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Legend of the Oceina Dragon (The Dragons Saga)

Page 14

by Jenkins, J. F.

  Good thing I’m here to keep you company then.

  I shouldn’t be here anyway. I should be focusing on preparing for the council. He held the door open for her. She walked in, but didn’t go far. She was a little afraid to be separated from him. She’d never seen a school so large or busy with students before. The school from her home village was a quarter of the size, and by far more simple. Nobody walked as though they were in a hurry. Nobody acted like everyone else was invisible. Tai wasn’t invisible, and slowly, one by one, more of the students started to notice this. It wasn’t long before everyone stared at her.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t be here,” She mumbled to him and gave him a worried look. “Why are they all staring at me?” You can’t leave me alone here. Besides, it’ll be good for you to get out of the house too. You’re working too hard, and you can learn more about how humans are which is important.

  If you say so. Darien smirked a little. And it’s because you’re beautiful, and you’re with me.

  A small blush spread across her cheeks and the two walked into the school office so she could get checked in. I do say so, and I doubt it’s that.

  Do you wanna bet, Darien thought while he chatted with the secretary. He was getting better at holding two conversations at the same time. Something she wished she could do better, but it would come. She needed to practice it more. She hardly spoke to anyone back home outside of Ashley and Katelyn on occasion, but those conversations weren’t always very in-depth. Tai often felt awkward afterward. Katelyn liked to talk about the family and the joys of motherhood, two things Tai did not relate to. Ashley on the other hand spoke about various different topics, but she was negative and the attitude made Tai feel drained by the end of a conversation. Which was the main reason she wanted to get out of the house. She needed someone besides Darien to talk to, at the most an acquaintance to have a normal conversation with or see outside of the house. The house was so lonely while he worked.

  I’m kind of feeling uncomfortable, she admitted. This is different. I’m not used to standing out, and I’ll bet you the laundry it’s not because I’m beautiful.

  I bet a massage it is. He paused to speak verbally, to thank the secretary, and then he gave Tai her schedule.

  Slowly, hesitantly, Tai raised her hand up to rub his upper arm affectionately. She made sure nobody else was around to see it. They had agreed to keep the PDA to a minimum. She didn’t want to spend her time in school completely wrapped up in him, and neither one wanted to attract any extra attention to themselves. Though they had also agreed it was okay to tell the other students they were ‘dating’.

  He gave her a small smile. “I tried to get us as many classes as we could together, but I also tried to give you as many electives as I could. I know this isn’t necessarily about learning, so much as having something to do during the day. I didn’t want to make you go crazy. If you hate it and you wanna alter it, I can.”

  “Whatever you think best is fine. You chose wisely, because I don’t think I could handle Advanced Calculus or Advanced Biology,” she said as she looked over his schedule.

  “Okay.” He let out a quiet sigh of relief. “I’ll walk you to your first class and try to show you around as much as I can.”

  “Thanks.” She definitely would need the help, if not a map. They walked quietly through the hallway. The bell rang and the students rushed to get to class, leaving the two alone. Darien had gotten a late pass from the office, so he could make sure she got to her class okay. When they arrived at the door for her first class, she stared at it wishing Darien would be with her.

  “I’ll come back for you,” He said softly and gave her hand a squeeze. “Don’t be scared, you’ll be just fine.” He took a quick look around and then kissed her hand gently. “I promise.”

  She gave him a weak nod, and then reluctantly went into the classroom. The instant she stepped in, all eyes were on her. The chatter never ended, but every person in the room watched her. Some were more direct about it than others, and nervously, she found an open seat. She met Darien’s eyes one more time before he left for his class, and she settled into the desk with her things.

  “Who’s that?”

  “I didn’t know there was going to be a new student.”

  “I love those shoes.”


  A small blush formed across her cheeks. This was certainly new. I owe you a massage.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  School had always been something he did on autopilot. This gave him a lot of time to think and doodle about more important things. The pictures in his notebooks began to take on the form of Tai and the way she loved him, the anxiety he had as he tried to figure out how to plan his next move, and the Inero. The Inero made a lot of appearances in his drawings.

  His father’s death never actually left his mind, and he could still see it all vividly even though the details of Orion were already starting to leave him. His voice, his smell, and the way he held himself when he walked, were all things Darien was starting to forget. He knew it would happen eventually, but he didn’t imagine it being so soon. It had only been a couple of months, and life seemed just as normal as it always had - on the outside.

  Inside, everything was different. Because while some of the big details were starting to fade, the small ones resurfaced in strange ways. Like how he’d read the newspaper and find a comic his father would have enjoyed. Darien always made a mental note to save it so he could show him, and then be reminded that he couldn’t. Orion was dead.

  This was the hardest thing for him to accept. Dead meant gone forever, and being gone forever was a long time. It felt longer on days he wasn’t sure if he believed in heaven. He wanted it to be real, but his faith was lacking even more than before.

  “Darien?” His Science teacher interrupted his thoughts. It would be difficult to start the day off with advanced science every day. He wasn’t sure what he had been thinking. He was hardly a morning person.

