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Klingon Hearts 03 Secrets - What We Choose to Hide

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by Tracy Sobieski

  This is the third story in the 'Klingon Hearts' series. Set in the 6th season of the show, a couple of months after Pathfinder. B'Elanna has kept a secret from Tom and the rest of her shipmates.

  While I own the story--these characters and Voyager are owned by Paramount and Viacom, Inc. It should be noted that this story was written for fun and not profit. However, after posting this story on a friends egroup writing list, I was -overwhelmed- by the response of the people at the Star Trek Voyager Newsgroup. After repeated requests I decided to convert the story to tele-play format and submit the script to Voyager. That slightly altered story was written in hopes the show would use it.

  I would also like to thank several people who pointed out typo's and other errors: Wulf, Kevin, Sebastian, Jodi, Jim, Greg, and anyone else I may have forgotten.

  Wulf, I am dedicating this story to you. I would never have let -anyone- read it, much less post it on the web without your support and encouragement. Your proof-reading and suggestions made this a story I can be proud of. It is my pleasure to call you 'friend'.

  Klingon Hearts

  Secrets--What We Choose to Hide

  by: Tracy L. Sobieski

  Tom Paris rolled over in bed and spied the empty pillow next to him. It still bore the indentation of her head. He grimaced and sat up. The quarters were quiet.

  "Computer, time,” he requested.

  "Time is 04:38 hours and :29 seconds."

  "Computer, locate B'Elanna Torres.” There was a touch of anger and exasperation in his voice.

  "B'Elanna Torres is in engineering." Tom echoed the computer simultaneously. "As if I needed to ask."

  Tom couldn't remember the last time they had awakened together. Even though they worked the same duty shifts, B'Elanna was up and in engineering before 05:00 every day.

  He knew he was just feeling sorry for himself, but sometimes he felt her devotion to the ship rivaled her love for him.

  He pulled himself out of bed and jumped into the sonic shower. Maybe he could earn some brownie points with Chakotay if he showed up an hour early for his shift.

  Twenty minutes later Tom walked onto the bridge. Captain Janeway and Chakotay were quietly discussing some repair and maintenance schedules. They looked up in surprise.

  "I see some of our Chief Engineer's better habits are rubbing off on you," the Captain said with a grin.

  "Yes, ma'am,” replied the ship's pilot with eyes flashing and a devilish smile.

  Tom took his seat at the helm, as the two senior officers chuckled behind him.


  In engineering, B'Elanna and Seven of Nine worked together on the plasma vent for the warp core.

  "Seven, reroute vent control through the secondary conduit while I repair this micro-fracture,” the Chief Engineer instructed.

  "Rerouting systems. The secondary conduit will not close. Attempting to override. Unsuccessful."

  Seven's hands moved almost frantically, trying to diffuse the rapidly worsening situation.

  "Forget it, route it back through the primary system!" B'Elanna yelled. The plasma was building up and could cause a rupture at any minute.

  Alarm klaxons blared.

  "Warning. Plasma temperature at 2.2 million degrees Kelvin and rising,” the computer cautioned.

  "Routing through primary system." Seven replied.

  "Warning. Plasma temperature at 2.8 million degrees Kelvin and rising."

  "The fracture is widening from the pressure. I'm going to try to reinforce the conduit with a force field." B'Elanna worked side by side with Seven, attempting to avoid disaster.

  "Warning. Plasma temperature at 3.2 million degrees Kelvin and rising."

  "It's not working, I'm shutting down the warp core. Seven, get away from that console!"

  "Warning. Plasma temperature has exceeded the acceptable tolerance level."

  "EVERYBODY OUT, NOW!" yelled B'Elanna. She knew the explosion would be severe. "NOW, SEVEN!"

  B'Elanna grabbed the borg's arm and pulled her away from the console just as the vent conduit exploded. Bearing the brunt of the explosion, B'Elanna was thrown directly into the bulkhead. Seven and several other crew members were tossed in various directions.


  "Report!" Captain Janeway looked to Ensign Kim.

  "Engineering is reporting an explosion and numerous injuries,” was his reply.

  "Tom, get down to Sick-Bay, the Doctor will need help,” Chakotay ordered.

  Ensign Paris was in the turbolift before the order was finished.

  "Janeway to Torres. What happened?"

  "Lt. Torres is in Sick-Bay,” came Seven's reply. "We had a plasma conduit fracture. The explosion injured Lt. Torres and several others. She was able to shut down the warp core before the breach. Damage is limited to the venting system. We are making repairs."

  "I'm sending Ensign Kim to assist you with the repairs. Janeway out."


  Tom arrived in Sick-Bay and was stunned at the scene. At least 8 people were scattered about. Some on bio-beds and some just standing around waiting to be helped.

  "Mr. Paris, if you please. I need help triaging these patients."

  "Sorry Doc,” Tom said as he grabbed a medical tricorder. He noticed B'Elanna helping Ensign Dimato to a bio-bed and headed towards her.

