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The Legend of Lollipop

Page 12

by Lisa Prysock

  During their last hour of fishing, Anastasia happened to catch some movement in the corner of her eye distracting her from reading. “Look guys,” she whispered, pointing to the sandy beach area where they spotted a family of baby otters frolicking and tumbling over each other. She pressed a button to zoom in the lens to her camera phone and snapped more shots, completely captivated and enthralled by the wildlife in the area. She’d even caught a trout without trying, thanks to Jed keeping an eye on her line and warning her when she had a bite.

  TRISHA RETURNED FROM her office with a smile on her face, happy to have succeeded in helping Marcy, her administrative assistant for the Jackson branch, fill most of the large order. The majority of the temporary workers they’d contacted from their files seemed genuinely pleased to have a chance to work for the client company. She chatted nonstop about it for a few minutes as Anastasia helped Jennifer bring food to the table in her sister’s busy, large kitchen. Landon had to step out just as they were sitting down to dinner to take a call from someone named Melanie, but Jed filled them in while he was gone. Melanie was his secretary at Blazing Star Ranch.

  Listening to Trisha’s update about her office activities and seeing Landon step outside for a business call, Jennifer leaned over after Curtis said grace and remarked in a low voice to Anastasia, “They’re really perfect for each other, aren’t they? Both very career oriented.”

  Anastasia and Jed both heard the remark and nodded, exchanging a smile. It appeared their matchmaking efforts were more on target than they could have known.

  Landon returned from the call shortly after and slid into his seat, wrapping an arm around Trisha’s shoulders. “Lasagna! I love lasagna. Did you make all this for us, Jennifer?”

  Jennifer beamed. “I hope it’s as good as it looks. Please, everyone help yourself. There’s plenty. We have an extra lasagna keeping warm in the oven, plus there’s a huge salad Anastasia helped make, cheesy garlic bread, and a side of Italian meatballs.”

  “Lasagna is definitely one of Jenn’s specialties,” Curtis said, pushing his glasses up further on his nose.

  “Jed, you might have to help serve Maria and Mallory’s plates. Landon, if you don’t mind, you’ll need to serve Michael and Matthew’s plates, but if you pass it over here when you’re done, I’ll cut them into smaller pieces for Matthew.” Jennifer gave them instructions for their four children, somehow squeezed into a row between Jed and Landon.

  “No problem, ma’am.” Jed grinned at Landon. “We got this, bro.”

  “Who wants meatballs?” Landon asked, a huge smile appearing on his face when the kids all laughed and cheered, “We do!”

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked, shaking his head and chuckling at the same time as the kids responded by holding up their plates. They giggled, looking at Landon as if he’d lost his mind. Of course they wanted meatballs. Anastasia enjoyed seeing this side of Landon and Jed’s personalities.

  “I guess they all want meatballs. I dunno, Jed. Should we give them any of these meatballs? They look too delicious to share.” Landon appeared to be enjoying heckling the children immensely. She looked at her sister and brother-in-law who looked on with amusement dancing in their eyes.

  Jed laughed and looked at the children staring up at Landon and then at him. “They look pretty hungry to me. I think we better give them some, otherwise they might wake us up in the middle of the night and want Landon to make pancakes.” Landon shook his head as he scooped meatballs onto the plates for each child while Anastasia and Jed high-fived each other.

  Trisha laughed as she looked from Landon to Jed, and then elbowed Landon playfully. “Looks like you’ve been found out, buddy.”

  Curtis leaned forward in a funny voice for the kids and said, “Did I hear Landon’s making pancakes for breakfast?”

  Cheers erupted from the kids. Maria and Mallory chorused with, “Yayyy!” Michael yelled, “Pancakes!” and four-year-old Matthew echoed the sentiments of his older brother.

  After dinner, Jed and Anastasia decided to bake snickerdoodles and chocolate chip cookies for everyone while the others settled into the family room to watch “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.”

  “I think it’s time to work on your egg cracking technique,” Anastasia joked with him as they laid out baking trays and ingredients on the island in her sister’s kitchen.

