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Unleashed (Mr. Black Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Penelope Marshall

  “I will never fall in love. I’m not willing to,” he replied assertively as he pressed his mouth back onto mine.

  Even as he denied me access to his heart, I was so enthralled by his overpowering confidence I promptly responded by unfastening his pants and letting his fullness out of its cage. He, in turn, lifted the front of my dress above my hip line, and slid his knee in between my thighs, dividing them to allow him access to my virgin core. The first pass felt so tight and took a little coaxing to get me to open up completely, but once I did, I yielded to his fullness, which thoroughly filled the lovely space at the joining of my thighs.

  Continuing to plunge into my tightness, he guided my hips in a vigorous rhythm while gripping tightly on to the nape of my neck. I pretended to resist his ravishing advances for a moment or two, but eventually succumbed to his passion and quit struggling, closing my eyes to delight in his dominance. I cupped my breasts and thrust my hips forward, submitting to him…absorbing all he had to offer.

  “You’re so beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that?” He exhaled as he leaned in, slipping his tongue between my awaiting lips.

  I couldn’t believe this man had charmed me into losing all of my established sensibilities without saying more than a few vacant words in a dank and dirty cell. A man, so transient in my life, made me feel like the submissive woman I secretly longed to be. The submissive woman I needed to be in order to fall in love willingly. Every man before him had been so meek in their ways; so frail in the way they asked for my hand. Their weaknesses made me feel as though I needed to be the strong, dominant figure, and what woman wanted that? But Elijah had no hesitation in his approach or in his execution of it, and I was completely enchanted into submission.

  Drunk with pleasure, I welcomed his seductive domination over my body, surrendering all control, knowing he would ravage me completely before I ever left the cell. Cupping my cheeks while gently kissing my forehead, he slid his hands past my neck, over my breasts, resting them on the curve of my hips, as he continued to plunge into me.

  My body quivered, enraptured by his skillfulness; every cell in my body dissolving in decadent self-indulgence.



  Greedily I flicked my tongue at her clit, instinctively aware she was ready to fully participate in the debauchery to ensue; I was done taunting her with anticipation. Cradling her hips in my arms, I lifted her as I stood, sliding her down onto my rigid shaft. She tightened her muscles and clamped down, engulfing me entirely. It had been so long, it was like my first time all over again, every sensation new and exciting.

  My second pass quickened her breathing, her breasts bouncing at eye level through the black material, enticing me to lift her dress up and have a taste. So I obliged. I lifted her dress, ripping the metal clasps that held her bra in place, and threw it to the ground, tracing her hard nipples with my tongue.

  Still standing, with my hands under each thigh, I pressed her up against the cold concrete wall as she dug her nails into my flesh, raking them across my back. I pushed her knees apart, using the wall as leverage, leaning in, pushing in my rigid dick as far as she would accept it. Exhaling with gratification after each revolution, her moans enticed me to fuck her harder. The sight of Nasima in complete ecstasy took my breath away.

  Dare I say I cared for her? It was something I thought I would never do again. I wanted to give her all of me…every visible part, and every part that I had locked away deep down in my soul.

  I slowed down, letting her feet touch the ground as I pulled out. I spun her around, her back to me, my body pressed against hers, pinning her to the wall. I twined our fingers, extending her hands over her head, holding them hostage with one hand as I used the other to feel for her pussy, proceeding slowly as I slid myself back into her. She quietly groaned.

  “Shhhh. Just take it, baby,” I whispered to her gently.

  I pulled out, then gently pushed myself back in a little further.

  “Stop toying with me,” she said in a low voice.

  Gently, I kissed her cheek as I plunged all the way into her.



  It hurt a little, but became more pleasurable as he mastered our rhythm. I bit my lip to hold back my urge to moan. He seized my hand, forcing me to slide my finger in between my crease, teaching me how to pleasure myself. The enthralling sensations made me hungry for more deviance. Slowly making his last pass, he pulled out, still kissing the back of my neck.

