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First Bite is the Deepest: Dances With Werewolves Book Two

Page 10

by Nora Snowdon


  Three men in brown uniforms stared up into a tree at the small cougar silently cowering. Ella’s own odor of fear paralyzed him. One of the men raised a rifle slowly to his eye. Robert shook off his terror and charged forward. When he reached the men he hurtled himself into the air and clasped his jaw around the rifle barrel, praying he could avoid nicking the officer’s hand with his teeth. There was an odd whooshing sound as it fired. The gun rattled painfully in his jaw as he wrenched it from the man’s grasp.

  He held on to the weapon for life and sprinted in the opposite direction. Please, let that shot have missed her. The men hollered, but they didn’t take after him. Robert yelped and then limped to make them think they might have a hope of catching him and retrieving their rifle. That would give Ella enough time to escape and transition. If she hadn’t been hit. If she was wounded or dead, he didn’t think he could go on living himself.

  After he’d led them far enough away, he doubled back to his entry to the park and swiftly transitioned. He stashed the weapon in his trunk and then ran back to Ella’s tree. God it was slow and painful running in human form, but he’d be better able to help Ella if she needed him. He stopped to collect himself as he heard the park rangers hollering out orders. They seemed equally focused on catching the cougar as well as the wolf, so she must’ve managed to escape. Thank God!

  Now what? He obviously didn’t need to warn Ella about the park rangers anymore. He shivered, his nose still filled with the scent of her terror. That’s when the enormity of the situation hit him. They were now gunning for the rabid wolf that attacked them as well. He’d put his whole pack in danger. He needed to come clean to Lucas so they could alert the others.


  As I ran up my back steps I noticed yet another colorful gift bag sitting on my back porch. Crap! Whose sick idea was that? They’d first appeared soon after I started seeing Robert, but if they were from him as a gift, then he wouldn’t be still giving them to me after we parted. I didn’t think it couldn’t be any of Robert’s family; they seemed too nice. But maybe someone else in their pack? Wouldn’t they know by now that Robert had dumped me so I wasn’t a threat? I put the gift bag into a plastic shopping bag, tied it up and threw it out. Luckily no one from LoveLifeStyle ever trolled through my garbage. Maybe that was the one good thing about not seeing Robert, once again no one would ever give a damn what I did.

  Hell. A vision of the tall, gangly man raising the gun, his finger tightening on the trigger, flashed in my brain. Hmm, except I’d somehow gotten on the park rangers’ radar.

  My stomach churned. The cappuccino ice cream consumed in my pity party earlier was threatening to revisit. What had brought those men with guns to my park? Had the wolf pack ratted me out? His crazy mother? But then why would Robert have saved me?

  Whatever. The more important question was what would I do now? Move to a new city? I couldn’t not transition. Even if I wasn’t on a lunar cycle like Robert’s clan, I still couldn’t imagine being forever trapped in human form. My head reeled. I poured myself a glass of wine, trying to ignore my shaking hands. I’d never been that close to being captured before. I never heard how Robert got free—probably his family “adopted” him from the SPCA—but I would’ve been shipped off to languish in some horrid zoo for all eternity. And if I accidently transitioned there I’d probably land in some secret government lab for “testing.” That is if I survived the tranqs.

  I curled up under my bed, needing both the darkness and the true invisibility. Then I kept replaying the image of Robert flying through the air and grabbing the rifle. My knight in shining armor. Only trouble was, he hated who I was. A tear rolled down my cheek and dropped onto the carpet beneath me. Great. Another pity party, but this one without the ice cream.


  “No effing way!” Lucas stared at Robert in horror, his hand clasped over his mouth. “No wonder you made me swear not to tell. But are you sure? A werecougar? That sounds like something out of a trashy horror movie. ‘Sharknado Meets the Werecougar on Elm Street!’ or something.” He sat stiffly in the brown suede chair and sipped his beer. Even in his own house, Lucas looked like a visitor.

