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Brothel: The Magnolia Diaries

Page 3

by Anthology

  “Good morning,” I say quietly. I’m suddenly feeling self- conscious and I’m not really sure what to do. He turns to face me and greets me with a tight smile.

  “Good morning Jane, did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, actually I did. Better than I have in a long time.” I take a couple tentative steps toward him and internally sigh my relief when his hand reaches for mine. He brings my hand to his lips and brushes his mouth along my knuckles. He’s dressed casually in a tight fitting black T-shirt and faded jeans. I think I prefer him like this over his polished suit and tie.

  “You need to eat Jane, I’ll have George come by and prepare us breakfast,” he says.

  “Oh, no, I don’t want to be a bother. In fact, why don’t you sit down? I’d like to make you breakfast.”

  He hesitates for a moment and I’m wondering if maybe I’ve overstepped my boundaries. It was a foolish suggestion that I cook in a kitchen that doesn’t belong to me for a man who probably doesn’t eat in the morning anyways.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “It was a silly suggestion, I didn’t mean-“

  He places a single finger on my lips and silences my rambling.

  “I’d love it if you made me breakfast Jane,” he says.

  He takes a seat at the counter and directs me as I search for the necessary ingredients to make waffles. I don’t often go through the hassle of cooking just for myself. Even when Simon was around, he rarely ate at home. But something about preparing food has always made me feel calm and I’m happy to take advantage of such a lovely space. I begin mixing up the batter and try not to fumble as his eyes remain intent on me.

  “Where did you learn to cook Jane?”

  “My aunt taught me,” I smile. “I was sent to live with her when I was five. She loved to cook. She never married or had kids of her own, so she often felt unsure about what to do with me. Cooking was something she knew and did well, it was something we could comfortably do together.”

  “And why were you sent to live with your aunt?”

  “My parents didn’t want me anymore,” I say, shrugging my shoulders. I look up from the mixing bowl to see his jaw clenched and look of discontent on his handsome face. I’m not sure if the tension is because of what I’ve just told him but I feel the need to reassure him either way. “It’s fine. They were young when they had me and I know the pregnancy was an accident. They never planned on having children and they did the best they could, but they knew I’d never get what I needed from them and my mother’s sister was a bit older and alone. It worked out for everyone.”

  He shakes his head in disbelief and sips his coffee. “You’re a very remarkable young woman Jane,” he says.

  “Thank you.” I get back to the task at hand and decide that maybe this means that I can ask him something in return. “What about you? Do your parents live around here as well?”

  “No, Jane. My parents, if you could even call them that, live far away in a dirty old trailer in a shitty little town that no one cares about.”

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”


  His tone assures me that this conversation is over, which I accept. I’m surprised I got anything at all from this man who seems to have a permanent wall up at all times. I’ll take the small piece that he’s given me this morning and lock it away with every other detail from this weekend.


  The day is relatively quiet. After we ate breakfast Marcus had some work to attend to in his home office so I took my time bathing in a tub that would never fit in my tiny apartment. Just as I finished drying my hair and getting dressed, he came into the bedroom and suggested we take a walk around the property. Everything was quiet and the chill in the autumn air was pleasantly refreshing. We made small talk, something we’ve never done at the office. I dared to ask him how he ended up in the business of selling sex to which he simply replied that he inherited the business from a man he greatly respected. I can tell that Marcus is the type of person that prides himself on where he is now and I don’t want to drag up any kind of unpleasant reminders for him, so I leave it at that. I can’t help but find it amusing that we’ve worked within ten feet of each other for over two years and yet are just now getting to know each other.

  After a simple dinner that I fix for us, we find ourselves in Marcus’s office. I’m sitting near the fire place with a book that I found on one of his many shelves while he makes a phone call and checks in with someone named M. As I look around the immaculate room I realize that not only is Marcus a man of simple tastes, but there is nothing in here or any other room in the house for that matter that leads me to believe that this is truly a home. I tamp down that nagging voice that yet again fills my head with all kinds of fanciful and inconvenient thoughts. I look over to where Marcus sits to find his eyes on me, his expression thoughtful.

