Book Read Free

Dom's Baby

Page 22

by Melinda Minx

  “Ms. Faria,” he whispers. “You’re cutting it close.”

  I can feel his finger moving deeper inside me even as he speaks to me.

  “You have less than an inch left,” he says.

  I nod silent understanding.

  He slides his finger in and out of me, and I buck my hips against him. He was clear in his orders, but he never told me I couldn’t move. I move just enough to increase the sensation, but I don’t risk doing anything too drastic, for fear I’ll pull the screen down past that last inch I have left.

  I feel my wetness beginning to drip down my own leg as Dr. Leeds’ finger presses deep inside me. I gasp, and just as I wish desperately for more, I feel a second finger press in and stretch me wider.

  He begins a steady in-and-out movement with both fingers, ramming me until the two free knuckles press hard against my clit. Drool drips down the corner of my mouth as I moan. I can’t wipe it off or do anything about it; I’m fully at the mercy of Dr. Leeds.

  He pounds me with his fingers, and I feel his cock throbbing against my ass. Just when I think I can’t bear it any longer, he pulls both fingers out of me. I gasp in temporary relief, but then intense fear overtakes me. Did I pull the screen down, or—

  No, his nose brushes against the small of my back, and I feel his lips kiss my ass.

  I hear a satisfied groan coming from down below, and then his tongue presses between my legs. The pleasure is so intense. My immediate and instinctual reaction is to bend further over, but that would bring the screen down. All I can do is spread my legs a few measly degrees wider to welcome him in.

  He runs his tongue all up and down the length of my outer lips. He sucks up my juices, of which there are plenty, and then he buries himself between my legs. I feel his tongue sliding across my clit, and an electric shock blasts through me. His tongue sinks between my outer lips and slides deep into me, leaving my clit alone again...for now.

  He kneads and massages my ass cheeks as his tongue slides in and out of my soaking wetness. I feel my clit swelling beyond measure, and I can still feel the ghost of his last touch. Just when I can’t take it any more, he runs his finger lightly around the outside of my swollen nub, and I sigh in relief.

  His tongue pulls out of me, and he runs it across my clit, then presses it down harder. My body clenches in ecstasy, and I barely manage to regain control before I tear the screen down. I gasp, and a whine escapes me. My arms are getting tired, and my shoulders ache, but Dr. Leeds’ lips are pressed against my pussy, and his tongue is massaging my clit.

  I realize that if I could do whatever I wanted—if I could just bend over and fall against the desk—it would feel like an incredible and welcome relief. Then a few seconds later, I’d take it for granted already. Instead, being tied up and forced to hold such an uncomfortable position, there’s always something just outside of my grasp—something I can’t have no matter what.

  Well, if you count Dr. Leeds’ thick and throbbing cock, there are two things I can’t have. God, his tongue feels so good against my most sensitive skin, it’s all I could ever have asked for. I shouldn’t want more than this. This is enough.

  He curls his tongue and flicks my clit with the tip of his tongue. He flicks it expertly across me, and my body shudders in waves. I press my head harder against the whiteboard, giving my back and shoulders and arms some welcome relief.

  I feel my toes begin to curl as a deep warmth grows within me. The warmth spreads quickly out from my core, reaching my fingers and toes. My toes curl as a fire hits my gut, and adrenaline spikes through my blood.

  I feel my pussy pulsing, wishing it had Dr. Leeds’ thick cock inside to milk it for all it was worth. My clit swells and throbs, and he presses his tongue harder against me in response.

  I squeak louder than before, so loud I worry someone outside could possibly hear. Why am I squeaking? I never squeak. It’s as if him giving me permission to do so made my body subconsciously choose to squeak rather than moan.

  I hear Dr. Leeds’ satisfied groans as I gush wetness against his mouth. He slurps up my juices as he eats me out like no man ever has, and my hips tremble involuntarily. I press my head hard against the whiteboard, keeping my arms up, and I let my hips do whatever they want—it’s not like I could control them even if I wanted to.