  Robert stood by the fireplace, his fingertips drumming on the mantelpiece. Too agitated to sit, he barely restrained himself from pacing. “I saw her transition. I thought she was going to be a beautiful wolf and next thing I know, her head’s too small, fur’s too short and her build was all wrong. I almost threw up.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t. But so she’s the one attacking pets?”

  “No. It’s her mate. I haven’t seen them together, but I saw him kill something, mangle it, then drop it on her doorstep as a gift. No wonder she wasn’t happy with my flowers, she must’ve wanted me to kill something for her.”

  Lucas shook his head sadly. “She seemed perfect. Rosie and I were so happy you’d found your mate.”

  “Yeah. Me too. Who’d have guessed my mate would turn out to be a cat?”

  “Obviously she’s not really your mate. I’m sure you’ll find—”

  “She is my mate. Even knowing what she is, I still want her. I still need her. Sick thing is, I’m not her mate. She’s involved with that fucking cougar. Can’t blame her. It’d be easier to love one of your own kind. I wish I could.”

  “No way.”

  “Yup. Didn’t realize it until I saw that ranger put her in his sight. I would’ve gladly taken a bullet to save her.”

  Lucas shook his head and sighed. “What happens now?”

  “Wish I knew.” Robert growled. “I’d like to rip off that other cougar’s head.”

  “Murder is not an option.” Lucas appeared ready to launch into a lecture.

  “Yeah. I still want to.” He dragged his fingers through his hair. “Anyway, now you know. I sent his license info to Chris in Washington. With more details on the guy, we’ll know how to deal with him.” Robert dug into his pocket for his keys and headed for the door. “Later, bro.”

  Lucas sighed as he put down his beer and followed him. “I hope we can get this resolved before the next full moon. Mother was already reluctant for me to take over pack leadership. She’ll tear a strip off me if I have to move my first run out of county.”


  I’d wasted too much time wallowing in self-pity. I slopped on some make-up, threw on my blue power suit—trying not to recall the last time I wore it—and forced myself to go into the office.

  “Hey, E.W.” Dani caught me slinking by her door. “Glad you’re over your bug. Where’s my Colbert story?”

  “On your desk this afternoon.” I needed to find an old stock photo of Robert and hope Dani didn’t notice. And put in something about his new TV show. Hmm. I could just say he was in talks for a new design show. That seemed likely enough. Except I’d agreed to let him read it first. Frig.

  I walked into the open concept office area I shared with Kaity and Arnold and ducked into my messy cubicle. Despite their annoying tendency to whisper and giggle, I really didn’t mind sharing the space with them. The marketing team in the other office were way more intimidating with their expensive suits and rapid-fire acronyms. Most of the other writers worked from home and just popped in for the weekly meetings if they were in town. Funny how after working at the magazine for over six years, I still felt like the odd one out. And now having been so loved and accepted by Robert and his family, I was even more sensitive to being ignored at work.

  Damn, I was procrastinating. I needed to call him to offer to send him the article. Considering he’d saved my life, I probably should’ve already phoned to thank him. But what could I say? Just do it. His business card was still on my desk from the time I’d broken our second date. Wow, less than a couple of weeks ago but it seemed like years. I picked up the receiver and dialed before I could chicken out.

  It rang three times and I started to hang up.

  “Hello. Robert Colbert speaking.” Same deep voice, but there was a coldness.

/>   I knew he had call display. So that’s the way he wanted to play it? “Hello, Robert. It’s Ella. I just wanted to tie up a few ends on our interview before we went to print.”

  “Go ahead.” His matter of fact tone hurt more than if he was screaming at me. At least that would’ve showed he cared.

  “Will you be starring in a new design show anytime soon?” I had my pencil poised over a small note pad.


  “No? But I thought…?” I put down my pencil.

  “They had a different offer and I wasn’t interested.”

  “What sort of offer?”

  He let out a huff of exasperation. “I’d rather not say.”

  Damn, now he had me curious. “Did they want you to design in the nude, or something?”

  He let out a surprised bark of laughter. “No.” His voice softened. “Worse. A dating show. And if you print that, I’ll kill you.”


