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First Bite is the Deepest: Dances With Werewolves Book Two

Page 14

by Nora Snowdon

  “Yes. You can go in and see him, but don’t let him move too much. I don’t want him to rip his stitches. Those wounds are deep.”

  Lucas and I shot to the inner door and stopped. I guess we were both a little scared. He pushed the door open and I followed him over to where Robert lay with his eyes closed. I looked at Lucas and was shocked when he nudged me closer to the gurney.

  “You’re the one he’s going to want to see first.” He shrugged and a slight frown played on his lips.

  Wow. Really? I laid my hand lightly on Robert’s neck in case he jerked awake. “Hey, Robert?”

  His upper body shook under my hand then he opened his eyes. Oh damn, I was going to cry again. “You’re going to be okay,” I whispered and kissed his forehead. He started to move. “No. The doctor says you need to be still.”

  He let out a low growl and then stretched forward to lick my chin. Jeez, the tears were cascading down my cheeks.

  “Ew. Dog germs.” I giggled when I saw the twinkle in his eyes. “Lucas and Rosie are here, too.” I backed away so he could see them. Also so I could get a grip on myself. No one wants to see a blubbering mess when they’re sick.

  “Hey bro.” Lucas’s voice was raspy. He seemed to be holding back the tears I couldn’t. “We’ll try to get you home as soon as possible.” He rubbed Robert’s good ear. “You just be a good boy, Maurice, and do whatever the Doctor says.”

  I shot Rosie a questioning glance but she just shrugged and shook her head. She stepped forward to the table. “I tell you what, Mister. You get well quickly and I’ll cook you a huge prime rib.” She patted his head then turned to me. “I know how to motivate this boy.”

  “Well, that promise and the disgusting vet dog food should propel him out of here in no time.” Lucas laughed at Robert’s growl. He turned to Dr. Galloway still hovering in the doorway. “If we promise to keep him quiet, how soon can we take Maurice home?”

  “He was badly mauled but if he improves as quickly as last time, maybe a week. Then we’ll know for sure the internal organs have healed and there’s no infection.”

  Robert growled and I could’ve sworn I heard him say, “Screw that.”

  “Okay, we should let him rest.” Dr. Galloway moved to stand between us and Robert and I noticed Robert’s ears flattened as the vet reached out to pat him. Was it because he was sending us home, or was Robert still pissed about his last visit to this particular vet? “I’ll call you if there are any changes.”

  I pushed around the doctor and kissed Robert’s nose. “See you soon, sweetie.” He winked and my heart soared. If his recovery continued, he should be home soon. Of course what happened after that was anyone’s guess. Rosie thought he loved me, but then she also hadn’t known about my cougar connection.


  “What did Ella say?” Robert demanded as he threw on the sweats Lucas handed him. His voice sounded odd and raspy even to him after three days confinement at the vet’s in wolf form.

  “I don’t know.” Lucas shook his head impatiently as he waited for his brother to sit down and put on his seat belt. “She felt guilty she hadn’t talked you out of going after Jerzie. She said sorry a lot.”

  “But did she say she loved me?” Christ if a woman didn’t love you after you risked your life for her, there really was no hope.

  “You’ll have to ask her.” Lucas finally started up the van. “We were all speaking quietly because of your friend, Dr. Galloway.”

  “Jesus, don’t remind me. Why the hell did you let that quack have another whack at me? I wanted to bite his face off when I came to the first time.”

  “He’s the best vet since Jameson moved to England, plus I knew I wouldn’t have to go through all that rigmarole trying to prove you weren’t a dangerous wolf. Remember how you had to do all those tricks to show what a well-trained dog you were?”

  “Yeah.” He shot Lucas a glare. “Making me do the Hokey-Pokey was rotten of you, Lucas.”

  “I know.” Lucas grinned and Robert wanted to punch the smug look off his brother’s face. “But it was funny. I was kind of hoping he’d ask for any new tricks this time, but I guess he was worried about your stitches.”

