Sky and Storm (Warriors of Vis, Book One)

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Sky and Storm (Warriors of Vis, Book One) Page 10

by Alina Popescu

  Unable to keep up the pretense any longer, Storm let his laughter loose. “Oh, gods, you’re funny. You should just see yourself, Eagle. In all seriousness, never try to tell me you wouldn’t fuck my husband because he’s not your type. We both know you don’t really have a type.”

  Eagle shrugged again and sat on the bed, his head in his hands. “Oh, fuck me sideways! What do you want from me? If I am to leave your riders, say it plainly. I didn’t touch your husband in any inappropriate way.”

  “Oh, hells and firestorms! I know all that, you fool. You’re young and can’t keep your cock in your pants. But I trust Sky, and I trust you as my fighter. That’s not why I am here.”

  “So why are you here, then? I don’t think making fun of me is so high up your list of priorities.”

  “Do you know why Sky’s training with you?” Storm went and sat by Eagle on his bed, bumping the younger man with his shoulder.

  “He tells me he wants to join your riders.”

  “Do you think he could?”

  Eagle looked away and rubbed his chin. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Storm rolled his eyes. “You don’t know the answer, or is it that you don’t know what I want to hear?”

  Eagle smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “I’ve trained with him for a while now. I’d be a poor excuse of a Dragon’s rider if I didn’t know if he can cut it.”

  “So talk to me. Be blunt, Eagle,” Storm encouraged, squeezing Eagle’s shoulder.

  “Sky needs to build stamina. He’s come a long way fast, but he still needs to build it. In terms of skills, brains, and knowledge? He could take on most of your riders right now.”

  “How much longer would it take for him to be in top shape?” Storm asked.

  “A couple of months. Three at most. He’s a very fast learner and he’s stubborn in his determination. I haven’t seen anyone train so hard. I’ve been wounded recently, but even fully healed, he’s very close to keeping up with me.”

  Storm wanted to curse, but beyond the fear and anger that masked it, he was proud. Sky made him proud, even if his accomplishments were military. He knew Eagle wouldn’t embellish anything, he was too honest of a fighter and forever dedicated to the riders. He’d never recommend Storm brought in someone who’d put them all in danger.

  “One warning, Dragon,” Eagle said, looking around as if they were being watched.

  “What is it?”

  “He’s brilliant, a visionary. He’s got good instincts. Sky will make a great leader.”

  Storm chuckled and wrapped his arm around Eagle’s shoulders. “Why do you say that as if it’s a warning?”

  “Because I know you and how protective you are. If you bring him into the riders’ party, you must be his Dragon. And that means letting him shine. Don’t stifle his flame just to keep him safe.”

  Storm nodded. The Dragon and his riders had strict rules. It was meritocracy throughout Vis’s army, but more so in his elite ranks. If Storm treated Sky differently, it would stand out like a sore thumb.

  “The thought of my husband in battle, it terrifies me.” Storm took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair. “I understand why it would be hard to be sidelined and worry day in and day out. I’d hate it. On the other hand, what if my fear of Sky getting hurt distracts me?”

  Eagle smiled and clapped Storm’s shoulder. “I think once you get used to the idea of Sky being there, you’d be too busy rising up to the challenge.”


  “With a little experience, he could be as good as you are.”

  Storm laughed, the sound booming in the small, cozy room. “Never! I’d always become better, faster than him.”

  “And that right there is why you’d make each other better warriors.”

  Storm stood. “You’re stationed here until he’s ready. You will both return to the riders when you think you’re done training him.”

  “Me? He needs more than me, Storm,” Eagle said, jumping off the bed.

  “You can enlist anyone’s help. The academy, generals, other Dragon riders. It’s your call.”

  “Sky doesn’t need more riders. He needs you while you’re here. And I’ll figure out who else.”

  “Why me?”

  Eagle smirked. “Because nothing will motivate Sky more than trying to become a warrior you’d approve of. He wants you to be proud of him, be confident in having him in your ranks.”

  Storm laughed and clapped Eagle’s back. “You are far too insightful for your young age.”

