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KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4)

Page 6

by Sydney Addae

  She swallowed and repeated her request. Her voice started thin but picked up strength and conviction by the end. Whatever else, she believed her mom was in danger.

  Cain looked at him, slapped him on his shoulder and nodded. "Where do you lock up the rogues?"

  Chapter 9

  Silas sat at his desk staring out the window at the harsh winter landscape. The jutting mountain peaks in the distance bore a strong resemblance to the problems jockeying for prominence in his mind. Hawke's uncertainty regarding the projects with the Joint Chief certainly ranked high, so did the questions regarding the chemical testing’s currently commissioned by the government. Getting answers to pointed questions seemed impossible. That stopped today. The Chief of Staff, who Silas had on speed dial, was authorized to find the answers. Silas didn't like dealing with the man, he sounded oily, slippery, as if he weighed each word so he wouldn't be accountable. Silas had little use for a man who didn't want to stand by his words.

  "Tyrese? Tyrone?" The twins hadn't returned from their vacation on the private island Silas owned in the Caribbean, and hadn't responded when he tried to reach them. Jasmine hadn't become concerned yet, which not only surprised him but was the only reason he hadn't sent Asia or Angus to search for them. The inability to communicate with them bothered him, he'd try to follow his mate's lead and remain calm for another day. After that, he'd send a search party.

  Alpha Bartholomew's report regarding the itching stood out in his mind. A few days past when the Alpha had first alerted him of the itching, he hadn't thought much of it. Not until Damian sent a video showing the full-bloods suffering in the clinic. When he saw the video his beast reacted so strongly he'd scratched his arms, leaving long bloody trails. Hawke created a team to fix the problem since several more outbreaks had been reported in the Everglades and Miccosukee Reservation, doubling the number of patients the small clinic now held. Bart secured another, much larger facility, but it would take a few days to gather the required equipment and bring it online. Jacques had stepped in to find equipment from hospitals in Texas and Alabama. Those deliveries would arrive by the end of the week.

  The new cases were from remote areas and had nothing in common with the full-bloods in Homestead. Perhaps Hawke's question regarding government testing of a new concoction held merit even though Silas wasn't prepared to make direct inquiries yet.


  "Walking in your office now." A few seconds later, Angus entered and closed the door behind him. "What are we doing about the twins?"

  Silas sensed his littermate’s deep concern. "Nothing until tomorrow. They get one more day."

  Angus' brow rose. "Jasmine's not upset?"

  Silas understood the disbelief in Angus' voice. "Not yet. But if she says anything, be prepared to leave immediately."

  Angus nodded, sat back in the chair and crossed his legs. Similar in height, build, black hair, and signature green eyes, it was evident they were kin. But Angus hadn't been assigned to the new world over 200 years ago to bring order to the packs roaming across the land. Angus' body lacked the scores of Alpha challenges Silas had fought to secure his place as La Patron, with 50 Alphas and the entire United States pack following his lead. Nevertheless, as Jasmine said when she met Angus, he was family, and it was good to see his concern over the twins and their mates.

  "You talked to Hawke about the virus?" Angus asked.

  "Yes, he's looking into it." Silas paused, ordering his thoughts. "The outbreaks went from east to west into sparsely populated areas." He held up his hand. "Not that I'm complaining, it's just... unusual. Bart cannot find a link between any of the infected, yet there has to be something."

  "Also, it targets full-blood males with just one case of a bitch affected. Wonder why nothing happened to Damian and Raoul? They were in the clinic."

  "From the little Bart could tell me, it doesn't spread like that. Seems more targeted or something."

  "Yeah, but in the Everglades? How'd that happen? Pack members who live there are in remote locations," Angus said.

  "True, but like I said, somewhere in all of this there is a common thread, something tying all of them together, we just have to find it. Asia sent Russell the patient files to help Damian filter the information and find the link. As far as Damian not being impacted... must be because he's a hybrid, his internal sensibilities are meshed with the metal in his limbs. At least that's Hawke's take. He wanted to know why Damian had been exposed to the virus without first checking to see if he was immune. According to Bartholomew, he and Hawke had a long, somewhat testy conversation about it."