  “Stand up little fox,” he says.

  I stand from the small sofa and set my book down. He pushes away from his desk but remains seated.

  “Take your clothes off and let me see you.”

  I start with my sweater and bra and as I slide my jeans and panties down my legs, I shiver with anticipation. I stand up straight and rest my arms at my sides. I’ve always been a bit on the shy side when it comes to my body, but knowing that he wants to see me gives me confidence. He continues to sit and observe me, the air is tense between us as I wait for his next instruction.

  “Are you wet Jane?” He asks.

  “Yes sir,” I reply honestly.

  “Show me.”

  I slide my hand over my stomach and down to the now aching juncture of my thighs. I swipe two fingers across my sex and hold them up for him to see. The moisture on my fingertips glistens under the glow of the fireplace.

  “Lick your fingers little fox,” he commands.

  I lap up my own wetness, sucking my fingers into my mouth, eager to please him. My breath begins to shallow as I place my hand back at my side. He rises from his chair and slowly stalks towards me, his eyes predatory and darkening with each step. I can feel the heat from his body as he stands in front of me.

  “What do you taste like Jane?”

  I keep my eyes on his and give him the only answer I have, whether it’s logical or not I no longer care.

  “Yours,” I say. “I taste like yours.”

  He pulls me roughly to him and without reluctance I cling to him and pour everything that I have into our passionate kiss. His hands grip my backside, lifting me up so that my legs wrap around his muscular torso. The stiff fabric of his jeans grazes my clit, sending me into a flurry of need. I’m moaning into his mouth, rubbing myself shamelessly against him, taking anything and everything that I can get. He presses his lips to my throat and sinks his teeth lightly into my skin.

  “Fuck Jane,” he snarls as he backs me roughly against the wall.

  His hands are gripping me so hard that I am certain I will have bruises to remind me of this very moment. When I begin to think that I can’t possibly take any more of this teasing, he spins me around again and gently lays me down on the rug in front of the fireplace. He stands and sheds his own clothes quickly before nudging himself between my thighs and thrusting inside me harshly and without remorse. He rolls onto his back and pulls me on top of him, his hands hold my hips in place as he plunges up into me, hitting every sweet spot along the way. His pace is determined and rough and I can’t get enough of it. I want more. I want to feel more. I drag myself along his length and meet his every thrust, our damp flesh smacks together and I can no longer control my thoughts or the words that cross my lips.

  “Marcus, I’m yours, I’m yours,” I chant over and over again. He shoves me onto my back and pins my knees up to my chest, driving into me with such force that pleasure and pain collide.

  “My dirty little fox likes it rough, doesn’t she?” He grunts.

  “Only with you Marcus, only with you,” I pant.

  My climax washes over me, my nails dig into his shoulders as I
let go and feel my inner muscles contract around him. The tremors don’t fade as he pumps into me one last time before his own tension eases and I can feel his semen dripping from my body. I hate the feeling of emptiness that overcomes me when he pulls out. I want more. I want to show him how good I can be. As he rolls onto his back, his chest still heaving, I take his still hard cock into my hand and slide down his body. I swirl my tongue around his shaft and look up at him as I take him into my mouth.

  He looks at me approvingly and gathers my hair up into his fist, he tugs my head back and forth. The taste of us together is perfection to me and I don’t want to think of anything else in this moment. My jaw is aching when he comes again and I swallow every drop. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and when he pulls me close to his body and wraps his arms around me, I allow myself to believe that I saw more in his eyes tonight than just a convenient arrangement.

