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Brothel: The Magnolia Diaries

Page 20

by Anthology

  “I'm so sorry, are you all right?”

  I swallow and take in his medium length dark wavy hair, a scar through his left eyebrow, his tan skin and dark facial scruff. I'm small, only five foot four, and this beast is at least six foot five. He’s in shorts and a loose army green tank top, the kind that shows off his rippling hamstrings and large as fuck muscular arms. He has some sort of tribal tattoo, triangles mimicking scales, from his wrist to mid forearm.

  “Hello? Are you okay?” He smiles, which shows white teeth, his eyes crinkling up.

  Am I swooning?

  “Yeah,” I finally reply, shaking my head a little to clear it as I try to regain myself.

  The crotch of my shorts I can feel are soaking up the orgasm I swear I just had. His hands are still on my arms, but he’s silent. I meet his eyes again and he’s just looking at me. His strong brow is lowered, and it lifts his eyebrows devilishly. I know this look in his eyes, but it’s different than I’ve ever seen. He’s taking me in as a woman, his brain telling him instantly that he’s attracted to me. Men look at me like this all the time, but I’ve never felt like this from that. I swallow and lick my lips, his eyes flicking down to watch my action, and I feel my nipples harden.

  “Sorry,” I exhale, when I’m anything but.

  His eyes dart down to my tits.

  “Calico?” he questions as he reads my ID while quirking a brow. “Cat fan?”

  I’ve been known to enjoy a kitty or two in my line of work, but I assume he means the animal kind.

  “Nickname,” I reply in a rush.

  There’s something about his eyes, like he can see right through me. He’s leaving me lost for words, tongue tied, and I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve always been the temptress, the one who has the upper hand. But I can see with this guy, he might have the advantage. Someone clears their throat and his giant hands let me go, and I step back to get my balance. Are my knees weak?

  “Dr. Stone,” the person says and we both look over.

  My eyes widen, I’d heard a new male doctor was coming to the hospital, but this wasn’t just a male, this was a mythical beast creature.

  “Dr. Stone?” I repeat, more to myself than to anyone.

  “That’s me,” he looks back to me, giving me that corner-of-his-eyes crinkling smile.

  He’s all man and power, until he smiles and it’s all playful. I automatically think how fun he would be in bed, growling and dominant, then teasing and not so serious. There’s nothing sexier than being able to laugh with your partner during sex. I mean, at least I think there isn’t.

  “Dr. Stone, we need you in surgery two for prep,” the guy says before walking off.

  I finally get my shit together, remembering we’re in a crowded crazy hallway and step away. This move causes a pained response in his eyes, and his hands ball into fists, like he’s resisting the urge to reach for me. Before I can’t think any more about this, I quickly move around him to retrieve the clipboards. When I exit the room back out to the hallway, he’s gone. But I can still smell his scent, and I almost feel like I need to go into the bathroom and get myself off in order to make it through the day.

  I don’t know how long I pass out the clipboards, but I barely make it halfway through the line before Glenda comes walking down the sidewalk towards me, waving a hand.

  “I need you inside, they need you in surgery room three,” she says taking the armful of clipboards stuck to my arms with sweat.

  “What? Me?” I question.

  She shakes her head, “I don’t know, just go, there’s scrubs for you in the lounge,” she tells me.

  My heart begins to race, what the fuck would I be needed in a room for? I enter the hospital, the cool air conditioning instantly evaporating the sweat on my skin. I stop in the locker room and grab a pair of scrubs, the smalls are tight over my tits and my ass, but long enough that I have to roll the bottoms of the pants. I’d tossed my hair up into a messy bun a while ago and it looks all right as I check myself out in the mirror, and fortunately my eye makeup hasn’t run down my cheeks from the heat. Pushing open the doors to surgery room three, my eyes land on him immediately. Dr. Stone. He towers over the staff, he’s also changed into scrubs and has his hair tied back, a mask covering his nose and mouth. But those eyes, those devilish eyes flick up to me as I walk in.

  “Calico, come here,” he says with a nod of his head.