  “I do my best to understand those around me.” Eagle looked away, turning his back to Storm. “It comes from being an orphan, I guess.”

  “Having an asshole uncle with demented friends for a guardian, that might be a reason too.”

  Eagle turned, a smile on his face. “You saved me from all that, Storm. All that’s left now is what I’ve learned from it.”

  Storm pulled Eagle into a tight hug. “I will always protect you. That I promise.”

  “Aww, isn’t that heartwarming,” Sky muttered. “Now release the boy, it’s time for my practice.” He winked and stepped further into the room.

  Storm was amazed he hadn’t heard his husband come in. Sky had always had the sneaking skills of a cat, but Storm somehow thought he’d be better at spotting his man now.

  “Oh, don’t you worry about your training. I will take the lead today. I’ll have you both praying for death by noon.” Storm laughed, trying to be as menacing as he could. All he got as a response, however, were giggles. He was about to train two teenaged girls today.

  “Sometimes I think he likes to hear himself speak,” Sky said, winking at Eagle. The boy at least tried to appease Storm by putting his hands up and shaking his head. Too late though.

  “Eagle, wait here. Sky and I have something to discuss. In private.” Storm grabbed Sky by his waist and pulled him close, leading him to their chambers. “It’s time to teach you, husband mine, why everyone obeys the Dragon.”

  “Oh, I obey you. I just don’t always take your words for granted.”

  Storm released Sky long enough to spank him, then grabbed hold of him again, pushing him towards their rooms. When their door was finally closed behind them, he pushed Sky against it and kissed him. Storm felt demanding, aggressive, and underneath that all, a deep need to make Sky his again.

  Someone knocked and Storm stopped long enough to shout at them to go away. Just as he returned to the pleasure of kissing his husband, the knocking started again.

  “Are you deaf? Go away!”

  “Open up, Storm.” Cloud sounded bored and cold, as ever. Storm assumed if he ignored her, she’d give up and find something better to do. He closed his lips on Sky’s neck and sucked, the enticing taste of his husband making him moan.

  “Storm, I mean it. Let me in at once!”

  Storm growled, and took a step back, pulling a giggling Sky with him. “She’s persistent today. Maybe it’s important.”

  Storm rolled his eyes. “She’s annoying, that’s what she is.”

  “I, too, deeply care about you, my brother. And I can also hear just fine.”

  Storm pulled the door open with too much force and it almost came unhinged. “What do you want, Cloud?”

  Cloud rolled her eyes, brushing a strand of hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear. Beyond her perpetual boredom and casual cruelty mask, Storm saw what he always found under the abrupt, mean front she put up. A jolt of warmth and pleasure at seeing each other.

  “You know I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t forced to. I don’t particularly enjoy hearing those noises you make during sex. My brother, a dying pig, not much of an auditory difference.”

  “If you insist on coming in and are upset, I assume this has to do with our parents?”

  “Quite right, brother. They are upset with you because you haven’t bothered to greet them properly since your arrival. Which means I have to be around them more and they are acting horridly.”

>   “Of course they’d find a reason to take offense in my behavior. Fine, we’ll be there for breakfast.”

  Cloud looked outside, the corner of her lips twisting up into a smirk. “You mean lunch. It’s rather late for breakfast.”

  Sky turned to Storm and kissed him, a brief brush of lips over his cheek, but enough to send tingles down Storm’s spine. “We’ll make a proper appearance at lunch, I promise. We can’t leave Cloud alone when she’s so down on her luck, can we?”

  Storm only raised an eyebrow at his husband. He couldn’t very well open his mouth, knowing Yes, we can would be the only words coming out.


  With the menace of having to sit through a meal with his parents upon them, Storm decided the best way to release some of his tension was for him and Sky to join Eagle and continue with the training. Although he’d warned them he’d take over, Storm stopped at instructing Eagle to try certain moves and combinations with Sky. He stood back, watching them exercise and fight each other.

