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A Case of You [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations ManLove)

Page 8

by Tymber Dalton

  “So she wants to be a policeman? You don’t need some fancy degree to do that. I don’t even think Sheriff Jackson has more than a high school diploma. He was a year ahead of me in school, and he’s been elected to four terms now. Plus he ran a farm for years.”


  Stuart clearly saw it now.

  Somehow, he’d managed to peel back the blinders his family was extremely fond of wearing, envisioned a different life for himself, and jumped into the drink to sink or swim.

  With Brandon and Jeff’s love to buoy him, he’d easily floated.

  “I’ll let you get going, Mom.” He realized he was squeezing the phone so hard in his hand that it was painfully digging into his palm. “I love you. Please tell Dad I love him, too. We’ll see you in a couple of weeks.”

  “We love you, too. If you ever decide to get right with God and come home for good, we’ll be waiting for you.”

  He hung up instead of responding, and didn’t realize he was crying until Jeff got up and brought him some tissues.

  “I need to call Eileen,” Stuart finally choked out.

  “Why?” Brandon said. “Are you cancelling?”

  “No. I…I just need to talk to her.”

  Stuart leaned against Brandon, feeling safe with the man’s arm around his shoulders. With the phone in speaker mode again, he was a little surprised she answered after the first ring.

  “Hey, Stu.”

  “Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Sure. What’s up? Are you still coming?”

  “Yeah. I just talked to Mom.”

  “How’d that go?”

  “It went. Hey, listen. When you graduated high school and wanted to go to college. How did Mom and Dad act?”

  She went quiet, but the call showed it was still connected. It sounded like she stepped into another room and closed the door, because the background noise died off.

  “Why?” she softly asked.

  “Just…tell me. Please?”

  “I thought you were there that night.”

  “Refresh my memory.” He also wanted Brandon and Jeff to hear it, to give them first-hand insight.

  She did, nearly verbatim what Stuart remembered had happened.

  When she finished, it sounded like she choked back tears. “John wants me to go to college. That’s the main reason why I’m moving, even though he’s going to be overseas for a while. He’s going to be stationed out of Fort Benning, and he’s got a cousin who’s already stationed there. I’m going to live with him and his wife and go to school at a college near there and get my nursing degree. I already applied and was accepted.”

  She sniffled. “I didn’t tell Mom and Dad that. That’s the other reason John wanted me to marry him now. So I can get benefits. I start classes in January.”

  Eileen had spent her first couple of years after high school struggling, until she’d gone to work for a farm equipment dealer, in their parts department. Having been raised on a farm and being familiar with the equipment had helped her get the job.

  Their parents had been proud of her, although they’d warned her several times not to get too “pushy” with male customers, in hopes she might meet her future husband there.

  “I’m proud of you, Sis,” Stuart said. “I’m really proud of you. I know you can do it.”

  Now she did break down into tears. “Thanks. You’re the first one outside of John’s family who knows. I wasn’t going to tell Mom and Dad or anyone until after I got my degree.” She sniffled again. “I wanted to be able to throw it in their faces later. If I tell them now, they’ll just tell me it’s a waste of time and money.”

  “I know, Sis. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re still coming?”

  “I am. I promise. Brandon and I will be there. Say hi to them. Jeff and Brandon are sitting here with me.”

  She let out a shnurffly laugh. “Hi.”

  “Hello,” Brandon and Jeff said.

  “This is Jeff,” he said. “Sorry I won’t make it, but congratulations.”

  “No, it’s okay. I understand. I don’t want you to be in pain. It’s already cold here. We might even get a snowstorm that weekend if the long forecast holds.”

  “This is Brandon. I’m looking forward to meeting you and your fiancé.”

  “So how much of a jerk was Mom on the phone to Stu when he talked to her?”

  Brandon nuzzled his head against Stuart’s. “Not enough to scare me off, that’s for sure.”

  “Good. I’m really happy he’s happy. I hope one day I get to meet Jeff and Emma.”

  “If you and John want to send us both friend requests on Facebook, feel free,” Brandon told her.