  The orgasm hits me like a sneak attack, and my whole lower body rocks back and forth. My fingers twitch, too, and open up, but I keep my wrists high, and I don’t tug on the damn board. Would—or could—Dr. Leeds really stop now? I still don’t dare test his resolve.

  “Ahh!” I scream, and fresh drool drips down my face.

  I can hear his loud slurping as I cum all over him. Jolts of what feel like pure energy surge from deep within my pussy, up through my clit, and then through the rest of my body.

  “Ohh!” I whine. “God, yes!”

  “Shhh, little mouse,” he hisses. “Last warning.”

  I bite my lip so hard I taste blood. I will not utter another word.

  I couldn’t anyway, involuntary screams erupting out of my throat as the orgasm peaks. The climax hits me like a brick wall, and I groan and squeak and cum in pure ecstatic agony. My arms finally give out, and my muscles bulge and twitch as I pull against the tie. The screen comes down; I feel it sliding and hear the roll spinning.

  Dr. Leeds pulls himself away as my hips rock and my pussy trembles.

  “You’ve crossed the line, Ms. Faria,” he says.

  I’m gasping, and an afterglow is already wrapping me up tight and warm. I fall to the ground, onto my knees. The screen hits the end of the roll, and it pulls my arms up. Even as I fall to my knees, my arms are still bound and held high above my head. I gasp for air and struggle to wipe the drool off my face with my bare shoulders.

  “You did well for your first time,” he says.

  I look back at him in wide-eyed amazement. “I’ll obey,” I say. “For as long as you’ll have me.”

  There’s a dark twinkle in his eye. “I know, Ms. Faria. Now that you’ve had a taste, you’re mine.”

  “I told you not to call me that—” I stop talking, realizing how defiant I sound, just after promising obedience.

  He waggles a finger at me. “It’s not your father’s name. It’s my name. I will call you this, and you’ll like it. Do you understand me?”

  I nod enthusiastically, realizing just how much I do like it. Every time he says it, I’m back at Oxford, barely a woman and full of innocent lust.

  “Now,” he says, looking at his watch. “People will be here again soon. So...good day, Ms. Faria.”

  He turns his back to me and walks toward the door.

  “My wrists!!” I shout as he reaches for the lock.

  He looks back at me and grins. He turns the lock open, pries the door just enough so that he can slide through, and then he’s gone.

  I look around frantically. My skirt is still hiked up and exposing my ass, and my wrists are bound to the projector screen. I force myself to stand back up, and with the screen all the way down, I have plenty of room to work with. Dr. Leeds’ blood red tie is wrapped tightly around my wrists, but it’s still just a tie, not a thick rope.

  I bring my wrists up as far as they’ll go, and I lean down and bite my teeth into the knot. I get them into the knot, and I start to pull and tug at the silky smooth fabric. I get a good pull, and the tie goes slack. I pull my hands free, and I quickly flip my skirt back down over my ass and thighs. I smooth it as best I can, still feeling soaking wet cum all over my inner thighs. I look around for my panties, but I realize they are gone. Dr. Leeds must have taken them.

  I grab my purse and start to clean the cum off with some tissue, and just as I am wadding up the paper, the door opens and a man who is about my age walks in.

  “Uh,” he mumbles, looking at me. “Did the schedule…”

  He trails off, and I watch as his eyes lock onto the projector screen.

  I look over and see the red tie, brighter and more eye-catching
than anything in the room, hanging through the ring on the end of the projector’s string.

  I quickly grab hold of it and wad it up into my hand.

  The guy cocks his eyebrows at me, but I just do my best to not acknowledge the tie in any way. “I was just lesson planning in here. It’s all yours.”



  Nicole finds me a lot faster than I thought she would.

  Across the street from the Cathedral is a grass lawn full of students lounging around. On the side of the lawn, there are some small hybrids between food trucks and restaurants, as well as a large tent that sometimes holds events.

  Right now the tent has live jazz, and I’m sipping on a Turkish coffee when Nicole finds me.

  I raise an eyebrow at her. “How did you know I was here?”

