Sky and Storm (Warriors of Vis, Book One)

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Sky and Storm (Warriors of Vis, Book One) Page 9

by Alina Popescu

  Storm nodded and pulled his husband off the wall, guiding him inside. “I know, but the moment I open my eyes, you’d better be ready for everything I have planned for you.”

  “There is no need for you to worry. I intend to snuggle close to you and rest. We’ll both need our strength because I don’t intend for either of us to get any sleep tonight.”


  The Arrival

  SKY WAS PROPPED AGAINST his pillows, a slow smile curving his lips. He was too excited to sleep, but he didn’t want to fidget for fear of waking Storm. The poor man needed some rest. He’d put up a valiant fight, trying to stay awake through the aromatic bath. Then he’d tried to resist Sky’s slow massage, and he’d succeeded for longer than Sky had given him credit for. Half an hour later, Storm had fallen into a deep sleep. The more he rested, the more relaxed he became.

  Sky had been watching him, noticing every time Storm’s face relaxed more. Less of a frown, less of a tight set to his jaw, and finally, his usual way of sleeping, half naked, with the covers barely covering his ass, splayed on his belly and taking up most of the bed. It was as if the pressure was slowly lifting from Storm’s shoulders, allowing him to regain the strength he’d lost during the long trip.

  Storm was beautiful. Sky could hardly keep himself from reaching out and stroking every inch of his husband’s body. He couldn’t, though, no matter how hard he craved the touch. Storm was a sound sleeper. Men could be dancing and singing nearby, and he’d still enjoy his deep sleep. There were only two exceptions. Whenever there was a physical commotion or any imminent threat, he was up on his feet and in fighting stance. And then there was Sky’s touch. No matter how light, how brief a brush of Sky’s lips, Storm would immediately awake. He’d be hard and needy, and he’d drive Sky insane. In normal circumstances, Sky would give in and make sure they rested later. But these were not normal circumstances. Storm had been away, fighting rebels, and riding for ages. He’d rushed home, and had arrived exhausted. Sky wondered how his husband managed to keep himself upright after all that strain. Storm, always a model of strength, both physical and of character.

  Sky sighed and turned to his right, positioning himself so that he could have a better view of Storm. He could at least watch, count all Storm’s scars and see if any new wounds had been inflicted on his precious body. Next time, next time Sky would be with him. Protecting him, having him in sight, always. He would no longer have to worry about Storm’s safety.

  Storm stirred and Sky held his breath. Too soon, much too soon for him to wake up. Storm had other plans though. He stretched, eyes still closed, and his hand brushed Sky’s torso. A contented smile graced those full, red lips as Storm blinked, trying to focus his eyes.

  “Good evening, gorgeous,” Sky whispered, hoping his low voice would lull Storm back to sleep. Storm squirmed between the sheets until he was pressed against Sky. Storm nuzzled Sky’s neck, the touch ticklish, yet arousing. Sky laughed and wrapped his arm around Storm’s shoulders, holding him close.

  “This is the only way I should ever wake up. In your arms. You are my home, Sky.” The words were muffled by the tight hug, but Sky understood them. He was home, and so was Sky.

  They held each other for what seemed like forever. The more awake he became, the more restless Storm got. Sky was amused and turned on by the way he kept trying to get more friction between them.

  “I think I’ve kept you waiting long enough,” Sky whispered. He pushed Storm on his back, having him lean against the sea of pillows that adorned their bed. Sky laughed at his husband’s struggle to remove the covers, but at the same time Storm’s eagerness made his cock twitch. He straddled Storm, sitting up just enough to touch Storm’s erect cock, but not provide any kind of release.

  “You’ve been riding that horse of yours for a long time. You’re certainly still tired,” Sky said, running a hand through his hair. It was lighter now, from all the time he’d spent in the sun, training with Eagle. “You should stay there, looking all gorgeous, and watch me ride you. I’m pretty sure you’re better than any other stallion.”

  Storm laughed and twined his hands in Sky’s hair, pulling him down for a kiss. It was brief and full of promise.

  “How would you know? I’m the only one you’ve ridden.”

