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Chantal, Jillian - Surfer Bride (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 24

by Jillian Chantal

  She squeezed his butt, the butt she’d always thought was perfect. Nice and round and sexy in or out of his jeans. “Yep, you have a great ass.”

  “Quincy, I’m trying to apologize to you, and you’re making jokes.”

  She looked at him for a long moment, “No more regrets, no more apologies, Finn. Just love me.”

  He did. Inflamed with need for her, he thrust into her over and over as she grabbed on to his buttocks and moved with him. Like she’d always done.

  They moved together like they’d never been apart. Always combustible in bed, this time was no exception. They matched each other stroke for stroke. It was like coming home. Both reached orgasm at the same time and both had tears in their eyes as they lay together quietly when it was over.

  Finn lay on top of Quincy, still inside her, for a few minutes. He finally said, “Am I crushing you?”

  “No. It feels great. I always loved the weight of you on me. It makes me feel safe.”

  His laugh rumbled in his chest. “Safe huh?” He rolled off her and tugged at the bodice of her ripped dress. “Take this off and I’ll show you how safe you are.”

  She sat up and tugged the dress over her head, tossed it on the floor of the room and lay back down. “Show me, cop.”

  He growled at her and ran his hands over her body. “God, I missed you. You have the best breasts I’ve ever seen.” He kissed them. “Your stomach is pretty spectacular, too.” He kissed it. “And your knees.” He ran his hands around the back of her knees and tickled her.

  She giggled. “If you start talking about my feet and kissing them—”

  “Then what?” he asked as he grabbed a foot and kissed it.

  “Then you are crazy. That ambulance guy said they needed to check and see if your brains got scrambled. I think they did.”

  “Ah, no, my love, not scrambled. They’re as clear as they’ve ever been. You are the most exquisite woman I’ve ever known, and I plan to worship your body for the rest of my days.”


  “Really. And let me start now.” He slid his tongue up her leg and to her sex.

  She was already ready for him again, and he entered her. It was a more gentle pace this time, but the heat enveloped them in a hurry, and they both found release again in each other’s arms.

  When they lay spent, Finn asked, “Will you tell me about Bali? I was upset to hear what you said earlier when Longet was here.”

  She laid her head on his chest. “Yeah. I’ll tell you about it. Let me start with a little boy named Setiawan.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “We should count time by heart throbs”

  Philip James Bailey, English Poet (1816-1902)

  Much later that night, Quincy put her dress and Craig’s coat back on and went out past the nurses’ station to get a cup of coffee. She was embarrassed as she knew they knew what she and Finn had been doing, but she wanted them to go in and check on him. On her way, she stopped at the nurses’ station and told the duty nurse that she’d be down the hall if they wanted to go in and check on the patient. The nurse grinned at her. “Not many gunshot victims get the level of TLC your patient got from you. At least not in this hospital.”

  “Not many gunshot victims are as persistent as that one.” Quincy smiled at the woman.

  “Or as hot looking.”

  “You got that right.” Quincy winked, content that the man was completely and solidly hers. She wasn’t threatened in the least by the nurse thinking her man was hot. It was the truth. He was one hot cop. Her hot cop.

  She made her way to the waiting area where she’d seen the coffee earlier in the evening. She poured herself some and added a packet of sugar. Once she had her coffee, she walked over to the paper vending boxes and paid for a copy. When she opened the door, it was the early edition and on the front was a picture of Percy trying to cover his face. Lights were in his face. The headline read, From millionaire auction house owner to jailbird.

  Quincy muttered, “The British tabloids always were cruel.” She sat down in one of the lobby chairs and opened the paper. There was an article on page two about Percy’s family history and his great grandfather’s opening of the auction house in the early twentieth century. The reporter was almost gleeful at the downfall of the man. How fast you fell, Percy. All your grandness is gone now. Too bad image is all you cared about. It’s gone now. What’s left for you? A lonely jail cell. I hope it was worth it.