  “Thank you.” She let out a sigh. “I should get back out there. Happy Thanksgiving to you guys, and I love you, Stu.”

  “Backatcha, and I love you, too, Sis.”

  Stuart ended the call and stared at the phone for a moment. Jeff and Brandon didn’t interrupt, didn’t speak while he tried to compose his thoughts.

  “I wanted you to hear that directly from her so you understood what I finally realized when I was talking to Mom. My parents will never change. They don’t want to change.”

  He retraced his mental steps for them, including other memories.

  “So take that mindset, and multiply it by a factor of five for Jake,” Stuart finished. “That’s what we’ll be dealing with.”

  Jeff turned Stuart’s face so he could kiss him. “I’m sorry I can’t go with you,” he said. “I’d love a chance to call them all out.”

  “See, that’s the thing, if you do, it won’t change them. The harder you try to change their minds, the harder they’ll fight against it anyway. It has to be…organic. Like me and Eileen.”

  “What about your other brother?” Brandon asked.

  “I don’t know. Robert was never like Jake, but we’re not super-close. He’s stayed friends with me on Facebook. Maybe because me and Eileen were bullied by Jake, we saw the world differently. I don’t know. I don’t know if Robert does, too, or not. I don’t want to kick that bear before the wedding, though.”

  “Agreed,” Brandon said.

  Chapter Nine

  With Stuart’s call out of the way, Brandon took the phone from him and set it on the bedside table. “Okay, time to shut a good boy’s brain off for the rest of the night.”

  “Yes, please, Master.”

  “Oh, my god,” Jeff said. “I just realized we’re going to be child-free until late Sunday. That’s the longest stretch of nakey time we’ve had in months!”

  Brandon laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. “You’re just now figuring that out?”

  “I’m on some heavy-duty medications, Master. I blame them.”

  “True.” Brandon gave Jeff a gentle shove, sending him back onto the bed. “I think you get to be bottom-bottom tonight. If you’re feeling up to it?”

  Jeff grabbed Brandon’s hand and put it on his bulge, which had already started growing. “I’m feeling up to it.”

  He grinned. “Good boy.”

  “Me in the middle, Master?” Stuart asked.

  “Nope.” He pulled him in for a kiss. “Me in the middle. I think a certain good boy should get to fuck my ass tonight. You’re in desperate need of throwing a good fuck, I’m in desperate need of receiving one, so everyone’s a winner.”

  Stuart finally smiled for him. “Yes, Master.”

  Brandon wasted no time getting Jeff naked, with Stuart’s eager help. The only good thing about his health issues was that they could tag-team the man without any protests from him, loving up on him, without him having to put any work into it.

  They explored his body with lips and tongues, fingers stroking, building heat and need for all three of them in the process. Brandon loved this, being able to shut either man’s brain down for a while, show them how he felt.

  Words could never be enough to express how much he loved them. Ever.

  Both of them.

; With Jeff’s cock hard and throbbing and the man begging for more, Brandon and Stuart finally stripped and prepared. Stuart grabbed the towels while Brandon enjoyed going down on Jeff, teasing him some more, enjoying the needy tones in his voice as he begged for release.

  Brandon grabbed the lube and had more fun getting Jeff’s ass ready, licking and sucking his cock even as he scissored two fingers inside him. Meanwhile, behind Brandon, Stuart was having similar fun with him. And with every move Stuart made, it drew moans from Brandon that were transmitted straight into Jeff’s cock.

  Finally, Stuart and Brandon both donned condoms. Jeff spread his legs wide, pulling them back, holding himself open for Brandon. Once Brandon had eased his cock deep inside Jeff, with Jeff’s legs wrapped around his waist, he paused, waiting for Stuart to get into position.

  Below him, Jeff stared up at him with his sweet hazel eyes looking glazed and full of need.

  “My good boy.” Brandon smiled down at him. “Been a while since I got to fuck this sweet ass.”

  Jeff’s hands reached for him, pulling him in for a kiss as his hard cock rubbed between them. “Please fuck me, Sir.”

  “Oh, I will. Let our boy get into position.” Brandon didn’t want to start moving yet anyway. What Stuart was doing to him felt too damn good already, before he even started thrusting.