  “Hmm?” Darien looked up from his notebook, and there were quiet giggles circulated through the room. Apparently his social awkwardness was amusing to the human students.

  “What did you do this summer?”

  He was no doubt going to have to answer this question several times. The first day of school was always sharing the ‘most fun thing’ done over the break, going over the syllabus, and giving the students time to mingle. Hardly any teacher actually taught. The most work he’d be doing today is coloring a map.

  “Spent a lot of time at the pool, and worked,” he said. This seemed like a good answer. The summer was supposed to be all about beaches and pools after all. Neither was a lie. He did spend a lot of time at both places, but those places were also at home. If only he could say what really happened over the summer, then maybe the other students would think he was ‘cool’ or at least interesting.

  “I didn’t think you could swim,” he heard a voice from behind him. Alexjavier, his in school nemesis, practically sneered it at him. Alex was the popular boy of the school. He was athletic, smart, funny, and an over all a nice person to everyone who wasn’t Darien.

  The hatred was all over a simple misunderstanding over one of Alex’s exes. Darien bumped into her, and she was the first girl to ever speak to him who wasn’t one of his brother’s wives. He hadn’t known how to handle himself, and excitedly offered to help her with her fallen books. Alex had taken that as Darien flirting with his girlfriend, and it was apparently unforgivable because he never let Darien off the hook. He picked up on every single one of Darien’s social quirks and exposed them to everyone he could.

  Darien wanted to say he loved to swim. After all, water was his element, and he could breathe in it and everything, but Alex would never believe him. Darien never swam at the school because of a horrible allergic reaction he had to type of chlorine used to keep the pool cleaned. Rather than risk killing everyone in the building, he always had an excuse.

  “Only during that time of the month,” Dari
en mumbled to himself, “I’m sure you know all about that.”

  “What?” Thankfully, Alex had genuinely not heard him. No one had. The last thing he needed was more petty drama.

  Darien shook his head, looking innocent, and went back to doodling in his notebook. Rinse and repeat until lunchtime came. Then he finally had his first break for the day from the monotony. Unfortunately for Darien, he didn’t have any study halls this semester. He was deliberating changing this as he walked down to the lunchroom to finally see Tai. He had a class or two with her already, but she had been pulled off to the side by another group of students before he got the chance to see her, let alone say hi to her. He hoped to have some real time with her alone at lunch, but when he got to the table, other students already surrounded her.

  “Excuse me,” he heard her say. “I’m saving this spot for someone.”

  “I would be that someone!” Alexjavier answered in his same smug tone he usually spoke with. Darien couldn’t help but let out a groan.

  “No, you would not be that someone,” Tai said sharply, and he watched as she physically moved the chair from under him. Where are you!

  Right behind you, Darien tapped her shoulder. “Hi.” He directed it at Tai, but everyone at the table stared at him.

  “Hey!” She motioned for him to put his stuff in the seat she’d been saving, not noticing the shocked and appalled looks everyone else wore. At least, she didn’t notice them at first. “What?”

  “Why?” Alex asked, completely confused.

  “Darien’s an old friend of mine,” Tai said stiffly. “So I want to sit with him. If he’s not welcome here, then I’m not either and you can all just-.” She waved a hand and picked up her things. “Come on, there’s bound to be other tables.”

  “No,” Alex said quietly, and he dared to touch her. Darien’s fists clenched at his side as he watched Alex’s hand caress her wrist gently in an effort to convince her to stay. “It’s cool. Right?” He looked at everyone around the table, desperate for support. Slowly, the others nodded.

  Darien put his things in the chair and moved it closer to Tai. “You got your food yet?”

  “No, I was waiting for you.” Tai said. She was happy, and oblivious to it all. Couldn’t she see the guy was hitting on her? Darien could smell the lust coming off of him and it was making him sick. She didn’t reciprocate it at least. She only lusted after Darien to his delight.

  “I’m here now. Let’s go get some,” he said, happy to pull her away from the rest of the group. Once they were alone, “How’s your day been going? I see you’ve got a little bit of a fan-club going on here.”

  She shrugged it off. “I don’t know about that, but so far everyone has been really nice. This school is so big though. I’ve never seen anything like it before, ever. This lunch line? So many options.”

  “Really?” Darien was having a hard time believing this. Tai’s island was indeed small, smaller than Oceina City all on its own, but he still didn’t understand it. “Were you popular back home?”

  “Me?” Tai raised an eyebrow and then shook her head quickly. “Hardly. I had a few friends, but I wasn’t one of the cool kids.”

  “Oh,” he said quietly. “Got it. Well, everyone seems to be talking to you here. That’s awesome. I’m glad you’re meeting people.” Why did he feel so much dread in his gut?

  Hey, she said. I see you biting your lip. Stop it. Whatever you’re worrying over is going to be fine. Something told him however it would be easier said than done. Anyway, tonight, what are your plans?

  I don’t know, he smirked coyly. What are my plans? So far there was nothing on his agenda, and he hoped it stayed this way, but things were always subject to change and quickly. Being the great dragon lord, someone almost always wanted his attention.

  It’s a surprise.

