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[Clearing the Ice 01.0] This Piece of My Heart

Page 4

by Robyn M Ryan

  “I asked you to leave.”

  “No time for even a kiss; I get it.” He spotted the bruise hidden by the hair that fell across her temple. “So you’re one of those girls who like it rough? I can play that game.”

  He shoved her backwards and she stumbled against the coffee table in front of the couch, tripping and falling to the floor. Her shoulder hit the side of the sofa, and shaking off the pain, Caryn scrambled to her feet, her heart thumping in her ears.

  She grabbed her phone, her voice surprisingly steady. “Get out of here or I’m calling the police. You’re drunk. Go. Now.”

  Pearson laughed coldly as he stared at her a long moment, then shook his head in disgust.

  “Thanks for nothing, sweetheart.” He slammed the door behind him, and she locked it securely. Grasping a pillow, Caryn sank to the couch in relief. Breathing deeply, her nerves calmed, anger replacing fear. Maybe she should call the police? He’d just deny it anyway, she had no proof. But if he ever showed up again. The pillow followed the textbook’s route across the room, bouncing silently against the door. She glanced at her phone, wanting to call Drew. Get a grip. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. She stood, adrenaline still coursing through her body. Statistics didn’t feel so daunting just then.


  Caryn and Andrew played tennis the next evening, and Caryn surprised him with her ability, winning six-four and eight-six in two sets. He shook his head as he wiped his face with the towel.

  “You didn’t tell me you were a pro.” His accusation accompanied a grin.

  Caryn flushed as she shook her head. “Just lucky.”

  “Takes more than luck to play like that, Caryn. You’re really good. Just don’t tell me you’re not in top form because you’re still sore from the other day.”

  “I’m fine.” She laughed as she put her racquet back into its cover.

  “How long have you been playing?”

  “Since I was five. My parents travel a lot on business, so they sent me to camp for most of the summer. Tennis was the main activity. By the time I was fifteen, they asked me to teach. Then, I worked at camp all summer instead of being a camper.” She shrugged in embarrassment. “I haven’t played in so long.”

  “Lucky for me. From now on, we’ll play doubles and find another couple to humiliate. You’re too good for me.”

  “No, I’m not. You could have won if you’d wanted.”

  “Nope, you’re really good, and you had me fooled. Maybe I should get you to give me lessons?”

  “My pleasure.” She smiled mischievously as they walked toward the townhouse. “Remember, you said the loser had to cook the steaks.” Andrew started the grill on her patio while Caryn quickly showered and changed. She put the potatoes in the oven and prepared the salad while he took his turn in the shower. She poured a glass of wine and relaxed on a chaise lounge on the patio while she waited. She felt comfortable with Drew—had she only known him just a couple days?

  He joined her before long, opening a bottle of beer as he perched on the chaise lounge beside her. “This might take the edge off on how badly you embarrassed me out on the court.”

  “Well, maybe you can take tennis for PE.”

  Andrew shook his head as he met her eyes, suppressing a smile. “My PE days are long gone.”

  “Oh—I assumed you were a grad student.”

  “No, not in grad school.” His blue eyes held her gaze. “I play hockey for the Leafs.”

  Caryn nearly fell off the chair. He was a professional hockey player?

  “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  “It didn’t come up. Then, after you met a couple of my friends from the Jays, I wasn’t sure you’d be interested in going out with a hockey player—a professional athlete?” A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

  “I kinda put my foot in it the other night, didn’t I?”

  “A lot of guys can be jerks. I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t want to get involved with an athlete.”

  “Have you just been on your best behavior so far?” She teased him with a smile.

  Andrew shook his head. “Nope, what you see is what you get.”

  “When did you start playing for the Leafs?”

  “This will be my fourth season. I went from Major Juniors into the Leafs' organization.”

  “That’s exciting!”

  “You like hockey?”

  “Well, I am Canadian,” she said and laughed.