  “Oh, yeah. Watch this.” Jed reached inside a large carton of eggs he’d placed on the counter, pulled three eggs out, and began juggling them. Anastasia stood back to observe, amazed he hadn’t dropped any yet. However, after about twenty seconds of juggling, one of them landed on the floor and cracked open.

  She laughed, and he couldn’t help but join in to laugh at himself. “As I suspected. We need to work on your technique.”

  Lola, the friendly Irish Setter hanging around in the kitchen with them near her food bowl area, wagged her tail and dodged both of them to get to the egg mess on the floor. She began eating the egg—shell and all—before they could stop her.

  “Good girl, Lola. At least we don’t have much to clean up.” Jed bent down to pat the dog behind her ears and Lola stood up on her hind paws, nearly knocking him over with wet, sloppy kisses.

  “I think you’re both going to need a bath before this is over.” Anastasia chuckled and tossed Jed some cleaning wipes.

  Before long, they’d managed to prepare four trays of cookies for baking. Her sister’s cookie jar would be full, and the family would have extra to enjoy for the movie. She slid one of the trays into the pre-heated oven and turned around to find Jed was already washing the mixing bowls.

  “Jed, you don’t have to wash these. You did more than enough of washing dishes in the bakery for me.” She moved closer to try to playfully shoo him away from the sink, but he wouldn’t budge. Instead, he dropped a spatula into the soapy, hot water, and turning toward her, gathered her into his arms. “I don’t mind washing dishes for you.” His voice was soft and husky, and his musky cologne made her heady as she melted into his arms. He brushed her lips with a light kiss, and then again before she shook her head and pushed him away.

  “Just friends, remember?” Why couldn’t she make him see that she had to focus on her career? Her insides were doing loops, but she tried to ignore the way he was melting her heart.

  He turned back to the dishes at the sink and grasped the edge of the counter on each side of it with his long arms and strong hands. “Sorry. I keep forgetting. You’re like a magnet to me. I just can’t help but love everything about you, Anastasia.”

  She stepped back, frozen for a moment, absorbing what he’d said. Then she turned away to check on the timer for the cookies so he couldn’t see her face as she wrestled with her own feelings. Was she falling for Jed in spite of her own rules to focus on her career? And something else nagged at her when she had a flash vision of her with Jed and Riley, laughing and playing Frisbee with a dog like Lola at a park or something. She shook the image from her mind and tried to turn her attention to the cookies. As much as she wanted to offer Riley a forever home, she didn’t feel ready.

  ANASTASIA GROANED WHEN Landon had pounded on their bedroom door to wake them the next morning at the crack of dawn. She and Trisha dressed quickly, neither of them feeling talkative.

  Soon, the four of them gathered in the kitchen at the barn-shaped house to gulp down some coffee. Landon, dressed in jeans and a plaid button-up shirt, was taking pancake duty seriously. Trisha appeared eager to witness his cooking skills, but Anastasia feared for Jennifer’s kitchen. She kept her concerns to herself, not wanting to discourage his enthusiasm, or Jed’s, who’d agreed to help.

  Landon finished his coffee first and set his cup down firmly on the counter. “C’mon Jed, let’s head over to the big house and get these pancakes started. Anybody know where we can find aprons?” Then he rolled his eyes with a funny smirk on his face. “I left mine at home.”

  Trisha chuckled as they followed the guys outside. “I’m sure Jennif
er has some in her kitchen.” They walked over to their sister’s house and Trisha found all of them aprons, being sure to give the frilliest ones to their cowboys, making them all laugh.

  Soon, Landon assigned tasks to all of them while Anastasia found her sister’s kitchen radio and turned on some country western music tunes to liven up the morning. Jed ended up mixing the pancake batter, while Landon poured the batter onto an electric griddle, flipping the cakes over when they looked ready. He even did a few fancy flips to make the kids laugh.

  Anastasia made scrambled eggs while she danced a little at the range, and Trisha set the table and placed a pitcher of orange juice on the counter, singing along to the music. The kids bowed their heads for the prayer Curtis offered, and then happily ate everything placed in front of them.

