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Visigothic_The Barbarians Of Midgard

Page 11

by Jay P Newcomb

  Dithranti returned one day from picking mushrooms in the forest. He looked quite disturbed. Boudicca was nowhere around, but as he entered their cottage of stone and wood and a roof of thatch, Argyle the Younger met him.

  The young man could see a disturbed look on the face of his father. “What is wrong, father?”

  The wizard handed his bag of edible mushrooms to his son and said, “I'm not so sure yet, me lad. But something is not right. There is an air of disturbance on the mystic wind and I dunna know what it may be. Where’s ye Mother and Sister?”

  “Mamma went alone to the Stone Henge right sudden and I dunna know where Gladvynn be, father. Maybe at the market trading our carrots and selling some barley. I canna tell, father.”

  Outside, a dark storm cloud was gathering up force for a rainstorm and it seemed as though it was right over the top of Stonehenge. Dithranti was a vigorous man and did not look near his age and neither did Boudicca, his beloved wife. The one hundred years since the salt mine disaster and their calling by Shaddai had not seen their physical strength decline. They had been granted exceptional long lives by the Creator God Shaddai, as chosen vessels in the battle for Midgard. He looked to be about fifty and five years and dear Boudicca a mere forty-five. It was in these days that men lived great and long lives, but alas they began to grow shorter as this brave new world after the great flood caused men to age much faster than before, in the world of Adam during the Primeval age of Midgard. More’s the pity, because a great gift has been shortened, and the new tyrants of this world take it all for granted, cheapening life. Some in the great cities of the Hellenes and of Sumer, and as well of Canaan, had cheapened it so much till they had become killers of innocent babies within the sanctity of the mother’s womb! Some even burned their babies alive in fires to a Jotnar called Molech, who was a servant of the Angel of Darkness known as Loki. Things like this were always in the thoughts of the Great Dithranti of Brython, and he was avowed to struggle against these wicked evils which were infecting this beloved Midgard. Such was the goal of the Sons of Light and the Circle of the Spirit Maidens.

  Dithranti ran to the great monument which he and Boudicca had constructed, going as quick as he could past the cemeteries where lay the cremated bones of many of those who had gone before them into the new life. Above the monument the thick banks of clouds were gathering as lightning flashed and the wind began to blow. Running past the heel-stone, he saw Boudicca standing at the centre of the circles of massive stone blocks. Her long blonde hair blew with the wind and her white silk dress blew around her calves and ankles as the cool wind of the storm whispered in her ears messages from far away. The smell of rain filled the air as she turned to meet her beloved Dithranti as he ran to her in the stones.

  “The Angel Brigid bids us come, husband. I know you have felt the rise of evil in the east.”

  The wind nearly took his hat off, but he removed it from his head in time. Boudicca raised both her arms into the air above her head. She stepped from between two of the great Trilithon stones amidst the inner horseshoe circle and Dithranti, staff in hand, stood in the centre of centres inside the oval-shaped Blue-stone circle which was atop the great altar stone, and raised his staff skyward!

  At that moment, Lady Boudicca came to his side with her hands raised! A mighty bolt of lightning struck the staff of Dithranti! The gathering of Cyrmic Druid Priests, who were just arriving and entering the temple through the Sarsen Circle via the access-way, fell to their knees when they saw what was happening! At that moment a vortex of wind fell out of the sky and swept away the White Wizard of the West and the Celtic Spirit Maiden! When the Druids looked up, the sky was clear and the storm gone. Yet Dithranti and Lady Boudicca were nowhere in sight. At that moment, Argyle and Gladvynn ran up the entrance path to the monument. She had returned from the market place almost as soon as her father had headed off for Stonehenge.

  “Don’t worry yourselves in the wee bit,” said Argyle to the Druids.

  Gladvynn smiled and said to all of them, “Wherever they’ve gone, they’ll be back, brothers. Mark me words.” She turned to her brother and said, “Soon we’ll be able to join Mum and Popp and their journeys if we keep learning. You too will be a great wizard some day, Argyle.”