  I pull the mask up to cover the lower half of my face as I walk over, I stand at the end of the table as he works on the sedated Labrador lying there.

  “Closer,” he hums, keeping his eyes on his hands as he works now.

  I step closer, and he repeats his words once more until I’m at his side. My eyes dart around the room, no one seems to be looking at me, or wondering what’s going on, they’re going about their jobs.

  “So, what’s your name?” Stone asks.

  I blink rapidly, it seems like it’s been a while since I’ve had to say my name, and my brain delays for a minute.

  “Lisa,” I exhale, the mask puffing out as I speak.

  “But you prefer Calico?”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Are you from around here?”

  Again, my eyes dart around the room. Was I only here to talk to him?

  “No, Wyoming.”

  “I’m from Hawaii,” he says.

  I nod, because damn, that makes him even hotter, and explains his exotic looks. “Have you been volunteering here long?” he adds.

  “A few years,” I reply.

  “So, you live close by?”

  “Not really, I live in the country in a house with some other girls.”

  I don’t have any problems telling people what I do, in the right circumstances. But this is not one of those times.

  “Nice, like a sorority,” he teases.

  Oh, if he only knew.

  “Something like that.”

  We remain silent as he finishes the case, and the nurses move in to sew up the pooch. Stone removes his bloody gloves and pulls his mask down.

  “What do you like to do for fun, besides donating your free time here?”

  “Uh, you know-” I halt as he walks past me, and towards the door, pausing to look back at me and wave his hand for me to follow.

  “You were saying?”

  “Not much, I spend a lot of time at home.”

  We enter another surgical room, a nurse there with fresh gloves for him to slide his massive hands into. He pulls his mask on and walks over to the table where a cat is laying and ready for surgery.

  “How’s that?” he asks, picking up the implements and starting on the cat.

  “How’s what?” Positioning myself next to him.

  “You’re what, twenty-three?”

  “Twenty-five,” I correct.

  “You’re twenty-five, stunningly beautiful, how do you not have a date every night?”

  Thanks to the mask, he can’t see my cheeks flush. I haven’t been complimented by a man in a nonsexual way in a long time, maybe ever. It’s a foreign feeling, unexpected, and makes my heart flutter.

  “No one ever asks me out,” I tell him in a soft voice, and his eyes flicker over to meet mine.

  This is how the rest of the day goes, following him from case to case. We converse like no one’s around, not getting into too personal of shit, but still. The thought never leaving me that he specifically asked Glenda to come get me to hang out with him all day. All I do is stand there, watching his hands work magic. When the cases are done, Stone hides away in his office to fill out paperwork, and I go back to helping Glenda with whatever she needs me to do. It’s after nine when I’m completely done. The hospital’s closed, and I think I’m the last one here. Stone’s office door is still closed, and I don’t know what motivates me to do this, but I tap against the wood. I’m sure he left and I just hadn’t noticed.

  “Come in,” he says loudly from the room and a zing of excitement shoots through me.

  I open th
e door a crack, looking in to see he’s turned the overhead light off, and just has a small lamp on at the corner of his desk. The room has no windows and is pretty dark, but I can see him just fine. He’s still in his scrubs, a pen loosely held in his left hand as he looks down at some papers. I clear my throat but don’t say anything, waiting for him to finish writing his thought. After a moment he looks up, his face morphing as he sees it’s me.

  “Lisa, I didn’t think anyone was still here,” he says, his voice low and gruff as fuck.

  Him using my real name has me reeling a little, it’s been so long since anyone’s called me that.

  “I’m the last I think; do you need me for anything before I go?”

  His eyes darken, the center of his brows pulling down and giving me that devilish look again.

  “Yes, come in,” he says, dropping everything on the desk and leaning back in his chair.

  I close the door behind me and stand there, not sure if he still just wants me to hang out or what.

  “I won’t bite,” he tells me, giving me a wicked grin.

  I smile and move closer, standing just beside his desk. I’m still in my scrubs, and his eyes openly stare at my ample tits.

