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Dragon’s Weir

Page 11

by Stephanie Burke

  Her stomach began to vibrate and stars danced behind her eyes.

  Lighting streaked down her spine, her toes curled and her world began to tilt on its axis.

  She cried out, her trill pausing as it suddenly felt as if another clit had exploded inside of her.

  She felt it, long and thin, hard and spasming with joy as it descended from deep within.

  She twitched, moving her hips as she braced her hands n Zol’s chest.

  Zol, for his part, froze, his eyes wide as his hips began a small circular thrusting grind.

  Slowly, she felt his cock thicken, felt the head widen and knew that her spine would soon be buried into his tight hot heat.

  She crooned, sitting straight up, bracing herself on her bonded behind her as she rose until only the head of his cock remained inside her.

  Acting on pure instinct now, she shifted her hips a little and began to slide down as Zol’s hips relaxed enough to thrust up.

  She hissed as she felt the slit in his cock’s head expand. She closed her lids, winding her own hips as she directed the spike into that greedy little mouth.

  Zol let out a cry as she felt the spine find and then breach his opening.

  She eagerly lowered her body, the feeing of penetrating while being penetrated stealing everything but one thought from her mind.


  She felt her mate’s arms reach up and surround her, holding her steady as she begin to thrust.

  She opened her eyes to see Father caressing Zol’s face and chest, pinching at his swollen nipples, caressing his stomach.; easing him into the trusting upwards motion that caused his cock to engulf her spine fully.


  That single gasp left his lips before his eyes glazed over once more.

  He slammed up sharply, filling Star to the fullest, making her growl as she felt herself sucked into the tightest hottest space she had ever felt.

  Slowly they began, moving in shallow thrusts, their partners holding them steady as the new knot in her body started to twist and turn.

  Tears ran down her face and her arm went backwards around Zen’s neck, tangling in his dark red hair.

  They moved, all four of them, together, sharing the feelings that zinged through them, strengthening their bond, creating a loving atmosphere for the eggs that would soon fertilize.

  Star tried to move fast, to drown in the sensations, but Zen kept her controlled.

  They reached a faster rhythm that was wringing every drop of pleasure from both of their bodies.

  Sweat poured off the Quad, straining their bodies as the tension grew and grew until a flash of red power flooded them.

  “Zol! Zen! Ah!”

  Star’s head snapped back, Zol’s name rumbled from her lips. Her body snapped, the tension unraveling in a flash of fire, her walls clenching down on the cock deep inside her pussy, milking the one within her ass.

  Zol was thrashing beneath her, letting go of Father’s cock and screaming as his hips slammed upwards.

  Together, they exploded, sending powerful streams of energy through the bond, forcing the other pair to climax along with them.

  Zen roared as he buried his fingers in Star’s hair, his hips slamming like a piston finally as he exploded, sending his seed deep within her ass as she deposited her eggs deep within Zol.

  Father pulled out, his bellow drowning them all out as his cock sent spurt after spurt of his white, hot seed over the bodies between them, ,branding both Zol and Star with his essence, marking them both as belonging to him.

  Zol arched up, his body wiggling against the floor as his seed gushed from him, flooding Star and leaning down to run over his groin. His cock pulsed, the inner walls milking Star’s spine.

  Star moaned, shuddering as she felt her body being rent asunder by extreme force of her orgasm.

  Her inner walls clenched, her ass tinged, her muscles stiffened until she thought they would snap, and then they plunged her into a sea of white-hot ecstasy.

  After some moments, Zen slowly pulled out, his hands round Star’s waist holding her steady.

  Father pressed a hand to her stomach, smiling as he felt the tight muscles release.

  “You can pull her off now, slowly,” he admonished as Zen very carefully lifted his bonded from the body of his secondary beta.

  Star tried to lift her head, to move any part of her body, but all she could do was whine softly.

  She looked over to see Father lovingly lift Zol and rise to his feet.

