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Born to Be Mine

Page 20

by Lexa Luthor

  "You can practice the bonding by yourself," Kal whispered.

  Charlie was on her stomach, pressed against Kal's left side. She nudged Kal's head with her nose and whispered, "How can you practice that by yourself when there's supposed to be two of you?" She chuckled at Kal's displeased rumble.

  "Many Kalmar practice it before they find someone," Kal replied.

  "Oh." Charlie tightened her arm across her lover's chest, then asked, "Do you?"


  Charlie nibbled on her lip and considered whether she was willing to keep trying the meditation. Just in their brief conversation, the meditation had sounded important to Kal, who was sharing it with Charlie. "I'll practice," she whispered, hoping she could keep her promise. A shiver raced up her spine after Kal's pleased rumble that turned into a purr. The rhythmic, soft sound was pulling Charlie closer to sleep when Kal's last words caught her ear.


  Charlie's lips spread into a genuine smile after her lover's tender claim that made the line around her heart hum in delight. After a content sigh, she whispered, "Yours."

  Chapter 10

  Charlie finished putting her things away in the messenger satchel, then grabbed her leather jacket. She swung it on and looked over at Kal, who was coming out of the washroom. She admired her lover, who wore her usual black pants and frayed shirt. Every article of clothing was simple when it came to the Kalmar. On rare occasions they dressed up for special events, which Charlie hadn't witnessed yet.

  "Do you have all the supplies you need for the trip?" Kal asked, walking over to claim her coat from the hook on the wall between the bedroom and sitting room.

  "Ja. We have plenty, enough for a nored." Charlie had requested food for two nineths, but Kal doubled the supplies. It didn't surprise her, considering most Kalmar's nature to be over prepared for things. "Tah by the way." She hooked the messenger bag across her chest, then neared her lover. "Raine and I are going to practice more with the ship." She watched Kal pull the belt around, about to buckle it, but Charlie grabbed it. She hesitated, unsure why it felt natural to her, but she cleared her throat and started to buckle it herself.

  Kal didn't stop her and instead lowered her hands to her side. "Then you will be ready for my warriors."

  "Ja." Charlie played with the belt after buckling it and looped it through once like the old knights did with their sword sheaths. Kal never wore it that way but didn't argue with Charlie's decision to do something different. Peering up, she asked, "Did you give any of your soldiers secret commands that I should know about?"

  "They would no longer be a secret if I tell you," Kal replied, lifting an eyebrow.

  Charlie grumbled and folded her arms. "I guess I'll just have to trust they won't start a mutiny on the ship."

  "They cannot fly or navigate the ship," Kal said.

  Charlie hummed at the truth and understood that the soldiers' lives were her responsibility. She nodded once, then shifted to another topic. "Will I see you before I take off?"

  "Ja. I will see you off," Kal promised.

  Nodding twice, Charlie almost backed away until Kal leaned down and kissed her first. Startled by the affection, she froze for a tick, then returned Kal's tender kiss. She tangled her fingers in jet black hair and moaned when their tongues brushed together. It had been since the cabin that they shared a kiss, and its intensity drew her into Kal's body.

  The first kiss they had ever shared had been immature and clumsy but still special to Charlie. Now, Charlie found the kisses alluring on every level, and she hated breaking them. She was nearly sure that Kal took another piece of her with each one. Gasping for air at the end, she clutched Kal's biceps and lowered her forehead against Kal's breasts.

  "You must be strong on this mission," Kal whispered, bent over Charlie. "Victor will attempt to goad you."

  "I know." Charlie swallowed and curled her fingers into Kal's jacket. They couldn't stay this close much longer before their scents smeared onto each other's clothes. "I won't let him get to me. I'm better than him."

  "Spoken like an Alpha," Kal said, a teasing hint in her voice.

  Charlie lifted her head and grinned at the sparkle in Kal's bright green eyes. "Tah, I think."

  * * *

  "Okay. Hold it there," Charlie ordered her friend.

  Raine continued to control the aircraft, hovering it high above the ground. "How am I looking?"