  "Oh? That's not like Hawke to get involved."

  Silas agreed. "That's what made me think all of this could be connected somehow."

  "What? The itching and Damian not being infected, or Hawke taking on an Alpha for his son?"

  Silas smiled. Hawke had done what he would've done, asked the Alpha questions. "The itching, Damian not being affected. Could be targeted to older male full-bloods. The question on the table is, what can be fashioned to provide that type of results?"


  "If the virus causing the itching is not chemically based, and based on the bloodwork from the infected, it's not. In fact, the doctors can't find any reason for the itching." Silas paused to let that sink in. "Tell me, what else can selectively target its victims and not leave any footprints?"

  Angus sat thinking for a moment. "Herbs? Crystals? Plants? A combination of any of those?"

  Silas pondered Angus' suggestions. "Something to think about. I'll have Hawke look into those possibilities. Right now this isn't a national emergency and Bart has things under control, but that can change in an instant. More full-bloods can be infected than we knew."

  Angus nodded.

  "Use your knowledge of crystals and herbs, see what you come up with. If we understand what was used to cause this effect --"

  "We can create something to stop it. I'm on it." Angus paused and looked at Silas. "Are we sure this isn't something the government's testing, wouldn't be the first time."

  Silas released a sigh. "No, I'm not sure. But I'd hate to mention to them that there's something attacking us that doesn’t impact them. They have enough ideas on shutting us down without me sharing this. And if it's something they're working on, no need to validate how well it works."

  Chapter 10

  Dr. Gem Okla snapped the chart closed and forced down a sigh of frustration. Nothing she'd done or suggested made a difference. Her patients were getting worse. If she didn't make progress, Alpha Bartholomew would change his mind and appoint a full-blood doctor to oversee this case. She refused to allow that to happen after spending the past ten years working in human hospitals. She’d howled at the moon with joy when the call came to work here. All of her prior attempts for a position in a full-blood clinic had been turned down until this crisis.

  "Any progress?" Anna Morgan asked, coming up behind her.

  Gem forced her face to remain neutral as she turned to meet the sly gaze of the uppity full-blood. "Nothing since this morning. Everyone's resting but the virus continues, their wolves are agitated despite everything we've done to calm them."

  "Have you ran the Ispis test? Alpha said La Patron sent instructions for us to…"

  "I've run every test," Gem said, her tone hard with exasperation. Closing her eyes, she exhaled and opened them slowly. "I apologize, didn't mean to snap, but we've done everything... everything. I've consulted with Hawke and Dr. Passen in La Patron's lab. Believe me, they're just as stumped on this as we are."

  "I'm sure you're doing your best, Dr. Okla," Anna said in a sugary tone. "Since there's been new cases, Dr. Conner will be arriving this afternoon to open the new clinic Alpha has secured. With the addition of a new ward and more cases, I'm sure you'll agree we've outgrown this location."

  "Yes, of course." Gem forced her tone to remain calm and professional when what she really wanted to do was snatch the woman off her feet and slam her fist into her condes
cending smile.

  "Now that the threat of contagion is over, Dr. Conner will be in charge of the clinic, please make sure all files are available for him to review. Alpha has forwarded him your reports, but as a well-known specialist I'm sure he'll want to make his own diagnosis." Anna's lips curved at the corner as if she'd just eaten a sweet.

  "Of course. What about the patients here? Sheila Heights and a few of the others can't be moved. Will my esteemed colleague examine them as well?" She forced her beast down, ignoring the howl of indignation rising in her throat over the slight.

  Anna's eyes widened and then she shrugged. "Perhaps. There are so many new cases it may be a while before he comes to the clinic." She paused. "My office has moved there as well, if you need anything that's where you can reach me."

  "Does that mean I'm not moving to the new clinic even though I've been working on these cases since the outbreak?" She needed to hear the bitch say it. All the BS about pack sticking together and total acceptance of half-breeds was a lie from where she stood.

