keep being annoying and mean when Storm was around. Sky might no longer know his husband, but from what he remembered from their childhood, those were unforgivable offences to Storm. Then again… she was nothing but a breeder and a way to gain more power. Storm needed both an heir and more land to add to his thriving empire, so the princess might become the severely flawed gem adorning his husband’s bed.

  It was late when Sky finally made it to his chamber. His muscles hurt and his eyes felt heavy. He had eaten three meals, which had not happened in a long while. He felt full and a little dizzy, so he stripped and slid between the sheets. Sleep called to him the moment his head hit the pillow and he smiled to himself, knowing Storm was responsible for all of this.

  Sky didn’t know how long he’d been asleep. He woke up to strong arms circling his body and pulling him close. He moaned softly and tried to turn around, the scent of his husband calling to him.

  “Shh, sleep. We both need it,” Storm whispered. Sky didn’t want to listen though. He squirmed and writhed till his husband’s hold loosened and he turned in his arms. Sky snuggled into him, hiding his face in Storm’s strong chest and sighing contently. “Good night, Storm,” he said in a sleep muffled voice and melted in the embrace. Perfect, he thought as dreams were claiming his mind again. Sky didn’t care how long it lasted, he was just glad he was experiencing it.

  The second morning was an obnoxious replay of the previous one. They once again woke up at the crack of dawn to angry banging on their door. This time Sky was determined to know what was going on. One of his elite soldiers explained with a stern look on his face that Eagle had been found but was severely wounded. Sky saw his husband’s shoulders slump, a strangled whimper escaping his lips.

  “Where is he, I need to see him?” Storm said.

  “In his chamber, my lord,” the soldier answered with a deep bow.

  “I’ll go there immediately. Make sure you find whoever is responsible,” Storm growled, then turned around and walked past Sky, not waiting for a reply.

  As Sky closed the door, he noticed his husband’s soldier was already on his way to obey the order.

  “Would you like me to come with you?” Sky asked, his voice a little shaky.

  “No.” Storm grunted as he rushed through getting dressed, but lost his temper when one of his boots gave him trouble. He threw it across the room. It hit the wall with a loud bang and Sky felt tears flooding his eyes as he saw Storm’s head dropping into his hands. Sky had never seen his husband so upset over a battle wound. Eagle’s state was obviously more important than anyone else’s. Sky heard him swear under his breath and turned away, trying to hide the effect his husband’s distress had on Sky.

  “I’m sorry, you can come with me if you like.”

  Sky shook his head, thinking it would be wiser to avoid seeing the display of affection that would surely happen in Eagle’s chamber. Sky did not really know why he had been caught by surprise. Cloud had shared all the rumors with him. There were lovers everywhere, some in his elite guard. Maybe that adoration displayed by all the Dragon’s troupes stemmed from long nights of passion.

  “Don’t worry, Storm. Just go to him,” Sky whispered, refusing to turn around. He heard Storm walk towards the door, then quick steps approaching him. He felt Storm’s lips on his cheek before his husband rushed out of the room. Sky couldn’t take any comfort in his husband’s affection. Storm was rushing to his lover’s room in the end.

  Sky took a few deep breaths to steady himself. It didn’t matter. It was nothing new. A night of passion was not about to erase a whole year of separate lives. What had Sky been thinking? He’d always known who his husband was. Why would it be any different now? Just because they’d shared a few hours of passion?

  Sky cleaned himself, got dressed and went about his day. They still had guests to entertain. By lunchtime, Sky’s heart sank again. Storm briefly informed Sky that the party responsible for the attack on Eagle and his men had been located. Rebels, apparently, and they were uncomfortably close to the castle. Storm was once again leaving.

  The rest of the day was a blur. With his husband’s departure and no idea of when he’d return, the queen started drawing travel plans for all the women flocking around the castle. The search for a concubine had to be postponed. It was little comfort, but Sky took it, pleased to know the Estas princess would leave the next day.

