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KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4)

Page 10

by Sydney Addae

  "Not yet." Damian waved her into a chair.

  "What do you mean not yet?" She scowled at Quentin, who stood behind her.

  The roar of several engines interrupted their conversation. "Did she have shoes?" Damian asked Gem.

  "No, she was just like this." She pulled her gaze from Lamia and looked at him. "She's just a child, no matter what's taken over her body, she's a child. Perhaps I should go along with her to assist with the research."

  He heard the hope in her voice. "Doctor, what's the mission?"

  "For me the virus, but I've sent the information from Ivona."

  He touched the screen on his phone, the pictures of Sheila Height and the others filled the screen. He showed it to her. "Does it work? Has the itching stopped?"

  She narrowed her gaze at him. "No. But that doesn't…"

  "Then the mission isn't over."

  Chapter 16

  "Get me a glass of cold water and make it quick," Tara snapped at the servant who closed the suitcase after placing the last article of clothing inside.

  "Yes, Mistress." She ran out the room, but paused to close the door without making the slightest noise.

  Butterflies filled Tara's belly as she stood at the window, aware she was running out of time. Her eldest child, Ivona, was in the country, and knowing how much Tara hated those animals, had somehow convinced full-blood wolves to assist her in retrieving her sister. Tapping her bottom lip, she stared into the inky darkness of the night cursing the day she'd ever birthed the ungrateful child. Why did Ivona care what happened to Daphne? Unless she was under the impression... no, that couldn't be true. She'd explained repeatedly what happened that night with Gordon, the man hadn’t raped anybody, and that Daphne, with her disturbing talents, wasn't Ivona's child.

  Her cell phone buzzed. She pulled it from her pocket and answered.

  "What happened, Saffi? You were supposed to take her toward Agatha's compound."

  "She refused to go and left me behind an hour ago. I'm just finding a signal."

  Tara pressed her fingers to her forehead. Damn Ivona and her maternal streak, this was the worst time for her to be in the country. Things were headed for a showdown finally and she refused to allow anyone to rob her again. "I've set up a surprise for them, a greeting. Pity I won't see it since I'll be gone by the time they arrive. How'd she get full-bloods anyway? La Patron never gets involved in issues outside of his pack."

  "No one would say. However she did it, La Patron's not happy and may kill her for you."

  Tara's heart leapt and then tightened. "That would be wonderful, can I help that along?"

  Saffi chuckled. "No, you know what will happen if you attack your seed, cutting off bloodlines is taboo, it'll come back on you ten-fold. The best thing to do is just wait it out. After they arrive at your place and you're gone, they're done. They were very clear about not chasing behind you."

  "Good. Will they leave her in the country or take her with them?" Tara hoped Ivona would leave, but doubted she'd go without her sister.

  "They don't care what she does." Saffi paused. "I saw Daphne."

  Tara gasped, her hand flew to her chest. "How's that possible? Last I heard she was in Agatha's compound; they were preparing her for the ceremony."

  "She escaped. Must've been after merging with Lamia. Tara... that sacrifice was a success. Lamia resides inside Daphne."

  "Yes, yes, yes." Smiling wide, Tara punched the air with her fist. "I knew it. When we arrived six months ago, and Agatha kept staring at my baby during the training, which Daphne rocked by the way, I overheard one of Agatha's initiates say my baby was a natural. I knew she'd be special. A mother couldn't ask for more. I'm so happy." She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

  "I recognized Daphne immediately, but Ivona didn't."

  Her stomach dropped. "Shit, that's right, Ivona's here. Wait, why not?"

  "Daphne looks different, the Lamia's changed her in some ways. Ivona recognized Lamia's aura, and not wanting to deal with that kind of power stayed back. But she kept watching her and the doctor."

  "What doctor? And what do you mean that kind of power? There's nothing wrong with Lamia's energy. It's a little different, but in the right hands it'll be fine." Tara watched the servant return with the glass of water and place it on the dresser. Another servant came in, picked up her two large suitcases to take them out to the boat.

  Saffi snorted. "As long as it's your hands you mean?"