  Chapter Eight


  I’m sitting in the same chair that I slept in last night, watching as Jane continues to sleep in my bed. The sheet has slipped down her body, exposing her perfect breasts and the way the sunlight hits her tousled hair makes her look like an angel. The ache that sits in my chest is unfamiliar, as is the desire to crawl into bed with her and pull her body close to mine. I woke up several hours ago, with her wrapped around me as if I were her lifeline. I promptly slipped from the bed and have been watching her ever since.

  Jane has gotten under my skin and it’s a feeling that I do not care for. I could see the stars and fairy notions in her eyes yesterday in my office and that’s when I should have had a car take her home. I need her to be gone so I can clear my head and get it back in the game. I don’t have time for attachments and permanent arrangements, a concept that I was comfortable with until this little fox nudged her way into my private life. I’ve worked too hard and come too far to start making compromises now. Money and sex are what I know and anything else is merely a complication that I don’t want or need. As I sit here and remind myself of that fact, the desire to hold Jane close continues to nag me. I’m about to wake her when she begins to stir. Her eyes open sleepily as she stretches her body and doesn’t bother to cover up.

  “Good morning,” she says.

  “Jane.” I nod curtly. “I’ll need you to get dressed and be downstairs in thirty minutes. A car will be waiting to take you home.”

  Hurt briefly flashes across her face before she sits up and smiles. She grabs the sheet from around her waist and primly covers herself up.

  “Of course,” she says. “Thank you for a wonderful weekend Marcus.”

  She keeps the sheet wrapped around her as she rises from the bed and steps toward me, softly brushing her lips against my cheek.

  “Your cheque is on the nightstand.”

  I feel the loss of her warmth the second she pulls back and looks me in the eye. Any affection she held for me in her warm brown eyes has been replaced with caution.

  “Thank you sir,” she says quietly before she turns away from me and heads toward the bathroom.

  I don’t wait for her to come out, I’ve already called Malcolm who will be waiting for me downstairs. I don’t have a destination in mind when I get in the car, but I end up at The Magnolia. Everything is quiet as I check in with Deck, the head of security. Most of the girls are scarce right now and the place feels almost abandoned. I enter my quarters to find that Nicolette has already had it cleaned. There are absolutely no signs that Jane has ever been in here, as if the entire weekend has been wiped clean. The way it should be.

  Chapter Nine


  I stare at the envelope on my desk and try to work up the courage to deliver it to its intended recipient. I knew when I left Marcus’s yesterday that there was no way I’d be able to keep working for him. I’m not quite sure when it happened but as it turns out, I’ve managed to fall in love with the big bad wolf. And there’s no telling my heart otherwise. It was obvious by his indifferent tone and attitude yesterday morning that he does not share my sentiments.

  I would love nothing more than to spend my life showing him just how much I love him, but I won’t be with someone who doesn’t need me as much as I need them. I’ve accepted that I will likely never feel this way again and I know in my heart that what Marcus has opened up inside of me will only ever belong to him. My desire to please him and do as he commands is his alone. There is no other man in existence that could possibly make me feel the way that he does.

  So I can’t stay. I can’t watch him every day and not touch him. I can’t bring him his daily schedule without wondering where he was night before. Was he at his brothel? Has he found someone else to amuse him? These are thoughts that I know I cannot stomach. I pick up my letter of resignation and stand from my chair, willing my legs to be steady. I haven’t seen him all morning, he was already in his office when I arrived and he hasn’t come out since. I knock firmly on the door and try desperately to pull back my shoulders with confidence that I don’t feel even a little bit.

  “Come in.”

  I open the door and smile as brightly as I can manage.

  “Good morning,” I say. I’m clutching the envelope in my hands, waiting for my nerves to settle. It would help if he wasn’t so handsome, sitting at his desk radiating authority.

  “Good morning Jane. Is that for me?”

  “Oh. Um, yes actually. It is.” I walk toward the desk and slide the envelope across the smooth surface. He notices his name handwritten across the back and looks at me expectedly. My eyes begin to burn, I turn quickly to make my retreat. I can hear the paper being torn open behind me as I reach for the door handle.


