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A Case of You [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations ManLove)

Page 15

by Tymber Dalton

  “No, now he’s raising two as bad as he is.”

  “Don’t be too sure of that. I think he might be divorced in a few more months. I think Shelly is sick of him. Never saw her grow a spine the way she did Friday night. And they drove in separate cars to the wedding.”

  “I don’t blame her.”

  “As much as I don’t believe in divorce, neither do I. Blame her, that is. I’m surprised they stayed together this long. The only reason she married him was because he knocked her up with Kevin.”

  That shocked him. “What?”

  “You didn’t know that?”

  “No, I didn’t know that!”

  “Oh, sure. I thought you did? No, wait. You would have still been a kid. Maybe we never told you. Yeah, her father showed up at Jake’s with her in the car. Jake was living in that trailer. Back then, he was sharing it with a buddy from high school. Showed up with a shotgun, too, and marched them down to the courthouse. Literally. Said Jake was going to marry Shelly, or he wasn’t going to be able to father any more kids, and he should pick quick before his trigger finger got itchy. She’d just turned sixteen four days earlier, and Jake was nineteen. He could have gotten Jake arrested for statutory rape.

  “Her father brought them by our place after they did it and told us. Can’t say I disagreed with him. I didn’t want Kevin to be born a bastard, either. Besides, Jake’s lucky he’s not in jail. That’s why Jake didn’t fight the guy when he showed up. Well, that and the shotgun. Shelly’s father’s just plain mean.”

  Aaaand that explained a lot. It also explained why he didn’t have any memories of Jake’s wedding, and it wasn’t talked about a lot—as in at all. He’d assumed, due to their parents’ income, that the two had eloped.

  It also explained why Shelly always looked especially miserable at family gatherings in the early days.

  Brandon was obviously paying attention to the Tampa traffic, but Stuart could tell he was amused by that factoid, slowly shaking his head, that smirk on his face.

  “Anyway, I’ll tell your father you called. I’m getting ready to head over there now to visit. He’ll be fine, and so will we. I’m still trying to talk him into either leasing the land to someone else to farm, or sell altogether. I’m tired, and friends of ours sold out and moved down to Florida last year. They love it there. Just outside of Brooksville. Maybe this will help me talk him into it.”

  This conversation still felt…weird. Like he wasn’t awake or something. “Maybe that’s what you need to do then.”

  “If only it were that easy. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, Mom.”

  He stared at his phone after ending the call. Brandon finally lost his battle not to laugh. “I’m sorry, but after this weekend, that was like a miracle or something.”

  “I know, right? I swear I didn’t know that’s why Jake married Shelly.”

  “Sounds like he didn’t want a lot of people knowing it.”

  * * * *

  Brandon had worried that, now they were home, Stuart might sink into feeling guilty about what had happened with his father. Hearing Stuart’s mom tell Stuart it wasn’t his fault meant Brandon had the best leverage of all to keep Stuart’s mindset focused on the healthy side of this.

  Jake was no longer some mythical beast waiting in the wings to ruin Stuart’s life.

  Jake had been publicly taken down and humiliated. Exposed for the abusive jerk he was.

  Stuart was now reconciled with his sister and with Robert.

  Add to that Stuart now had a dialogue with his parents about his life and family in Florida.

  For Brandon, it was a total win.

  All he and Jeff had to do was reinforce those positives to Stuart and make sure he internalized it.

  It would be hard to change a lifetime of thinking, though.

  For now, Brandon couldn’t wait to get home and be with Jeff again. He’d missed him like hell over the weekend, but it was better he hadn’t been there. It would have gotten him upset and, combined with the bitterly cold, damp weather, and the stress, it would have crashed him for sure.

  This had been better.

  Far better.

  Well, would have been even better without Stuart’s father having a heart attack, but overall, it was still a win.

  Jeff walked out as soon as they pulled into the driveway, hugging them hard when they emerged from the car.

  “I am so fucking glad you two are home.”

  Brandon grinned. “How’d Emma and Grace do this weekend?”

  “You sonofabitch.” But Jeff smiled. “Did you have to order them to basically sit on me this weekend?”