  Sky shrugged and looked away from Storm. “Well, I hear not wanting to fuck anyone else is a good sign you’re pretty good at it.”

  With a quick wink which made Storm smile and blow him a kiss, Sky leaned over to the side table. He dipped his fingers into the jar of thick oil and started opening himself up.

  “You know I love to do that,” Storm complained, his easy smile turning into a pout.

  “You do. You love it so much that you can spend hours just fingering me and watching me beg for your cock. I can’t be patient tonight, my love, I need you.” Sky leaned to brush his lips against Storm’s. “Enjoy my ministrations, Storm. We both know you enjoy watching me just as much.”

  Storm laughed and thrust up, his cock pressing against Sky’s hand. Maybe he was as impatient. Sky added more oil to his hole and Storm’s cock. As he sunk down on Storm’s length, Sky held his gaze. He enjoyed the familiar, yet always exciting stretch, and he loved seeing the same pleasure reflected in Storm’s expression. Storm furrowed his eyebrows, focusing on Sky’s face, although his eyes kept drifting to where their bodies connected.

  “Gods, I’ve missed this,” Storm said and moaned, the sound blissful music to Sky’s ears. He would never get enough of hearing how much Storm enjoyed fucking him. Making love to him. Being his in every way.

  Sky started moving, up and down his eyes fixed on Storm, watching for the briefest grimace of pleasure, for every moan and sigh, for every curse spat out through clenched teeth, for every quiver of Storm’s appetizing muscles. By now, Sky was more attuned to all these signs. He knew on instinct when to push harder and when to slow down. When to caress and fondle, when to kiss, and when to stop touching. He wanted this to last, to keep bringing Storm to the edge and then ease them both off it. Sky needed this to go on for as long as possible, to have his fill of his husband. With so much unrest, it was impossible to tell how long they had before someone barged in with more awful news. However brief their time, Sky would make sure they were using all of it wisely.

  Storm shifted his hips, rubbing his cock against Sky’s prostate and that was enough to break him out of his train of thought. The only thing that mattered now was the way Storm moved inside of Sky, how that connection made him feel like he belonged, like he was home here, in Vis, with this amazing man writhing beneath him.

  Sky didn’t fight it, there would be time for more later. This time, when his and Storm’s pleasure mounted, aiming for the highs of release, Sky embraced it, moving faster, riding his husband to completion. They came one after the other, Sky’s orgasm triggering Storm’s, both grabbing at each other, as if the explosive pleasure was about to blow them apart.

  Breathless and sated, they slumped in each other’s arms, not ready to move any further and break their connection.

  “Welcome home, my love,” Sky whispered at the end of a contented smile. He felt like a lazy cat, warm and safe, and unwilling to move.

  Storm kissed his forehead. “It’s good to be home. I always feel… empty without you.”

  “I love you, Storm. I don’t know that I said it enough. Being without you… it messes with my mind.”

  “So you asked Eagle to keep you busy?”

  Sky lifted his head to face Storm. There was amusement in his look, but Sky could see the fear hidden behind it. “He’s a nice boy, and an excellent warrior. Even better teacher. But I’m not interested in him.” Sky placed his head back on Storm’s chest, needing to hear the reassuring, steady thump of his heart. “You know I’ve never been with anyone else.”

  “Sky, did you want anyone else?”

  Sky pushed himself up, anger flaring in his heart. “What kind of question is that?”

  Storm gave hi
m a sheepish smile and shrugged. “I never asked you. I just dragged you here and married you. You never had a choice.”

  “I always had a choice, Storm. I could have refused. Or run away before the wedding. Or threaten to kill myself before the ceremony, not after.”

  “Why didn’t you?” Storm asked, looking at Sky expectantly.

  “Because no matter how upset I was over being sent away, or how heartbroken over losing you, or over what you’d become… I never truly wanted to break free. Those feelings never left me, I never grew out of loving you. Maybe, deep down, so deep I didn’t even know it myself, I was hoping we’d somehow get to what we have now.”