  As if they came to some silent understanding, both Alpha’s moved their betas onto a shared pile of pillows, snuggling them together and crowding in behind them.

  “Wash tomorrow.” Father sifted, closing his eyes and burying his face in Zol’s damp black hair. He pressed his palm to his mate’s stomach and smiled.

  “Tomorrow,” Zen agreed, as he snuggled in behind Star, ignoring his seed that leaked from her rear and pressing his own palm against her stomach.

  Star snuggled closer to Zol, suddenly feeing very close to the contrary male.

  They had just shared something beautiful, something that not everyone was blessed by the Ghods to experience.

  A small smile crossed her lips as Zol leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to them.

  “An egg.” He grinned. “Soon we will have an egg.”

  “Babies,” Star whispered, yawing as the soreness in her body made her aware that this wasn’t a dream. “Little babies, Zol.”

  Then sleep was taking her, sinking her into its warm soft depths.

  Babies, she thought again. Her world was perfect…if it wasn’t for the idiot trying to kill her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Star was glowing…literally. And it wasn’t a look that she was too fond of.

  Since the successful completion of her mating right, she and Zol had begun to emit a soft golden glow that encased their whole beings.

  Zol strutted about now, running his fingers along his arms, smiling secretly as he stared at Father, enjoying every moment of the coddling offered from the big red-eyed male.

  Star, on the other hand, was still quite a bit dazed and confused as to how it had all come about.

  The shared sex with Zol, the resulting orgasm that had stolen her senses as well as her consciousness had been almost too much pleasure to bear.

  And to wake up, cured and content in a huge pile of male flesh, well that was delightful and filled her with contentment that she had only dreamed of.

  Yet now that the afterglow had begun to fade and the darkness of night had given way to the light of dawn, Star found that the joy was fading and she was incredibly frightened.

  What did she know about being a mother anyway? She never had a mother of her own, so how would that affect their children? What if she was a bad mother? What if something happened to the babies? What if she lost one? What if she injured them or misplaced one of them, or if they hated her? Would she get big and fat and unlovable? What if the male trying to kill her came back? What if…?

  “We will never abandon you.”

  Star gave a little lurch in her mate’s arms, his voice startling her out of her silent musings.

  “You can hear that?”

  “Our bond thrums with your anxiety,” Zen whispered, cuddling her closer, spooning his large body behind hers. “I can feel what you feel, Star, when our mate bond is fully open.”

  “I never knew,” she answered, pulling his arms tighter around her before sighing deeply and closing her eyes, releasing some of her tension and settling closer to her love. “Does this mean that every moment of every day you can feel me?”

  “No.” Zen buried his face in her electric blue curls. “I have the ability to manipulate the bond a little on my end. I partially close it during the days so that you won’t feel the pain I suffer when we train or the erratic emotions that goes with my occupation. I don’t want you to worry about me, so I try to keep my side under control.”

  “But you can still feel me, he
ar me?”

  “Yes, feel you and your emotions. I have been staying close to the Weir and not venturing out for hunting or patrol these past few weeks. I want to be able to get to you quickly if something should happen. But as for hearing you, I can only hear you if you directly project to me. You are good at projecting when you are scared or frightened, and I am grateful for that. I like being the first one you think of when you become uncertain.”

  „You like the ego boost?’ she chuckled mentally, wiggling her butt against the warm cock that lay neatly in her real cleft.

  “No,” he sent back. “I like being the one you turn to for safety. I like being the one you need most. I like being needed by you, Star, as you are one of the few things in this life that gives this life meaning,” he finished aloud.

  Star felt her eyes burn as his words flowed over her and settled deep within her heart.

  “Do you not know that I love you, Star?” he asked, dropping small kisses along her neck, lapping at her ear. “How can you not know that you are akin to the very air I breathe?”

  “I…I don’t know” she sniffed. “A lot has been happening, Zen. We’ve been mated and my family is dead, and someone wants me dead…. I think I’m scared.”