  Storm had promised himself he’d stay neutral, but that was impossible. Unless Sky was coming at him with a sharp, pointed weapon, Storm couldn’t help being mesmerized by the way Sky moved. Swift, fluid, and graceful, like a cat prowling, but with strength fueling his every move. Ever since childhood, he’d been fascinated with Sky’s style. He used his speed and agility to compensate when fighting a bigger opponent. When facing an equal in size, like Eagle, he was more focused on his moves and on reading his opponent’s intentions. Whoever he was facing, Sky never seemed too focused, or too stressed about combat. He looked aloof, almost distracted, the glow in his eye being the only sign nothing escaped him.

  Time flew as Storm watched his husband, pride swelling his heart. If he was honest, Sky could have handled joining the Dragon’s elites on their next mission, but Storm decided to be cautious. Eagle would continue with Sky’s training, build his stamina, and make sure Sky had all the chances of keeping himself safe. That would also give Storm a little more time to get used to the idea of having Sky exposed to danger so much more often than either of them was used to.


  The Lightning

  HAVING LUNCH WITH THE in-laws was always a stressful affair. Sky wasn’t surprised it was even worse this time, the king and queen doing their best to show them how offended they were. Sky tried as best as he could to keep calm, smile, be polite. The very definition of the dutiful son-in-law. Storm couldn’t be asked to act the same way. He could barely hide his anger and disgust at his parents’ behavior. The queen, as her habit dictated, went through all the offenses the two of them had been guilty of, going back all the way to that weird mating ritual they had arranged for their son. The monarchs were still upset Storm had sent the Estas princess home sans a promise she’d carry his future heirs.

  “Sky, your duty to your husband is to have him attend every function he is expected at,” the queen said, her usual sugary-sweet voice replaced by cold, sharp tones.

  “He’s not my servant to keep my schedule. This is nonsense,” Storm muttered, shooting daggers at his stepmother.

  “You mean I am your father’s servant?”

  “My father has a secretary. You hardly know of all silly shows of dominance he has to attend. Or will you recite all the festivals he’s required to give blessings to? All the councils he’s expected to preside?”

  The queen squinted her eyes, her lips pressed into a tight, deep red line. “You should show respect, Storm. You’re in the habit of acting like a spoiled brat.”

  Storm smiled, the kind of cruel smirk that sent shivers down his enemies’ backs. “Respect is earned, my queen.”

  When lunch was over, Sky felt the pressure lifting off his shoulders and he finally breathed with ease. He was used to keeping quiet and only speaking when he could tone Storm down, or contribute something as neutral as possible. Despite his efforts, he’d only managed to fuel the feud. Storm and his father’s wife were always opposing each other. Whatever the issue, they would disagree.

  “Are you all right?” Storm asked, massaging Sky’s shoulders as they returned to their chambers.

  “The more space separates us from the world, the better I feel.”

  Storm chuckled and pushed Sky inside, locking the door behind them. “Yes, you, me, away from the world around us. Sounds exquisite.”

  Sky relaxed even more as Storm wrapped his arms around him. Being wrapped up in Storm’s embrace made everything tolerable. Even the monarchs spending every waking hour plotting future matings of their son. Sky wasn’t selfish, he didn’t think so. Yet the idea of Storm having a concubine, royal or not, made him nauseated.

  “I am sorry they keep talking about heirs and which concubine would bring us more lands,” Storm whispered as he kissed down Sky’s neck, from behind his ear to the hollow above his collar bone.

  “I am a jealous husband. I don’t want to share you.” Sky turned in Storm’s arms, facing him. He caught Storm’s chin between his thumb and forefinger and placed a soft kiss on his husband’s lips. “But if you want a child, I will stand by you. Or step away and make room for a concubine.”

  Storm growled and crushed their lips together. The kiss was hungry, desperate, and when it ended, it left Sky a needy, whimpering mess. “I understand you want to be selfless. I would never allow anyone to touch you. It saddens me you’d let some woman touch me.”

  “I wouldn’t let them, unless you wanted them. You are the future king. You need an heir.”

  Storm’s eyes softened and he smiled at Sky. He brushed away the tears Sky hadn’t even realized he’d shed. “I need an heir indeed. I will adopt one when the time comes, groom him to be a proper leader. Teach him, support him, show him right from wrong.”