  “About the show or killing you? And yes to both. I’d like to see the article before you send it in.”

  “Do you want me to e-mail it to you? My boss wants it by this afternoon. Oh, and do you have a press photo we can use?”

  “You are demanding.”

  “Well I could send Kaity to photograph you, but we both know how you feel about sex kittens.” Was that too pointed?

  “Why don’t you meet me for coffee after you’ve finished the article and I’ll bring along an old promo shot.”

  “Oh.” In person? My heartbeat shot up to code red level. “I guess…uh…”

  “I’ll meet you in Bean Town at eleven-thirty. That enough time?”

  “Sure. I’ll see you then.” I disconnected then panicked. I would have to see him on a day when I looked like crap. Could I run home to change clothes? I stood then promptly sat down again almost missing my swivel chair that had helpfully swiveled back eight inches. I glanced over, relieved to note that Kaity hadn’t seen my clumsy recovery. No. Finish the story first. Frig. I can’t believe he’s going to read it. I sound like such a fawning, love struck idiot. Maybe I could rewrite it.

  I booted up my computer, deleting all the bloody pop-up messages. The frigging firewall sucked. My heart sank as I reread what I’d written the week before. Now the lines about him looking for love were true, though, since I certainly wasn’t the cat of his dreams. A little smile came to my face as I imagined his response to the dating show offer. He would’ve politely lambasted whoever suggested that.

  I left the story as it was and tucked in an addendum that, although he still got offers from L.A., so far he hadn’t been tempted back into the glare of TV fame. Fine. I sent it to the printer.

  Fixing myself was much more difficult. I added lipstick and brushed my hair, but anything more than that would require time and a shopping trip. Besides, it wasn’t my human form he was repulsed by. Ha! Cats are nicer than dogs. I’d slept with him knowing he was a wolf. That small victory didn’t make me feel any better.

  It was good we were meeting though. This way we could change our parting to a more amicable one. I just needed to guard myself against revealing any hint of my love for him. I would not let him humiliate me again.


  Why had he suggested they meet? He could’ve just told her about the infestation of conservation officers during their conversation. After her park run in with them, it wasn’t as though she’d take much convincing of the need for discretion. Robert paced his office. His phone, perched on the glass table top of his desk, begged him to phone Ella back and cancel. Hell, no. What was he, a fucking wimp? He still needed to ensure she understood that those trappers were just the tip of the ice berg. Meeting to vet her article was the perfect excuse. Although now that he knew about her, it wasn’t as though she’d dare out his family. And she was obviously stellar at keeping secrets.

  Face it. He wanted to see her in person. Maybe now, knowing what she was, he wouldn’t be attracted to her. Just because he hadn’t wanted her to be captured or killed in the park didn’t mean she was his mate. It meant he was a normal person not wishing harm to someone he’d once cared about.

  He threw his tablet and a promo shot into his bag and headed for the door. Then he stopped. He wasn’t meeting her for two hours. What the hell was wrong with him? It wasn’t as though she was in danger at work. As long as she was in human form she was safe. With a low grumble he forced himself into his leather office chair and fired up his computer. Reviewing the prospective ads for the company’s foray into the Canadian market should keep him occupied.

  After 15 seconds of video, Robert stood and walked away from his computer in disgust. Why the hell did advertising companies insist on putting cats in home décor ads? Dogs made a house look more like a home and they provided security. No high end furniture buyer wanted a cat clawing up their prized possessions.

  Then again, he was paying this new company big bucks to analyze what motivated their market. He needed to have an open mind. He started the video again. Yeah, maybe the orange cat did match nicely with the earthy tones of the sofa. And it added life to the picture without using actors—supposedly consumers were put off subconsciously by seeing people already using their furniture. Go figure. The cat looked up and winked at the camera just before the closing sell. How’d they do that? Must’ve been CGI, but something in the confident expression reminded him of Ella, calmly washing herself while he’d freaked out at her transition. Damn, he’d handled that badly.