  Adawulf Hister, ruler of the Dark North (as he called himself) looked down from his mountain fortress of Kul-Oba. His countenance fell and he was wroth, and from beneath his hooded head glowed red eyes of curse and evil and his skin became a pale blue! Turning to his Gnome apprentice, Throostra, he said, “It seems that Brigid has chosen to intervene and has brought Dithranti into this. I knew that it was only a matter of time before it came to this. The White Wizard of the West-lands will soon intervene to help Byock, and I see that Ragnarok is at hand. Indeed, we will face all the Sons of Light, the White Wizards of north and south, centre, and both west and east! Even the Circle of the Spirit Maidens is coming into this war! You have learned much, my young apprentice, and soon the time will come when your power will come into its own. Only then will you be able to help defeat the enemies of Loki! Come for we must prepare to face the Sons of Light and the Circle of the Spirit Maidens.”

  The two of them went back into the great-keep of the mighty fortress of black, ugly stone as the Thralls worked the land, and in bitterness laid the foundations of some massive new structure, all the while praying for freedom from his yoke of tyranny.

  Chapter IX


  From The Skald’s Tale

  It came to pass in those days that the mighty Raedwald was sent forth on a Quest by order of King Osrik the Bald, in order to seek out Dithranti, White Wizard of the West. Thus began an epic journey fraught with danger, yet accompanied by camaraderie and brotherhood in the noble traditions of our Gothic forebears. These men going west carried with them the hopes of their people, that they could somehow find this legendary wizard from a mystical land, and bring him home to the Kingdoms in time to save their women and children from the wrath of the black magic of Adawulf Hister the Black, Dark Wizard of Dakkia!

  T hane Raedwald and his nine horsemen made their way west, intending to go to the city of Gergovia, by first going north, in order to avoid the evil magic and terrors of Myrkvidr, the Great Mystic Marsh. They travelled as far as they could to the very edges of the great glaciers of Forever Ice that covered northern Midgard. Raedwald’s mind went back to his recent and sad departure from his beautiful wife Glenda and their tiny daughter Signy with the flaming red hair. There had been many tears shed that day, but he promised them both he would return.

  The Knights came upon a sight of magnificent awe, for sitting astride their mares and stallions, these men of the quest beheld as a great shelf of ice broke free with a thunderous crack, and with fierce tumble falling into the waters of the great River Rha, whose water flowed from under the pack ice. All around the world this was happening as the air warmed and the shroud of cold retreated ever farther north. In lands free of ice, like upon this which Raedwald and his gallant Gepid riders beheld, were herds of elk, musk-oxen and small dragons of myriad colours and species. As well, in the distance the men saw a great four-legged plate-back dragon with a long tail, upon the end of which were four great spikes. Up and across the hump back of this tremendous beast grew two rows of boney plates. Its neck was long and low and ended in a small head. The beast was the size of a mammoth and behind it was a herd of these same kinds of dragons, some with hatchlings, all grazing from the waist-deep grass which grew upon this green and fertile prairie.

  Raedwald was a man of about six feet tall with large and well-toned muscles. His hair was light brown and cut off shoulder-length. He kept his beard short, and wore typical Gepid dress and metal-mesh armour. His helmet was rounded at the top and had a visor that could be raised or lowered to cover his eyes and nose. The holes for his eyes were shaped like cat’s eyes. He was armed with a broadsword as well as a crossbow and a mace. His men were dressed in much the same way and armed with an assortment of s
words, maces, staves and axes and pole-axes and shields attached to their saddles. All of their provisions were packed upon hardy and sure-footed pack mules, which these people bred by crossing horses and donkeys. Like their fellow Quest warriors under Thane Horsa going east, these men going west carried with them the hopes of their people, that they could somehow find this legendary wizard and bring him home to the Kingdoms in time to save their women and children. For the wrath of the black magic of Hister the Black was beginning to lay a foul grip upon the land.