  Throughout all the times Storm had left before, Sky had developed a routine. He’d stop stepping outside their floor, then stop eating, and then would refuse to get out of bed. Sadness, despair, hopelessness would drag him down and keep him at the bottom of the pit.

  This time, Sky couldn’t. He was too angry to stand still. He’d take long rides, trying to ignore the fact that Eagle was being cared for in the castle Sky shared with his husband.

  Each ride would take Sky further from the castle. In the middle of the forest, he’d jump off his horse and scream till he had no voice.

  One late evening as Sky returned to the castle, he was met by an angry Storm pacing up and down the cobblestone in front of the stables.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Storm yelled, making Sky’s blood freeze in his veins. The anger flaring in Storm’s eyes, the clenched fists, and the tightly pressed lips were not new to Sky, but there was no getting used to this particular mood of his husband. Storm was simply terrifying.

  “I went out for a ride,” Sky explained in a feeble voice.

  “What the hell were you thinking? We have rebels crawling about, and you risk your life for a fucking ride?”

  “I can’t just stay locked up in my room, Storm.” Sky felt his own anger taking hold of him. Storm had no right to treat him like this. He’d been careful.

  “Eagle is fighting for his life and you are toying with yours.” The words slammed into Sky’s heart.

  “What do you care? Go watch over Eagle and leave me be!” Sky jumped off his horse, shoved Storm out of his way with more force than he thought he possessed and ran up the spiraling stairs. He found Sera and ordered her to prepare a hot bath. He wasn’t going to let Storm get to him, not when the reason for his anger was Storm’s lover.

  Once the large, marble tub was ready for him, he let his body sink into the scented heat and closed his eyes. Eagle’s tall, powerful frame danced before Sky’s eyes. He was a few years younger than Sky, but he was the definition of beautiful. Despite his bitterness, Sky could admit it. Eagle was masculine perfection, only surpassed by Storm himself. No wonder his husband had chosen him as his lover.

  Sky’s earlier outburst was rewarded with a sleepless night. Storm never came to their bed chamber and images of him making love to Eagle were running wild in Sky’s head. He gave up trying to sleep and went to sit on the wide window sill, looking out through the panes and waiting for the sunrise.


  Shouts from the yard jolted Sky awake. He must have dozed off where he was, and he moaned loudly at the stiffness in his muscles and bones. He looked outside to see riders rushing into the yard, dragging bruised and battered prisoners with them. It was really none of his business, but Sky felt he should go outside. He threw some trousers on, pulled on his knee-high black boots and slid into a white shirt as he was running down the stairs.

  When Sky got there, Storm was already outside, his sword drawn out. He was pacing as his elite pushed five of the prisoners forward, making them kneel. Storm turned and gave Sky a wickedly challenging smile, then turned to face the men. The glitter of his sword caught Sky’s eye. Storm had never named his sword, but it had been called many things. Hell’s Minion, Princess of Death, Hellbringer. It had no gems adorning it, no intricate design on a golden handle. It was sharp and heavy and seemed to have grown out of Storm’s hand.

  Sky walked around the party, something pushing him to a place where he could see his husband’s face. Storm’s cruel sneer made his heart skip. Storm was speaking, but making out the words was suddenly very difficult.

; Sky realized these were the leaders of the rebels who had attacked Eagle. When he was done yelling, Storm placed the blade of his sword under the chin of the first leader, holding his head up by his hair. With a swift, graceful move, he pulled the blade to his right. The slide of the steel opened the man’s throat, blood spraying and gushing out, staining Storm’s face and clothes. With calculated precision, Storm moved to the second one, and kept going till they were nothing more than a pile of bleeding corpses.

  Storm grinned through it all. A cold, frightening smirk that did not reach his eyes. There was nothing but anger there. Sky should have been terrified by his husband’s cruelty. Yet he realized he was nothing but envious. Sky’s eyes bulged out as it sunk in: he would have given anything for Storm to love him as much. He wanted what Eagle had, a love so deep, so pure, that killing whoever had hurt him gave Storm such pleasure.