  “And why’d you tell him my name was Maurice?”

  “I had to give him a name and I didn’t think Robert was very dog like.”

  “And Maurice Chevallier is dog like?”

  “Anna had made me sit through Gigi the night before so his name was fresh in my mind.” He glanced at Robert with concern. “The wounds are mended?”

  “Pretty much. I transitioned a few times last night in that stinking cage just to hurry the healing process along. Wow, those cages are uncomfortable.”

  “Well, it may’ve been unpleasant,” Robert growled, but Lucas continued, “But Dr. Galloway did save your life so I don’t think you have much to complain about.”

  “What about the damn cougar?”

  Lucas smiled. “Dr. Galloway took care of him, too. Daryll and I told him about Jerzie, now known as Pooter’s aggression toward other animals and he agreed that neutering would be the best course of action. They’ll be sending Jerzie to a zoo in Utah.”

  “Good job. I wonder what all his connections will think when he just disappears from view like that.”

  “As long as he doesn’t come back, I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

  “Amen.” Robert peered out the passenger window. “Can we stop for a coffee? My mouth tastes like that disgusting dog food. The jerk kept forcing it on me, insisting if I didn’t eat, I wouldn’t heal.”

  “Sure. And then I believe Rosie’s cooking up a prime rib like she promised.”

  “She is? She did? Great.” Robert’s mouth watered at the prospect. “But first I’d like to see Ella.”

  Lucas shot him a sidelong glance. “You don’t want to clean up first?”

  He rubbed his almost full beard and groaned. “Good call. Do I smell of flea spray? I can’t get the reek out of my nose.”

  Lucas sniffed and then crinkled his nose. “No. But you don’t smell like you, either. A little like antiseptic, I think.”

  “Then I’ll definitely go home first to shower and shave.”

  “Ah, do it at my house. Rosie will be thrilled to see you and you can fortify yourself with real food. Who knows what food Ella has at her place?”

  “True.” Robert smiled then shook his head in disgust. “Probably fish.”


  Driving to Dr. Galloway’s clinic, I had to ease up on the gas pedal twice. There’s no rush, and if I get a speeding ticket that will only make me slower. Leanne had called last night wanting me to meet her new friend about a job on Entertainment News Beat. Going to another gossip magazine seemed like a bad idea anyway, but then when I met the guy, he also seemed like a real sleazebucket. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to pick up me, Leanne, or both of us with his, “Hey baby, work for me and you’ll meet Brad Pitt and Ed Sheeran” line. What a waste of time and new stockings.

  I wondered if the offer of a job at Colbert Enterprises was still on the table. And if I could work with Robert and watch when he eventually married another werewolf? But maybe he could learn to love me despite my being half cat. His kiss on my back porch seemed real enough. Then again, he hadn’t lost control like any previous make-out sessions.

  Damn, I was driving myself nuts again. I should just wait and let Robert drive me there. When I saw him at the clinic I’d tell him I loved him when he was awake. Then when he was in human form, the ball would be in his court. Relief washed over me at finally having a plan and I pulled into my usual parking spot across from the clinic.

  Ten minutes later I left the clinic even more confused. If he was released, why hadn’t he called me? Maybe I was just the means of getting rid of Jerzie so he didn’t ruin things for the werewolf pack. Lucas was probably glad to see me gone but Rosie had seemed to still like me.

  Tears pricked at my eyes and I sat unmoving in my car feeling sorry for myself. Should I buy
more ice cream? Piggly Wiggly has Hagan Daaz on sale. Damn that man was gonna make me fat at this rate.

  I started up my car and turned in the direction of the supermarket. Then I got mad. Only a little screeching of brakes as I did a swift u-e and headed over to Robert’s place. My mind was swirling through all sorts of frigging complaints. He should’ve called me! He was a jerk! Just because I was a cat, didn’t mean he could treat me like dirt! By the time I pulled up to his gate I was hissing with indignation.

  I punched the intercom on his gate and waited, my hand tapping impatiently on the steering wheel.