  From out of the sky, a group of Gargoyles swooped down to attack! These hideous-looking creatures must have been stalking Raedwald for quite some time! They sailed out of the sky and knocked five of the Gepid warriors to the ground! They landed and drew swords! Their heads sported demonic-like horns! Their wings were huge and in their now-folded position, towered high above their reptilian heads, ending in points of bone. Their arms were scaly and long. Each of their hands had four fingers and a thumb, yet was armed with claws like dagger points! Their legs were bird-like yet lizard-like as well, and over them were loosed red loin cloths. Their swords were small and light, for these beasts, ever so loyal followers of Loki, were creatures of the air. Their bodies were light and a man such as Raedwald easily outweighed them. But what the race of Gargoyles lacked in brawn they more than made up for in speed and agility! The fighting was hand-to-hand and sword-to-sword! Soon two of Raedwald's men were dead in the grass, as was one beast! Raedwald slammed one in the head with his mace and wounded another in the wing! The Gargoyles withdrew and then leaped into the air and charged the mounted Gepid warriors! They tried to hover in the air and fight with their swords at the same time!

  “You are hideous teufels!” shouted Lord Raedwald. “Return to Kul-Oba and tell Dragos to send real warriors and not hatchlings!” He laughed and fought off the attack.

  The beasts flew away and then one circled back overhead, shouting, “Remember me well! I am Commander Rameses. This is only the beginning, human! Mark my word, you shall not reach Gergovia alive! We shall meet again!”

  Raedwald’s men let out a victory cry and beat their shields with the butts of their swords as Rameses flew away.

  Lying on the ground were the two fallen comrades and one Gargoyle. The warriors surrounded the beast and Scout Gunthar said, “My Lord Raedwald, this Teufel breathes still!”

  Raedwald slid off of his horse and reached down. He grabbed the Teufel by the neck and said, “Talk, you! How did you know we were going to Gergovia?”

  The beast choked up blood and replied, “How do you think, human? Our Lord Hister knows all! You will, will not live to see Dith...” The reptile went limp in Raedwald’s grasp and died before he could finish saying the name of the White Wizard of the West.

  He thrust the creature down and said, “Teufel!”

  Gunthar said, “Did you hear what he said, my Lord? He knows we go on quest to seek Dithranti.”

  “Yes, Gunthar, it does. But now let us bury our comrades and make our way to a shelter to camp.”

  “Aye, my Lord,” replied all of the men at once.

  Meanwhile, far away to the south and east, Horsa and his riders continued to make their way east towards Shangra-La. They must bring back Byock, White Wizard of the East. Days of travel wearied both men and horses, but they knew that the whole nation depended on this quest. Byock was watching all of it, for his monarch butterfly sat unnoticed on the pack of the lead mule carrying their supplies. He looked down into his basin of water, which was much like a bird-bath made of crystal, and through it could see all that the butterfly saw.

  Min Tze approached and asked, “We are already in this war against evil, so why do we not ride the flying unicorns and go? Why must these noble men struggle to reach us, when it is we who can go to them?”

  Byock removed his white hood from his head as he looked up from the dish. “Beloved wife, the time to act will be soon. We must let this course of action go forward. We will go to Horsa soon, but not yet.”

  She replied, “Have they not yet overcome the challenge?”

  Byock answered, “Not yet for they have not arrived at its place of challenge.”

  She replied, “And when he does, Horsa will gain much confidence knowing that his Quest is a triumph. Horsa has a test that he must pass. Will he slay the innocent with the guilty? And last night you spoke of the others.”

  “Yes indeed, Min Tze. The Sons of Light and our Sister Spirit Maidens all together as one will go to the Gathering. Dear old Dithranti, White Wizard of the West, is even now in the Raquia, that zone of Spirit which separates Midgard from Asgard.”

  Min Tze smiled and said, “As is the Spirit Maiden, dear Boudicca. It will be so very good to see them all in person for a change. As well as Matrona Zakarah, Gleadra, Vulcrus and the others in our circles.”