  "Really good this time." Charlie was watching the ship's readings and glanced at the cameras' screens to her left. "Now just take your time."

  Raine gritted her teeth while she maneuvered the Betty May to land back on Kander. The ship shuddered twice, and several times the AI squawked at them. "Goddamn it! Can you silence that thing?"

  "It's a warning system," Charlie said, an edge in her words. "Just focus on landing. You're doing better than last time."

  "Fucking hate gravity!" Raine's left hand swept across the screen, tapping a few things. With her right, she guided the gigantic ship to the ground.

  "This is why we take shuttles in," Charlie muttered under her breath, then held it. So far, her friend's landing was a hundred times better than the last ten. The eleventh time seemed to be a charm. When the landing system came to life, they were just shy of touching down in the same spot they had taken off from this morning. "Ease it down."

  "Easy for you to say!" Raine wiped her palms dry on her pant leg, then finished lowering the ship. "You can land perfectly on the second attempt."

  "That's because I've been flying a lot longer than you." Charlie smiled at the improved readings and watched the ground come up to the belly cameras. "Engage the landing anchors."

  "Engaging." Raine switched them on and huffed after they latched onto the ground. Once the Betty May settled onto the planet, she blew out a huge breath and slumped into the co-pilot's chair.

  "Nice job." Charlie took care of shutting down the engines, and the bridge became quieter. At least until she heard a dramatic groan from behind them. She spun around and smirked at a pale-faced Andren, who was seated in the captain's chair on the bridge.

  "Why did I come on these test flights?" Andren rubbed her sweaty face.

  Raine turned and chuckled at Andren's distressed features. "You survived."

  "I puked." Andren indicated the barf bags at her feet. "Twice."

  Charlie switched over to the comms but paused and looked over at Raine. "Both times were from you putting the nose to low."

  "I did kind of almost put the ship into a spin."

  Charlie rolled her eyes, then switched her headset to the comms. Unsure who to hail first, she decided on Kal. "High Commander, High Commander this is the Betty May." After a few ticks of silence, she opened her mouth and prepared to call Blade Perras next.

  "Go ahead, Betty May."

  It was the first time that Charlie heard her lover over the radio, and she stared at the screen. Clearing her throat, she replied, "We've completed our flight tests. We're ready to take on the crew."

  "We will arrive at the Betty May in twenty-five minutes."

  "Roger that," Charlie replied. "Betty May out." She transferred the comms to her techbit in case there were any calls later. "They'll be here in twenty-five."

  Raine tilted her head and asked, "What did Starr have to say earlier?"

  During their test flights, Charlie and Starr shared a transmission while Raine piloted the ship in outer space, near Kander. Their transmission had only lasted a few minutes, but it was good news. "They were taking on fuel, then headed to Eos Minor. She thought they'd arrive a lumen or two after we get there."

  Raine nodded and said, "It's coming together."

  Charlie agreed and climbed out of the chair. "Come on. Let's go get things ready." She ordered the AI system to open the cargo bay door for the soldiers' arrival.

  Charlie and her team finished prepping the ship for the oncoming crew. By the time they walked to the open shuttle bay, the trucks h
ad filtered into the bay and announced the start of their mission. They left the Betty May and met the Kalmar soldiers beyond the mouth.

  The High Commander was in the lead with the unit of soldiers behind her. She halted several hundred paces from the entrance and waited for Charlie to join them.

  "Do you want a tour?" Charlie asked once in earshot.

  Kal gazed past Charlie and replied, "Perhaps another time." She pivoted and signaled for Laken to join them.

  Laken stood at attention beside the pair and kept her attention trained on Kal.

  "Shield Master Laken, you are to now follow all of Captain Charlie's orders and instructions. Failure to do so will be a mark on your honor and your unit's honor." Kal remained calm, but a familiar fire showed in her eyes. "Is that clear?"

  "Ja, Kal." Laken bowed her head and said, "We will not fail you or our people." She turned to Charlie and lowered her head again. "Your orders, Captain Charlie?"

  Frowning at the title, Charlie handled the request. "Your unit is to board the Betty May. Raine and Andren will show all of you around the ship and to your quarters."