  And I waited.

  Frig! He probably went to Lucas’s place. I pulled out my phone and Googled Lucas Colbert, then I did a reverse look-up on his phone number. Bloody werewolves think they’re so frigging superior! This time I didn’t care if I was speeding. God help any poor police officer who dared pull me over; I couldn’t remember ever being this pissed off.

  I parked in front of Lucas’s house. It wasn’t as grand as Robert’s and certainly didn’t have the massive security. Well, despite him not liking me, I conceded that Lucas probably wasn’t as self-centered and egotistical as his stupid brother. Or maybe Rosie kept his ego in check.

  Marching up to the front door, my self-confidence crumbled and I had to re-bolster it by mentally swearing at Robert some more. I mean what did he think I was, chopped liver? No, he probably liked chopped liver. More likely he held me in the same esteem as fish and chips. Which were great, not that a stupid twit like him could see that.

  I rang the doorbell but it sounded too genteel so I pounded on the ornate wood door. Take that!

  There was a pause but then I heard movement inside. They’d better not try to pretend Robert wasn’t there.


  “Hey Robert, could you get that?” Rosie’s voice rang out from the kitchen and Robert wondered where Lucas had disappeared to. Probably in his garage reorganizing his woodworking tools. Still it was long enough past his car accident that he really didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing him now.

  He trotted down the lush wool carpeted stairs drying his freshly shaved face. The person at the door knocked impatiently again. Jesus, probably a bloody reporter if they’re that pushy. He opened the door just as the person was halfway through another noisy round.

  “Okay! I’m—” His mouth stopped working as he saw the fierce, flushed face of Ella with her fist raised mid knock.

  “You frigging jerk! You think because you’re a bloody TV star you’re so much better than me? Or is it because you’re a stupid dog? Well I don’t care! It doesn’t give you the right to treat me like shit. I loved you and I was visiting you at the stupid clinic every frigging day and—cougars are just as good as bloody werewolves and…” She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to continue.

  Screw that. Robert grabbed her still raised fist and pulled her to him, stopping her next barrage of complaints by covering her mouth with his lips. Her eyes widened and from the tension in her body he sensed she was still angry. Even so she still tasted like heaven. He snuck his tongue inside her mouth, hoping she didn’t chomp it off. God, he wanted more from her.

  She pulled out of the kiss and glared up at him. “You—” She shook her head and he couldn’t tell from her expression if she was going to cry or start yelling at him again.

  He jumped in first. “I love you, you stupid cougar. And I don’t see why you have to marry some other damn cat, it’s not as though you plan on having children so you might as well hook up with a neutered, werewolf, has-been TV star.” He kissed her again before she could protest, this time molding her body to his. Maybe she wasn’t feeling as sex crazed because the full moon was weeks away, but surely she still felt some desire for him.

  He slid his hand under the back of her shirt just above her waistband, reveling in the smooth silky skin beneath his fingers. Her tense muscles relaxed and then she was kissing him back. Hallelujah! Her arms looped around his neck and her soft hands ran through his still damp hair. He pulled her inside the house and then backed her against the door unwilling to let her go. Although she didn’t seem to be trying too hard to escape. He left her mouth and trailed his lips over to her delicate ear.

  “Be mine forever,” he commanded. He nipped lightly under her ear and then kissed the sensitive skin as it shivered under his touch.

  “No.” She angled her head and licked his collarbone.

  Damn that felt good.


  “No?” Anger and frustration welled up inside him, fighting with the raging desire evoked by her soft kisses against his neck. “What the hell do you mean, no?”

  He growled as she undid a button on his shirt and kissed a little lower on his chest.

  “I mean, you be mine forever.”

  Relief flooded his body and he shifted so he had access again to nibble on her ear. “I’ve been yours almost since that day at the auction when you were so bloody stubborn about my picture.”


  Something in her steely tone stopped him and he gazed questioningly at her face.

  “It’s my damn picture. I paid eight bucks for it, buster.”