  “You would be a fool not to be afraid.” He laid one more kiss on her neck before he shifted backwards and turned her to face him.

  Her hands reached up to caress his face, her eyes wet with unshed tears. He cupped her face between his hands and drew her into a soft delicate kiss.

  “It is just our nature to fear what we do not understand,” he explained softly, running his thumbs along her cheek before he pulled her into another small kiss. “And there is no shame in that, lover. And I, um, must confess that I find myself…Curse on it, Star, I am afraid, too.” A blush suffused his cheeks and he lowered his eyes, ashamed of his confession.

  “You?” Star asked, eyes wide as she stared at her mate’s pale skin.

  “Me,” he whispered softly before pulling her closer, burying her face in his neck and sinking his nose into her hair. “I keep thinking, what if I curse my son with my pale skin and odd red hair? What if I am not good enough to be a Sire? What if I never find the one who is threatening you? What if the Royals decide that you must be amongst them, or if the players in this game decide that you belong with someone who does not have tainted…? What if I never find the one seeking to harm you?” He paused, pulling back to look into her softly glowing eyes. “What if you stop loving me?”

  Star’s mouth fell open as she stared at her bonded. How could he, such a beautiful and commanding male have these questions in his heart? For they were heartfelt; she could feel their sincerity through their bond, which was now wide open and receptive to her. He didn’t want her to have any doubts about how much

  he cared for…. No, he didn’t want her to have any doubts about how much he loved her.

  Her fears melted a little.

  “I could never stop wanting you,” she whispered. “You are all and everything to me. You are what I needed even before I knew what it was that I hungered for. You are my heart, Zenxian. You rescued me; you saved me in more ways than I could count. You gave me a family, a Quad, and now you have given me a wonderful gift. If I am uncertain, I believe, that it is because I am afraid that I will fail you, that I will not live up to your expectations. After all, I was reared human and have no idea of how to behave or what to do…. I mean, Zen, it took me falling off an arch to get me to realize that I have talons for a reason. And I am still afraid of heights. Can you see me allowing any child of mine to go near an open window? And I know that they are in no danger in my head, but my heart…I fear that my heart will always be too human and that you will begin to despise me for it.”

  “I could never despise you, Star. It would be like despising my own arm, or my wings. You are a part of me. Nothing will ever destroy that. I would leave with you, descend to the earth and live amongst the humans for you. And I am sure that Father and Zol feel the same way. You may not have had a huge need of me these past few weeks while your body was developing to its fullest potential, but I know that I am first in your mind and in your thoughts, in your heart.”

  “How…how do you…How can you tell?”

  “I may have my shields in place to prevent you from experiencing my most terrible emotions, Star. But you have no knowledge of how to manipulate the shields. Your emotions are strong and open to me.”

  He had to have felt her every emotion from her anger to the humor she felt in baiting Zol, to the heart stopping fear she felt when she fell from the arch. And what was even more shocking, he not only felt them, but he had to have experienced them, as well.

  “I’m so sorry,” she stammered. “You will teach me how to shut it down, Zen? You can’t go on feeling everything that I feel, every emotion….”


  His shout almost woke the other pair who rested not far from her. He closed his eyes, gaining control again and Star felt his flair of anxiety, and instantly understood the reason behind it.

  “No,” he went on softer. “I live to experience what you do, Star. It keeps me connected to you in every way. I can monitor you and be assured of your happiness and your safety. I revel in your emotions. I want to experience them all. I love you! I want you and every part of you. I not only want the happy emotions that you send to me when all is well in your existence. I need to know the full you, to share in your sadness and your anger, as well. They sustain me, Star, when I cannot be by your side. Please, please don’t take that away from me.” His eyes were piecing, that golden color almost molten.

  “I…I didn’t know.” The fullness and complexity of his emotions flooded her at once.