  “So, you don’t have a boyfriend?” he asks with that same low tone of voice.

  “No,” I say, also in a lowered voice.

  “Good,” he growls as he grabs my wrist, pulling my body in front of him.

  I gasp in surprise. Even though he was giving me the look, I wasn’t expecting him to do this here, now. My ass hits the desk as he spreads his thick thighs and encages me, at the same time tearing down my scrub pants. My pussy is eye level to him and I bite my lip because I’m already wet from thinking about him all day.

  “Here kitty kitty,” he says between my legs, and a second later his nose is pressing against my clit, the tip of his tongue trailing up between my folds.

  A gasp rips from my throat, and I shimmy my legs to allow the pants to fall to my feet and I kick them off over my Chuck Taylors. The force of his mouth on me, pushes me to sit fully onto the desk, his hands lifting my legs and prying them far apart. No man, other than D has gone down on me in five years, five fucking years, and I never remember oral feeling this mind blowing. Something about a man doing this is so opposite of a woman, even D, it’s with no emotion and just work. But Stone, Christ, he’s rough and growling and manipulating my body to move according to his tongue. My hands run through his hair and it loosens from the elastic band, his thumbs holding my lips open so he can explore me to the core.

  “You taste like fucking sugar,” he hums before sucking the little bud of my clit between his lips. “Look at your little clit, fuck,” he growls.

  I feel wetness oozing out from my entrance as I grind against him. Holding the back of his head as I thrust my pussy against his face and exposed tongue. I’ve never felt so animalistic before, feeling like if his tongue is this good, his cock inside me will be something like I’ve never had before. My orgasm barrels through me, and my hands move down to my inner thighs, spreading myself wider for him to tongue fuck me. I groan and watch his tongue lap at my entrance, taking all of my cum onto his huge tongue. I rip my shirt off over my head, then pull the triangles of the bikini top aside to allow my tits to drop out. I squeeze them, needing more and needing everything. He leans back and wipes his hand across his lips, watching me grope myself and spread my legs before him.

  “Lisa, you’re going to make me come all over myself,” he grunts while pulling his shirt off, showing me his chiseled torso. Then tugging the string of his scrub pants apart, and pulling his cock out.

  Cock, no, no, this is not a cock. This is, fuck I don’t know. A beast? A third leg? I’ve never seen a dick this massive in my life, man-made or God-made. My mouth hangs open as I look at it with awe. I swear, not erect, it probably hangs down to his mid-thigh. He’s thick all the way from base to head, and the head. I gasp as I gaze upon the skin covering it.

  There’s nothing more that I love than an un-cut dick, it’s like opening a present, or gazing at a unicorn. They’re not often to come by nowadays, and I feel like this is a sign that this cock was supposed to come into my life. He doesn’t man scape but his body hair is perfect. He lowers his pants further, and his heavy balls tumble out. I literally whimper and my body jerks with the sight of the massive sack. I think his set has just catapulted balls on my list from number two to number one.

  “Good Lord,” I pant, my hands reaching for his girth, needing to make sure it’s real.

  He wraps one of his hands around it before I can get there, and I pause. Watching him slowly pull down the skin with the motion of his fist, and popping the head out like a Jack-in-the-Box. The head has the thickest ring of skin around it, and I picture what it would look like with my lips slipping over it. My tongue swipes across my lips because I’m salivating, and I’m slightly embarrassed that I feel on the verge of crying I want his beast so badly.

  “I know it’s a lot, but just ease on-”

  He’s in mid-sentence when I can’t control my body from taking over. With one hand on his shoulder, the other bracing myself on the lip of the desk, I hover over his lap. With his hand, he positions the head against my wet entrance. My legs lower me, and as soon as the thick ring of his head plunges in, my eyes roll back. My fingers dig into his shoulder, my legs shaking from restraint and need.

  “There’s no rush, you can go slow,” he whispers.

  You ever have that feeling in your chest, like a sob is right there, it sits there and burns and you either have to let it out or struggle to hold it in? Yeah, I have that, and mine can’t be contained. It bursts out from my throat and it sounds like pain, but it’s anything but.