  “I was going to say something the other night at dinner, then after Norris acted like such an ass, I figured it wasn't exactly the right moment.”

  “Don’t apologize for your friends.” She ran her fingers against his broad shoulders, feeling the strength of his muscles beneath the knit shirt. She lightly caressed the hair that brushed against his collar, then moving her hand behind his neck, she pulled him toward her. “Besides,” she said as his lips approached, “I think I like hockey players.”

  The kiss was soft and lingering, in sharp contrast to Chuck’s crude assault on her lips the previous evening. Without thinking, Caryn slipped her arms around his neck, responding to the sudden jolt of electricity that coursed through her. Never had a kiss affected her entire being this way. When his arms closed around her, she pressed against his chest, her body tingling with anticipation.

  What am I doing? I’ve never been kissed like this, never had someone make me feel this way. If I’m not careful…

  She murmured a protest when the kiss ended, taking a moment to catch her breath. Caryn’s head buzzed and she had a hard time focusing as he studied her with those stark blue eyes. She felt her cheeks grow warm as he gently brushed the hair away from her forehead.

  Caryn broke eye contact, looking down at her hands as she tried to collect her thoughts. She didn’t know Andrew. It was just their second time together. Did he expect her to…? She didn’t want him to think she was that kind of girl. But the way his kiss made her feel…

  She snuck a glance at him. His fingers gently tipped her chin until he could see her face. She watched his eyes search her expression before he leaned to press his lips against her forehead. A smile hinted at the corner of his mouth.

  “Time out so I can grill our steaks?”

  Caryn tried to hide her relief with a quiet laugh, as she reached for his hand. “Come with me to the kitchen. You can get the steaks and I’ll check on the rest of the meal.”


  Andrew stood where he could see Caryn through the kitchen window as he kept an eye on the steaks. He’d felt the unexpected spark that transformed a light kiss into a promise of much, much more. Definitely chemistry between them, but he’d sensed a conflicted response. Caryn sure kissed like she wanted more, but her subtle hesitation caused him to pull back. Gotta remember she’s a student, just twenty. Not that twenty-four is that much older, but his world brought him into contact with many different types of woman. Women who are more than willing to engage in casual sex—not even hoping for friends with benefits. No matter the city, there are women who specifically seek the pro athletes. Sure, when he was a rookie, he’d enjoyed it like a kid in the candy store. By now, the lifestyle had worn thin, and when he’d attempted the steady relationship with Monique, they obviously had different motives. And look how that ended.

  Maybe that’s why Caryn intrigued him? His eyes drifted toward her. There had been other subtle signals of her uncertainly and discomfort with the obvious mutual attraction. She projected an aura of self-confidence that he suspected masked an inner insecurity. Innocence? This struck an unfamiliar chord within him, sensing in Caryn a vulnerability that he unexpectedly wanted to protect.

  If they continued to see each other, Andrew realized that he did not want to pursue casual sex with Caryn. And he did not intend to make the same mistakes he had with Monique. Getting a little ahead of myself here. Caryn’s not the type of girl I should even speculate about starting a physical relationship this quickly. Unless he’d completely missed the sign
als, she wasn’t looking to jump into a relationship. From the little he’d learned so far, she had a tough academic schedule and some intense pressure from her father to excel. What’s with that? She certainly showed her frustration when she practically destroyed that statistics text. Maybe he could help her with that course? Spending some casual time with Caryn would give each of them a chance to get to know each other and see if a relationship develops.

  He saw her look at him through the kitchen window and he winked and flashed a grin. He liked watching her face redden–he’d never expect that kind of self-conscious embarrassment from someone as beautiful as Caryn. Just another reason why he found her so intriguing.


  At Andrew’s suggestion, they started meeting on campus each day after her last class. Sometimes he surprised her with lunch or they picked up a sandwich and a drink. They found a quiet spot and reviewed her marketing and statistics courses. It was so much more fun than working with the tutor, but Caryn couldn’t believe that he actually enjoyed statistics…or that he took time every day to help her.