  He swallowed hard, knowing it might not be a good idea to get hot and bothered with her via telepathy in the middle of school, but doing it anyway. She was his wife, and if she wanted to flirt with him, who was he to say no? Wasn’t that one of his duties as a husband? He couldn’t tell where she was at emotionally. She still guarded her emotions from him sometimes. Tai would never verbally say she loved him nor would she think it (and if she did she hid it from him well). She wanted him though. He felt worth something. When they were close, intimate, he felt like she was telling him something she couldn’t say in words. He could feel her love. He wanted to encourage it as much as possible. This feeling meant more to him than any words she could say would.

  What kind of surprise?

  I’m not telling you! He glanced back at her and saw her smirking.

  One hint and I promise I won’t ask again! He gave her the sweetest of smiles and playfully pouted at her.

  It’ll be a nice massage. A blush spread across her cheeks and that was all the hint he needed.

  I can’t believe I forgot about that. He picked up his lunch, now really wanting the day to be over with. I’m glad classes are going well. You’re obviously hot stuff here.

  Jealous? Tai teased and dug around for her wallet.

  Of what exactly? That they think you’re hot stuff? You are, and I agree, so nothing to be jealous of there. He paid for himself and waited so they could walk back to the table together. And I could care even less if they like you more than they like me. Not a big deal.

  So you’re okay with me getting attention from other guys?

  They have good taste.

  She blushed furiously. Obviously not if they don’t like you.

  “Tai, you okay?” Alex asked. “You’re all red and flushed!”

  Oops, did I do that? Darien smirked, leaning forward while he ate. He didn’t look at anyone, only at his food.

  “I’m okay,” she said and shot Darien a look. Stop! She made a small show of taking off her over shirt for Darien, revealing her tank top. She pulled her hair back and tied it out of her face. “Just hot.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Normal was the only way to describe how Tai felt, and it was absolutely wonderful. For the first time she felt normal ever since she left home. She had homework, something she’d never thought she’d be happy to see again. Granted, she didn’t have much to do: a handful of chapters to read, and an attempt at a self-portrait for her art class. Both assignments she finished hours ago, and now she was lazily drawing a picture in her sketchbook of Darien lying on the bed. He also worked, but not for school. He had reports to read, and speeches to look over.

  “If you work too hard, you’re going to give yourself a headache.” Tai said. Darien grunted at her, not really paying any attention. “You’re just proving my point you know.”

  “That’s nice,” he mumbled, frowning with concentration. He didn’t look at her until she put her arms around his forearm and started to read over his shoulder.

  “How about a break and I give you the massage I promised you earlier?” She paused. “I just don’t like the furrow you’ve got.”

  “It’s a lot of big words,” He said with a sigh and put his papers down. “I can’t really focus on any of this.” He tossed it onto his nightstand and rubbed at his face tiredly. “Massage sounds amazing right about now.”

  “How many days do you have to learn it?” She asked and reached over to see if he’d actually let her look at these papers which took all of his time and energy. He didn’t object, so she thought it okay to read them over, though what she saw didn’t make a lot of sense. There were a lot of numbers and cities listed.

  He paused so he could think about this. “This weekend Arthur wants to start giving Lance and me the crash course lessons on what to expect. The weekend after that there will probably be a quiz, and then the weekend after that is the council meeting. I’m never going to remember it all.”

  “That’s why it’s all on paper,” she teased. “I don’t think you need to memorize it all. Just try to understand it as much as you can?”

  “Easier said than done,” Darien shook his head and thr
ew his hands up. “I’ll just have Lance look it all over. He can explain it to me later. He’s got a knack for this kind of thing. Maybe he should have done it all.”

  “But that’s not what your dad wanted,” Tai reminded him. “Do you think Lance would really be more capable?”

  “I don’t know. All of this is based on so many ‘what ifs’. I’m having a hard time keeping the faith, so to speak. Whatever divine revelation he got? I’m not getting it.” He rubbed his forehead slowly before turning onto his stomach.

  Tai frowned, unsure of what he was trying to hide from her. He was awfully quiet, and it was in an unsettling sort of way. His mind was completely void of thoughts. She wanted to press him for information, but she was afraid to. Instead she planted a kiss on the back of his neck, ran a hand through his hair, and got off the bed. She placed his papers on her nightstand before going to the closet to find the massage oils she had purchased on her to trip to the mall last week.

  She’d snuck off while Darien was being fitted for a suit, and decided to try and find something nice for him. This seemed perfect to her with how overwhelmed he was lately. She also bought her first risqué nightgown. It was tame compared to a lot of the articles of clothing in the store, but it was a huge step for her in terms of her self-confidence. Never in her dreams did she image herself buying something so short, or with a cut that accented her curves so well. When Tai tried it on and looked at herself in the mirror at the store, she felt powerful and sexy. Even if Darien hated it (which she doubted he would), she liked the feeling of the satin on her skin and the way the navy brought out her eyes. She liked feeling good about herself. She liked how he inspired her to feel good about herself.

  Quickly Tai slipped into her new nightgown and brought the oils over. She was stopping to dim the lights when Darien raised his face from his pillow to look for her.


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