  Storm grabbed Sky’s neck and pulled him closer, kissing him with desperate need. Sky gave in, opening up and letting Storm take possession of his mouth. He’d give Storm anything he needed if it shattered all that doubt and fear from his love’s heart. Sky had never stopped to ask himself why he’d not fought the marriage. Those thoughts had stayed away for him and with good reason. It would have meant facing his love for Storm sooner. And maybe he hadn’t been ready then.

  Looking back now, maybe he’d been better off manning up and jumping head first into his marriage. They wouldn’t have spent a year of mutual torture that way. To be young and foolish, whoever thought that was appealing was an idiot!

  They spent the rest of the night fucking in every position imaginable, just as Sky had planned. Sated and exhausted, he finally stopped trying to arouse his husband in the early hours of the morning.

  “You’re giving up?” Storm teased, playing with Sky’s messy locks.

  “Yes, I most certainly am. I don’t want to, but I have nothing left in me. You’ve drained every last drop of energy.” Sky pouted, but scooted closer to Storm, resting on his chest. He could barely keep his eyes open. He tried his best though. Sky could admit defeat and give up on making love to his husband for now, but he’d be damned if he wasted more than it was absolutely necessary on sleep.

  “Thank the gods for that. I can’t muster the strength or will to carry on. You drained me, you fiend, it was not me who sucked the life out of you.”

  Sky chuckled and pinched Storm’s side. “You very much sucked the life out of me, Storm. Twice. But I did plenty of sucking of my own, husband mine.”

  Storm snorted and pulled Sky closer. He’d moved away to dodge further pinches and Sky was tempted to do it again. The warmth of Storm’s embrace made him reconsider. He was safe and so tired. He lost another battle and gave up on trying to keep his eyes open. He could talk with them closed anyway.

  “Why were you training with Eagle?” Storm asked, the words jolting Sky awake. He cursed himself for almost drifting off.

  “Isn’t it obvious? To keep my mind busy. And to get back to what I used to be, before I stopped caring for my own wellbeing.”

  Storm dropped a kiss on his forehead. “Is that all?”

  Sky wanted to tell him, but not like this. Not when he was dozing off, his brain fuzzy and his attention fickle. Storm would need convincing, plenty of it, yet he couldn’t bring himself to lie to his husband.

  With a deep breath, Sky tried to steady himself, his stomach in knots. “I want to be good enough to come with you the next time you leave.” He’d said it all on one breath, the words stumbling out of his mouth in a hurried mess. Sky wanted to prop himself on his elbow and look at Storm, to gauge his reaction, but he was too afraid of what he’d see, so he stayed put, his fingers digging into Storm’s flesh.

  “Why would you ever want that? Did I not tell you how ugly war is? Why would you want to be exposed to that, put yourself in harm’s way?”

  Storm sounded more curious than angry.

  “You have to go, I understand,” Sky whispered. “You think you can shelter me from it, take all this weight on your shoulders…”

  Storm lifted Sky’s chin, the move so gentle Sky sighed. He pushed himself to open his eyes and face Storm, even if he didn’t want to see Storm’s disapproval. Warm blue depths greeted him, a small smile playing on Storm’s lips.

  “I will always want to protect you, Sky, keep you safe. Keep the dirt of this world away from your beautiful soul.”

  Sky smiled and nodded. “I know. But what makes you think I don’t want the same for you? Do you think it’s easy for me, staying here and worrying about you, unable to protect you or counsel you? It’s awful. All I do is miss you and worry about what might happen. Then feel ashamed for not being by your side, fighting with you.”


  Sky placed a shaky finger on Storm’s lips. “We’re partners, aren’t we? I am yours, you are mine, and everything else will always be less important than us. I don’t care about how ugly it is out there on the battlefield. I don’t care how exhausting it is to ride from one place to another, putting out a fire here, jolting people in the right direction there… It’s what you do, and I’ll be there for you to lean on me when you do it.”

  Storm smiled, his eyes dancing in tears. “Can’t you see I am afraid? Of you seeing parts of me better left hidden?”

  Sky thought back to the incident with the rebels. He’d not been repulsed then. Why would he be now?