  He reversed our positions and pressed his back against the metal door. “Come here,” he said, breathing heavily as he held his hand out.

  I took his hand as he led me to stand in front of him, placing his hands on my shoulders, pushing me down to my knees. I knew what was coming, and deep down I was excited for it. He secured his palms on the back of my neck, guiding me toward his shaft, leading me in a few passes to demonstrate the rhythm he liked then left me to my own devices. I took in the whole thing slowly, paying special attention to the tip, immersing myself in every ridge and valley.

  I wasn’t there for long before he guided my mouth away and sat on the ground, spinning me around so my back was to him. I separated my knees to straddle him as he pulled my hips toward his lap, driving me onto his erection. Guiding my knees further apart, he raked his fingers along my inner thighs toward my slick lips as I slid him in and out.

  By far this was my favorite position and my squeals proved it. The more I squealed the faster Elijah thrust into me, hitting a spot inside of me I never knew I had, but never would neglect again. My squeals grew closer together and I knew, from listening to the older women gossip around my neighborhood, that this was only a preamble for what was next. With a final squeal, I threw my head back, pausing for a moment to feel the surge of blinding heat that overtook my body. I closed my eyes, engrossed in the sheer euphoria that the skilled SEAL had unleashed upon me. An innate response that was completely new, yet undeniably engrained in my very DNA.



  My body had a visceral reaction after seeing Nasima reach her climax. Securing her shoulders under my palms, I forced her down, impaling her with my hard dick, groaning as I drove it as far into her wet pussy as I could, exploding inside of her. I exhaled deeply as everything around me went black for a moment. The shockwave reverberated throughout my entire body as I continued to slowly slide in and out, tugging at her hard nipples, not wanting the feeling to end.

  The sound of the familiar, jangling keys grew louder as they neared my cell.

  They must be coming to take her away.

  I wasn’t ready for that. I wanted to be inside of her the rest of the night, and well into the next day.

  “They are coming,” she whispered, quickly dismounting me.

  She pushed herself up from the ground, lowering her dress frantically as she stuffed her bra into her sleeve.

  I fastened my pants then jumped to my feet.

  “You must pretend you are hurt. Lie down. Lie down!” she urged me.

  I did as she asked and laid face down, pretending to be unconscious, all the while reminiscing over the escapade we had just engaged in. Amadi couldn’t do anything to me right now. I was floating on a cloud, lost in a sea of lust for the beautiful woman that stood only a few feet from me. The metal door swung open, slamming against the concrete wall.

  “Let’s go, Nasima!” Amadi called out from the hallway as he walked in and grabbed her by the arm.

  “Yes, Amadi,” she replied softly.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he yelled back.

  “Please, not so tight, Amadi, that hurts.”

  Anger welled up inside of me and I wanted to rush over and beat the shit out of him for hurting her, but I knew I wasn’t ready for a fight just yet, especially since I wasn’t able to see how many guards were gathered at the door. I definitely couldn’t take on three to four men in my condition. There was a shuffle of footsteps and then the creak of the door as it shut. The final click of
the key signaled to me it was okay to open my eyes and sit up.

  Pushing myself off of the floor, I spun around and situated myself next to the wall. I felt an ache in my chest as I thought about where Amadi could have taken Nasima, or if he was doing unspeakable things to her while out of my sight.

  What could this ache be?

  I was unable to comprehend the feelings stirring inside of me. I had grown accustomed to a certain kind of relationship…a certain kind of woman, and this was neither of those things. Touching my fingertips to my lips, I pondered over her words, and her fear that she would fall in love with someone who would not return those feelings.

  Why does any of this matter to me?

  I pondered for what seemed like only moments, when the realization came upon me like a lightning bolt from the sky.

  I might actually have feelings for this woman.

  Pacing the cell, I mulled over the idea of having actual feelings for a woman, and all this while being held as a prisoner of war.