  When Jennifer entered the kitchen, she glanced around at everyone with a huge smile. “Guys, thank you so much for making breakfast. I was finally able to spend some extra time curling my hair. Ya’ll are awesome.”

  “Not a problem. Happy to do it.” Landon flipped the final batch of pancakes over, but the last one landed on the floor in front of Lola. The kids laughed as she managed to scoop the pancake up into her mouth. She carried it over to her food bowl area, prancing past them as if she had reeled in a trophy bass.

  “Sorry ‘bout that, ma’am.” A look appeared on Landon’s face as if he’d swallowed a frog and everyone laughed.

  “I didn’t see a thing.” Jennifer shielded her eyes and grinned, leaning down to kiss her husband good morning as she slid into a seat beside him.

  Soon, the family climbed in their vehicles and followed Jennifer and Curtis in their family-size van to their church. Anastasia sat down in the pew beside Jed, and when he gingerly put his arm around her shoulder, she moved over a few inches lest she encourage him. She didn’t dare give him any ideas. Glancing over her shoulder during the sermon, she smiled to see Landon had his arm around Trisha while he listened intently to every word.

  Anastasia turned to face the pulpit and tried to focus her attention on the sermon by taking notes. One thing she loved to do at home long after hearing a sermon, was study and review the Bible text—along with the main and summary points—to help her live out the Christian walk. The preacher was speaking about the life of Jesus, His crucifixion and the plan of salvation, and the more than five-hundred eyewitness accounts of His resurrection specifically mentioned in the Bible. It was an astounding number of people who saw Him alive after the horrific way they’d put Him to death.

  While she pondered the points of the sermon, she smiled to hear the distant sound of the children singing songs of praise to Jesus from the children’s church area. It occurred to her that Riley would love going to this church. They all felt more at peace, much lighter in heart, and yes, happier, when they exited the service. It was evident on all of their faces as they made the drive back to her sister’s home.

  After church, they decided to caravan in two of the vehicles on the safari through the Elk Wildlife Reserve and parts of the Grand Teton National Park. Anastasia and Jed left her Mazda parked at the house, opting to ride in the extended cab of the pick-up truck with Landon and Trisha, following the van. While she fixed her red locks into a ponytail, Jennifer and Trisha packed a picnic basket full of turkey and mayo sandwiches, with grapes, baby carrots, sun chips, and juice boxes. They all climbed back in the cars and then stopped to eat at a picnic table near the town square in Jackson.

  After they paid for the tours, two tour guides, one for each vehicle, accompanied them. Anastasia made sure their tour guide, a lady named Marty, climbed into the back of the pick-up after Jed so she could climb in last. Again, she didn’t want to give him the idea he could sit too close.

  However, when she saw Landon holding Trisha’s hand in the front seat, a smile of contentment crossed her face. At least she and Jed had brought happiness to her sister and his friend. She, however, had to return to the bakery bright and early on Monday morning and remain focused on her career. She didn’t dare lose the chance to manage The Sweetwater’s bakery by getting sidetracked with a romance. She was determined to make this time work and see her dream through. Maybe things could be different down the road, but not until she was sure her position was more secure. She was still a temp, after all.

  She contented herself to snap more photos for her collection of wildlife pictures from the weekend. They spotted a herd of elk, a moose, a herd of grazing bison, one bald eagle, a coyote, one grizzly bear, two baby black bears playing beside their mother, and a red fox dashing through the woods. It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon, but a part of her heart ached when she looked over to see Jed studying her as they returned to Jackson to drop off the tour guides.

  Anastasia looked away and kept her eyes on the scenery as they followed Curt’s van, trying to think of how she could be helpful with prepping for the cookout. Maybe she could offer to cut up the lettuce, tomato, and onions for the burgers. Then it occurred to her she could bake some chocolate cherry-stuffed cupcakes with vanilla icing for dessert. She’d seen a package of Hershey’s baking squares and a can of cherry pie filling in the pantry at Jennifer’s home when they’d been cleaning up after dinner the night before. With a few other ingredients, she could make a delectable dessert for her family and friends. Then, it would be time to pack up and head back to Lander.