  “Remember how as boys we trained together?”

  Storm snorted. “Of course I do.”

  “We worked well together. We protected each other, yet we always challenged each other to be better.”

  “I remember.” Storm nodded, his look taking a melancholic touch. “I’ve never felt so alive. Well, before I was allowed to be with you in every sense of the words.”

  Sky smiled and pulled on Storm’s hair. “Silly, I was hoping you’d take what was yours. See through my stupidity and show me the way back to you.”

  “It’s not like anyone bothered to teach us these things,” Storm said and winked. “My parents were always too busy plotting who would make the best business match, not showing me how to make a life with them.”

  “True, I know how to use every fork there is, how to defend myself and others, how to dance horrid society dances, what books to read and not tell others about having done so… How to behave with a husband or wife beyond the business of it? No idea.”

  Storm laughed and it melted Sky’s heart. Seeing him like this, relaxed, happy, was everything. He’d fight for that joyful look on Storm’s face with everything he had. “Just think about it, for me. If you’re happier with me being here, I’ll accept it.”

  “I will think about it. I will give it a fair chance and not let my fear cloud my judgement. That’s all I can promise for now.” Storm gave Sky a little smile, and that was enough for the moment.

  “It’s all I’ve asked of you, my love. Whatever you decide, we’ll manage if we’re together.” Sky leaned closer and pecked Storm’s lips. He wasn’t thrilled that Storm would decide on his own. Beyond being Sky’s husband, he was also the leader of Vis’s vast armies. He had to think of what was best for all involved. Sky, as much as he wanted it, couldn’t act like a selfish, petulant child. He’d go along with whatever Storm decided. For now.


  The Inquiry

  STORM AWOKE FIRST. They hadn’t been doing a lot of sleeping, but that was to be expected. He’d missed Sky, a lot more than before their reconciliation. It had been harder than he’d expected, so it had caught him by surprise. That terrible need to be close to Sky, touch him, smell him. Now that he could take whatever he needed, spending months apart was not an enticing prospect.

  With whisper-soft moves as to not wake Sky, he moved the covers to reveal his husband’s body. He wanted but a peek, to reacquaint himself with the blissful sight.

  Sky had changed again. In the time Storm had been gone, his body had been altered by thorough exercise. Sky had gained weight, not a lot, but noticeable after their new found marital bliss. Nothing like what he’d achieved after Storm’s departure, though. His body was still lean, but muscles twitched with every move. He looked strong and healthy. Much like a warrior.

>   Storm kissed Sky’s shoulder and tucked back the covers to keep him warm. He slid out of bed, soundless in his moves. Storm hoped he could sneak out, talk to Eagle, then come back to bed long before Sky awoke.

  As Storm took a few steps toward the door, Sky stirred and moaned in his sleep. Storm froze and waited, his breath steady. Sky wasn’t the soundest sleeper and more often than not felt it the moment Storm left their bed. A few heartbeats later, Sky still hadn’t moved. Storm closed the distance to the door, then opened it as quietly as he could.

  The moment he was out of their room, Storm straightened up and squared his shoulders. He took long, determined steps to reach Eagle’s room. He knocked, sharp and loud, in a three times sequence and did not wait for an answer before pushing the door open.

  Eagle jumped out of his bed, startled by Storm’s arrival. He mumbled something unintelligible and rubbed his eyes. When the sleepy fog in his mind cleared, he stood at attention, his chest puffed out and his posture perfect. “Your highness.”

  Storm smirked and shook his head. “Really, now? You’re never this disciplined when it comes to fanfare, Eagle.”

  Eagle shrugged and smiled, looking more like a menace than a sheepish subordinate. “Well, I reckon the circumstances are special.”

  “Because I found you on top of my husband?” Storm crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow.

  “Now, you wait a damned second,” Eagle said, taking a half-step forward and pointing at Storm. “That was training. There was armor involved. And swords!”

  Storm’s eyebrow went higher.

  “Not those kind of swords,” Eagle defended, shaking his hand dismissively. “No offence, Dragon, he might be all manner of hot, but he’s not my type.”


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