  “What if it’s a girl?”

  “Then I better start praying she doesn’t take to warmongering and marries a capable general instead. I hear fathers are protective in the extremes. Can you imagine me on a battle field if my daughter was there?”

  Sky snorted and relaxed on the bed. “If our daughter wants to go to war, let her go to war. We’ll make sure we eradicate the opposing army before she has a chance to step foot within fighting distance from them.”

  Storm laughed, his head thrown back, his chest shaking. “And that is why I love you. Well, one of the many reasons.”

  Sky felt lighter. Storm always knew what to say to make him feel better.

  “I love you, Storm. More than anyone else in the world.”

  Sky lifted his head enough to seal their lips together, his tongue hungry for another taste. He did his best to remove all the pesky clothing separating him from Storm’s skin. For a minute, Sky wondered what his hands felt like. Storm must have felt how Sky had changed. Long days of training had roughened him, no matter how many oils and balms Sera concocted. Sky liked that he was more like Storm now, more muscled, manlier. He enjoyed feeling he was becoming a true partner to his husband.

  “Gods, it feels good,” Storm moaned, shimmying out of what was left of his clothes. “Touch me more, love.”

  Sky rushed to please his lover. He caressed every inch of Storm’s skin that he could reach. It was thrilling to still have all these clothes on while Storm was naked on top of him. It made Sky think he was in control of Storm’s pleasure.

  “You are wearing far too many clothes, my love.” Storm smiled and made quick work of divesting Sky.

  When they were both naked and writhing, their cocks sliding together and leaking, Sky sighed deeply. This was his ultimate pleasure, the thing he needed more than anything—to feel his husband near, to look into Storm’s eyes and see love, need, and a tinge of madness. Sky knew he looked the same, desperate for Storm, borderline insane with need.

  He opened his legs wider, making room for Storm to slide between them. That was all it took to set off Storm. Sky watched his husband as he clumsily reached for the fresh oil Sera had left on their night stand. Sky should have felt embarrassed about how much they ran through when Sto
rm was home, but he just couldn’t be bothered with it. He never knew when Storm would have to leave again, or for how long. He’d be left here, training, worrying, and being hunted by the queen for yet another heart-crushing conversation about concubines.

  When Storm’s shaky fingers rubbed over his hole, Sky shuddered. He rolled his hips, encouraging Storm to go further. Soon enough he was rewarded by eager digits spreading him open. It didn’t take long for Sky to start begging. He needed Storm’s cock, so that they were linked everywhere it counted.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Storm whispered, pushing his thick, hard length inside Sky. They moaned together and stopped for the second, enjoying the simple act of Storm being balls deep in Sky’s ass. Despite Sky’s efforts to spur him on, Storm held out as long as he could before he started moving. He fucked Sky slowly, going in and out at a maddening pace. Sky moaned and rocked his hips, trying his best to get Storm to falter and move faster.

  It didn’t happen. Storm took his time, moving inside Sky with a steadiness and precision which were unfathomable to Sky. He always lost his mind when he was making love to Storm. He needed it hard, fast, now, more. Sky enjoyed every form of love making he’d tried, yet he craved the rougher side of sex. It grounded him, it made him realize Storm was there, real. And Sky’s.

  After what seemed like forever, Storm gave in. He shifted, resting on his knees and sitting up, then started moving with purpose. Sky cried out, grabbing the sheets, struggling to keep his eyes open.

  “That’s it, Storm. Harder. Faster!”

  Storm gave Sky everything he’d asked for and when Sky didn’t think he’d be able to take more, Storm went even faster and deeper. Sky came on a strangled cry, his eyes open but unseeing. He felt Storm spilling his seed deep inside Sky, and pushed whatever energy he still had into pulling Storm close and holding him there.

  They fell asleep like that, sweaty and sticky. Sky clinging to Storm, and Storm slumping on top of him. It should have been uncomfortable, but it wasn’t. Storm’s strong body covering his own always helped Sky sleep better. Like everything was right in the world and he could afford to let go of all worry and just be in that moment, resting in Storm’s arms.


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