  Farther back in the paper was a picture of her as she came into the emergency room. She cringed as she looked at it. God, I look like hell. Look at those scratches on my face.

  She read the article about her. Its title was Surfer Bride busts fiancé with illegal firearms. The sub title was Vindication after arrest in Indonesia.

  “Surfer Bride. What kind of title is that?” She scoffed. The article was refreshingly complimentary to her. She decided she’d keep this one for her scrapbook of clippings from her career. She kept the one about Percy as well. Not to gloat, never that.

  She made her way back to Finn’s room with the newspaper under her arm. She was pleased to see he was asleep. She sat in the chair and tried to doze.

  At six a.m., the doctor on call came by and checked on Finn. He signed the release papers, and they were on their way by seven. Finn had to report to the London office of Interpol to make his report. They took separate cabs to their destinations. Quincy went back to the hotel. She wanted to sleep in a bed for a while before her appointment with the local authorities to give her statement against Percy and Guido.

  When she got to the hotel, Avery was still in bed, and Quincy tiptoed in and flopped on her bed in a dead sleep. She didn’t even take off her clothes.

  * * * *

  Avery got up an hour before Quincy and tiptoed around her friend. She made her way down to the lobby and sat in the bar with a cup of coffee. Officer Longet came in, and Avery waved him over to where she sat. “Quincy’s still asleep. Can you give her a bit to rest? I know you want to talk to her, but can it wait a little longer?”

  He sat across from her. “I guess it can. Hicks and his gang are going away for a long time. Another hour won’t hurt anything.”

  Avery giggled. “Want a cup of coffee? My treat.”

  He took her up on the offer, and they chatted a while, until the bar television caught Avery’s attention. She stood up. “Excuse me a second. This I have to hear.” She walked over and turned up the volume. She backed up, too fascinated by the sight of Karl Murray, CEO of BongoMongo on the screen to turn her back.

  “We knew all along here at BongoMongo that Quincy Holt was innocent of the charges brought against her in Bali. We knew she was planning a sting of her former fiancé. We only pretended to distance ourselves from her to give her a good cover. She still is the spokesperson for our company.”

  Avery had sat down, and she slammed her hand on the table. “Good God, what an ass.”

  Finn had walked into the bar and said, “What?”

  Franklin Longet said, “That was going to be my question.” He stood and shook Finn’s hand. “I’m here to talk to Ms. Holt. I take it you had a nice night? You don’t look rested.”

  Finn looked at Avery, “Who were you calling an ass? Percy?”

  “No. Karl Murray from BongoMongo.”

  “What about him?” Quincy had now walked in. She looked fresh and rested in her jeans and pink polo shirt.

  Avery looked at her friend. “He was just on the television. Says they knew all along that you were innocent and that you were going after Percy. That you’re still their spokesperson.”

  “That’s just crap. They dumped me so fast, it made me dizzy. They’re gonna find I’m not so easy to woo back.” She sat down and signaled the bartender for a coffee.

  Finn sat beside her and kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t be rash, sweetheart.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Remember you told me about the street kids in Bali? That they’re trained to a life
of crime? That they’re forced to steal? That they are hungry?”

  “Yeah. I can’t forget them.”

  “So why not take the money from BongoMongo and establish a home for those kids? Teach them some skills? Feed them, get them off the streets? Give them a chance at life?”

  “Finn, that’s a brilliant idea. I love it,” Avery said.

  “But I’m persona non grata over there. How would I ever be able to monitor it?”

  “I’ll do it.” Avery nodded, enthused with the idea. “I can go over and help get it started. I can make trips over and check on it as time goes on. It’ll be awesome. I love it.”

  “Let’s talk about it some more before we decide.” Quincy took a large swallow of the black coffee the bartender had delivered. She stood and said to Longet, “I guess you’re here to take me in for my interview.”