  Brandon pointed at himself and circled his finger. “Saaaadist. What part of that don’t you understand, boy?”

  It finally pulled a laugh out of Stuart, Brandon was happy to hear. “I’m so glad we’re home.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jeff felt badly he hadn’t been there for Stuart. Once Brandon fully debriefed Jeff the next morning after Stuart left for work, he realized everything had been under control.

  Thanksgiving had gone so well that Brandon had told everyone they were hosting Christmas Day, too. Now Jeff was charged with making sure the shopping and meal planning was taken care of.

  As for decorating, Tracey brought over what she’d taken with her when she’d left Pat, and one afternoon she and the girls helped Jeff put up a tree and decorate it as a surprise for Stuart and Brandon. When the men returned home from work that evening, they found them eager to show off what they’d been up to.

  It…felt like home. Jeff had lived by himself for several years, and had never really done anything for Christmas. He and Iris had always converged on his parents’ house for dinner that day, and enjoyed helping them put up their tree at Thanksgiving.

  Another level of “real” had set in.

  This was his family, with Tracey and Grace as a part of it.

  He had a suspicion Brandon and Stuart were up to something when Tracey showed up the Tuesday before Christmas to take him and the girls shopping.

  When they’d returned home hours later, Brandon and Stuart were home when they shouldn’t have been.

  Both wore big, wide grins.

  “What’d you do?” he asked as he laid shopping bags on the couch.

  Everyone was apparently in on the surprise, from the wide grins on Tracey and the girls’ faces.

  Brandon walked over and covered Jeff’s eyes while Stuart took his hands. It felt like they were leading him through the kitchen and out the back sliders to the lanai.

  Brandon leaned in. “We did get you little things to unwrap, and it is sort of for everyone, but especially for you.” He uncovered Jeff’s eyes.

  He gasped. “No fu-reaking way!”

  Stuart giggled. “Way!”

  Before him sat a hot tub. He stepped forward and looked inside. It was full of water, had two lounging bench seats, and looked like it could seat about six people.

  “This is great!” He turned and hugged them. “Thank you!”

  “It’ll take a while to heat up,” Brandon said. “But hopefully, it’ll be ready for tonight.”

  “No more emptying the hot water heater in the shower,” Stuart teased.

  It literally sat steps outside their bedroom sliders. He could get up first thing in the morning and get into it. “Wow. Guys, this is…wow. Was it expensive?”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Brandon said. “It was a gently used one. I got a good deal on it, and Stuart hooked up the new electric circuit for it. It’ll be worth it to help you.” He leaned in as he hugged him again, but he pressed his lips against Jeff’s ear. “And I plan on getting a lot of use out of it.”

  “We brought dinner home,” Tracey said. “Let’s get you boys fed, and then we’ll clear out.” The girls were spending the night at Grace’s tonight—another prearranged part of the gift for Jeff, apparently.

  “Guys, this is awesome. I love it—thank you.”

  Stuart kissed
him. “Nothing’s too good for our house elf.”

  * * * *

  Brandon didn’t want to give the girls the bum rush out of the house…but he was eager to get Jeff and Stuart alone in the hot tub.

  For non-therapeutic reasons. Ever since getting back from Iowa, he’d been using a very effective evening distraction tactic on Stuart—letting him help Brandon work on inserting the ever-increasing butt plugs he’d been using.

  Brandon hoped to take that final step tonight. Jeff’s pain was currently low and he still had energy, and they had the house to themselves.

  Once they were alone outside, Brandon sank into the water up to his neck and let out a happy moan. “This is amazing.”

  “You ain’t kidding.” Jeff was stretched out in one of the lounger sections, several jets hitting him in the back. “I could go to sleep out here.”

  “Not tonight, I hope,” Brandon teased.

  “No, Master. Not tonight. I think someone had something they wanted to try out tonight?”

  “Damn right. I want to christen this thing in a very special way.” Brandon straddled Jeff where he lay on the lounger seat. Brandon had already prepared in the bathroom, including lubing himself extremely well to make up for the effect of the water.