  "Of course, Daphne will need me to teach her to use the new energy. Now what's this about a doctor? Was something wrong with Daphne?" Tara picked up the water, sniffed, and tossed it onto the floor on her way out the room.

  "She seemed a little weak, hungry and thirsty. One of the full-bloods is a female doctor, she found Lamia outside on the ground unconscious. She cleaned her up and tended her."

  "What? Agatha is incompetent and a waste of space. I won't feel bad when she loses it all and she'd better not ask me for anything either."

  "Incompetent? Not at all, remember Lamia is centuries old and very clever. Agatha's no fool and has extensive experience with Lamia. She’s probably the only person who can bend that kind of energy into something useful. Don't underestimate her abilities or commitment to the coven. She's highly regarded as the gatekeeper in high circles. When you renege on the deal with her coven, she'll come after you hard. In her mind, Daphne's now a part of their group and no one leaves that coven. That's why she never accepted me. I refused to live the life of a nun to practice with them."

  "What's she going to do? Take me to court? Sue me for changing my mind?" Tara stepped off the dock onto the boat, nodded to the captain, and went below.

  "Kill you? Destroy your property? Cut off your money? Make it so you can never leave Scotland or the Isles again? I can go on. She'll come after you, Tara. Don't take her lightly."

  Tara rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her. "You make it sound so uncivilized. And yet another reason I need to reclaim my daughter and the power nesting inside her. If Agatha and her coven come after me, we'll give them a nice South Florida welcome before tearing down her house. That's long overdue anyway." She smiled and sat on the bed. The boat jerked and then started moving.

  "Agatha's not your biggest threat right now. Ivona has grown stronger and it didn't take her long to find you," Saffi said.

  "Why didn't she take the key? If she'd just gone to the apartment to find Daphne, this would be over. I paid those guys a thousand dollars to grab her when she showed up at that place. Stubborn girl, won't do as she's told," Tara complained.

  "I told you, she's stronger now. She identified me at the airport and I'd spent hours dressing as that old hag. Then she came right out and said she didn't trust me and refused my help. She played up the mother - daughter angle, they think she's anxious to find you, to save you. They have no idea how much she'd like to cut your throat for taking Daphne out of school and bringing her here. She doesn't know you sold the child, not yet."

  A cold chill ran down Tara's back at the idea of confronting Ivona. Initially she'd taught Ivona how to use her gift, but the child had been a natural, and over the years her ability to call the elements and bend them surpassed anything Tara had been able to do. But Ivona would never cross the line and that put them at odds at times. Especially when it came to Daphne. Ivona was determined the child wouldn't be exposed to what she termed, dark magic. They'd argued about it through the years until Ivona moved out, taking Daphne with her. Tara didn't mind for the most part, but when she discovered Agatha was searching for a temple, she prepared Daphne to apply for the position.

  "I don't think of it as selling my child, she had an opportunity for an upgrade and I made sure she got it. That's what mothers do, make sure our children get the best opportunities to succeed."

  "Sell that to New York when you go home, turn it into a movie. I know better," Saffi said. "You wanted the half million US dollars Agatha paid you."

  Frowning, Tara rolled onto her stomach.
"It was the leverage I needed to get her to sell some real estate. Everyone's happy now, Saffi, don't forget your role in all of this, you’re related to us no matter how distant."

  "Oh no, I haven't. But neither Ivona nor Agatha is looking for me, not yet at least. Besides, I'm not making excuses or trying to pretty things up. When Ivona refused the key, my part in this whole thing was officially done. I wish you and your domestic challenges the best."

  "Thanks. I appreciate everything. Good luck and I hope to see you again one day," Tara said, knowing it was unlikely. Saffi would reinvent herself somewhere and Tara wouldn't know her if she walked past her. Their blood lines were through third generational, Agatha claimed Saffi wasn’t truly family but Tara liked the quirky older woman.

  "There's one last thing," Saffi said.

  Tara wondered why she hesitated. "What?"

  "The Lamia chose the doctor."

  "What? No, no, no, that's impossible." Standing, she held her forehead in her palm. This wasn't good, the Lamia's supposed to focus on Daphne. "She hasn't done that in....decades. Why? What happened?"