  What kind of animal could compartmentalize the two?

  Never in my fast, loose bachelor life had I had such a tender moment with a woman. A statement made astonishing if I were to actually add up the number of women I had charmed into bed. But it was my choice in women that always left something to be desired. I was drawn to the kind I couldn’t have a future with…the kind of women men didn’t bring home to meet their mothers.

  Whether I did this subconsciously or purposely was a mystery. However, in the off chance I accidentally dated a woman longer than a week or two, I found myself cutting her loose the moment she began to show any semblance of attachment. The women I had sex with were always full of emotions, and it was just sex for me; always just sex. Dominating women into submission was my true love, but that was where that word…love…stopped. The real kind of love, the kind that men started wars over, would never be my style; or so I thought.

  I had never been in love, except maybe with Heather, but who knows if that was love or lust? It didn’t matter though. I was okay with keeping my title as the token playboy of the team. The thought had never occurred to me that a man could just be with a woman without sex, and love her unconditionally. Until now of course. I felt such a strong connection with Nasima. Not only an animalistic physical attraction, but emotionally as well.

  Emotions? Fuck, I’m turning into a woman!

  All this was new for me, but I was willing…for her.

  Once again I heard the jangling of the keys, and with the intense adrenaline from just having sex with Nasima still swirling around in my body, I quickly formulated a plan to attempt an escape.


  The sounds of keys jangling were right on the other side of the door. I ran up and hid behind the door, waiting to pounce on whomever stepped foot into the cell. The key unlocked the door with a slight click, and the metal door flung open as usual. Whoever was on the other side was taking their time to walk through the door. I could see the guard scanning the room for me through the crack between the door hinges. The minute the guard peeked his head around the side of the door, my fist was already on a collision course toward his face. Snap! The sound of the guard’s nose breaking filled the empty cell. Blood gushed from his face as he flew backwards and dropped onto the ground. A plume of dust created a cloud around his body as it made contact with the ground.

  This was my chance to escape. Acting quickly, I grabbed the guard’s keys and boots, knowing that Amadi was never far behind him. I stood up after putting on the boots, that were unfortunately a size too small for me.

  Beggars can’t be choosers.

  I pushed off of the ground and made my way through the door. The moment my face passed through the threshold of the door, my jaw felt like it was hit by an oncoming Mack truck.

  I fell to the ground. Amadi was standing over me as he called over to the other guards, “Quickly, he tried to escape. Bring the chains!”

  Amadi turned away from me, and I took the opportunity to kick him in the back of the knee, causing him to lose his balance, grabbing at the air as he fell on to his side. Once on the ground, he began to grapple at my legs, trying to pull me down. Instead, I jumped on his fallen body and began to pound on his face with closed fists.

  I delivered one hit after another, with no breath in between. Amadi clawed at me, raking bloody streaks into my cheeks with his dirty fingernails. He was fighting like an animal…but who could blame him? He was fighting for his life. I would have done the same thing.

  He gritted his teeth, his jaw tight, as he took punch after punch, the life in his dark brown eyes beginning to dim. All of my pent-up anger from the last few weeks pumped through my arms, and exploded out of my fists. They became weapons that Amadi could not outfight or shield his vulnerable skull from.

  “It’s not so easy when the other guy ain’t chained up, huh?” I cursed as I pummeled him. “Muthafucker!”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the other two burly guards running toward the commotion, knocking their muscular arms into one another in the narrow hallway. They were yelling in their native tongue, so I could not understand what they were saying, but their body language said it all. If they got a hold of me, I wasn’t going to enjoy the consequences.

  Amadi’s weakened hands were still trying to cause some harm to my face, but the life in him was already starting to drain away, and the power in his blows felt like nothing more than taps from a baby. I knew he was done for just by the look of his bloody, battered face, but I had to get in one last punch. One last punch for me…for the guys…for the commander.