  I want to keep moving. I want to get out of here before he sees my pathetic tears but instead I remain frozen in place. I can hear him push back his chair and in a matter of seconds I can feel him behind me.

  “Care to explain this to me Jane?”

  His tone is clipped and impatient. I assume because I have no intention of leaving with notice. I just simply cannot do it.

  “I can’t work for you anymore Marcus,” I say, my voice trembling.

  “The fuck you can’t,” he says as he spins me around to face him. He’s momentarily shocked by the tears that now silently roll down my cheeks but he recovers quickly and demands an explanation. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “Please don’t make me say it,” I beg.

  “You’ll tell me what’s gotten into you little fox, and you’ll tell me now.”

  I look down at my feet and summon the courage to say the words that I know will be met with silence. I tilt my chin up and as my vision continues to blur, I pray for him to be gentle with my heart when he shatters it beyond repair.

  “I’ve fallen in love with you,” I say.

  I brace myself for the inevitable but what I see in his expression fills me with confusion. A confusion that multiplies as he leans down and places his mouth firmly on mine.

  Chapter Ten


  There is no fucking way she is leaving. The thought makes me sick to my stomach and awakens a barbaric need within me too powerful to ignore. I thought I could walk away, I thought it was for the best and I thought it was just business. But I was fucking wrong. Jane Bishop belongs to me and only me. She knows it too because the minute my mouth is on hers she’s kissing me back with just as much urgency. She hooks one of her shapely legs around me and grinds her sweet pussy against my cock. I rip my mouth from hers and kiss her delicate neck, sucking and biting her. I mark her, like a man possessed with the idea of ownership.

  “You’re not leaving me little fox, do you understand?”

  “Yes s-sir, I understand,” she gasps.

  “You. Are. Mine.”

  “Yes sir, I’m yours, only yours,” she says.

  I place my palms on either side of her face and force her to look me in the eye. I never in my life thought I would say these words, but I can’t allow Jane to think that
she’s in this alone.

  “I love you Jane.”

  “I love you Marcus,” she breathes before her lips are once again sealed to mine.

  I pull her skirt up to her waist and rip the dainty lace panties from her body. I need to be inside of her more than I’ve ever needed anything. My existence has been pitiful until Jane. She is the light, washing over me and making me feel truly alive. Everything up until this point has been a charade, which I would have never realized if it weren’t for her. I impatiently tug down my zipper and release my throbbing dick, backing her up against the wall. She lifts her leg once more and in one smooth motion I am buried balls deep inside the most heavenly little pussy. She squeezes me immediately and drenches my length with her sweet fucking honey. Her fingertips dig into my arms as she says my name. I drive into her hard and fast until I cum inside of her and begin to feel the tautness in my body fade away.

  Our panting breath echoes in the room and when I pull back just a little bit she pulls me tightly against her.

  “Please Marcus, I want to feel you inside of me for a little bit longer,” she says.

  I look down at the woman who has turned my entire world upside down. The woman who I’ve unexpectedly fallen in love with and who will belong to me until my dying breath.

  “Look at me little fox,” I say. “You own my heart and soul, and you will never know what it’s like to be without me, nor I you, understand?”

  She looks up at me from beneath her eyelashes and smiles.

  “Yes sir,” she says.




  4 years later…

  I sit at a small table on the patio of a modest café and watch as people walk up and down the busy sidewalk beside me. My wife is in the restroom for the second time since we arrived for lunch. The first time I accompanied her, only to be told by the owner that if I entered the ladies restroom again he would have me arrested. If it weren’t for Jane’s condition I would have knocked his fucking teeth out. She’s five months pregnant with our first child and morning sickness has taken more than a toll on her. But she’d never complain. She wakes up every morning with a smile on her face and every time she notices her belly growing just a little bit bigger she places my hand there and looks at me as if I’ve given her the entire world. My wife is the most beautiful woman in my eyes and it is her who has given me the world.


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