  She held up her hand and said, "I'm fine. Help the others."

  Tom wasn't so sure it was true, but knew better than to argue with her.

  As he proceeded to treat the various broken bones and concussions of the other crew members, B'Elanna assisted him with some of the more minor injuries. The Doctor was busy working on Lt. Carey, who was the most seriously injured. A severe skull fracture that was going to require surgery. Ensign Wildman had arrived to assist him, as Tom was needed to treat the others.

  Some time later, Tom was just about to use the dermal regenerator to heal the plasma burns on the last of B'Elanna's ensigns when he glanced over to find her leaning against a bio-bed. One of her arms cradled her abdomen and the other clung to the bed for support. He caught her just as she lost consciousness.

  "Stubborn Klingon,” he cursed as he laid her back on the bed.

  Grabbing his dropped tricorder he began scanning her vital signs.

  "Doc!" When he saw her blood pressure he started to panic.

  "I'm a little busy at the moment, Mr. Paris. Read the scan aloud, I will assist you verbally,” was his reply.

  "Her blood pressure is really low."

  "Please assess her injuries, Mr. Paris." He was starting to get impatient with Tom.

  Tom started the tricorder reading, holding the device over her head.

  "Moderate concussion,” his hand moved over her chest.

  "Fractured left clavicle,” he moved lower.

  "Fractured 3rd, 4th, and 5th left ribs,” lower he went.

  "Hairline fracture to pelvis,” his hand stopped and shook. He stared at the reading in total disbelief.

  "Dear God,” he whispered in shock, this wasn't possible. "She's pregnant,” the Doctor's eyes met his own. "There's a Placental Abruption."

  When the placenta separated from the uterine wall it was life threatening to the mother and child. He wasn't qualified to treat this. Fear began rising like a tide in his chest.

  "Mr. Paris, take over here. You can handle the rest of Mr. Carrey's injuries." The Doctor ordered as he hurried away from the main bio-bed, headed toward B'Elanna.

  "This can't be happening,” whispered Tom.

  Ensign Wildman followed the Doctor over with the cart of instruments. The Doctor assessed the damage quickly, knowing time was a pre
cious commodity. He hoped it wasn't already too late. Tom steadfastly stood beside his mate.

  "Mr. Paris, please, Lt. Carey needs you." The Doctor reminded him gently.

  Reluctantly Tom left her and moved to the main bio-bed.

  The Doctor worked furiously. Not even taking the time to ask for instruments, instead just grabbing them from the cart himself. Sick-Bay was eerily quiet. It was quite some time before he spoke.

  "I take it you did not know of the pregnancy, Mr. Paris," the Doctor asked, grimly.

  "She didn't tell me anything,” replied Tom, vacantly. He used the knitter to heal Lt. Carey's broken bones as the Doctor worked on B'Elanna. He was in a state of shock. Not really aware of what he was doing.

  "Well I wish I had known. I am the Chief Medical Officer. I need to be informed of these things. She should have been treated immediately. She is lucky I am the accomplished physician that I am." Even though he sounded furious, Tom suspected it was concern that made him so angry.

  "Maybe she didn't know,” said Tom, desperately wanting to believe it.

  "Lt. Torres is 19 weeks pregnant. Well into her second trimester. It would be almost impossible for her not to know,” stated the Doctor.

  Tom reeled at the information. Four and 1/2 months, and she didn't tell him! They lived in the same quarters, shared the same bed. How could she not say anything? *How could you not notice* a little voice berated him.

  "How is this possible? I didn't miss a contraceptive booster. She doesn't even look pregnant, for crying out loud! How can she be 4 1/2 months along?" He asked the Doctor.

  "I'm not sure about the booster, Mr. Paris,” the Doctor spoke calmly to try and settle down the agitated man, “but I remember a damaged hypo-spray a couple of months ago. It is possible it was used to administer your booster before the malfunction was noticed. The fact that she doesn't look pregnant is hardly surprising. Klingon women carry their children deep within their pelvis, that, and their exceptionally strong musculature serve as protection to the baby. Remember, this species has adapted over the ages to thrive on combat. Keeping a pregnancy hidden and protected would be vital to their survival. Since she is half-human I would expect she will start showing later in her pregnancy."

  Tom laid a blanket over Joe after he had finished repairing his broken bones. He walked over to B'Elanna's bed as the doctor was activating the fetal monitor. He was relieved to see the baby's strong heartbeat.

  "How are they?" he asked quietly.

  "Both the baby and Ms. Torres will be just fine. I am going to keep her here overnight..." he answered but Tom had stalked out of Sick-Bay before he finished.


  Tom exited the turbo lift and took his seat at the conn with out a word to any of the bridge crew. Captain Janeway viewed him with curiosity.

  "Is everything under control in Sick-Bay, Mr. Paris?" Chakotay inquired.

  "Yes, sir,” came the terse reply, as he tapped the controls of the helm punctuating each word.