  "I don't know. Daphne ate, stood, and opened her eyes. I've never seen anything like it. Green and yellow eyes with slitted pupils. She held onto the doctor and stared at her for a few seconds. Next thing I know, her eyes changed, looked like Daphne's again, but she fell onto the doc before Ivona could get a good look."

  Tara groaned. "Why didn't you tell me Daphne was no longer the Lamia?"

  "Because the wolf kicked Lamia out, made her return to Daphne. But if the tablets are true... the doctor has a permanent connection to Lamia now. She was really concerned with the plans they made for Daphne."

  Tara jerked and held the phone closer. "Plans? Why would they make plans for her? Is she their prisoner or something?" Tara hadn't prepared for interference from full-bloods or any other clans.

  "They locked me into another room on the opposite side of the building. When I left, everyone was gone and I couldn't pick up her scent or trail. Sorry."

  Tara exhaled and flipped through her mental Rolodex for contacts in that area. She needed to know where Daphne had been taken. "No, don't be. I appreciate your help and for letting me know both of my daughters are on the move. Hopefully not together."

  "Yeah, that'd be a disaster. Ivona would... as I said, be careful." Saffi clicked off.

  Tara rolled on her back and slipped off her shoes. By the time Ivona arrived with those damned wolves, she'd be in her cottage in the mountains near Inverness in northern Scotland. After Ivona left Scotland, she would go after Daphne. She'd spend this time implementing her plan to snatch her daughter back and use Lamia's power to take over the coven.

  Ivona will never leave without the child, a tiny voice in the back of her head said.

  Chapter 17

  Heart heavy, Gem lay on the back seat of the SUV. Raoul sat next to Ivona on the second row. Damian and Quentin were up front. Flashes of Lamia's life rolled across her vision. Snapshots of children from various time periods. Some were clear, other's fleeting glimpses as if through a dirty glass. So much suffering it hurt. She struggled to breathe through the morass of pain.

  "Gem? Are you okay?" Damian asked.

  "Hurts." Shards of pain pierced her forehead as the flashes grew darker. Her stomach clenched and her beast whined.

  "Doctor Okla?" La Patron said and the pain eased immediately. She could kiss him.

  "Thank you, Sir. I thought I'd pass out. I've never experienced anything like that." She exhaled to release the foul energy twisting inside.

  "I got the full report on Lamia and planned to share it with you and Damian on the flight home, but I'd better do that now since it may change things."

  "Change things, Sir?" she asked, her palm still on her flat stomach.

  "Yes. This is between you and Damian only, do not share this with anyone else, is that understood?"

  "Yes, Sir," she said. In the distance she heard Damian agree as well.

  "Damian says both of you know the basics about Lamia, Greek mythology, Zeus, Hera, and all that. So I won't get into that. She's old. Confused. One second she’s tired and wants to rest. Next second she wants to see the world. Then she wants her children.”

  “Sounds unbalanced,” Damian said.

  “If I spent centuries searching for my children I’d be unbalanced too,” Gem said and wondered why she defended the Lamia.

  “I asked her to leave your body, but she liked you, your kindness, and most importantly, you didn't want anything from her. Your actions were pure, you wanted to help her get better." La Patron paused. "So she chose you. For now, anyway, remember her actions may not be consistent with what she says."

  "Sir?" Gem said, wondering what choosing her meant.

  "This is new to me too, we had to search deep into the archives to find this nugget. The Lamia can give away her powers to someone, which is different from a ceremonial taking and it’s extremely rare. Let me explain. Lamia has an interest in children and will allow her energy to be transferred to a female child through some kind of ceremony. It's almost a forced feed and I suspect that's what happens within the covens who've kept her with them for decades. They find young girls for Lamia to inhabit and use her powers for whatever they need."

  "I knew it," Gem said. "Sir, that girl was so young. What they're doing is horrible. Stealing girls is a crime."

  "You're making assumptions the girls are stolen when they're not. Some parents see this as an honor. Before modern times, covens would have competitions for the right, or privilege is a better word, to be used as a caretaker of Lamia's power," La Patron said.