  I gesture toward the empty chair across from me, and she sits down. She slams her hand down onto the table and lets go. I see my tie wadded up on the table. It unfurls slightly as she releases it.

  “You forgot this,” she says.

  “That was intentional,” I say, licking my lips.

  Her face is nearly as red as the tie. As strong the coffee is, I can still taste Nicole Faria on my tongue. When the scent of her perfume hits me, the memory of my tongue and fingers burrowing deep inside her hits me like a tidal wave.

  “Obviously,” she says. “Is that how you treat all your TAs? Abandoning them?”

  “Just you, Ms. Faria,” I say, sliding the coffee toward her. “Drink.”

  She looks angry for a moment, but I see the power of my command subdue her rage. She grasps the cup and brings it to her full lips. “It’s bitter as hell.” She slams the cup back down.

  “Turkish coffee,” I say. “It’s meant to be like that.”

  She loves to obey me. I saw it in her eyes six years ago, and that desire to submit to me has aged like a fine wine. She’d do anything I asked of her, and just the thought of that power makes my cock tighten. My balls are sore from delaying my gratification so long. I’ll need relief, and soon.

  “What you said back there,” she says. “Why…”

  “I don’t want to give you any false impressions, Ms. Faria. I told you what I want from you, but I won’t lure you in with some false image of white picket fences and one-point-five children. I’m not that man.”

  She bites her lip, and looks up at me with defiance. “Is this some fucking layer of conflict? A test?”

  I shake my head. “It’s just truth. I want you to know what you’re getting into before you—”

  “You waited until I was—”

  I laugh. “I tried to stop you a long time ago, but you just had to persist. I’m not going to ignore what’s there, am I? I’ve told you now, so you have to be the one who decides if our needs are compatible.”

  I’ve always done this. I know what I want and what I don’t want, and I won’t pull a bait and switch. Nicole needs to know that she will submit to me fully and completely, albeit temporarily. I will not be tied down, not even by her.

  The music is loud, and it helps her silence seem less awkward and indecisive.

  “I…” she mumbles. “I didn’t want a white picket fence anyway.”

  “Good,” I say, feeling my cock throb and grow. My balls are painfully tight.

  “What do you want me to do, Dr. Leeds?” she asks. “Drink your coffee again, or…?”

  I feel her bare foot run across my calf beneath the table. It’s not like there’s any form of cloth over the table; anyone looking could clearly see what she is doing.

  I force myself to control my breathing, and I close my eyes for a moment, then open them again.

  “A lot of English and Northern European legends and folktales talk about a magical sword,” I say, trying not to let her gain the upper hand, even as her foot slides up along my leg.

  “Oh,” she says, locking her big green eyes onto mine. “You want to lecture me about literature some more? That, of all things?”

  “In many of these stories,” I say, ignoring her, “the sword is created for one specific purpose, to be wielded one single time—or sometimes even swung one time—and the sword might be forged centuries before it needs to be used.”

  “Like the Lord of the Rings?” she asks.

  “That’s a ring,” I say. “This is a sword.”

  “So you’re the sword,” she says, “and I’m the ring.”

  “In some tales,” I say, “the sword will be forged from metal and imbued with magic. This can mean a blacksmith or wizard slamming it with a hammer or casting spells onto the sword for decades. Folding the metal and magic back onto itself hundreds of thousands of times, day after day.”

  “Maybe not the ring,” she mutters to herself. “Only a very small sword could fit through a ring without breaking it. And you’re not small, I felt it…”

  My cock throbs, but I press on. “When the sword is near its intended target, a demon or some other great force of evil—”

  Nicole laughs, her giggle sounding like the schoolgirl I first met. “A demon, or a succubus!”

  “The sword may glow, or vibrate—”

  “Or...grow,” she says, and I feel her toes slide quickly up my thigh, and the heel of her foot presses against my rock-hard cock through my thin trousers.

  I lean forward, digging my elbows into the table. “I’ve spent six years making this sword, Ms. Faria, and I’m finally ready to wield it.”