  Chapter 16

  “I crossed paths with a horse that happened to change my life. That horse is Game On Dude, and what a horse! He's a soldier. Together we traveled the world. We won the Santa Anita Big Cap, Goodwood, almost won the Breeder's Cup Classic; we won the San Antonio, Hollywood Gold Cup and the Californian.”—Chantal Sutherland.

  WHILE CURTIS FLIPPED burgers outside on the grill, Jed and Landon busied themselves by giving the kids piggyback rides in the backyard. Inside the kitchen, Jennifer diced boiled potatoes, celery, and sweet onions for a homemade potato salad. Trisha sliced tomatoes and onion for the burgers, and Anastasia whipped up a batter for her chocolate cupcakes.

  “Landon is really fun, Trish. We like him a lot. You sure found a great guy.” Jennifer scooped up some of the diced potatoes and added them to the glass salad bowl at the spacious kitchen island.

  “Thanks, but I can’t take the credit for finding him. If I hadn’t been invited to help Anastasia with one of her 4-H outings, I wouldn’t have met him.” Trisha, seated at the dining room table, arranged some of the tomato slices on a platter and reached for another tomato.

  “What about you and Jed?” Jennifer looked at Anastasia on the opposite end of the island. “The way he looks at you, I can tell he really likes you. He’s such a handsome, sweet guy.”

  Anastasia plugged in the mixer and picked up a spatula. Part of her wanted to say, and you should hear him play the guitar. However, she didn’t want to get their hopes up about her settling down with anyone in the near future. At present, she liked being single. She liked her freedom and making her own decisions without having to worry about anyone else to tie her down. “Actually, we’re just friends. I have too much going on with my new job at the bakery where McGuire works to focus on a relationship right now, and he seems to understand. Between church, 4-H, my career, looking for my horse, I don’t have any time left.”

  “That horse? You’re still hoping to find that wild mustang?” Jennifer sounded surprised as she stopped dicing for a moment and stared in her direction. “What do you want to do with another horse? Mom and Dad have enough trouble keeping up with the ones we’ve got.”

  “Yep, I’m still hoping to find Lollipop. Maybe someday I’ll have a horse who will win the next Triple Crown, like Grandpa did with Victory.” Anastasia didn’t look up. Instead, she turned the mixer on, bringing the conversation to an end. Her sisters knew how much having a bakery and capturing the horse meant to her. There was no need for further discussion. Had they forgotten she’d been the little girl who’d wanted to be a jockey, until the summer she’d realized she was too tall? Still, racing
was part of her. Surely they hadn’t forgotten. It was part of them, too.

  WHEN JED ARRIVED AT the bunkhouse, he took his boots off at the door and didn’t bother to turn on the lights. Bronson was already snoring and the last thing he wanted to do was wake him. He closed his eyes when his head hit the pillow in his bunk, mixed emotions rising in his soul. The drive home from the valley of Jackson Hole had been pleasant, but quiet for the most part. At one point, he’d asked Anastasia what she’d do with Bridie Jane and Lollipop if she captured them.

  “I’d love them, of course, and take good care of them. I’d let Lollipop race if she enjoys it. I’d ride them, as much as possible. Give them a good home. Spend time with them.” She’d shifted the shimmery dark plum Mazda into a higher gear as they came out of the valley. “I’d certainly introduce them to my 4-H kids once they were a little older and the horses broken in. Riley would adore them.”

  “I’m sure she would,” Jed had answered.

  “I’m thinking about adopting Riley, but I just can’t seem to figure it out. The idea of juggling a career and raising a child sometimes scares me.” That had been a loaded statement and he hadn’t known how to proceed. It was something he needed to think about, too.

  She was all heart and she’d surprised him a little about wanting to adopt Riley. He liked her thoughts, but it still left him with some logistical questions he’d ask on another day. However, every attempt he’d made to grow closer to her had been clipped. He would have to be patient. It left him wondering how to win her over. Weary from the long drive, he prayed a short prayer before drifting asleep. I could use some help, Lord.

  THE NEXT MORNING, JED awoke to the Lord’s voice. Arise, my son. Saddle up Storm.


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