  “Yes. I’m taking you to the local constabulary office as they need a statement, too. They’ve graciously allowed me to sit in. I think your former fiancé will be facing charges on many different levels.”

  “Fine. Let’s go.” She turned to Finn and Avery. “When I get back, let’s go home. I find I miss my little bungalow. And I need some salt water in my veins. I need a paddle out like no one’s business.”

  Avery laughed. “Some things never change.”

  Finn pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “And we wouldn’t have it any other way.” He patted her on the butt as she turned to leave with Longet. “I’ll have your bags packed. Less one wedding dress, of course.”

  “Thanks. Love you.”

  “Love you more, Sweetheart.”

  Quincy walked away with Officer Longet, ready to put this chapter of her life well and good behind her.

  * * * *

  Three weeks after they returned to Miami, Quincy was asleep in her own bedroom, naked, on her side. She was awakened by someone nuzzling her neck. She pushed backward with her bottom and felt strong thighs pressed against her. “Hmm.” she ran her hand along the hairy thickness of one of them.

  A tongue licked her on the top of her back, and she reached behind her head with her left arm, grabbed the back of the man’s head, and pulled him closer. “Hmm, can you go a little lower?”

  He murmured, “Yeah, and thanks for moving your arm.”

  “Why?” She grinned at his tone and at the feel of something else against her naked back.

  His arm snaked over her side, and a large hand covered her breast. “Because now, I can do this. I can reach the prize.” His huge hand held her breast. He kneaded it for a second. “Feels like a ripe melon. A small, but ripe, melon.” His hand then slid further down her side and to her hip bone. His hand continued its quest downward to her pubic bone and when it got near, it stopped to hover above her vagina. He brushed the air above her and lightly touched her. He moved his hand away and back toward her. He didn’t touch her the second time. He held his hand just above her skin.

  The heat emanating from his hand drove her wild. She needed him to touch her. She arched toward the heat. “You just teasing me, or are you going to do anything with that hand?”

  “Oh, yeah, baby, I’m gonna do something with this hand.” He cupped her sex and proceeded to show her what he planned to do with it.

  When she couldn’t take anymore and needed him inside her, she turned to face him and whispered, “Thanks for the wake-up call, but I think I’m ready for the main attraction.”

  He looked down at her. “Yeah, I think you are.” In one movement, he flipped her on her back and entered her. “How’s that for a main event?”

  “Pretty impressive.” She winked at him and then leaned up and licked his nipple.

  He devoured her mouth and started to move in her. All the joking around was over. They made love like they were never going to see each other again. The passion they felt for each other always made their lovemaking desperate. Had done even the first time they were lovers.

  When they were sated, Finn held her in his arms. “You think it’ll always be this way with us? Even after we get married?”

  She grinned at him. “Considering that tomorrow’s our wedding day, I have to say yes. At least I hope so. I hope we’re as passionate about each other when we’ve been married twenty years.”

  He slapped her on the butt. “Speaking of weddings, I—” He paused. “I mean Avery and I, have a surprise for you. We need to get up and get dressed. We have to go to the airport.”

  “I already know Marta is coming in today. That’s not a surprise, and I already know Avery bought a bunch of statues for Marta when she went to Bali two weeks ago to set up the Holt House for Children. So, what kind of surprise is it?”

  He winked. “Wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, would it?” He leaned in and kissed her right breast.

  “No. I guess not.” She paused and held up her hand. “Wait. I know, it’s Franklin Longet. Avery has been emailing and talking to him, and I think they’re going to be a couple. Is he coming to be her escort at the wedding?”

  “Nope. He’s not coming that I know of.” Finn shook his head and kissed her other breast.

  “Wait, is it Craig and Mark?”

  “No.” He grinned. “Tell you what. Why don’t you get up and get your shower, and we’ll go to the airport and you can see for yourself? Besides, if you don’t get up now, I may never let you up and then you’ll never know what the surprise is.”

  She made a face. “Party pooper. Don’t know if I’m gonna marry you after all.”

