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The River Valley Series

Page 64

by Tess Thompson

  “How can you be so sure about that?”

  “A DNA test will prove it wasn’t Ben. That’s simple enough.” She crossed her legs under the table, feeling the soreness from being with a man after a long time without sex. There was no way Ben had raped Tiffany. She felt hopeful suddenly. A DNA test would absolve him. Surely Carrot Cop knew this? “Can I get a Diet Coke? My head feels like it’s going to explode.”

  “In a minute. I have a few more questions. Was Mr. Fleck acting strangely when he arrived home?”

  “No. He was tired, that’s all.”

  “And did you have sex?”

  “Again, how is this relevant to Tiffany?”

  “Again, I ask the questions. You answer them.” He spoke to her as if she were a dull-witted child.

  She stifled her first response, which was to say, yeah, dirty, hot sex the likes of which you will never have, but instead she said only, “Yes.”

  Carrot Cop got up from the table and headed toward the door. “Hold on. I’ll get you that soda.”

  Halleluiah. Caffeine. Bella went to the window, looking down at the street below. Echo Grove was another sleepy town, thirty minutes north of River Valley but part of the same county. It was nestled in a valley as well, big in comparison to River Valley’s population of 1,420, with a population of just over 15,000. Neither of the two towns was prepared for the momentous size of this story, she thought. The number of people from the press that would invade these quiet communities would be unfathomable. She could only imagine what ridiculous theories the tabloids would invent. Bella thought of the film. Would Graham and Richard continue production?

  It was unlikely Richard or Graham would want to stop filming. Tiffany had only filmed one scene in the time they’d spent on the movie thus far. With only two days’ worth of work, she could easily be replaced. This was Hollywood. Famous one minute, dead the next. No one would care but the fans. As Hitchcock used to say, the actors and actresses were just talent, interchangeable on any given day in Hollywood.

  Carrot Cop walked back in and set a can of Diet Coke on the table. “I think we’re done here but we still have some questions for your boyfriend. You can wait in the lobby.”

  Chapter 7

  Bella sat on a bench in the hallway of the station while they kept Ben for several more hours. Around three o’clock in the afternoon he was released from questioning. His usually clean-shaven face was scruffy and his eyes blood-shot. “They wouldn’t give me anything to eat. I feel weak,” he said, falling into her arms.

  “I got something for you.” She guided him onto the bench and then rummaged inside her bag for the cheese and turkey sandwich she’d bought for him from the vending machine. “Was it awful?”

  “Yeah, pretty much.” He bit into the sandwich, chewing quickly before taking another bite. “They kept going over the same stuff again and again, like they were trying to trip me up.”

  He finished the sandwich in five bites. “Thanks for this. How are we getting home?”

  “Drake and Annie are on their way.”

  He turned to her, taking her hand. “How long did they question you?”

  “A couple of hours. Several intense hours.”

  “Bella, I’m scared. They think I did this.”

  “It’s all right.” She lowered her voice. “Listen, did they tell you she was raped?”

  “What? No.” He looked startled and then a look of comprehension crossed his face. “They were trying to get me to admit to that. They asked me a dozen times if I’d slept with her. I told them there was no way that girl was capable of having sex the way she was when I left her. She was totally out of it. Not to mention it’s not exactly sexy to get puked on.” His eyes darted to her face. “You know I didn’t do this, right?”

  “Of course I do.” She put her hand on his knee. “But this is good news. Because they’ll be able to do a DNA test and prove it isn’t your sperm.”

  Something like relief crossed his face. “You’re right. And that’ll clear me.” He paused. “I guess. There are still ways they could pin it on me though. These small town cops scare me and I have the distinct feeling they’re crooked.”

  “I agree. I didn’t want to say it out loud but I’m afraid you’re right.” She rose from the bench and started pacing. “You said Tiffany was talking crazy in the car. Do you remember what she said?”

  He looked at her. “Yeah. I told the cops this too. She was talking about some married guy she was sleeping with. I got the impression she was talking about the director.”