  Stuart’s hands stroked Brandon’s back, settling on his hips. “Okay, Master.” His voice sounded strained, tense. “Maybe you should do the moving?”

  Brandon snickered and glanced back at him. “You close already?”

  “Yes, Sir. Sorry.”

  Instead, he leaned in and sucked on Jeff’s lower lip. “Tell me what you want, baby.”

  “Please, fuck me hard.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I need it hard tonight. Please?”

  Brandon slid his hands under Jeff’s shoulders, cupping the top of them as he stared down into his eyes. Like that, Jeff’s cock was perfectly trapped between them.

  “Free for all, boys. Come as you can.” Brandon slowly started fucking Jeff, Stuart adjusting his position a little so Brandon was actively fucking himself back and forth, between Stuart’s cock and Jeff’s ass.

  As Brandon picked up the pace and force of his thrusts, Jeff held on tighter, his breaths short and shallow as he tried to get there, to get off like that. Both men really enjoyed it when Brandon could fuck one out of them without touching their cocks in the process. Although with Jeff’s cock currently getting a slight assist, it still counted. Technically.

  “Come for me, baby,” Brandon said. “Give it to me.” He nuzzled the side of Jeff’s neck as he pistoned his hips against the man, timing it, waiting for him to build enough that a bite would shove him over the edge, not delay his orgasm.

  Behind him, Stuart had picked up the rhythm and drove his cock deep into Brandon’s ass on every withdrawal Brandon made from Jeff’s. It only added to Brandon’s need and he knew at that rate he wouldn’t be able to hold back long.

  Finally, he bit down, hard, and Jeff’s entire body tensed. As Jeff’s ass flexed and grabbed at Brandon’s cock with the force of his orgasm, Brandon released his bite and fucked him, hard, fast, quickly finishing as behind him, he heard Stuart’s moan start as his climax hit him.

  Sated and happy, Brandon gently dropped his weight on Jeff as the man held on even tighter. Jeff kissed him, a sweet, gentle exploration as Stuart’s breath caressed the back of Brandon’s neck.

  “Not too hard?” Brandon asked.

  Jeff wore a happy smile. “Perfect. Damn, I needed that.”

  “So did I.”

  “Me, too,” Stuart added.

  “Anyone check the pool temp today?” Brandon asked.

  Jeff tapped his arm. “I turned on the heater late this afternoon. It should be around ninety.”

  “Excellent. Let’s go.”

  They untangled limbs and headed to the bathroom first, cleaning up and grabbing beach towels before stepping out the bedroom sliders onto the lanai. Stuart immediately cannonballed into the deep end, breaking the surface a second later.

  “It’s perfect!”

  * * * *

  Jeff knew the men didn’t want to hurt him in bad ways. He got it. He appreciated their concern.

  It didn’t mean he didn’t want them to use him, fuck him hard, the way they used to.

  Sure, some of their impact play and intricate bondage positions were now on the back burner for him, but dammit, he wanted one part of his life to not give way to his fucking health.

  Sometimes, if it wasn’t the pain that took his desire away, it was the side effects of the medications. He had another appointment for more blood work next week. He didn’t have to have another PICC line—yet—but the doctor told him in no uncertain terms if either his blood work or his physical symptoms didn’t make a drastic improvement soon, he’d be putting Jeff back on one for another round of heavy-duty IV meds.

  As Jeff floated on his back in the pool, Stuart swam over to him, getting under him, cradling Jeff against him to nibble on his left ear. Already, their boy’s cock was showing renewed signs of interest.

  Ah, to be twenty-six again. Jeff reached under him and found Stuart’s cock, stroking him and quickly getting him fully hard. Then he positioned the head of it at his ass.

  “Go ahead.”

  Stuart’s grip closed on him, a soft moan brushing his ear as Stuart’s cock easily sank into his well-fucked ass. They were close to the wall, so Stuart put his feet down and turned them, holding on to the edge so he could really fuck Jeff.