  Storm turned to him and locked gazes with Sky. He snarled and dropped his sword, then jumped over his fresh kill and walked towards Sky. Storm grabbed Sky’s shirt and Sky watched as the blood on his husband’s hands stained the white cotton. He looked up at Storm and all Sky saw in his eyes was pure hell.

  “This is me, Sky. I kill and I love it when I take revenge. This is the monster you so feared.”

  Sky smiled, feeling the tears sliding down his face. In that moment in time, everything hurt too much. Storm was beautiful, always. When he fought, when he killed, when he fucked, when he was angry, when he was tender. Storm was perfect. He was everything Sky wanted. Yet he belonged to someone else. He closed his eyes, faintly feeling Storm’s grip tightening, the seam of his stained shirt choking him. Sky wanted to collect his thoughts, but darkness took over and Sky went with it, seeking comfort in its embrace.


  The Bitter End

  STORM WAS CHOKING SKY, he realized with a startle as he saw his husband’s eyes fluttering shut, tears washing his face. With a loud gasp, Storm released him and stepped back, roughly brushing his hair out of his face. A warning shout reached his foggy mind, and his eyes snapped to Sky. It was too late, Sky was falling. Sky’s body hit the ground with a loud thud, and the rushing soldiers were too late to stop him from hitting his head. Sky had fallen over rough ground and grass, not the cold stones, but he wasn’t opening his eyes.

  “Get the healer,” Storm yelled as he scooped Sky up and took him to their chambers. Storm rushed him through the long corridors and placed him on their bed. A tear falling on Sky’s face made Storm realize he was crying. He wiped his eyes and stood back, waiting for the healer to come. The old man who had been taking care of his family for as long as he could remember rushed in and pushed Storm aside.

  Storm watched as the healer examined his husband, waiting for the verdict. It was taking too long and Sky was still passed out. This couldn’t be good. The old man asked what had happened and one of the soldiers told him. The healer turned to Storm. “Are you crazy? What the hell was going through your head?” A loud gasp from the soldiers followed his harsh words, but Storm did nothing more than hang his head.

  “He’ll be just fine,” the healer said after a few more minutes. “He only fainted, there is no apparent damage to his head and nothing else seems broken. Let him rest.”

  Storm followed the old man out of the chambers, wondering where he should go. Clearly, Sky wouldn’t want to see him standing there when he came to. Yet Storm couldn’t go very far despite his husband’s wishes. He wanted to be there, be the first to know when Sky awoke, go to him and apologize.

  Storm went into the room next to their bed chamber. He used it for meetings with his generals or anyone else in the castle requiring an audience. His chair creaked as he sat at his messy desk, looking through the blank papers scattered about. What had he done? Guilt gripped his heart, adding to the anguish he felt for putting Eagle in harm’s way. Storm couldn’t get anything right. Maybe his father had been telling him the truth all along. Storm was made for war, but an utter failure as a leader in times of peace.

  The horror in Sky’s eyes was dancing in Storm’s mind. A night of lust-filled fucking was never enough to change the fact Sky was too pure, too good for Storm. He’d known that since before their wedding. He’d known that since the night he had made that evil-stained deal with his father. Storm knew Sky would always see him as damaged because of what he’d become after so many years of war and conquer. Despite his shortcomings, Storm couldn’t let Sky go without trying everything in his power to keep Sky close.

  Storm slumped in his chair, head back, arms lifeless, staring at the ceiling. He felt dead inside, not as if he’d had his heart broken. No, it felt as if he no longer had one. He was no more than a walking, talking dead body, void of any hope and warmth.

  The cool blade on Storm’s neck did not surprise him in the slightest. That was what should happen to bodies void of souls and feelings, they should be put to death. He could have twitched or gasped or anything really, yet why bother? It was just life catching up with him.

  “That was the last time you hurt that sweet boy, Dragon.” Despite her age, Sera’s voice was steady and true. Storm couldn’t help chuckle. Well, well, what do you know? She’s finally showing her true nature.