  “Stop, stop,” Stone says, his hands moving to my hips in an attempt to slide me off.

  Oh hell no.

  I gather myself, remembering that this is just the tip of this man’s unicorn cock, and I need more. I fight the power of his grip and push down more, taking him all the way and my pussy ripples, my core tightening. For once in my life, I question if I will be able to take an entire cock.

  “Fuuuuck, shit, shit, Lisa…oh God, yes, take my dick,” he moans.

  We both look down as I rock and circle my hips to take more of him. The growl that emanates from him has me moving closer to coming. Then, something happens that has me widening my eyes. He cups my face, and pulls me in, kissing me. I melt, my lips accepting and opening as our tongues lap against the others. I can taste my flavor, and his, my core starts seeping wetness and allowing him to fill me fully. Finally allowing my ass to make contact with his thighs, as I take all of it. When he’s deeply seated inside, we both groan, and pause. His hands caress my cheeks, our breaths lashing against our faces.

  Then his lips are on mine again, his hands gripping my hips, and his fingers almost meet completely around me. My brain finally kicks into gear, and I need to move, I need everything from him. The head of his dick feels like it’s puncturing my lungs, and I can hardly breathe as I fuck him. He’s not thrusting into me, letting me take what I want, no, what I fucking need. I ride him like those dildos that you suction cup the base to things. My knees are wide before him, my hands on the desk and my feet on the seat beside his hips allowing me to dictate the depth and speed.

  “Holy fuck,” he growls appreciatively as he watches me.

  My brows are furrowed, my lower lip pinched between my teeth, and I’m moaning. Lord, am I moaning. Every thick vein that is bulging in his cock to keep the beast hard is massaging and finding their own points of pleasure. One spot I focus on, it literally has me slack jawed, my eyelids at half mast, and probably looking fuck drunk.

  “I’ve never,” my shoulders jerk as I spew unintelligible nonsense, “this cock, fuck, I can’t…so good, shit, so good.”

  He cups my face again, this time harder and my eyes struggle to open. His eyes, those deep pools of primitive, watch my every reaction. I don’t know what he thinks about me taking him in so
easily, but the fit is snug as hell, and I don’t think he’s complaining about the tightness of my pussy. My chest heaves as I start panting with orgasm, and his thumb covers my clit and my lips, he’s so big and I’m so small there, pressing hard as he pets me. My moan is more like a scream, and I don’t give one goddamn fuck if we aren’t alone in the building. His other hand sneaks back around my shoulders, pulling me against his mouth as he unleashes that tongue made by the gods on my nipples.

  My orgasm is barely over when I feel the sparking of another starting. His cock is throbbing inside me, his body pressed against mine, and I’m encaged in his muscles. We’re exchanging no words, but they’re not necessary, this man is connecting with me on the most basic level. Quickly, he grabs me as if I’m a throw pillow, and moves us. My back hits the wall as he curls his arms under my thighs, pulling me up his dick before bringing me back down. His mouth returns to my tits as he fucks me hard and deep, so, so deep. I feel the thick crest of his foreskin slip over his head as he retreats and pushes back in.

  My brain’s short circuiting, my body overloaded with so much feeling. And it’s then I realize, he doesn’t have a condom on. I know I have nothing since we get checked at the house regularly, and I’m also on birth control. But if he’s got a disease, then damn, it’s fucking worth it. He holds me tight, my chest pressed against his securely, my tits don’t even move with the efforts of his hips. Muscles flexed, my feet flopping up and down, and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. His head buries into my neck, kissing me there and the build up to an orgasm begins again, wetness is seeping out of me, and I know if I come again, I’ll squirt. He lets out a growl that would rival that of a gorilla, like nothing I’ve ever heard, but it calls to the woman in me. His brows are doing that thing, his eyes on me as always, and I start to whimper because this orgasm brewing inside me just might kill me. His hips begin to let up, his demeanor changing, shifting into concern.

  “Don’t stop, don’t fucking stop,” I plead, my voice coming out in a crescendo.


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