  The news got out after their first trip to the bathhouse. When the four entered, there was a hush that almost sent Star reeling to the safety of her mate’s strong arms.

  Zaz was the first to encounter them, and the Prince was all Dragonish grins.

  “So you were successful,” he purred, the bulk of his huge body nearly quivering with delight. He leaned down low, pressing his massive face close to her body, his golden eyes sparkling in excitement. “And your glow is beautiful!”

  “It shows that the babe is healthy,” Keria giggled as she moved beside her mate. “Your glow is strong and sure.”

  “I…uh, thank you,” Star stammered as the talkative female moved closer.

  “It will be a beautiful boy…despite….” She looked up at Zen and gave him a sickly grin.

  “Despite?” Zol snapped, moving up beside his secondary partner. “Despite what? Despite being connected to both the old and new royal houses?” he grumbled standing before Star, his glow nearly burning as bright as the noon day sun.

  “Rein it in.” Father rolled his eyes, stepping up and touching his mate on the arm. “Keria meant no offense.”

  “Of course I didn’t” Keria blushed as she stepped backwards, for once, nearly hiding behind the prince.

  “Well you have a piss poor way of showing it,” Star grumbled, not wanting to let go of her sudden anger. It kind of felt good. She had felt the shaft of pain that Zen felt, felt the shame and the need to hide his emotions as her words cut him to the core. She also felt his depressed assessment of the situation. After years of hearing the same thing, he was nearly immune to the slurs, but they still hurt.

  “And you have insulted me. Married to the Royal House or no, insult any member of my Quad again and I will have your ass strung out for the scab!” Zol was nearly red in the face with his anger. He felt Zen’s pain to a degree and was not amused.

  “Zol!” Zen tried to sooth the black haired dragon. “That’s enough. I am sure that Keria didn’t even pay attention to the words she uttered. It is a common sentiment.”

  “That don’t make it right!” Zol and Star bellowed together, looking like a pissed off pair of warriors who were being denied their target.

  They turned to stare at each other, shock evident on their faces, before tu
rning to glare at Keria.

  “I humbly apologize,” Zaz spoke graciously, before there was a puff of smoke and the human Zazolm stood before them. “I can feel Keria’s emotions and she really had no intent to harm, especially not on this joyous occasion. What can the Royal House do to make up for this trespass?” He spoke to Father, but his eyes were on the carrying secondary pairs.

  The whole bathhouse, as usual, seemed to be listening in and waited with baited breath to see and hear what would be demanded of the Royals.

  Star sighed, shaking her head as the sincerity of the apology from the prince almost moved her to tears. From furious anger to sympathetic tears in seconds, Star thought, sighing deeply. Damn mood swings.

  “There is nothing,” Father began, but Zol cut him off.

  “Oh I don’t think so, cousin!” He moved closer to the golden haired, golden-eyed dragon and stuck his face right into the Royals. When standing next to each other so closely, the familiar resemblance was clear, though Zaz seemed to be larger and radiated more calmness and patience. “You owe me big for your mate’s loose teeth!”

  “I didn’t mean…” Keria started, but Zol cut her off.

  “Shut up! I mean it. I love you, Keria, like a sister, but if you open your mouth again, I will declare a feud that none since the original Sky Dragons took to the heavens to flee the Earthen Dragonish have seen!”

  “Zol!” Father reprimanded him, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around his mate, pulling him back from Zaz. “That is quite enough.”

  “No, it’s not!” Zol argued, tears welling up in his eyes. “It is never enough when family turns on family!”

  “Zol,” Zen trilled softly. “No insult was intended. Keri was just repeating the ideals that have held our people true for so many years. I know my appearance is not considered attractive—”

  “So it shows that at one time the Earth and the Sky Dragonish existed as one. Why is that lesson such a painful one to comprehend? We were one before the schism that separated us and your appearance only proves that! But enough is enough!” Zol was nearly screaming by this time, his glow blazing as he visibly struggled with his emotions.


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