  “Don’t laugh, you spoiled brat! I’m one of Estas’s finest assassins.”

  Not bothering to open his eyes, Storm smiled at the old woman. “Oh, daughter of Interfectrices, I’ve always known just what you were capable of. Or do you think you were in Sky’s service because of your unique perfume making skills?”

  The woman showed no sign of surprise, but Storm knew she was stunned. She had thought no one knew of her lineage, of her secret training, of her being the best assassin in her generation. To his merit, the king had always known exactly who lived in his castle and Storm had become proficient at using his father’s knowledge to his advantage. Opening his eyes, he turned his chair and faced Sera, the smile still tugging at his lips.

  “I watched him wither away from the pain you’ve caused,” Sera snarled, her wrinkles stressed by her scowl, her lips curled, showing perfect teeth despite her age. “When you’re gone, he does not eat, he just watches time go by, waiting for your return, while the whole court makes sure he knows of everyone you’ve fucked. Cruel jokes and harsh comments, and that dreaded queen plotting to slip a concubine between your sheets. And for what? To be ignored and thrown away when you’re here? I put up with all of that, but no more. Now you’ve physically hurt him. I won’t stand for it.”

  Sky withering away? What had happened with all the lovers he screamed he’d get on their wedding night? All that vitriolic comments on how he’d moan their names in his sleep when Storm was there. The Dragon knew if Sky were able to control what he did in his sleep, he would have done just that, chanted names of lovers. Maybe no one had wanted him because they had been too afraid of Storm? Then the other night had been… No, that was impossible! And even if Storm had taken Sky’s virginity, what did it matter in the end? His husband still saw nothing but a monster in Storm.

  Gripping Sera’s wrist, Storm pressed the knife to his own skin, feeling the sharp cut. “Do it, Sera. Do it and put me out of my misery.” And there it was! A reaction on the face of an Interfectrix. Her eyes were so wide, they nearly popped out of her head.

  “Dragon, answer at once and answer truthfully. Why are you crying?”

  Apparently he was failing at being a fearless and dread-inspiring warrior as well. Better dead, then. He wiped at his eyes.

  “Has he ever told you about our wedding night, Interfectrix? I imagine he’d want to forget it. Sky never had a choice in this, he was brought here to marry me. No one ever asked what he wanted. They just bowed to my will and brought my future husband to me.” Storm ran a hand through his hair, his face hardening at the memories. “I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised. In the weeks before the wedding, he avoided me. Other than formal affairs, we were never around each other.”

  Storm inhaled deeply, steadying himself for the im
ages that were always so vivid. “His face was blank during the ceremony and the feast. Then, when I went to our chamber… Sky was kneeling in the middle of our bed, the longest and sharpest knife I’ve ever seen pointed right at his heart.”

  “Oh, gods,” Sera whispered.

  “Sky said he’d die before he’d let me touch him. I was a blood-thirsty monster, unworthy of any human being and should be mated to a devil-spawn. He said a real marriage with me would be hell on earth and that he’d fuck every man in the castle and the entire kingdom of Vis before allowing me to touch him.”

  “Poor boy,” Sera whispered, her knife shaking in her hand, making a fresh cut on Storm’s neck.

  “I took the knife from him, of course. Even on a bad day, I am faster than anyone. I grabbed his throat with one hand, lifted him up and threw him across the room. Sky slumped into a wall and cried out at the force of the impact. I was mad with rage, feeling rejected and hated… I shouldn’t have, I know, but I told him he was nothing but a whiny highborn with no clue of what real pain was. I told him that unless he’d seen the devastation following a war, the orphan children, the women being raped over their dead husbands’ corpses, all males being put to death in a show meant to put the fear of the gods in everyone, the famine, the sickness, the hopelessness, he had no idea what pain was. I told him those people with rough lives and little to no education had more courage than he had because even after that, they still wouldn’t dream of killing themselves.”

  Storm sighed and released her wrist. “He asked how many I had raped.”

  “And how many was it?” Sera asked in a barely audible voice.


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