  My apartment is closer than his. My roommate is still in class, not that I’d actually let her being home stop me at this point. Dr. Leeds’ sword is pulsing with magic, it wouldn’t do for a side character that no one even cares about to put the brakes on that.

  I lead him through my living room and kitchen. He looks around, his eyes briefly studying each object. The French press, the four remote controls on the coffee table, the clutter of pots and pans strewn about the counter.

  “Your roommate isn’t here,” he says. It sounds almost like a question, but it’s not.

  I shake my head.

  “You don’t strike me as the type to have that kind of setup,” he says, pointing to the TV, which has a big sound bar, a DVR, a 4k Blu-ray player, and all kinds of other stuff I don’t care about. My roommate is a film student.

  “I only have one pot, too,” I say, pointing at the clutter. “But she thinks you need a special type of pot to ‘properly’ make every dish.”

  He laughs. “I thought it was a ‘he.’”

  I grab his strong forearm and tub. “You weren’t jealous, were you, Dr. Leeds? My room is this way.“ I tug him harder, not wanting to discuss my roommate.

  “I don’t do jealousy,” he says. “It was just an observation.”

  I tug him harder, and he finally follows me into my room.

  The bed isn’t made. The sheets are all crumpled up and halfway on the floor. My pillow is bent in half and pressed up against the headboard, since I was reading in bed. There are some clothes and underwear making a trail from the bed to the hamper.

  I let out a nervous laugh, but I notice Dr. Leeds has found my bookshelf.

  He studies all the spines, narrowing his eyes and leaning further forward to get a better look.

  “Isn’t your magical cock glowing and ready to strike?” I ask. “Or did I imagine that? You’re seriously going to look at my books right—”

  “Quiet, Ms. Faria,” he snaps. “Take off every last article of clothing, and get on the bed. I want you naked and on your back. Blindfold yourself.”

  My heart starts to pump. I’m finally going to be naked in front of him, in a bedroom, with both of us acknowledging what we want. I start to unbutton my blouse, but then I find myself asking him, “What do I blindfold myself with?”

  He reaches into his pocket, not looking away from my bookshelf, and throws me a light blue tie. I catch it, and when I look down at it, I realize it’s the tie. The one from the garden, and the one he wore again to taunt m
e years later. Now it’s going to blind me while he does unspeakable things to my naked body.

  I tear at the buttons as fast as I can, and I keep hoping he’ll look over at me, flashing me some dirty grin. Instead his back stays facing me, and he reaches a hand up to pull out a book.



  I force myself not to look as she undresses. I want to turn around and have her full nakedness—her full submission to me—hit me all at once. I want to feel an overwhelming surge of lust blast through my veins like a shot of heroine.

  I hear the bed springs finally creak, and I force myself to not ask if she’s ready. I don’t want to seem overeager, and I know she’ll tell me when she is ready. There’s no point asking.

  I pull the copy of Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha off of her shelf and crack it open.

  “I’m ready,” she says.

  “You’re blindfolded?” I ask.

  “Yes, Dr. Leeds.”

  Her voice is all obedience.

  I turn around to see Ms. Faria sprawled naked on her bed. Her glorious breasts are pointing skyward despite their large size, her nipples hard and pointed. My eyes run down her body, taking in the extreme curves of her sides and waist. Then I see her pussy, and I salivate as the memory of the taste fills my mouth.

  She’s clean-shaven, and even though her legs aren’t spread, it’s nearly more than I can bear. My breath catches in my throat, and I reach down and tug at my belt.

  I smile, noticing she’s spent extra time fixing the sheets before laying down before me.

  My tie is tight around her eyes, and I’m happy to notice she tied it tight and correctly, not trying to sneak in some gap where she could peek through.

  “I see you have Siddhartha,” I say.

  “Dr. Leeds,” she whines. “Please. No books right now.”

  I ignore her, but I undo my belt and drop my trousers. My cock springs out and up. It’s throbbing and engorged, and its thick veins are pulsing up and down its massive length and girth. My balls are blue and in pain. I know from past experience that this offers the greatest possible relief, and the most intense and powerful orgasm.


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