  He grinned and kissed her nose. “Well if you marry me, it’ll be communal property.”

  “Ever heard of a pre-nup?”

  “Hell, no.”

  His hand had just snuck back under her shirt when he heard a discreet cough behind him.

  “I’d say, ‘Get a room,’ but the prime rib is cooked to perfection.” Rosie smiled at Ella. “And I took the liberty of ordering a sushi platter for you from the fast food joint down the road. If you guys can stop making out against the door I could maybe pay the delivery man.”

  Robert pulled Ella away from the door with a sheepish grin. “By all means, Rosie.”

  “Thanks, Rosie. I do eat meat as well. I’m just not prepared to have it all the time.” She narrowed her eyes at Robert. “And I don’t want this one thinking he always gets his way.”

  He kissed the top of Ella’s head. “I have a feeling you’re going to drive me crazy with your damned stubbornness.”

  He groaned at the smug look she gave him before she replied, “I think you can safely bet your doggie treats on that.”



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  Hey Kids!

  I loved writing Robert’s story in First Bite is the Deepest, but then I started wondering about Anna. Who was she going to fall in love with? And I wanted to finally meet Janette, the werewoodle cousin who just happens to be Anna’s best friend. So that’s why the next book in the Dances With Werewolves, Big Girls Don’t Bite, came to be. Take a gander at the first chapter and look for it in presale soon. Or you could sign up for my newsletter and get advance warning of when the next book will drop.



  Book Three of Dances With Werewolves Series

  By Nora Snowdon

  After a lifetime of rebelling against her controlling mother and over-protective werewolf family in general, Anna is shocked to find herself falling for a man her mother might actually approve of. Well, if only he wasn’t a human. And the fact that he has a weird genetic problem that could kill him if she “accidently” bites him doesn’t help matters.

  Ericson knows with his shady past, he should lay low. After his brother was murdered, he’d vowed not to put anyone else he loved in danger. Despite his best intentions, Anna Colbert somehow gets under his skin. Apparently with a woman like Anna, resistance is futile.

  Big Girls Don’t Bite follows First Bite is the Deepest in the Dances With Werewolves series. These steamy tales of werewolves in love will have you howling with laughter even as you wonder about whether there really are werewolves living amongst us…


; By Nora Snowdon


  “I love those shoes, but isn’t it hard to walk in them? What are they, six inches?” Anna pursed her lips as she gauged Janette’s silver and blue, strappy stilettos.

  “There’s like an inch on the sole, so the heel is only five inches difference.” Janette grimaced. “And I’m still shorter than you.”

  “You’re just lucky I’m not wearing my high heels, then.” Anna lifted her foot to show off her new black boots. She shrugged when Janette barely glanced at them. “So how fast can you go in them thar shoes?”

  “Pretty fast.” Janette sounded defensive.

  “Oh yeah? Can you beat me walking backwards?”

  Janette rolled her eyes. “No prob.”

  “Okay. Last person inside the pub has to buy the first round.” She spun around. “Aaaand, go!”

  “Hey, stop! No running. You said walking!”

  Anna waited for her cousin to catch up. “I’ll even give you a head start.” With a half a block to the pub entrance she still should be able to win. There weren’t many people on the street and no sandwich boards for her to trip over.

  Janette narrowed her eyes at Anna. “And you won’t run?”

  She crossed her arms and waited. “Yup. Go ahead.” Stifling a giggle at Janette’s odd stride—kind of like a panicking emu with her legs moving quickly and her body leaning back to counter balance—Anna counted eight steamboats then turned and started walking quickly. She stumbled but caught herself. Damn, now she’d have to really power to catch up, because she definitely wasn’t going to pay.

  She got level with Janette as they neared the small outdoor patio but Janette had the inside lane. She could topple her, but that would be mean—and probably cheating, but they since they hadn’t laid out any rules... Nah, the cement looked a little painful even with their quick healing abilities.

  With a long lunge she pushed ahead at the door and they both tumbled into the bar, giggling.


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