  Bella felt shock, right in the middle of her chest. “That’s impossible. Richard’s a family guy. He and his wife have like a million kids, all adopted. He’s not the type to sleep with one of his actresses. Especially not one like Tiffany.”

  “She said it was someone powerful who had a lot of influence over her career and that she didn’t even like him but that she felt like she had to keep sleeping with him. Then she started crying and carrying on and I was scrambling to find some tissue in my glove box and it was pouring down rain and all I could think of was getting to you.” His voice broke on this last part. “Bella, this is a nightmare.” He put his hands on his knees, gazing at the floor. “If they arrest me for this I could lose my job. I’ll never recover even if it’s proven I didn’t do it.”

  She kneeled beside him, the stone floor cold through her jeans. “It’s not going to get to that.” An image came to her of Tiffany that day on the swing. They’d talked about Graham. Someone powerful who had a lot of influence over her career? It had to be Graham. Had he raped her? Was he capable of this?

  Ben raised his head, peering into her eyes. “You won’t run away, will you?”

  “I promised you last night I wouldn’t and I won’t. This will be over before you know it.” She perched between his legs and kissed him on the mouth, gently, before wrapping her arms around his neck. They were in this embrace when they heard footsteps coming down the hall. It was Genevieve and Stefan.

  Stefan had his arm around Gennie, their gazes on the floor, talking quietly. Bella stood, calling out to them.

  “Oh, guys, we’re so glad to see you,” said Gennie. “We’ve been worried sick. They called us in around noon and before that I was frantically texting you, Bella.”

  “I’m sorry. I left my cell phone in the guesthouse. They brought us here in the cop car and I forgot to grab it,” said Bella. “We’ve been here ever since.”

  Ben was on his feet now as well. Stefan reached out to shake his hand. “Quite a thing,” said Stefan.

  Bella watched him closely for signs of suspicion. Stefan and Gennie barely knew Ben. Would they think he did this? But she read nothing but sympathy on Stefan’s face.

  Genevieve put her arm around Bella’s waist. “We want you guys to know we told them the absolute truth about everything that happened at the bar last night. In detail. Like actors do.”

  “Thanks,” said Ben, “I appreciate it.” But his eyes were dull.

  Stefan patted Ben’s shoulder. “Hey, this is going to be fine. They’ll figure out who did this soon enough and you can put this behind you.”

  “No good deed goes unpunished,” said Ben in a way that Bella knew was supposed to be funny but came out hollow.

  Just then, Drake and Annie came down the hall, walking fast, looking like two worried parents after a playground accident. “Oh, thank God, you’re out of there,” said Annie, reaching for Bella and pulling her into a hug. “What did they do to you guys?” She turned to Drake. “This is absolutely ridiculous. How could they keep them in there all day?”

  Drake embraced Ben. Next to her brother, he looked smaller than he had the day before, despite the fact that he and Drake were around the same height and build. “Don’t worry, I’ll hire the best attorney we can find if this goes any further.”

  “I’m freaked, man. Really freaked,” said Ben. “These cops seem dirty.”

  “I know. They’re eager to arrest someone and look like heroes, regard
less of evidence.” Drake’s eyes were steely and determined. Bella felt less afraid in his company. Her big brother would make sure nothing happened to Ben. “I called Peter Ball this afternoon. He’s going to take a week off and come down.”

  Ben’s shoulders relaxed. “No way? Peter’s doing that for me?”

  “Yeah,” answered Drake. “He wants to help. Anyone who knows you knows there’s no way you did this.”

  “And Bella, the craziest thing? He already knew about the murder,” said Annie.

  “From the news?” asked Genevieve.

  “No, because Graham Rouse had already called Cleo Tanner’s agent about replacing Tiffany,” said Annie.

  “Holy crap, that was fast,” said Bella. “Even for Hollywood.” Peter’s wife, Cleo, was a former actress and had attended USC with Graham Rouse. Cleo had auditioned for the part in Stone River at Graham’s urging but hadn’t gotten the part because Richard had given it to Tiffany.