  She looked forward to seeing him, even more so when they occasionally went out to dinner or to one of the many summer outdoor concerts or festivals Toronto offered. She enjoyed Drew’s company. Actually enjoy didn’t begin to describe what she felt for this man who had claimed permanent residence in her mind.

  She found Andrew hard to read. After that kiss, she felt him pull away from her a bit. He treated her affectionately, showered her with gentle kisses, and made her feel special. But he’d dialed back the intensity—or did she imagine that? Maybe he’d decided he didn’t want that kind of relationship with her? Or maybe he wasn’t that interested in her? Maybe he wasn’t as attracted to her as she was to him? Was she overthinking things?

  Did he know his smile could make her stomach contract or how often those blue eyes caused her knees to buckle? When he touched her hand or held her against his side, did he feel the same sparks that ignited within her? Or was it just her?


  An evening several weeks after they’d met, Caryn arrived at a restaurant near campus to meet Andrew, her spirits lighthearted at the prospect of seeing him again. She’d been consumed by midterms and he’d had a mini camp with the team. She missed seeing him more than she’d expected. She glanced around the crowded restaurant, and then peeked into the bar, quickly seeing he had not yet arrived. She stepped to the end of the bar to order a Perrier, and she perched on a stool where she could watch the door. She looked at the other customers in the room, then turned her head quickly when she realized that Chuck Pearson was seated at a nearby table. She slid from the bar stool, intending to step unnoticed back into the entry hall, but she was stopped midway across the room when his hand locked upon her arm, turning her toward him roughly.

  “What a pleasant surprise. You have the time to pick up guys in bars?”

  “I’m meeting someone.” Caryn pulled back, trying to jerk her arm loose. His fingers dug into her skin as he held her insistently, forcing her closer beside him.

  “But no time to have a drink with me?”

  “Let me go!”

  His fingernails scratched her arm as he tightened his grip to prevent her from pulling away from him. Caryn winced in pain and involuntarily stepped toward him in an effort to ease the pressure on her arm.

  “You know, I thought we hit it off really nice. Then all of a sudden you won’t even take a call.”

  “I told you I’m not interested in going out with you.”

  Pearson’s eyes narrowed, and he was about to reply when Andrew’s hand clamped on his wrist, squeezing it harshly.

  “Let her go,” he said softly as he stepped between them. Pearson regarded him coolly as he released Caryn’s arm and as Andrew slipped his arm about her shoulders.

  “You her latest?” Pearson’s tone mocked Caryn. Caryn’s cheeks burned, but Andrew didn’t reply as he drew her closer to his side. “Let me tell you something. Don’t let that little miss innocent act fool you. Take my advice.”

  “I don’t need any advice from you.” His voice was cold as he met Pearson’s gaze evenly.

  “You’ll find out soon enough. She’s got a good act—all promises and no action, if you ask me.”

  “No one asked your opinion.” Andrew squeezed Caryn’s shoulder.

  Pearson looked at him speculatively. “Or maybe you're the guy that gives it to her the way she likes it? She plays rough, you know.”

  Caryn could feel his muscles tense, but Drew’s voice was controlled and low. “You got anything else to say, I suggest we step outside.”

  Pearson shook his head with a short laugh. “Not worth it.”

  Andrew watched as the man strode away, and then turned to Caryn. She felt her cheeks burning with embarrassment and humiliation, so she averted her eyes and stared at the floor, wishing that it would open up and swallow her.

  He touched her cheek. “I’m sorry I was late, Cary. Are you okay?”

  She nodded, not meeting his eyes. He kept his arm about her shoulders and led her toward the outdoor seating area in the courtyard at the rear of the restaurant. She sat in the chair he pulled back for her. Pearson’s words echoed in her ears. He made it sound like she’d led him on, had gone out with him, maybe even acted like she wanted him to…What must Andrew think? That this is just a game to her?