  Anna's cheeks reddened. "No, we need you to take care of the patients here, as you said, they can't be moved. As far as you working the cases, with your notes Dr. Conner is more than qualified to handle the new ones, but if he needs a consult he'll contact you." She turned and walked down the hall, the click of her heels on the concrete floor loud in the empty hall.

  Gem watched a few more seconds and then shook her head. There were more important things than futile discussions with Anna, plus growing up in a home where she was ignored and undervalued, Gem’s “forget you bitch” shield solidified.

  As long as she had a job working with pack she wouldn't complain. The thrashing and clanging sound from the bed behind her grabbed her attention. Sheila Heights pulled on the metal restraints while arching her back into the air. Gem moved to the foot of the metal bed, and looked at Sheila's medical tablet to see when she'd last received medication. Twenty minutes. When she’d first started Sheila on the meds, the relief lasted four hours. Watching the woman's misery pierced her heart. They couldn't lose another patient. The door to the ward opened and she looked over her shoulder to see Damian in the doorway. Her heart hammered in her chest when their gazes met. Her gaze flicked over the magnificent full-blood warrior with dark eyes and hair as he walked with fluid grace toward her.

  "Doctor." He nodded and looked at Sheila. "How's she doing?"

  "The same." She looked at the tablet and then replaced it in the holder. "Worse. Her body has acclimated to the medication. She's miserable."

  "But alive. I've met someone, a human named Ivona, who says she put a curse on Height." He went on to explain his encounter with the female and her claims.

  Gem's eyes widened as she nodded slowly. "Explains the unexplainable. Science can only take us so far I suppose. Did she mention any roots or herbs she used? Maybe we can--"

  "No, she didn't. She's willing to make a trade." He told her Ivona's demands and La Patron's agreement.

  "What?" She looked at Sheila and then back at him. "She started this to get someone rescued?" All the pain and suffering her patients experienced was because this brat wanted them to rescue her mom?

  He nodded and stood with his hands shoved down his pockets. "We leave in the morning."

  "That's... that's unbelievable. I don't know what to say."

  "Dr. Okla?" Alpha Bartholomew said through their link.

  She spun away from Damian and walked a few feet away. "Sir?"

  "I'm sending you along with the KnightForce Agent Damian Farkas and the human witch to retrieve her mother. La Patron is concerned the female may try to infect Damian or use other medicinal tricks on our kind during the trip. Your true mission is to gleam any information from the witch that may assist the team back in the states working to find an antidote to this heinous malady."

  "Yes, Sir." She glanced over her shoulder at Damian, who met her gaze and nodded. No doubt Alpha had told him of this communication. "I'll prepare my files for Dr. Conner and be prepared to leave in the morning."

  "Excellent. Take the rest of the evening to gather what you'll need. Damian will explain weight restrictions and anything else about the location. If you need me, reach out."

  "Yes, Alpha. Thank you for considering me for this mission."

  "Of course, your work in this case has been stellar and invaluable. When La Patron wanted someone else to make up this team I thought of you. Anna was supposed to tell you, but with the opening of the new clinic and Dr. Connor's arrival, it slipped her mind. I'm glad, because hearing your response to this last minute assignment is something that couldn't be communicated. I'm very pleased. As I said, contact me if you have a need."

  Heat raced up her neck and landed in her cheeks after hearing of Anna's omission. The bitch hadn't forgotten, but no matter, Gem would have a chance to prove her value in a way no one could interfere with. She'd find a damn cure for this itching if she had to beat it out of the human. "It's an honor to serve and thank you, Sir."

  Turning slowly, she met Damian's gaze and prayed he couldn't sense her excitement, although she'd be hard pressed to say which rated higher, the mission or the praise from Alpha or the sexy KnightForce agent. No doubt it was all three.

  "Any questions?" Damian stood with his feet braced apart, staring down at her.