  “Rouse. Rhymes with louse,” said Annie, almost under her breath.

  Bella looked over at Genevieve. “Couldn’t Graham have let poor Sabrina bury her sister first? Talk about lack of sensitivity.”

  “You know how it is, Bella,” said Stefan. “They’re only worried about the budget.”

  “The show must go on and all that,” added Gennie with tears in her eyes. “I can’t stop thinking about Sabrina. Tiffany was her whole life. They have no other family that I know of. I called her three times already but she’s not picking up the phone. I wanted to offer to pay for the funeral, you know, considering what you told me about their finances.”

  “Sabrina told me last night they’re broke,” said Bella to the others. “The drugs and careless living, you know…” she trailed off. Nothing more needed to be said than that. They all understood.

  She glanced up at Ben. His eyes were lidded and cold. It was hearing talk of Graham, she realized with a start. Already Graham was so much a part of her past that she forgot it would bother him. She slipped her hand into his and rested her head on his arm.

  It occurred to her then that Annie should be at the restaurant already. “Why aren’t you at work?”

  “Billy’s got it covered.” Annie put her arm on Ben. “The gang at the restaurant’s ready to stand behind you. Tommy and Lee said they would help however they can.” Annie motioned toward the exit. “Come on. Let’s go home. Peter and Cleo are supposed to arrive in an hour or so. They flew down from Seattle and Drake sent a car to the airport. I’ll make dinner and we can talk about what to do next. Stefan and Genevieve, won’t you join us?”

  “That would be lovely,” said Gennie. “Or, it would be for me, if it’s okay with you, Stefan?”

  “Whatever you want,” said Stefan, softly. Adoring, thought Bella. That was the only way to describe how the man was looking at Gennie.

  Chapter 8

  Once home at Drake’s, Ben and Bella, both grimy, went to their separate quarters to get cleaned up, leaving Gennie and Stefan in the kitchen with Annie and Drake.

  After Bella was showered and dressed in clean jeans and a sweater, she heard a knock on the door. She figured it was Ben but it was Annie, bringing a plate of cheese and bread. “Thought you might need a snack before dinner.”

  “You know me too well.”

  Annie, smiling, set the plate on the table between the soft chairs by the gas fireplace. “What happened with you and Ben last night?” She sat, munching on a cracker.

  Bella sat across from her, grabbing a piece of cheese—it was white and soft, Havarti, locally made, probably—and a chunk of bread. “We agreed to try. Hard. You know, to figure out what this is between us.” She paused, putting her piece of bread and cheese back on the platter. “Annie, I know how it looks, but he didn’t do this. I know him in a way that belies how long we’ve actually known one another.”

  “Honey, I know. He’s been living with us for three months. We know him too.” She tucked her legs under her. “I just want to say one thing.”

  Bella laughed. “Oh, here it comes. What?”

  “He’s vulnerable in a way a man never wants to be. You have to stick by him for real. Like dig deep and figure out how to support him through this. It could get ugly.”

  Bella looked at Annie for a long moment, trying to think of how to describe this feeling of inevitability, of destiny that was Ben. “I get it.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yeah, no flighty stuff, or selfish stuff. No being self-centered and immature and reckless. You know, no being me.”

  This time Annie laughed. “That’s not who you really are, but yeah, that.”

  “I’ll show you you’re not wrong about me, Annie. I made him a promise.”

  “Good girl. Now eat something.”

  Bella smiled mischievously. “I bet you never thought you’d have to say that to me.”

  After Annie left, Bella dried her hair and put on a little makeup before heading to the kitchen. Annie and Drake were chatting with Gennie and Stefan like they’d known one another for years. Annie’s pretty face was flushed and glowing as she stood at the stove making some kind of reduction sauce the color of burgundy wine. Stefan and Gennie sat at the kitchen counter nibbling on rosemary bread dipped in olive oil and sipping white wine.

  Drake, opening a bottle of red wine, made eye contact with Bella. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” She glanced toward the other end of the house. “Hey, where’s Alder?”