  “Yes, beloved,” replied Byock. “The Dwarves have sent forth a Quest to obtain the help of Yonas and Gleadra. The Knights who seek Dithranti in the west will find him, and then shall all proceed as one, a united force of good, standing against the power of the Dark Side, in in due course, the Echad will rise. Great Elf King Yoshael, White Wizard of the North, and his Queen Spirit Maiden Zakarah, the Lady of Urðarbrunnr, will join the battle as you have said and it will be good to see Aesop, Vulcrus and our dear friends Yonas and Gleadra in person for a change, instead of through the crystal vision.”

  Byock and Min Tze embraced and he said, “Then when the time is right, our Son Vong will come as well. For now he must remain here at Yerpa.”

  “I will miss Vong very much, Byock,” replied Min Tze.

  “As will I, beloved, as will I. In time he will take my place as White Wizard of the East.” They kissed one another.

  It came to pass on the third day of the month of Heyannir and Tvimanuor, a huge Gomerian and Dwarf Army marched west to meet the forces of King Idanthrsus; or were they truly the forces of Hister the Black? The summer was long and hot and word of the approaching Scythian and alliance forces reached Thorstadt shortly after the destruction of the Massagetae of Agnar and the Issedones of Grunewald. The Gomerian and Dwarf Army marched forth to meet the Slaughter-Wolves, not willing to sit on the defence. It would be a fierce struggle and no-one knew the outcome. Only about half of the Getic and Dwarven forces were equipped with the new tempered steel blades obtained in the south. Teobalf was still perfecting his skills with Master Shalmaeser and would be of no help at this time.

  The night before the march, Sigurd and Gwynnalyn shared a special evening. They were so much in love that it was enough to stagger one’s imagination. This time the Queen would not be going out on the trail of war. For she carried within her the child of promise, the child of hope; and neither of them were willing to risk their deaths in what was sure to be the battle of the century.

  After a lamplight dinner they cuddled together, bundled up from head to toe in blankets. She cuddled close to his side and said, “I want so much to go on this war trail, my hunter. I am a Shield Maiden and I do not wish to stay behind in Thorstadt while my man and our warriors fight for freedom in this land.”

  Sigurd drew her head to him with strong arms and embraced his beloved wife and the very best friend that he would ever have, and said, “You carry, not just the hope of our dynasty, my heart, but as well our hope of being parents like everyone else. If you are harmed, that hope may die, or worse, you could die or be captured by the Slaughter-Wolves.”

  She replied, “Yes, my Hunter. We cannot risk our baby. We know how it is for women giving birth; so many die, even when it’s in easy times. But now that this war is upon us, I shall stay here, love, as we agreed.”

  Three days west of Thorstadt placed the Tervingian and Dwarf Army at the fords of the river of Tanais as it makes its great bend to the south-west. Kings Togrobeg, Sigurd and Osrik, and now Agnar, who led the remnants of the Massagetae-Issedones Army, were at the centre of the host, surrounded by the councilmen of war and their Thanes.

  Lord Gedron was given
a message and he came up alongside the three Kings, saying, “My Lord Kings, I have word of the enemy forces. An Army of Goblins is approaching from the Lofty Mountains via Wodenburg. As well, the main body of Korgan-Tal’s army is directly west of here across the river. They are escorted by a host of Gargoyles led by King Dragos the Green himself! As well, there is a force of Ogre Mercenaries, banded together with an army of Sarmatians and Cimmerians, bearing down on us from the north-west. We are outnumbered at least three-to-one, my kings.”

  “Let us convene the Witan of War and decide on the best course of action,” said Togrobeg.

  “I agree. Let us do so now while our troops make ready for a possible river crossing,” replied Sigurd.

  “So let it be done, brothers,” replied King Osrik.

  The Witena Gemot was quickly assembled and the great generals of these Gomerian and Dwarf people were given say. “Speak, Lord Volsung. What say you?” said King Sigurd.


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