  He made a couple of comments about the voice over—Canadians tend to associate posh British accents with quality goods—and to soften the sell at the top of the ad, and fired the email back. Then he sent another e-mail to Chris to see if he had any information yet on Ella’s mate. His stomach turned just thinking about her with another man. Still information was power and he certainly needed some edge over a fucking cougar in his prime. Not that he’d be crazy enough to challenge the cat to a duel, but he might need to convince the bastard to leave town.

  After clearing out his inbox it was finally time to go meet Ella. He sauntered to his car; a few minutes late would keep him from looking overly eager. The traffic lights lit in his favor and then he found a parking space near the café. So much for being late.

  He was feeding the meter when he noticed her heading toward him clutching a manila envelope. Hell, she was wearing the same blue outfit she’d worn to meet his parents. He closed his eyes to banish the memory of removing her clothes both before and after dinner. As she neared, an uncertain smile hovered on her lips.

  “Hey.” He put his hand on her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her cheek. She blocked his kiss by handing him the envelope.

  “Here’s the article.”

  “Thanks.” He patted her shoulder feeling like a jerk. Damn. He still wanted her. Badly.

  “Shall we?” He needed to move as her delicate scent triggered sensory memories of kissing her against his car, on her porch, in his— He strode toward the coffee shop trying to regain his mental abilities. Ella’s nearness was about to crash his whole neurological system. Was she remembering the passion too? Her rigid back and jerky body motions indicated tension. From hatred or emotional protection, he couldn’t tell.

  Inside the cheery, brightly lit café, they approached the counter.

  “What would you like?” Robert pulled out his wallet.

  Ella answered without reading the menu. “A small latte, please.”

  “Is that for here or to go?” The barista paused tapping on her computer screen.

  “To go.”

  “Here.” Robert’s reply came a beat later than Ella’s and he shook his head in annoyance. She really didn’t want to be with him. Then again, she was probably right. “I’ll have a medium latte for here, please.”

  The barista took his twenty and handed him the change. “Have a seat, I’ll bring them over.”

  “Thanks.” Robert placed his palm on the small of Ella’s back as they headed to the last empty table by the wall. He shoul
d stop torturing them both as every touch seemed to make her tenser and him more frustrated. What if I just kissed her? No. The full moon was over; she’d probably slap him.

  She slid into her chair and raised her beautiful blue eyes to look at him. “I don’t mean to rush you but—”

  “Yeah, but hurry up, read it and get out?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Her face flooded with pink. “Oh. I didn’t mean to…”

  “I’m just teasing.” He shrugged. “Sort of. Look, I’m sorry I behaved like a jerk that Saturday night. I was disappointed and reacted badly.”

  She glanced down at her hand on the scratched wood table. “Yeah, well thanks for helping me in the park. I’ve never been so frigging scared before.”

  “They’re scary people. So we’re even-Steven?” Robert reached across to lay his hand on top of hers.

  She started at his touch and then nodded. A little smile crossed her face. “I haven’t heard that term since elementary school.”

  Robert sat back in his chair as the barista deposited their drinks in front of them. "Thank you.”

  He sipped his drink, eyeing her over the rim of his cup. She seemed a little less hostile. With time could he convince her to be his mate? But then could he protect her from his pack? His family would come around to love her again—well other than his mother—but the less open minded families? Plus even before he was such an asshole she’d never said she loved him, why would she now? And what about that other damn cougar? With a sigh he put down his latte and picked up her article.

  She crinkled her nose in embarrassment. “It’s schmaltzy. That’s what they want.”

  Yup, that about described it. “I’m looking for love? Jesus, that’ll generate some looneytoon fan mail.” He read to the end. “‘An impervious movie star bestowing his dazzling smile?’ I sound more like George Clooney than a has-been TV personality.” She looked stricken by his criticism. “It’s well written, don’t get me wrong.” Hell, why did I agree to this article? He reached into his bag, pulled out the promo shot and slid it across the table to her. “Here’s an old photo that hasn’t been used. They did one last publicity shoot just before I got cancelled. I held onto it hoping they’d change their mind and order another season.”


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