  “He’s with Ellen tonight,” said Annie. Ellen was Lee’s grandmother and Alder’s caretaker when Annie was at work. “We thought it best if we could talk about all this without him here. I’m grateful he was at school when the police came. He’ll be scared to think Ben’s in trouble. They’ve grown tight the last couple of months.”

  “Sweetheart, speaking of tight with Ben, did you call Mike?” asked Drake.

  Annie, spoon in air, nodded yes. “He said to tell Ben to lawyer up.”

  “Peter Ball will help us figure out who really did this,” said Drake.

  There was the sound of a car coming up the driveway. “I bet that’s Peter and Cleo now,” said Annie.

  Bella’s impression of Peter Ball and Cleo Tanner remained intact. They were like an advertisement for athletic clothing with their honey-hued hair and glowing skin and muscular physiques. Cleo’s refined, even features and a long patrician neck made Bella think of old Hollywood, like the actresses Richard’s mother had so admired, Grace Kelly or Tippi Hedren, delicate and dewy. All of which would be a beautiful contrast on-screen to the sultry and sensual Gennie with her dark hair and olive complexion.

  After drinks and introductions were made, they all feasted on a dinner of pork loin with port sauce over mashed potatoes, one of Ben’s favorites, of which he ate little. Afterward, Annie took Gennie, Stefan, and Cleo out to the front room for a nightcap while Peter, Drake, Ben, and Bella met in the kitchen around the table near the window. It was dark out, drops of rain sliding down the glass, wind rustling the trees. A storm coming in, thought Bella. How appropriate.

  Peter sat at one end of the table, Ben the other, with Bella perched on the windowsill. Drake paced between the stove and the table, listening.

  “Who were the men following Tiffany in the parking lot? This seems to me to be the first question,” said Bella.

  “I agree,” said Drake, stopping and leaning against the pantry door.

  “Tell us what they looked like, Ben,” said Bella. “Actually, tell us everything.”

  Peter chuckled. “Bella, I’m supposed to be the cop here.”

  “Oh, sorry. Of course,” said Bella, flushing.

  Peter ran his hand through his blond, wavy hair. He was nice-looking but the way his eyes seemed to focus and drill into you was somewhat disconcerting and made Bella feel like she wanted to confess to every past sin. “That’s fine. I left my partner Brent at home so you’ll have to help me out. And, she’s right,” said Peter to Ben, taking out a small notepad from the pocket of his suit jacket. �
�Tell us about the two men.”

  Ben looked up at the ceiling, the way people did when they were trying to recall something accurately. “Lefty’s is at the first stoplight, Peter, coming into town, and I was waiting for it to turn green and happened to glance over at Lefty’s. There were two men in suits standing under the awning outside the front entrance, looking like they were waiting for someone. I found it odd, given Lefty’s usual clientele.”

  “You found what odd?” asked Peter.

  “The suits. But then I figured they were associated with the film.”

  Peter nodded, jotting something down in his notebook. “What happened next?”

  “Just then Tiffany came out the front door, wobbly in these ridiculous high-heels, given the mud in the parking lot, and a tight dress that looked hard to walk in. I recognized her, obviously, from the movies.”

  “What color dress?”


  “Go on.”

  “She kind of stumbled down the steps and into the parking lot and the men followed her. I don’t know why, but my radar went up. Without thinking, I veered into the parking lot and found a spot next to Tiffany’s car, just as she was trying to unlock it. I rolled down my window and looked both men square in the face. I said, ‘You two need something?’ I don’t know what got into me, honestly, but like I said, something about them seemed dangerous. Anyway, they didn’t answer me, just turned away and went back inside the tavern. I was prepared to wait, just to make sure she got into her car okay until I realized she was hammered.”

  “Was there any indication that Tiffany recognized these men?”

  “No way. She walked right past them. If she’d been afraid I’m sure she would’ve turned around and gone inside.”

  Peter twirled his pen on the table, almost absently, watching Ben. “Go on.”

  “She kept pushing the button on her key, pumping her arm up and down like it was broken. But it must have been the lock button instead of the unlock button.”


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