  "Eww," Gem said with feeling. "It's tainted, sticky sweet, the kind that'll give a kid a stomach ache."

  La Patron chuckled. "It's still power to be used. When I said she chose you, I meant there's a part of her that will always be inside you. Your beast seems to have made peace with that fact, otherwise I would've known immediately. Instead, I didn't know until Damian reached out a few seconds ago."

  "A part of an old ghost lives in me and is doing this?" Gem couldn't reconcile the pain and the child, or the thing inside the child, as one.

  "Not a ghost, Doctor. An entity perhaps, who's been alive for a long time and is tired. She wants to rest and has chosen you as her resting place."

  "What does that mean, Sir? Am I carrying a dying spirit inside me?" She shivered at the idea.

  "Not quite, but you're on the right track. Lamia resides in the child and will die there, but you will feel her passing I believe. Your beast won't allow her to suck you in, but it will be a fight. Despite her age, Lamia's powerful."

  "The child is going to die? She's only ten, that's... We have to help her. How can we help her, Sir? Please we can't just let this... this thing take an innocent life like that." Gem wiped the tears from her eyes and closed them tight when Raoul looked at her.

  "There are some things we can't interfere with, Doctor."

  "Gem?" Raoul said.

  She waved her hand and shook her head. The warmth of his palm on her arm radiated through her cold chest. Inhaling, she smelled pack and allowed their combined scents to calm her. She didn't care about Lamia, the child had clung to her when Barticus' team arrived and they walked her to the SUV. Gem's heart had beat so hard she was certain they could see it beneath her shirt. She'd taken the special goggles she'd had Damian ask for and placed them on Lamia. After giving explicit instructions on her care and locking a blindfold in place, she took the child's hands between her own.

  "You can open your eyes now and see the world. Those blinders protect others from seeing your eyes." For a few seconds the child hesitated. Gem sensed her wonder and joy at looking around freely. She smiled brightly at Gem.

  "Thank you," she had whispered.

  Gem wondered why the Lamia didn't change her eyes back to normal, perhaps something happened in the ceremony that prevented that. "You're welcome. Go with these men, they are going to protect you, make sure you get more food and r
est. Do not hurt them." Gem tightened her hand around Lamia's wrist. "I mean it, don't hurt anyone with them or in the place they take you."

  Lamia nodded.

  "No, you must promise, give me your oath that you will not hurt any of my people. Say it."

  "I give my oath I will never hurt you or any of your people."

  Gem smiled and hugged the child briefly before releasing her. "I will see you soon, go and get some rest. They'll keep you from whoever has been chasing you."

  "Rest, yes. I want to rest." Lamia nodded and entered the SUV.

  "She said she wanted to rest. I thought she meant she was tired from running through the woods. Maybe she meant more," Gem said.

  "As I said, there are some things we can't interfere with, but she started this by merging with you without permission. That's why I removed her. You cannot allow anything to merge with you without permission from your beast. Our wolves protect us by sensing the true nature of things, human or animal."

  "Yes, Sir." She paused. "As a doctor, it's hard for me to see this type of suffering and not react. I apologize if I crossed a line with my strong request to help the child." She bit her lip to keep from begging to do more.

  He chuckled.

  Her beast huffed at the sound and her spirits lifted.

  "That was well done, Doctor. I sense your sincerity to be respectful and to save the child. There may be something we can do. My administrator is seeking a way to turn this whole thing around, be patient and remain focused on the task at hand. Be prepared for anything when you reach Loch Eyre. A boat left from there ten minutes ago. My contacts couldn't see or sense who was onboard, but I'm betting it was the mother. If she's not there, the mission is over and you're to head to Barticus' den and tend to Lamia. By then we should have a plan to rid you and the child of her presence."

  "Thank you, Sir." Gem closed her eyes and said a prayer of thanksgiving to the Goddess.

  Damian stared ahead. The drive through the mountainous countryside seemed forever and they had another 90 minutes left. A second van with several full-blood pack members followed per Barticus’ orders.


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