  Even Tuvok raised an eyebrow at the barely concealed rage in the young pilot's voice. The Captain got up from her chair:

  "I'll be in Sick-Bay, if anyone needs me."

  "Trying to find out what's going on,” she murmured to Chakotay, who had also risen from his chair.


  By the time the Captain reached the Doctor's office, most of the injured crew had been released to recover in their own quarters. Only Lt. Carrey and B'Elanna remained in Sick-Bay. The Doctor, working at his desk, looked up as she walked in.

  "Captain, I was just preparing my report."

  But she wasn't even listening to him. Her eyes were focused on B'Elanna's unconscious form. The fact that her helmsman was on the bridge when her engineer was lying in Sick-Bay, threw her for a loop. It was an accepted fact that when either one of them was seriously injured, the other would not leave their side. It had become a standing joke among the crew, considering how often one or the both of them ended up under the Doctor's care, that they were able to get any work done at all.

  "Is she all right?" Asked the Captain.

  "Lt. Torres will recover completely. I am merely keeping her here as a precaution,” stated the Doctor.

  "Would you happen to know why my Chief Helmsman is on the bridge abusing the conn panel, instead of holding vigil at her bedside as usual?"

  "I have a pretty good idea,” he said as he rose from his chair and rounded the desk.

  The Captain followed him out of the office as he went to check on Lt. Carey who had just awakened.

  "How are you feeling, Mr. Carey?" The Doctor asked as he checked his vitals.

  "All right. What happened?"

  "There was an explosion in engineering, you suffered a skull fracture. I had to operate to repair the damage. You will need to remain under observation in Sick-Bay for the next 24 hours."

  "Captain, was anyone else injured?" Joe asked.

  "Not seriously, Lieutenant. Get some rest,” she replied with a smile as she noticed how fatigued he was getting.

  "Yes, Captain,” and with that he fell back to sleep.

  "He won't be able to return to duty for at least 96 hours, maybe longer."

  The Captain nodded in agreement. Their voices awakened B'Elanna. They approached her bed as she began to stir. The Doctor ran the tricorder over her to check her vital signs. Her eyelids fluttered then snapped open.

  "What happened?" She asked, trying to sit up. The Doctor placed a firm hand on the center of her chest and pushed her back. The Captain saw sheer panic race across the face of her Chief Engineer. B'Elanna frantically grabbed at her abdomen. She closed her eyes and moaned in agony, a bone chilling half-human, half-klingon cry of pain.

  "Nooooooooooo, the baby!" Her eyes pleaded with the Doctor, "I lost the baby didn't I?"

  Captain Janeway looked at the Doctor in surprise.

  "Lieutenant, stop upsetting yourself so. The baby is just fine. Here, see for yourself." He handed the tricorder to her. B'Elanna carefully read over the readings.

  "Thank, Kahless,” she breathed.

  "However, Lt. Torres, I should have been notified -immediately- of your condition. Your delay of treatment could have resulted in a miscarriage. By the time the Placental Abruption was diagnosed it was almost too late." The Doctor lectured her.

  B'Elanna lost all color in her face as he spoke. "I didn't think I was hurt that bad,” she said quietly, still focusing on the tricorder.

  "Even minor injuries can harm a developing fetus,” his voice softened as he spoke. She nodded her bent head in understanding.

  "Mr. Paris was extremely worried about you,” he said gently.

  "He knows,” she stated more than asked, looking up once again to face the Doctor.

  "Yes, I was in surgery when you collapsed. He diagnosed your condition,” the Doctor replied.

  B'Elanna closed her eyes and fell back onto the pillow. How could he forgive her? She couldn't even begin to guess at his pain. The sheer horror at how he learned of the pregnancy ate away at her. Tears trickled from the corners of her eyes. Her breath caught in a sob.

  "B'Elanna,” the Captain said her name softly.

  "Captain, I didn't know you were here,” she said.

  Kathryn opened her arms and B'Elanna gratefully accepted the embrace. Dissolving into heart-rending sobs as her friend held her.


  Later that day, Tom sat at the conn, his mind in turmoil. Pregnant. Why hadn't she told him? Wasn't she going to keep the baby? If she was going to have any abortion, why had she waited so long? Was she angry with him, did she blame him? Did she think he would be angry with her? Only more questions, no answers.

  "Tom....Tom Paris....Ensign Kim to Ensign Paris." Harry was standing next to the turbo-lift doors, trying to get his attention.

  "What...oh, uh sorry, Harry. What did you say?"

  "I said, 'It's time for lunch', what's the matter with you?" Harry was concerned.

  "Nothing. Let's go." Tom replied as he stoo
d up and headed for the turbo-lift.

  Harry followed, glancing quickly at Chakotay who wore the same perplexed expression as the rest of the bridge crew. Something was definitely going on. Captain Janeway had said nothing when she had returned from Sick-Bay, she had only given Tom a rather enigmatic look before heading for her ready room. She hadn't emerged since.


  The mess hall buzzed with the lunchtime crowd when Tom and Harry arrived.


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