  Andrew gently rubbed her reddened arm, and she looked at him reluctantly, knowing she’d have to explain. The genuine concern reflected by his blue eyes surprised her.

  “Drew, I…”

  He reached to touch her cheek, speaking softly as he lightly brushed the hair from her face. “You don’t have to say anything, Cary. I know that the guy was full of shit. You don’t owe me any explanations.”

  “I never even went out with him.”

  He smiled affectionately as he lightly fingered the collar of her shirt. “I figure that you’ve probably broken a few hearts along the way. I know what he was doing.”

  Her smile wavered, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. Andrew reached for her hand, squeezing it tightly.

  “How was your marketing exam?”

  “Okay.” Caryn shrugged.


  “Who knows?” Her hand shook as she pushed the hair away from her face, and she closed her eyes tightly, determined that Pearson would not cause her to cry.

  Andrew touched her cheek, gently lifting her chin and coaxing her eyes into meeting his. “What is it, Cary?”

  She shook her head as she took a deep breath. “I agreed to go on a date with him back in June, Drew. I bailed at the last minute…I just didn’t want to go anywhere with him. He showed up at my home that night…drunk, and pushed his way in. He wanted me to… you know.” She broke off in embarrassment. “I told him to leave—he saw that bruise on my forehead and said I must like it when guys get rough with me.”

  Andrew’s eyes darkened. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No, he just shoved me. I told him I was calling the police.” She took a deep breath, then suddenly giggled. “I threw a pillow at the door after he left.”

  “No textbook handy?”

  Caryn laughed a little. “In the kitchen. I was working on homework.” She looked over at him, her eyes suddenly blinking back tears. “I didn’t lead him on, Drew.”

  Andrew slipped his hand beneath her hair and rubbed her neck gently. “Sounds like wishful thinking to me.” He ran his hand along her cheek, lightly brushing the stray tears aside. “Trust your instincts—I’m glad you didn’t go on that date. Don’t let him get to you. All he wanted to do was make you feel bad. Don’t give him that satisfaction.” He leaned to kiss her gently. “I wish you’d called me.”

  “It was just after we met.”

  “Have you blocked his number?”

  Caryn nodded without speaking.

  “If it happens again, you have my number.” He rested his hand on her shoulder and absently fingered her hair, looking over his shou
lder toward the bar. He changed the subject abruptly. “Do you still want to have dinner with Tom? I can call him.”

  “No, I want to meet your brother,” Caryn said as she reached for his hand. “Just let me freshen up. I’m fine.”

  “What do you want to drink? Pinot? Chardonnay?”

  “Maybe both?” Caryn laughed as she caught his eyes and smiled.


  Andrew walked Caryn across the courtyard, and then stepped into the bar to order their drinks. He immediately spotted Pearson seated at the counter, his back to him, and Andrew strode toward him, deliberately delivering a strong forearm to the back of his neck as he pushed his way past him.

  Pearson spun around angrily, his shirt wet with spilled beer. “Watch the fuck where you’re going.”

  Andrew met his gaze evenly. “Not so much fun when you’re the one getting pushed around, is it?” Pearson silently glared, mopping his beer-soaked shirt. “Stay away from her and her home.”

  “Fuck off.” Pearson took the remains of his drink with him as he turned to walk away. Andrew’s hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him back to face him.

  “Makes you mad when you get rejected, doesn’t it? You enjoy hurting women?” Andrew deliberately taunted him. “You get a kick out of shoving someone half your size?”

  Pearson shook off Andrew’s hand as he backed away a step, appraising his size. “I’ve got no problem with you, man. You want to waste your time on that tease, be my guest.”

  Andrew grabbed Pearson’s collar and yanked him close. “You don’t deserve to breathe the same air. You see her in a room, you turn around and leave. You have the same class, drop it. If I catch you anywhere near Caryn, I will make you regret it.” Andrew released his shirt and shoved Pearson away with one hand, seeing his brother approaching from the corner of his eye.


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