  Brandon swam over, smiling. He kissed Jeff, his arm draped around both of them as Stuart fucked Jeff. Then Brandon’s other hand dropped to Jeff’s cock. Jeff wasn’t sure he could get it up a second time, but that didn’t stop Brandon from trying to stroke him hard again.

  “Fuck him good, boy,” Brandon said to Stuart while staring into Jeff’s eyes. “Show him what he does to you.”

  Jeff moved his arms, now holding on to Brandon’s shoulders as the man leaned back against the edge of the pool. Stuart usually took longer to reach a second orgasm, especially that close to the first time he’d come.

  Which Jeff now realized had been Brandon’s plan all along.

  As Jeff smiled, Brandon returned it. “What?”

  “Nothing, Master.” He kissed him, deeply. “You’re sneaky.”

  “I can be. Fuck him nice and long, Stuart. Make it last.”

  Stuart whined. “I’m so close.”

  “Then you’d best slow down for a minute,” Brandon told him. “I’ll try to see if I can coax another one out of him for you before you come.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Brandon released Stuart, and instead slid his hand up Jeff’s back, grabbing a fistful of hair and tipping his head to the other side. Jeff’s eyes dropped closed and he was already anticipating the delicious pain of the bite when it hit him.

  He felt his cock trying to thicken and stir in response to Brandon’s hand stroking him, and to how good Stuart’s cock felt in his ass.

  Brandon wasn’t done, though. He bit up and down the side of Jeff’s neck, to his shoulder, back again. Hard, painful bites that finally finished hardening Jeff’s cock and making him softly moan with need.

  “There you go,” Brandon said, pulling him tightly against him. “Come for us, baby.” Brandon’s hand expertly jacked him, knowing his body, just the right amount of force and pressure and the perfect twist of his hand around the ridge of the head.

  It didn’t take long for Jeff to get to the edge. “Almost.”

  “Give it to me,” Brandon said, his hand closing hard around Jeff’s cock as he suddenly sped up his strokes.

  That finished him. His eyes fell closed as his orgasm hit, his ass squeezing Stuart’s cock and amplifying the pleasure racing through him. This was what he’d needed to make this a perfect night, having pleasure literally wrung out of him, almost to the point of the good kind of pain. Stuart’s han
ds closed on his hips and he quickly fucked him, hard and deep and holding on tight with his cock buried deep in Jeff’s ass when he came.

  Now Brandon wrapped arms and legs around Jeff, kissing him again, lovingly this time. Sweet, slow, no rush.

  “What about you, Master?” Stuart asked, his voice back to their sweet subby boy.

  Brandon lifted his head, breaking his kiss with Jeff. “Oh, I’m good for the night. Remember, you’re younger than both of us.” He smiled at Jeff. “I just wanted to hear both of you come again. I love that sound. Should record it and make it my ringtone.” He grinned.

  Both Stuart and Jeff exploded with laughter.

  They spent a little while longer in the pool, swimming, cuddling, talking. Finally, when all three of them were yawning, they got out, shivering as they quickly dried off and returned to the house.

  Times like this, Jeff wished they had a hot tub. The pool was fun, but fucking in a hot tub—or even just cuddling in it—would be even better.

  As they snuggled together in bed, Brandon in the middle tonight, Jeff lay with his arm across Brandon and his hand on Stuart’s arm. Stuart’s hand rested on Jeff’s hip.

  “I love you both so much,” Jeff said. “Thanks for putting up with me like this.”

  “Hey,” Brandon said, “we love you. There’s no ‘putting up with.’ This is what you do for the person you love.”

  “Yeah,” Stuart echoed. “You’re stuck with us for life, dude.”

  A happy sigh escaped him. “I can live with that.”

  Chapter Ten

  Stuart talked to Eileen a few more times before he and Brandon were scheduled to fly out of Tampa, including making plans to have dinner together that Thursday night.

  Without their family.

  The plans also included spending time with Eileen and her in-laws on Sunday, just Brandon and Stuart, not the rest of the Powell clan, to give the siblings some additional low-stress time together.

  That wasn’t something they were advertising to everyone else, either.

  Just like they weren’t advertising that Eileen and John were having dinner with Brandon and Stuart on Thursday night.


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