  "Ja, Captain Charlie." Laken took one step back, then hollered commands to the waiting unit. She was about to join them when Charlie caught her.

  "And shield master," Charlie ordered, "Do not touch anything on my ship except for what's in your quarters."

  Laken shifted on her boots and puffed up a little but nodded before joining her unit.

  Charlie watched them march past, then shook her head and gazed up at Kal. Damn Alphas and their egos. Not that she hadn't grown used to Kal's Alpha ego, but she wasn't about to tolerate all the Alpha egos on the planet. She waited until they were alone and out of hearing range from the soldiers.

  "They will serve you well," Kal said, pride coloring her statement.

  "I know." Charlie put her hands into her pockets, trying to ward off the cold. "I'm not worried." She caught Kal's pleasure about her acceptance of the unit. "I need you to do the same favor for me again."

  Kal lowered her gaze when Charlie offered her closed hand.

  "Krafka," Charlie whispered.

  Nodding, Kal accepted the watch from Charlie's smaller hand and tucked it inside her jacket's inside pocket. "We'll both be waiting for your return."

  Charlie nodded, then hesitated to go before saying, "I won't be gone long." She started to go but paused after hearing her name.

  "Be strong, Charlie."

  Walking backward a few times, Charlie teased, "Like an Alpha." She winked at her, turned, and hurried up into the illuminated mouth of the Betty May.

  * * *

  Charlie lowered her gaze, shifted on her boots, and listened to the soldiers march into the shuttle bay. Raine and Andren took her side and reported that the soldiers had been shown the layout of the ship and their quarters.

  Laken stood in front of the soldiers, arms crossed, and waited for further instructions.

  Charlie stepped forward and studied the soldiers' faces, accustomed to their stony features. "On this mission, I am your captain and your leader. Any disobedience will be more than just dishonorable; it could be fatal." She searched their eyes for signals of agitation or anger. "Fatal for all of us. We are going into outer space where a mistake could endanger everyone." She approached the unit and said, "Don't be that mistake."

  Laken turned her head toward the soldiers, seeming to gauge them as well. She looked at Charlie, who spoke again.

  "As you know, our mission is to capture a soldier from Serrato Corps, who has been plotting against Kander." Charlie hooked her hands in front of her. "We will spend about one day traveling to another solar system and orbiting a small planet called Eos Minor. Once there, another ship will meet us and bring the bait we need to bring Serrato Corps to us." She tilted her head when she heard a few Alpha rumbles. "Later we will discuss the plans to capture the Serrato soldiers."

  Each soldier moved their head in agreement and said, "Ja, Captain Charlie!"

  This title thing has got to go, Charlie decided. "In the meantime, you may use the galley, go to the viewing deck, your quarters and the garden, and practice in the one cargo bay." She had made sure that one of the holes remained empty so that the soldiers had something to do in their spare time. "Understood?"

  "Ja, Captain Charlie!" the soldiers replied.

  Charlie kept from rolling her eyes and was about to dismiss them until a last thought came to mind. "Oh." She held up a finger and flashed a wicked smile at them. "And when you puke on my deck, be sure to clean up after yourself, or you'll be scrubbing toilets for the rest of the trip." Turning away, she called, "You're free to go."

  Raine was smirking and wiggled her eyebrows. "Time to fly."

  "But first, we need an entrance song," Charlie said and chuckled at Raine's curious glance. "We can't do anything without proper music."

  Raine placed her hands on her hips and stood patiently by the open door to the hall.

  "Nova, play 'Physical' by Olivia-Newton John. Pipe the song through the entire ship," Charlie ordered. "Volume level forty."

  Raine snorted but started rolling her hips to the song when Nova patched the song through all the ship's speakers.

  "Now it's time to fly!" Charlie step had purpose and bounce to it as they hurried through the halls and decks to the bridge. Together, she and Raine danced and sang the song together. The stars were calling to her heart, and she would answer them. "Betty May," she called over the comms, "warm the engines."