  “Fuck you, you son of a bitch,” I said, lifting him up by his shirt, his face less than an inch from mine.

  “No! Fuck you,” he replied in a daze.

  “Go to hell,” I said angrily through gritted teeth as I let go of the dirty cotton shirt. “Piece of shit.”

  Amadi’s body fell back to the ground, his head smacking against the hard concrete floor, bouncing a bit, and then toggling back and forth, before it took its final resting place on his right cheek. His eyes were wide open, reminding me of the commander’s eyes the night he was shot in the head.

  I turned my head toward the guards that were almost on top of me. Reacting quickly, I grasped onto the handle of Amadi’s knife, pulling it from its sheath. Clenching it tightly in my hand, I raised my arm up over my head and plunged the knife down into the soft flesh of one of the guard’s necks, puncturing his jugular. Blood sprayed everywhere as the man grabbed at his neck. Losing his footing on the ground, slick with his blood, he slipped and fell onto me, causing the both of us to fall to the ground.

  With the body of the guard pinning me in place, his blood still gushing from his neck, spewing all over my face and the ground, I found it hard to see or breathe. I definitely couldn’t defend myself from his cohort, who started kicking me in the ribs as I lay on the ground, defenseless.


  The sound of one of my ribs cracking startled me, but with the amount of adrenaline in my body, I could barely feel a thing. I pushed the guard’s body off of me, and toward the other guard. He must have still been alive, because he gurgled a little when I pulled the knife from the side of his neck, and rolled away before the other guard had another chance to kick me.

  I pushed myself off the ground and readied myself for another attack. There we both were, engaged in fighting stances, each waiting for the other to take the first swing. Luckily, I had the knife; unfortunately, he had a police issued night stick, extending his reach much farther than my little knife. We circled the dead bodies that lay in a pile in the middle of the hall.

  “C’mon, I’m not handcuffed to a muthafuckin’ chair!” I said as I held my arms out, exposing my torso, taunting the guard into making the first move. “Let’s see what you got, bitch.”

  The guard did not respond. Either he didn’t understand English or he was focusing on my sporadic movements, looking for a weak spot to strike with the night stick. He
took a swing, narrowly missing me, but continued his attempts to make contact. I jumped back and forth, bobbing and weaving as he swung, and in retrospect, without all the extra adrenaline, that broken rib would have really hindered all those swift movements.

  The smooth metal stick cut through the air, creating a whipping sound that echoed down the hall, blending with the yelling and cheering of the prisoners. I kind of wondered who they were cheering for, or if they were just enjoying the show, since some of them had small windows, which allowed the prisoners to see out into the hallway.

  “Get that fuckin’ American,” I heard one prisoner yell in broken English, which only added fuel to the already raging fire inside of me.

  The emotion gave me the adrenaline surge I needed to push through the pain, which pierced through my entire body as I maneuvered around the tight hallway in an effort to escape the blows from the heavy metal stick. I knew there was only one thing to do to get past the big oaf…I was going to have to go right through him. I growled like a bear, trying to muster up all the strength I could as I rammed my body into his imposing physique.


  We both fell onto the ground, the guard’s back hitting the ground first, as I followed close behind, falling face first onto him. It only took me a moment to collect myself before he threw the first punch, knocking me directly in the jaw.

  My head flew back, but quickly regained its position as I straddled the guard and began punching him about the face and throat. The sweat from my forehead dripped down onto his face as he started to lose consciousness, and his breathing became labored. I grabbed the knife, and with one quick swipe, slit his throat.

  He gurgled and moaned as I stood up and regained my footing by leaning against a wall. I looked down the hall, moving toward the direction the guards had come from, first at a slow jog, then in a full on sprint. There was no half-assing this escape. It was all or nothing, and nothing meant getting my head chopped off or getting hauled in front of a firing squad. I was ready to stab anyone who stood in my way. White knuckling the knife in my fist, I moved down the hall.


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