  His own cock had shown up for the party, too, hard and eager to play with his boys. As he leaned in and kissed Jeff, steam from the hot tub drifting around them, Jeff’s cock also stiffened, rubbing against his own. Brandon reached down into the water and fisted both of them together, stroking, swallowing Jeff’s moan.

  “Yeah, baby. You two get to do something with me I’ve never done with anyone else. One more check on the bucket list.” He rose up, holding Jeff’s cock still, and impaled himself on it, all the way to the root. Considering he’d spent most of the morning with a large butt plug in, he was easily able to take him.

  Behind him, Stuart also knelt over Jeff. Brandon turned his head to kiss him. “Get that cock in there, boy,” Brandon said as he slowly stroked his own.

  Brandon leaned forward, his forehead resting against Jeff’s as the man’s hands stroked his chest and played with Brandon’s nipples.

  “Breathe through it,” Jeff advised. “It’ll feel super intense there at first, like you can’t take it. That’s when you have to relax and let it happen.”

  Brandon stared into Jeff’s eyes, heart pounding as he felt Stuart get into position. Jeff reached up and held Brandon’s head, meeting his gaze.

  “You fucking gorgeous man,” Jeff whispered. “I love you so goddamned much right now for trusting us.”

  Stuart’s cock pressed in, on top of Jeff’s. Brandon’s ring stretched, tight, the familiar burn soon almost unbearable for a moment until Stuart pushed through. Brandon nearly collapsed onto Jeff, and then everything magically shifted. He went from overwhelmed to extremely full…and his cock throbbed in his hand from how Jeff’s cock was now pressed against his G-spot.

  Jeff grinned. “Aw yeah. You feel it now, don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Brandon gasped, still trying to process it.

  “Fuck,” Stuart gasped from behind him. “I forgot how good this is!”

  Jeff reached down with one hand and wrapped his fingers around Brandon’s, slowly jacking his cock for him. That…

  Holy fuck!

  Just that extra bit of stimulation suddenly transformed it into an intensity he wasn’t sure he could endure for long without exploding. And he didn’t want this to be little more than a damn crotch sneeze and done.

  He wanted this to last.

  Brandon pulled his hand out from under Jeff’s and let the man take over as he braced his arms against the hot tub and leaned in to kiss Jeff. Stuart’s hands settled on Brandon’s hips as he took a slow, careful stroke out and then in again with his cock.


  “I think Master’s speechless,” Jeff teased, smiling up at Brandon. “I think he now sees why we enjoy this.”

  Brandon nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

  “Hold still,” he finally gasped. With Jeff and Stuart’s cocks deep inside him, Brandon took over, rising up before slowly sinking down again. The low moan escaping him made Jeff and Stuart laugh.

  “That sounds like a well-fucked Master if I ever heard one,” Stuart joked. “Damn, now I want to do this again, but in the middle.”

  “You think you’re limber enough to take both of us tonight?” Jeff asked.

  “I don’t know. It’s been a couple of weeks since I tried the big butt plug.”

  Brandon’s head drooped, Jeff’s hand slowing around the head of his cock, gently squeezing, holding. Jeff’s thumb brushed over the head, tracing the slit.

  “Yeah, should have warned you to grab a cock ring for this, Master,” he said. “I have a feeling you and I are one-and-done tonight.”

  Brandon nodded but started another slow rise and fall on their cocks.

  He shivered. It felt sooo…



  Intense in a way he’d never had a butt plug or intercourse feel before. He’d known it would feel good, based on what Jeff and Stuart told him, but…


  “I’m going to want another one,” Stuart whined. “You guys didn’t let me come for three days.”

  “We’ll get one of the toys and fuck you, baby,” Jeff assured him. “Don’t worry.” He grinned up at Brandon. “I can’t wait to see your face when you blow.”

  He finally kissed Jeff to shut him up. The man’s voice was threatening to toss him over the edge. If his brain hadn’t felt so damn disengaged from his body, he would have told him to let go of his cock, too, because the intensity was overwhelming.