  "Initiating start up protocol for engine bay one," the Betty May reported over the comms in Charlie's earpiece. "Initiating start up protocol for engine bay two." She continued to ticking off each engine until all of them were ready and warming up.

  Charlie and Raine entered the flight deck took their spots in the chairs, prepping the ship for takeoff. Charlie relayed their status to Andren through the comms and made a mental note to give Laken a comms earpiece later.

  "All systems are green," Raine said.

  "Andren, Andren this is Charlie."

  "Go ahead, Charlie."

  "Get everyone prepared for takeoff," Charlie ordered. After a few minutes of silence, Andren hailed her back and confirmed that the crew was ready to take flight. She grinned over at Raine and nodded, both of them sliding the throttle up on the touch screen.

  "Anchor system released," Raine reported.

  Charlie maneuvered the huge ship straight up and gained altitude, departing from the ground. She gripped the yoke with one hand and continued adding more power to the engines, then turned the yoke to the left to aim for the right direction once they were in space.

  Raine operated the engines' direction, guiding the ship's nose up and down. "Ready to jump throttle."

  "Here we go," Charlie whispered, sliding the throttle faster and launching the ship upward through the atmosphere. "Keep an eye on the heat."

  "We're good."

  Charlie smiled when the ship's haul started vibrating and humming from the battle against gravity. "Nova, play my Oldies List. Start with 'Born to Be Wild' by Steppenwolf."

  "Playing 'Born to Be Wild,'" Nova replied.

  "And reroute it through the flight deck's speakers. Volume level twenty," Charlie ordered.

  Raine perked up at the initial rhythm of the song, then grinned at her friend. "This is our song, yo!" she cheered in English.

  Charlie laughed before singing the opening lyrics, then Raine joined her. Together, they continued flying the ship through the layers of atmosphere, nearing the outer limits of the planet. Just as the ship pierced the atmosphere, she and Raine sang, "Boooorn to beee wiiiiild!"

  Once in outer space, the Betty May sailed away from Kander and vanished into the dark reaches that had stars for lighthouses. After putting enough distance between the ship and Kander, Charlie engaged the light speed systems and pushed the ship to leed one, then leed two. Raine finished mapping out a route to Eos Minor and locked it into the navigation sys

  For about a lumen, Charlie and Raine stayed in the chairs, ensuring the Betty May was operating normally. So far, the vessel was a solid investment, even if the real owner didn't know how to fly it. Whoever the previous owner was, he had taken pride in maintaining the ship, and Charlie was thankful for that.

  After a lumen, Charlie unbuckled from the chair and announced, "I think autopilot can take it from here. I'm going to give Laken an earpiece and check on the soldiers."

  "I'm going to hang out here for a bit." Raine's attention was on the long streaks beyond the ship's nose.

  Charlie nodded and touched her friend's shoulder, getting her attention for a moment. "Catch up with me later at my quarters. I have something for you."

  Raine narrowed her eyes and asked, "Like a present?"

  Chuckling, Charlie patted Raine's shoulder once, then headed up the steps to the upper flight deck. "Something like that." She departed the bridge and went in search of Laken, who was at the viewing deck with a few other soldiers. "How's everyone holding up?"

  Laken nodded and replied, "Only a few dirtied your deck."

  Charlie grinned and folded her arms. "I'm surprised it wasn't more of them."

  "Several soldiers have experience on ships," Laken said.

  "Ships on water are different than in air or outer space." Charlie was still impressed but expected other soldiers might become motion sick later or not eat. At least they had downtime at Eos Minor so the soldiers could eat and rehydrate before a fight with Serrato Corps. "Listen, I want to give you a comm." At Laken's confused look, she said, "It's an earpiece that's tapped into the communication system in the ship. We'll be able to talk to each other from anywhere in the ship or outside of it."

  Laken rumbled low and said, "I understand now."

  Charlie held out her hand with the sand-colored earpiece and waited until Laken had it fitted in her ear. "Okay, so all you have to do is call one of our names twice to activate the comm. So for example, I'll hail Raine." She cleared her throat, then called, "Raine, Raine this is Charlie."


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