  “Oh, you’ll be my surfer bride all right, you will.” He jumped up from the bed. “Race you to the shower.”

  She followed behind him. “Like you said, we need to hurry to get to my surprise. You know we’ll never get to the airport if we get in that shower together.”

  He turned back to her. “I promise to be fast. You don’t want to miss this. Trust me.”

  “So, it’s wham, bam, thank you ma’am.” She tilted her head and laughed.

  He grinned. “This time, yes. Next time, slow and steady. I know how you like variety.”

  She ran up behind him and pinched his butt. That butt she loved and adored. He grabbed her hand and led her into the bathroom.

  * * * *

  They finally got out of the shower. While she brushed her teeth, Finn opened the closet and grabbed a duffle bag out of it.

  “What’s in the bag?”

  “Never mind, it’s part of the surprise.” He tweaked her nose.

  She grabbed at the bag, and he lifted it out of her reach. “Pig.”

  “Hey, it helps to be tall, you know.”

  “I know. You don’t have to lord it over me.”

  He leered. “I’ll be your lord and master tomorrow, my dear.”

  “Don’t count on it, bucko.”

  “Never, sweetheart, equality is my middle name.”

  “Nope. Your mother didn’t give you one. She was crazy enough to name her three kids after a writer, but she didn’t stick you with Fennimore Equality Smith.”

  He stared at her naked beauty. “You gonna get dressed, or am I going to have to make love to you yet again?”

  “We could—”

  He grabbed her and kissed her. “Later. Later. Put on your duds so we can get going.” He swatted her butt again.

  Finn watched as Quincy put on her red polo shirt and khaki slacks. He threw on his own jeans and black T-shirt while he enjoyed the view. He could hardly believe she’d agreed to marry him and so fast after her bad experience with Percy Hicks. He counted himself lucky to have won her back. And tomorrow, she’d be his wife.

  As soon as she zipped her pants, he stood up and grabbed her hand. “Throw on your shoes, babe, it’s time to run.” I can’t wait to see her face. I hope she thinks this is as great as I do.

  “What’s the big rush? I’ve never seen you so excited. This must be how you looked as a kid waiting for Santa to come.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “This is better than any Christmas I ever had. I hope yo
u think so, too.” He kissed the top of her head and dragged her into the living room of the bungalow. He carried the duffle with the secret contents.

  She laughed at his enthusiasm, and they left the house. When they got in the driveway, she said, “Your car or mine?”

  “Oh, I think the Willys needs to be taken for a spin.”

  “It’s not a pet, Finn. It doesn’t need to be walked or exercised. But it is a wonderful day for a drive with the windows down and the sun on our faces.” She looked up at the azure sky with big fluffy white clouds that were high enough to pose no threat of rain.

  “C’mon, you’re right, it is a nice day for it. Throw a board or two in the back. We may want to head to the beach later.” He tossed the duffle bag in the back seat.

  “There’s always a board or two in the back.”

  They got in, and Quincy drove to the airport. Finn fidgeted in the seat all the way there. She looked over at him a few times. Finally, she said, “Will you give it up, already? You’re over there acting like you ate a handful of Mexican jumping beans.”

  “Maybe I did, baby, maybe I did.”

  “You’re still not going to tell me what’s up, are you?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head and put his hand over his mouth. His eyes shone with mischief.

  She growled. “You’re so wicked. I hate you.”

  He laughed and reached over to squeeze her thigh. “No you don’t. You adore me and couldn’t live without me.”

  She shrugged. “Well, yeah, there’s that.”

  She pulled into the airport parking lot.”Long term or short term?”

  “More than thirty minutes.”

  She pulled into the long term area and grabbed the ticket that came out of the machine. She threw it on the dash and drove into the lot.

  They parked and got out. Finn came around and took her by the hand. They walked to the terminal and inside.

  Finn led her over to a waiting area near the arrivals area. He stood beside her and put his arm around her waist.


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