  Finally, Brandon had to have them, had to have this. He started riding them, picking up speed, until water splashed against the edges of the hot tub and he wasn’t altogether sure his balls might not explode.

  He broke the kiss with Jeff just long enough to gasp, “Now!”

  Jeff’s hand quickly stroked him, hard, milking his orgasm out of him. As his ass clamped down on their cocks, a second intense wave of pleasure shot through him, making him cry out—fuck, nearly black out!

  Jeff and Stuart picked up the slack as soon as they knew he’d finished, holding on and fucking him, soon adding their loads to his ass until all three of them fell still. They cuddled there, the water taking some of their weight off Jeff, his arms around both of them and Stuart’s arms also around them.

  As their cocks went soft inside Brandon, Stuart kissed his back. “Can I get the big blue one, Master? I need it, please?”

  Hell, Brandon was still trying to catch his breath. He turned his head to kiss Stuart. “Better lube yourself up, too, while you’re in there.”

  After quickly sliding his cock from Brandon, he jumped out of the hot tub and raced inside.

  Jeff laughed. “Holy cow, that boy’s insatiable sometimes.”

  Brandon crushed Jeff’s lips with his. “That was sooo fucking good.”

  “You’ll feel a little achy in the good ways tomorrow, but yeah, it’s fucking good.”

  Stuart returned with the large fake dong a few minutes later. His own cock, despite being wet and the chilly air, was still semi-hard. Typical for their boy.

  The blue cock was not quite as big as the two of them together, and a stout nine inches long. Brandon and Jeff untangled themselves and then changed position so Stuart could sit between Brandon’s legs, leaning against him with Stuart’s legs spread wide and held open so Brandon could grip his ankles.

  Jeff knelt in front of Stuart, slowly jacking Stuart’s cock and getting it hard again in just a few pumps. “Such a horny boy.”

  “Please, Master,” he gasped. “I’ve been so good!”

  “Yes,” Brandon said, chuckling. “You have been. Go ahead and let him have it, Jeff.”

  Jeff slowly slid the dildo inside Stuart. The younger man gasped, moaning. Brandon turned his head and kissed Stuart, muffling him so the neighbors didn’t th
ink they were murdering someone on their lanai.

  Jeff and Brandon were old hats at using toys to keep their boy satisfied. As Jeff stroked Stuart’s cock, he started picking up the pace with his other hand, no doubt fucking Stuart hard and deep with it, based on the nonstop moans rolling from the man’s mouth.

  It only took a couple of minutes to fuck and jack a second one out of Stuart. Brandon released his ankles and wrapped his arms around him, still kissing him as Jeff nudged in close to join them.

  “Better?” Brandon asked.

  “Mmm hmm, Master,” he whispered, sounding like he was about to fall asleep. “That was sooo good.”

  “You are a little slut, baby,” Jeff teased.

  A sated smile filled his handsome face. “Only for you two.”

  “Damn well better only be for us two,” Brandon joked.

  They finally climbed out and took a quick shower before heading to bed. As Brandon was drifting off to sleep, he nudged Stuart. “Did you get the dildo out of the hot tub?”

  “Um…no, Master?”

  He felt for and found a nipple and pinched it, making Stuart squeal. “Go get it. We can’t leave that around for the girls to find.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Sorry.” He climbed out and retrieved it from the hot tub while Jeff laughed.

  “Guess we need a new rule.” He moved closer to Brandon, rolling toward him, snuggling with him. “Hot tub toy check.”

  “Yeah.” Brandon’s arms closed around him. “Definitely.”

  Stuart returned with it. “Had to use the pool dip net to get it. Guess this one sinks.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Ooh,” Jeff said.


  “We can make our boy go diving for dildos in the pool.”

  Brandon snorted. “I think that’s a private party game Tilly’s already trademarked for the Suncoast Society.”

  Jeff laughed as Stuart rejoined them in bed. “That sounds like something she’d do.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Monday after New Year’s, Jeff actually felt really good that morning. He’d been using the hot tub several times a day, and it certainly seemed to help. In fact, he felt good enough to take a drive over to Brooke’s garage to spend a couple of hours there.


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