  "Plenty, but I need to give my assistants some instructions, so give me just one second." She headed toward their makeshift offices and stepped inside. After telling the two nurses about Dr. Connor and her imminent departure, they got busy preparing to transition everything to her replacement. Confident her patients’ needs would be met, she returned to the main ward to see Damian holding his phone over Sheila.

  "Taking pictures?" she asked, moving to his side.

  "Yes, to make sure we don't forget the stakes, for one thing. And so you can monitor their deterioration while away so we have a better understanding of what we're dealing with." He moved to the next bed and raised his phone.

  "Where are we going? I need to know how to pack." She needed to change gears, think practically.

  "Ever hear of a place called Lochmond Eyre in Scotland?"

  The name meant nothing to her. She'd never been to Europe or even stepped foot on a plane. "No. Is that where we're headed?"

  He nodded.

  "How long is the flight?"

  "Almost 12 hours."

  She swallowed hard and placed her palm on her belly.

  "You alright?"

  Unable to speak past the paralyzing fear, she nodded, turned and left the ward. Outside she took several large gulps of air to slow her racing heart.

  "What's wrong?" Damian asked, standing in front of her.

  "Nothing..." She eyed his deep frown and straightened. "I've never flown before and the idea of flying that long, over all that water..." She choked and covered her mouth.

  "Never been on a plane?" He sounded as if that was abnormal.

  Gem waited a few seconds, fully prepared to blast him for his unsympathetic response. "No." Her gaze flickered everywhere in the hall, except at Damian.

  "There's no other way to get there quickly, other than flying. Do I need to get someone else?"

  The disappointment in his tone went a long way in soothing her injured pride. "No. I can't imagine telling Alpha I can't go because of this... this thing that grabs me. I'll make some adjustments to take care of the fear." Her voice held a ring of confidence that didn't banish the butterflies in her belly.

  "Good, it's kinda late to find someone else. Pack one bag, preferably a back pack."

  She nodded.

  "Can you shoot a weapon?"

  "What?" Full-bloods typically didn't carry weapons, preferring to release their beasts on prey.

  "Weapons? Firearms? Guns? Do you know how to use them?"

  "Well, somewhat. When I was younger my neighbor took me to the shooting range. So I know the mechanics."

  He nodded. "Since we're traveling with a human, we use only human weapons in case she
tries to take pictures of us in our natural, animal form. Never let your guard down; La Patron's forbidden shifting, unless our lives are at stake."

  "I understand."

  "Good. Get done whatever you need to do tonight. A car will pick you up three hours before we leave. Any questions?"

  "Just one. Will there be tequila onboard?"

  Chapter 11

  Jasmine sat in Silas' office reading the correspondence on this itching thing. Of all the things to put on a wolf... the pictures of the full-bloods who’d shredded their skin trying to get relief saddened her. No one should suffer like that. Every time she thought of the reason behind it all, she wanted to grab this Ivona person and strangle her. What happened to asking nicely for assistance? Why make the innocent suffer?

  "Find anything new?" Silas asked from the door.

  "No. It burns me that we're actually taking this bitch to Scotland. If we'd sent Angus or Asia, we might've learned the cure though the bracelet."

  "According to Cain, that wouldn't have worked with this human, and she's a witch, not a bitch." He sat on the corner of the desk and took her hand.

  She released a sigh of pleasure as he massaged it working his way up her arm. "I know, but I'd love to have a face to face with her. Rescuing her mama is one thing, drugging you and others is another."

  He smiled.

  "She'd better not try anything with Damian or Raoul."

  "If she does, she dies and we'll find another way to stop the itching. I only agreed to go along with her request for you. Otherwise I would've had her removed."

  Jasmine shook her head at his archaic remark. You can't just make people disappear, at least not in her world, but she'd grown tired of arguing with him over the matter, and simply urged him to fix the problem as fast as possible. Which meant this rescue. But she didn't like it. "Everyone's back home. I promised the kids we'd all eat together."

  "Sounds nice, who's coming to dinner?"


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